My Demonic Ghost #3: Hunters and Creators (27 page)

BOOK: My Demonic Ghost #3: Hunters and Creators
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Chapter Forty-Nine:


Anger curled its tight fists inside my chest. Mother’s presence became sharper as she pressed to the surface, her strength and conscious overpowering my own.  She glanced down at her arms to find a mask appearing in the shifting smoke. Without fear, she stormed up closer to the building’s edge, and drew herself up to her full height, despite their shots.
She lifted one mask to her face, then inhaled a long gasp and forced her breath out into the woods. Instead of inhaling the spirit into the realm, she dragged the Sin from its cage and placed it next to me. Smoke spiralled into form; as the shape solidified, I could see that the Sin was even larger than Mother.

Lust arched her back then looked over her shoulder questionably at me. I almost froze. The demon temptation Lust stood within arm’s length, her strange internal silver glow reflecting in the darkness. Memories of our previous encounter came to mind, reminding me how she set her ghoulish slaves on me and how I had to defend myself with a whip. I was momentarily frightened of her, her stench and presence reeking of corruption and twisted desires, but she seemed disinterested in the outside world. I supposed Lust was one of those demons who were more interested in their own surroundings. She turned her attention towards me, awaiting orders. Then Mother picked up another mask and followed the same procedure. This time Gluttony rolled out and the giant creature screamed out a glass shattering howl. A small band of her gremlin followers helped carry their queen. 

I looked at them just as shocked as they looked back at me, obviously unaccustomed to being dragged outside their domain.
I can’t believe it’s actually them!
If Mother wasn’t sitting in my body keeping my spine straight, I may have just fainted.
What do I do now? Do I just tell them what I want and they’ll do it?

I turned towards them and tried my best to control my trembling nerves.
Stop the Hunters!
I commanded in clicks.

“You dragged me out to this dump to stop Hunters? I’m not doing anything that you say!” Lust snarled while Gluttony stomped her hooves, but I lashed my tail against the ground. They fell silent, confirming my dominance over them.

Do it or I’ll take every spirit you have.

Reluctantly Lust nodded, drawing her lower lip into her mouth as she smiled cruelly. Gluttony didn’t so much speak to me rather than snort in my direction. Almost immediately, she ran her tongue along the ground, shovelling lumps of bricks into her mouth. After a few mouthfuls, she hoisted herself up and made her way towards the battle. Once she started moving Gluttony was surprisingly fast. Within moments, the Sins deflected the oncoming slaughter of Hunters. They repelled them without falter, Lust enticing them with flirtatious aromas and Gluttony chomped her way through the packs. I summoned Sloth not two seconds later and sent her out into the city to help the others.

The giant hybrid sheep woman glanced out across the buildings where most of the fighting was taking place. She smiled gently; perhaps she could identify the city with her forest home.

“You want Sloth to go there?” I nodded briskly as Sloth sighed. “Time to play, baa-haa!”  Within a whisper, she disappeared in a rolling fog, flocking to the battlefield where Hunters collapsed into depression and exhaustion within seconds of being in her presence.

They worked fast, but the attacks weren’t just happening here, Reapers all over the globe faced this disaster and the Sins were their greatest hope. I breathed out Greed and Envy two seconds after. Similarly, the Sins seemed to shudder in discomfort, the uncontrolled environment enough to cause Envy to cling to the shadows.  I sent them out across the cities, telling them to assist in stopping the Hunters. The Sins wouldn’t be able to tell apart which Reapers were on our side so I just gave them a simple target. Hunters. I elected not to involve Wrath.

“Whoa…” Teresa murmured, rolling her eyes up to where the Sins took over the city. “I don’t know how you did that, but I have a new found respect for you Rachael…” I turned back towards the others to find Chaos had woken up, his fast healing ability brought him back to consciousness. Gargoyle exhaled heavily with relief as he hugged Chaos to his chest.

“Argh… not so tight…” Chaos wrestled weakly, peeking up with one eye squeezed shut he added, “I didn’t realise you had such feelings for me.”

Gargoyle snorted back sarcastically, “Just didn’t want you lying down on the job.” They both subtly looked over towards me, mixed emotions wringing their expression.

“I don’t believe it…How did this happen?” Gargoyle whispered, not moving from his crouched position next to Chaos. Chaos didn’t say anything. Hook helped Teresa hobble over with a wing around her waist. Then she knelt down next to Evan.

“He’s not waking up. I’ll get Jordon…” She whispered before fading into the darkness. I lingered further away, guilt writhing inside me, and waited for Jordon to arrive with Elliot by his side. Jordon went straight to his brother while Elliot stayed behind to communicate with me.

“Thank you.” His delicate smile and gentle nod was enough to denote his gratitude, then he joined Jordon and sat down next to Evan.

“Evan? Evan, can you hear me? I think he’s knocked his head.” Jordon muttered.

“Maybe this will work…” Elliot dug a small a small vial out of his pocket, and upon noticing Gargoyle’s concern he added, “Don’t worry. This is one of the left over vials they used to control us. It’s a fresh soul; this should give him some strength.”

He opened the vial and waved it under Evan’s nose. In a sudden jolt, Evan’s eyes snapped open and he sprang up and took a deep breath. The sudden movement caused him to wince and roll over, coughing into his fist. Everyone seemed to relax a little bit more; even Gargoyle seemed relieved.

Jordon checked Evan’s pupils before sighing heavily, “He’s okay, but fighting here won’t do us any good. The Sins help, but we need to stop them at the source. Miira sent down her Creators to earth so she won’t have much protection. It’s high time we brought this fight to the doors of Heaven.” He looked over at me, “Only a small number of us should go, we want to catch them by surprise. Chaos, Gargoyle, you can join Ra- I mean Mother and I. The rest of you stay down here.”

Quickly catching his breath Evan demanded, “I’m… coming…too”

“No, you’re not. You can barely stand. You need to lay low, you took a nasty hit.”

“I’m… joining you!” He repeated more sternly, but Jordon ignored him.

“You can’t just ‘go into Heaven’.” Gargoyle scoffed, “They’ve created blind spots to prevent Reapers and Banished from entering. You’ll never get there.”

“That’s right, only other Hunters can get in.” Chaos then added.

“I’ve done it before. Similar to when Reapers teleport, you create a type of scar behind you that leaves a two second window of opportunity to follow. You jump to Heaven; we’ll follow through the scar.”

“That could work.”  Chaos mumbled, “But would everyone be able to follow in those two seconds?”

“We’ll hold onto each other and tear the scar open a little wider, we all should fit then.”

Evan carefully stood up and said, “I want to join you.”

“Evan you’ve done enough. Just rest here with Teresa.” Jordon replied.

“You’ll be a liability if you come.” Gargoyle added.  I looked over Evan’s pain filled face and saw fierce determination rise up through him.

“Just us four will go. Chaos can get us there. Gargoyle, you should know your way through the halls and Mother…”

“Stop it! Stop calling her that!” Evan suddenly snapped, “I know she’s Rachael, stop calling her Mother!” then punched Jordon squarely in the jaw knocking him backwards. Raix pounced from his hiding place and bared his teeth. “We’re going to fix her. Miira can undo this; we are going to fix Rachael first...”

Jordon pursed his lips, “You know…?”

“Of course I know. You really think you could hide something like this from me?”

Jordon grimaced, “I’m sorry that I tried to keep this from you, but I still don’t think you should come with us for many reasons. Mainly because Nathan will be there.”

Evan’s eyes narrowed for a moment. “I’m not a kid anymore…If he comes at me I can defend myself.”

Jordon nodded, “Stubborn as always. Okay, fine. I’ll make sure he won’t do anything. Elliot, Teresa, you mind things down here. If anything goes wrong, Chaos will come back and lure the rest of the Sins and demons up to the heavens.” 

They both nodded and Elliot crossed to Teresa, peeled back her torn sleeve and inspected her wound. Jordon held his hand out to me. Reluctantly, I took it. Gargoyle and Chaos followed suit. Finally, Evan reached out and slipped his fingers into my palm. In that moment I felt like a true monster. My hands were twice the size of theirs; I could easily crush them if I squeezed too tightly. At the same time, I was aware of the repulsive odour that leeched from my hair and that my skin must’ve felt like oily hide. I prayed with everything in me that the Blue Spirit destroyed me before I became this creature forever. The very idea that everyone found me repulsive broke my heart. Chaos split open a teleportation hole and we all crammed into it, taking the final leap towards Heaven’s doors.

Chapter Fifty:


The moment we stepped out onto the other side we were greeted by clear blue skies, and still crystal waters surrounded by cascades of uninhabited forests. The entire place seemed to sit upon a cliff’s edge, the thundering water plummeted into the clouds below. As a Queen gives herself a castle, Miira had ensured her lifestyle met the finest standards of true nobility. I had to take a moment to step back and really appreciate the impossible beauty and perfection of this place. The clouds that lazily meandered across the blue skies blended beautifully with the white foam collecting at the shore. The green foliage was flawless, sending a chilled calm through my entire body. Aside from the rumbling of the waterfall, it was peacefully quiet. I could not believe that Miira, after being threatened with assassination, would leave herself completely unprotected. Our suspicions peaked. The focal point of the realm was the mansion, where we waited outside a set of large golden doors that lead to the main entrance of the estate.

Chaos looked over apologetically, “I can’t get any closer. She’s even created barricades for the Hunters.” Obviously, her trust in her army was being tested, or she believed Chaos would betray her. I glanced down at my palms; I still had two Sins with me, which should be enough to take on Miira and whatever army of Hunters she had sitting at her heels.

Chaos opened the door first and led the way in, closely followed by Gargoyle, Jordon, Evan and lastly me. I couldn’t bear to look in Evan’s direction, and I had a sickly feeling he couldn’t stand the sight of me either. The interior was not as I’d expected. The lights were dimmed, the beautiful polished golden surfaces seemed tarnished and scratched. It was silent, except for the swooshing of a draft moving through the hallways and stairs. There was no warmth here, no signs of life. Jordon, Chaos and Evan snuck in as quietly as possible, their heads tilted up scanning the high windows for any signs of moment. Gargoyle lingered with me by the doorstep.

“Rachael…” He whispered before indicating to the side with his head. I slithered over, but kept my distance. I didn’t want him smelling the stink on me. “I don’t know really what to say to make things better. I mean, I can’t believe that she is actually you now or that you are her… I can only imagine what you must be going through.”

I lowered my head before dipping my hand into my hair.
I’m okay.

“No, no, you’re not okay. What Evan said to you was true; we’re going to get you out of that body one way or another.”

The idea I didn’t want to consider popped into mind, so I dipped my fingers into my hair. It was easier to write it than say it aloud. 
What if you can’t?

Gargoyle swallowed gently, even though the banishment marking his face in coal and his eyes a fierce, I could see the gentle side of him. He took a cautious step forward and I leaned back. “Then I will stay with you…”

His answer surprised me
. Gargoyle was willing to stay with me even when I was this repulsive creature?
I didn’t know how to respond, and for a brief moment all I could do was stand there bewildered. Almost like he could sense my shock, Gargoyle lowered his head and gently chuckled. “You were the first person to accept me for me. I didn’t have to prove myself to get your affection or your kindness, you still accepted me. The very least I can do is return the favour.”

You don’t have to…

He drew his lower lip into his mouth nervously, his voice barely a perceptible rasp, “I know what it’s like to be an outcast. You will never be alone.”

I held my hand to my mouth. I didn’t know what to say to him. I didn’t have to the heart to tell him that the Blue Spirit was going to destroy me. I feared that he would try to talk me out of it; that living the rest of eternity as Mother wasn’t going to be that bad. I was thankful for the weeping hair for it covered my real tears.

Thank you…

Gargoyle nodded before he joined the others. They ventured up the twin staircases to explore the mansion. There was hall after hall, all of them identical and all of them washed in some sort of dreary must often found in abandoned houses. Jordon must’ve glanced back for a moment; he pulled on Chaos’ sleeve alarmed. We all turned around to notice the room was filling in behind us, becoming drenched in a flooding, moving darkness; that an eerie and sickening presence covered the floors we just passed. I would have panicked too, until I realised that I was, unknowingly, the one causing the change. It seemed that my presence in Heaven acted like an infection, my touch turned gold to rot. I looked back bashfully, when all of a sudden, a low rumble echoed through the walls.

“Guess we’re not exactly welcomed here anymore” Gargoyle joked under his breath before he indicated to continue walking.

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