My Destiny (10 page)

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Authors: Adrianne Byrd

BOOK: My Destiny
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Chapter 16

onths rolled by while Destiny and Miles became increasingly closer friends. Their daily, early-morning runs moved from two miles up to Miles’s customary four. And now they visited the gym two days a week. They spent so much time together there were rumbles of complaints from their other friends.

“Hey, the Super Bowl is next week. Why don’t we throw a party?” Destiny suggested, stepping out of the elevator and onto the fourteenth floor.

Miles’s brows rose as he considered the suggestion. “You know, that might not be such a bad idea. The guys and I usually watch the game down at the ESPN Zone, but I’m sure they’d love the idea of a party—especially Wes.”

“Great. I’ll finally get to meet your infamous best friend.”

“You’ve never met Wes?”

“Not officially. I’ve seen you two together from time to time, but I’ve never met him.”

“Then be prepared for a treat,” Miles warned.

“If he’s anything like you, then consider it done.”

They laughed and turned toward their respective apartments.

“Oh,” Destiny said suddenly as a thought occurred to her. “How did your blind date go the other night?”

Miles’s head rocked back with a bark of laughter. “You mean the one my mother set me up on?”

“That’s the one.” A wide grin stretched across Destiny’s face in anticipation of a humorous story.

He shook his head and leaned against his door frame. “Longest night of my life. I believe her name was Monica—a five-time divorcée who has never worked a day in her life.”

Destiny laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding?”

“Nope. She’s been married to two plastic surgeons, a real estate tycoon, a movie director and a lottery winner—all by the age of thirty.”

“Jeez, I feel like such a late bloomer. Maybe I should rethink all this independence stuff.”

Miles’s laugh deepened. “You would never have trouble finding a rich man to take care of you. You definitely have the looks.”

She pressed a hand to her chest. “Why, I believe you just paid me a compliment.”

“Sorry.” He held up his hands. “It won’t happen again.”

She smiled. “I can’t believe your mother set you up with someone like that.”

“Are you kidding? I’m beginning to suspect my mother just wants me married. She couldn’t care less to whom.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

Miles shrugged. “Yeah, maybe I’m pouring it on a bit thick. Chances are my mother didn’t really know the girl. She could have been a friend of friend of a friend.”

“She has a whole network devoted to getting you hitched?”

“Seems that way.”

“Are you regretting ever telling her that you’re ready to settle down?”

“Nah. This has been the happiest I’ve seen her in a long time—so it’s worth it.”

Destiny shrugged and turned to enter her apartment.

“What about you?” Miles’s question stopped her before she could disappear behind the door.

“What about me?”

“Didn’t you tell me that you had a date this week?”

She rolled her eyes and nodded. “Tonight.”

Again his brows rose as one in mild curiosity. “Tonight?”

“Yeah. Believe it or not, Lu Jin fixed me up on this one.”

“In that case, are you sure you won’t need a chaperone?”

She laughed. “There’s no telling.” She turned again.

“So, who’s the guy?”

Destiny faced him again and shrugged. “Someone in Lu Jin’s theater troupe.”

“An actor?” he asked incredulously. “You’re actually going out with an actor?”

“What’s wrong with going out with an actor?” She frowned, crossed her arms and waited for an answer.

“Surely, you’ve heard about artsy people—they’re strange, emotionally unbalanced and, more often than not, broke.”

Destiny’s hand covered her mouth, but it did little to stop her burst of laughter. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“What? It’s true.”

She rolled her eyes again. “That has to be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard.”

“Fine.” He shrugged. “Go out with him. You’ll see.”

“All right, I better get going. I’m meeting that real estate agent about some office space up in Buckhead.”

He smiled. “So you’re really going to go through with this? You’re going to start your own business?”

She nodded and drew in a deep breath. “I admit I’m a bit nervous about the whole thing.”

“You’ll do fine.” He waved off her concerns. “This stuff is in your blood.”

“That may be so, but after reviewing how much all this is going to cost, I’ll be looking for a partner soon.” Her smile dropped as her eyes widened. “What about you?”

Miles’s smile faltered. “What about me?”

“Why don’t
become partners?”

“What?” He shook his head. “Oh, no.”

“Why not you? You’re a decent lawyer.”

“Gee, thanks.”

“And you have capital.”

“How come I feel like I’m back out on my date with Monica?”

“Come on. I’m being serious.” She crossed the hall to his apartment just as he turned and entered it, trying to get away from her.

“My answer is no,” he said, moving farther away from her.

She followed. “Miles, this whole thing was

“It was my idea that
start your own practice—not me. I have no interest in leaving my lofty position at Mortensen and Foster so I can throw my money away.”

“What’s the big deal? You’re expecting to die in a few years anyway. This way you can just will me a small fortune to keep the practice running.”

Flabbergasted, he jerked toward her. “Ouch. You really know how to hurt a fella.”

She gave him an apologetic smile, but pushed further. “I want you to be my partner.”

“You mean you want my money.”

“Okay, fine.” She shrugged. “I want your money.”

Miles plopped down on his sofa. “Now how can I say no to an offer like that?”

She perked up. “Really? You’ll do it?”

“No,” he said solemnly. “Learn to recognize sarcasm.”

Undaunted, she joined him on the sofa. “Come with me to look at the office space. You’ll love it and we’re getting a great deal.”

Miles only laughed as she went on to describe the locale of their potential business. “I am not listening to you, Destiny.”

“What do you think of Brockman and Stafford, Attorneys at Law?” She spread her hands out as if picturing it on a marquee.

“Why is your name first?”

“Okay, then, Stafford and Brockman, Attorneys at Law. You sure do know how to drive a hard bargain.”

“Stop it.” He jumped back onto his feet. “I’m not going to do it.”

“Give me one good reason why not.”

“I make pretty good money where I am. I have no desire to lose any.”

Destiny rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. Live a little—while you have the time.”

He waved a finger at her. “You’re making fun of a dying man.”

“All right. I take it back. I should have known you didn’t have the guts to try and do something like this anyway.” She shook her head and turned to leave. “Besides, you’re not that good of a lawyer anyway.”

“What?” he thundered, following her to the door. “I’m a damn good lawyer.”

“Oh, right. I forgot. You’re just too chicken to take a risk.”

“You’re actually going to bait me by calling me chicken?”

She clucked.

“You’re being ridiculous.”

She clucked louder.

“I’m not afraid to take a risk.”


“All right, already. I’ll go see the building.”

With a squeal of delight, Destiny jumped, threw her arms around him and kissed him soundly on the lips. And just as quickly, the world tilted on its axis, spinning Destiny into a vortex of something strange and wondrous. Her thoughts muddled as she suddenly felt as light as air while suspended in his arms.

Unsure of why or even where she found the strength, Destiny drew back and ended their kiss. She sucked in huge gulps of air and her breasts heaved teasingly against his broad chest, making it that much harder to clear her head.

“I think you can put me down now,” she finally managed to say.

Miles blinked and a cloud of confusion lifted from his eyes. “Sorry,” he said, and then coughed to clear his throat. After he set her down, his usual jovial mood returned. “Hell, had I known that’s what it took to get a kiss like that from you, I would have offered you money a long time ago.”

She punched his arm. “Just consider it a one-time sign-on bonus,” she sassed. “Now hurry up and get dressed, I’m suppose to meet the real estate agent in an hour. It shouldn’t take us long to look over everything and then I can make it back here in time for my date.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

He was rewarded another punch.

“Ouch.” He frowned and rubbed his shoulder. “All right, all right. I’ll jump in the shower and meet you in a few. That is unless you want to join me in the shower.” He jiggled his brows at her.

“I’ll pass.” She shook her head and rolled her eyes before turning to leave. “See you in a few, partner,” she said over her shoulder.

* * *

Exactly an hour later, Destiny and Miles pulled up in front of the vacant office space in the heart of Buckhead.

Miles got out of the car emitting a low whistle before glancing over at Destiny. “When you dream, you dream big, don’t you?”

A wide smile monopolized her face as she slammed her car door. “Why not?”

He shook his head and glanced back up at the building.

“So what do you think?” she finally asked after a lengthy silence had passed.

Drawing in a deep breath, Miles rocked back on his heels and looked over at her. “Do you have any idea how much an endeavor like this is going to cost us?”

She nodded and her smile grew even wider.

Miles’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “What’s so funny?”

She walked around the car to loop an arm through his. “You said ‘us.’”

Despite everything, he smiled, too. “I did, didn’t I?” He shook his head, convinced he was losing his marbles for even considering this. It was a risk—a big one. But hadn’t he always liked taking risks? He looked at her again. He knew firsthand that she was one hell of a lawyer and would be a wise choice for anyone to consider partnering.

He took a moment and listened to both the angel and the devil advocates that sat on his shoulders while they deliberated the issue between themselves before reaching an impulsive decision.

Destiny launched into his arms. “I swear you won’t regret this.”

“Sure I will.” He shook his head, and then smiled down at her. “Partner.”

But in the end...

Chapter 17

Five years later


Miles’s mouth dropped at the sight of a hundred plus people gathered in The Waverly Hotel’s grand ballroom. He blinked and turned toward an elated Wes.

“You didn’t think we forgot about you, did you, buddy?” Wes beamed and pounded him proudly on the back.

The crowd burst into a chorus of “Happy Birthday.”

Destiny stepped forward, wearing a stunning spaghetti-strapped red dress. It was transparent in the midriff and showed off her spectacular abs. Her hair, or lack of, was a low crop of curls that gave attention to her long neck and elegant bone structure. As she moved closer, Miles’s gaze fell to the deep split on her dress’s right side and paid closer attention to her shapely legs.

When she reached his side and rocked onto her toes, he leaned down and received a kiss on the cheek.

“Happy forty-fifth,” she murmured against his ear.

“I can’t believe you guys did all of this,” he said.

“Nothing’s too good for my favorite partner.” She winked at him.

The song ended and the room exploded into applause as everyone chanted, “Speech, speech, speech.”

Tongue-tied and embarrassed, Miles was reluctant to give in to their demands. In the next instant, a drink was shoved into his hand, and both Wes and Destiny encouraged him to give the crowd what they wanted.

He held up his hand while his mind scrambled for something to say. The noise died down as he cleared his throat. “What can I say? You guys really got me on this one.” Miles flashed everyone a brief, but genuine, smile.

Laughter rippled through the crowd.

“Well, you all know me. I’ve never been one for making speeches, but I will say that I’m very flattered by all the trouble you must have gone thought to pull this off, especially for my good friend Wes here.” He looped an arm around his friend’s neck and pulled him closer. “This is the first time I’ve ever known him to keep a secret.”

The crowd laughed.

“Ouch.” Wes winced.

Miles removed his arm and then gestured to Destiny. “So for now, I’ll assume that my lovely partner in crime had a lot to do with this—and I humbly thank her.”

She slid an arm around his waist and then smiled at the crowd. “There’s plenty of food and drinks so everybody have a good time.”

Everyone applauded, while Miles, Destiny and Wes moved into the crowd.

“I can’t believe you guys,” Miles said with a smile still hugging his lips.

“Well, if this does turn out to be your last birthday, we wanted you to go out with a bang,” Wes replied with a hearty laugh.

“Wes!” Destiny reprimanded and stomped her foot.

Lu Jin suddenly appeared from behind Wes and popped him on the back of the head. “I swear you have the sensitivity of a gnat,” she chastised.

“What?” Wes held a hand to the back of his head. “He knows I was just joking.”

Miles laughed. “It’s okay. Wes is just being Wes. But I can tell you one thing. I can easily get used to you girls being my personal defense attorneys.”

“I just bet you could,” Destiny said, shaking her head.

Lu Jin moved closer to Miles and kissed him on the cheek. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thank you.”

“Is there any room for me?”

Miles’s smile grew brighter at the sight of his mother. He opened his arms to receive her and the tender kiss she gave him. “Happy birthday, dear,” she said.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” he said, hugging her.

“Of course I am. I even managed to drag Brother Vernon here.” She winked.

Miles scanned the crowd for his mother’s date. When he didn’t see him, he gave her a warning look. “You make sure he has you home at a decent hour. I don’t trust him with my favorite girl.”

Despite herself, she blushed and smacked Miles’s chest. “Oh, go on.”

He kissed her again. “I mean it—midnight, Cinderella.”

She waved off his mock concerns with a dismissive hand and disappeared back into the crowd.

“I hope the birthday boy isn’t planning on keeping my date hostage all night.”

Miles turned to see a young, but distinguished-looking man standing behind him.

Destiny slipped from Miles’s light embrace and eased next to the stranger. “Of course not,” she assured the man.

Miles cleared his throat.

“Oh, where are my manners?” Destiny asked, shaking her head. “Steve, I want you to meet my law partner, Miles Stafford. Miles, this is Steven Bennett. He’s a good friend of mine.”

Wes masked the word ‘bull’ with a loud cough and caused Miles to smile.

Destiny shot Wes a stern look, while Lu Jin rewarded him with another whack on the head.

To Steve’s credit, he kept a good-natured smile on his face as he accepted Miles’s extended hand.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Miles said. “I would say that Destiny has told me all about you, but...” He shrugged.

“That’s because we just met last month at Justin’s,” Steve offered as an explanation.

Miles looked at her and winked. “Is that right—last month?”

In response, Destiny looped an arm around Steve’s waist. “I think it’s time we mingled.”

“Yeah, you do that,” Miles said.

“It was nice meeting you,” Steve said as Destiny pulled him away.

“Same here.” Miles nodded and watched as the couple disappeared into the crowd. Then he turned back to Wes and Lu Jin. “How old is that guy?”

Wes shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’m sure if we searched his tricycle we could find a set of Mouseketeer ears.”

Lu Jin crossed her arms. “You two need to stop playa-hating.”


She shook her head. “No one ever says anything when men date younger women so why should it be any different for a woman?”

“Oh, here we go again.” Wes rolled his eyes. “This is hardly the place to start a bra-burning ceremony.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lu Jin demanded, jabbing her hands on her hips.

Miles snickered at the brewing fight.

Wes tried to drape an arm around Lu Jin, but she sidestepped his efforts. “Don’t touch me.”

“If you two would excuse me, I think I’m going to go and get something from the bar,” Miles said, but doubted that the combustible friends heard him.

As he moved through the crowd, people continued to send him good wishes and congratulate him for reaching his most dreaded forty-fifth birthday. He doubted that anyone suspected the ball of anxiety anchored in the center of his stomach.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Destiny’s red dress. His gaze focused on her and her young companion, and he found he couldn’t take his eyes off of them.

In the past five years, Destiny’s commitment to diet and exercise had paid off and she had built one incredible body. She also moved and radiated a confidence that was unmatched. As he stared at her, it wasn’t the first time he wondered if his brotherly affection toward her wasn’t turning into something deeper.

He shook his head. “Don’t be ridiculous,” he said under his breath, but his eyes kept flickering in her direction. Even in a crowded room where a live band was performing, he was able to zero in on her melodious laughter from across the room.

“You’re staring again,” Wes said suddenly from behind him.

Miles drew in a deep breath and pulled his large frame erect. “I was not staring.”

“Uh-huh.” Wes sounded unconvinced and looked in Destiny’s direction. “Then you’d be the only man in the room who wasn’t. It should be against the law for a woman to look that good.”

Miles exhaled, but even to his ears it sounded more like a sigh. “You know the deal between me and Destiny. We’re just friends.”

Wes’s gaze shot to his friend just before rolling heavenward. “You sound more like a parakeet every day.” He shook his head again. “We’re just friends. We’re just friends,” he mimicked. “The only one swallowing that B.S. is you. And I’m not too sure if you’re buying it, either.”

Miles opened his mouth to respond, but his words were cut off by a syrupy sweet, feminine voice calling his name. He turned as a slender arm slid around him.

“Celeste,” he greeted with a warm smile. “What are you doing here?”

“I hope you don’t mind. When Wes told me about this little party, I just couldn’t resist.” She leaned up and kissed him. “So how have you been?”

* * *

Destiny found Steve’s sarcastic humor a riot. Laughing at another one of his wild witticisms, she caught sight of Miles from across the room with a familiar face. Steve’s words faded into the background as her mind scrambled for where she’d seen the attractive woman next to Miles before.

When she couldn’t remember, she experienced a strong urge to go and investigate.

Don’t be ridiculous.
She turned her attention back to Steve and realized that she had no idea what he was rambling about. When he paused, she took it as her cue to laugh and hoped that it was the appropriate response.

Steve smiled and she was relieved that her attention lapse went undetected. But she was still itching to work her way back over to Miles to solve the puzzle of the mysterious woman. Then, she had an idea. She tilted up her glass and in one long gulp, drained the champagne.

Steve’s brows crowded together as he stared at her.

Destiny came up for air and held her empty glass toward him. “Could I trouble you for a refill?”

Slowly, he reached for her glass and said, “Sure.”

No sooner had he turned his back, Destiny pivoted and made a beeline toward Miles.

“We should try and get together some time.”

Destiny caught the tail end of what the woman was saying.

“That sounds good to me,” Miles said.

Destiny frowned, then immediately put on her best smile as she interrupted the cozy couple. “So how’s everything going?” She stepped between them. “Is everyone having a good time?”

Miles smiled and moved to stand by his girl friend. “Everything’s great. Destiny, you remember Celeste Silverman?”

The pretty woman offered her hand. “It’s been a long time.”

Destiny accepted the hand, clueless to the woman’s identity.

“You have no idea who I am, do you?” Celeste asked.

Destiny started to deny it, but then figured it was best to be honest. “I’m sorry. But you do look familiar.”

“Actually, I was there when you two met for the first time. You were just moving into the apartment across from Miles ten years ago.”

“Oh, yes,” Destiny said with the memory resurfacing. “How have you been?” She casually checked the woman’s hand for a wedding ring and was disturbed to find her fingers bare.

“Great. I hope you don’t mind me crashing your party, but I sort of heard about it through the grapevine—or rather Wes.”

“Of course not. I’m glad you could come,” Destiny lied with relative ease.

“You know a few years ago when I heard you two went into business together, I couldn’t believe it.”

“There you are.” Steve moved in to join the small group. “I was wondering where you’d sneaked off to.” He handed Destiny her drink.

“Thank you.” She smiled.

The band struck up an instrumental of
Beautiful Ones
and Celeste turned toward Miles. “I know this is out of character, but would you like to dance?”

“I’d love to,” he responded, smiling. He looked back to Destiny and Steve. “Would you excuse us?”

“Certainly,” Steve answered.

Destiny said nothing. She simply watched the retreating couple with a feigned smile.

“Well, he seems like a nice guy,” Steve commented, easing an arm around Destiny.

She didn’t hear him.

“He also seems to have a great deal of interest in you.”

“Huh? What?” She turned toward him.

“And if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re more than a little interested in him, as well.”

“Oh, don’t be silly. Miles and I are just good friends.”

“I’ve never known friends to look at each other the way you do.” Though his words were accusatory, his voice held a note of patient sincerity.

Shaking her head, she eased closer to him, purposely brushing her body against his in a suggestive manner. “I don’t detect a hint of jealousy, do I?”

He quirked a brow at her as a mischievous smile curved his lips. “Should I be jealous?”

She leaned forward and kissed him. “Not at all,” she murmured when she pulled away. “Not at all.”

* * *

Miles frowned at the sight of Destiny and Steve’s open affection. He rolled his eyes. “If they are going to behave like that, I wish they’d just get a room,” he grumbled.

Celeste followed his gaze, and looked suspiciously at him. “Is there something going on between you guys?”

When he didn’t respond, she tapped him on the shoulder. “Miles?”

“Huh?” He looked back at Celeste and had the sinking feeling that he’d just been caught not paying attention. “Oh, I was just...” He paused not really knowing how to finish the sentence.

She drew in a deep breath. “Yeah. I know what you were doing.”

“I’m sorry. That was rude of me.”

She studied him.

“What?” he asked finally.

“I’m trying to judge whether you’re the same old Miles Stafford I knew ten years ago—the consummate bachelor.”

His smile waned. It was his turn to study her. “I hurt you once, didn’t I?”

Her answer was quick and honest. “Deeply.”

“I’m sorry,” he responded in equal measure. “Forgiven?”

“Yes.” Celeste smiled. “It was a long time ago.”



Miles nodded, and then pulled her close and began to sway in time to the music. In the distance, he heard Destiny’s
laughter and like a moth to a flame his gaze sought her in the crowd.

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