My Fair Captain

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

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My Fair Captain

Copyright © 2007 by J.L. Langley

Cover by Anne Cain

ISBN: 1-59998-507-1

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
electronic publication: June 2007

My Fair Captain

J.L. Langley


In memory of Charlie Mitchell. Friend and neighbor. He will be greatly missed.

Extra special thanks to: Dick D, my V.E.P.B. You really helped me see this whole story clearer. I’d have probably started killing off characters for stress relief if it weren’t for you. I enjoyed our plotting sessions immensely.

And to the ladies of Jaw Breakers. I’d have ripped my hair out on this one if it wasn’t for all of ya’ll. This story was the king of all DIP disorder catalysts. Thank you for suffering along with me.

My Fair Captain


January 26, 4811: Planet Englor: A glade outside of Hawthorne Proper
in the country of Moreal.

A dried, crumpled leaf blew across the toe of his shiny black boot as he lifted his right foot. Nathaniel should have stayed home…honor be damned. It was all a misunderstanding, an accident. Now, he was going to pay dearly for it. He was going to die.


Nate swallowed hard and seized a deep breath as he took his sixth step. The crisp morning breeze ruffled his hair, blowing an overlong lock of dark brown into his eyes. He blinked and shook his head to dislodge it, then wished he hadn’t. His head still ached from the heavy imbibing he’d indulged in the night before. If by some miracle he got out of this alive, he’d never drink again.

“Seven.” Baron White’s voice sounded exceedingly harsh over the rustle of leaves and a neighing horse. Then again, maybe it was the circumstances that made it sound that way. Or perhaps it was the serenity of the glade in contrast.

With his mind dazed and his body on autopilot, Nate continued forward. He peered over the horizon, past the bare trees, where the sun was beginning to light the sky with its morning blush. When was the last time he’d been up early enough to see the sunrise? He couldn’t remember, but knowing this might be the last time… His carefree existence as the oldest son of the Duke of Hawthorne suddenly seemed worthless.

Someone at the edge of the clearing coughed as the Baron’s voice rang out.


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Nathaniel advanced a pace. Why had he ever thought he could reason with the viscount? Daniel Bradford, Viscount Hargrove and heir of the Marquis of Oxley, had always been a hothead. Despite the fact their fathers were the dearest of friends and Nate had known Daniel practically since birth, there had never been any love lost between them.

As children they’d been rivals. As adults, they merely ignored each other.

Until last night. Last night, they’d become bitter enemies.


Closing his eyes, he planted one foot in front of the other. The ancient Terran gun felt heavy in his hand. He didn’t want to do this. The accusation that had brought him here was false, but his alibi was just as damning. Everything in him screamed to run off the field and flee. He’d be called a coward, but at least he’d live another twenty years. And more importantly, he wouldn’t have to disillusion his father.

“Ten. Fire!”

Nathaniel turned knowing exactly what he had to do. He could not kill Hargrove. If by some miracle Nate lived, his father would surely disown him. He might be a wastrel, but he adored his father and disappointing him was the worst fate Nate could suffer, more horrible than even death. He aimed over Daniel’s left shoulder.

The sound of gunfire erupted and a searing pain blossomed in his side. Flinching away from the agony, his finger jerked the trigger.

Daniel’s blue eyes widened, his mouth dropped open and he stared at his chest, where a red stain spread across the tan brocade waistcoat. He looked back at Nathaniel, his face pasty white, and crumpled to the ground like a rag doll.

A loud feminine scream tore through the air. Victoria, Hargrove’s fiancée, ran onto the field and flung herself over the viscount.

Oh, Galaxy, what have I done?
Nate stood perfectly still, watching for any movement from his opponent.

Someone rushed toward Nate. “Star dust, Nate.”



My Fair Captain

Nathaniel was vaguely aware of the hustle and bustle around him as he let the gun slip from his numb hand. It hit the dead grass with a soft thud. Staring at Hargrove’s lifeless body partially covered by Victoria’s blue riding habit, he willed the man to get up. But he knew that wasn’t to be.

A flock of people crowded around the viscount, finally blocking Nate’s view, but the sobbing and sounds of disorder continued.

Fingers prodded his side, making the dull twinge flare into sharp pain. He hissed out a breath and glanced down at Jared’s dark head.

Why was his younger brother here?

Jared perched on his knees, examining Nate’s side. “It’s only a flesh wound.” Rising, he moved in front of Nate. “We have to get out of here.”

His brother clasped his shoulders and shook him. “Nate, are you listening to me?”

Nathaniel tore his gaze away from his sibling’s worried brown eyes and looked past his shoulder. Hargrove couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t.

Nate hadn’t meant to kill the viscount, he was the one who was supposed to die.

The physician stood over Daniel shaking his head. Victoria sobbed harder, raking her hand through Daniel’s blond hair, begging him to respond. Even Baron White had waddled his portly body over to stand by the downed man.

“Nate.” Jared shook harder.

Nate touched his injury, wincing at the pain. What was he to do now?

He yanked his hand away from the sticky mess and brought it up between him and Jared. Dark red coated his fingertips and dripped down his hand.

“Dammit, Nathaniel.” Jared slapped him, jerking Nate’s head to the side and nearly knocking him off balance. “Get it together. We have to go.”

The sting snapped Nate from his daze. Jared was right. Dueling happened quite a bit, but it
illegal. No one would say a word unless


J.L. Langley

the authorities happened along, then they would all be incarcerated.

Which was no less than he deserved.

“Did you ride Nabil? Or did you come in one of the lifts?” Jared asked, tugging him toward the horses. Right past the tree line, horse-drawn coaches and the Low In-Flight Transports hovered above the ground just off the road.

“I rode Nabil.” Nate freed himself from Jared’s grip as they cleared the trees, looking for his black gelding. “What are you doing here, Jared?”

Nate knew for a fact his brother had not been in the glade when he’d started pacing off. He’d purposely come to the duel alone, not even bringing a second.

Nabil stood several yards away from the lift bearing his family crest.

As Nate and Jared approached, the gelding pranced toward them, sensing his unease and the need for urgency.

Jared tilted his boyish face in defiance as he walked to the lift. “Open door. Steps down.” The door slid into the doorframe and steps descended from the side of the vehicle. “I came to watch your back, brother mine. I woke and you were gone. You should’ve told me you planned to go through with this. I barely made it here in time.” Jared climbed into the carriage. “Steps up.” The stairs disappeared into the side of the black metal conveyance as Jared braced his hands on the doorframe and turned his attention back to Nate.

For the first time, Nate noticed his brother’s disheveled appearance.

Jared’s wrinkled black knee britches had been worn the night before. He was without waistcoat and cravat and his pale blue shirt had one sleeve rolled above his forearm. His shoulder-length dark brown hair hung loose as though he hadn’t even run a comb through it. The handsome face, a slightly younger version of Nate’s, was shadowed with stubble. By the looks of it, Jared had rolled out of bed, with no assistance from his valet, and into the lift to follow Nate.

Feeling anesthetized from head to toe, Nate hefted himself into the saddle. “I wasn’t going to go through with the duel. I came to talk Daniel out of it, but he wouldn’t listen.” Turning Nabil toward the trees, he tried


My Fair Captain

to see through the dried brush. His stomach dropped to his feet, feeling the full impact of what he’d done—however inadvertently. He’d killed a man.

“I’m sorry.” Jared’s voice was so quiet, Nate barely heard him.

“So am I,” he whispered back. Turning Nabil, he gave his only sibling a sad smile. “Let’s go home, Little Brother.”

Jared nodded and backed out of sight. The lift’s door shut, then the lift whipped off the grass onto the road. It floated at a fast clip in the direction of Hawthorne.

Looking back at the clearing one last time, Nate closed his eyes. His life would never be the same again. Heeling Nabil, he nudged his horse into a gallop toward home and his father’s censure.


J.L. Langley

Chapter One

November 5, 4829: Planet Regelence: Townsend Castle in Classige,
Pruluce (the ruling country of Regelence).

An ear-piercing screech echoed through the castle followed by the slap of bare feet on marble floor. The sound of skin hitting the polished stone in the entryway suddenly muted into a soft thud. Aiden looked up from his sketchscreen.

Muffin, his oldest brother’s ward, barreled through the door of the parlor, naked and dripping wet. Her shoulder-length red hair was plastered to her freckled face and around her neck and shoulders. She ran as fast as her short thin legs would carry her, trailing water on the blue carpet and looking over her shoulder. Barely sparing Aiden a glance, she dove under the chaise he reclined on.

He bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing.
It must be bath time

Saving his latest painting, he put the stylus in its holder on the side of the screen and set it aside. Leaning over the edge of the chaise, he lifted the gold damask ruffle. He brushed back a dark lock of hair that fell over his brow and focused on a pair of blinking wide blue eyes.

Muffin brought her tiny finger to her pursed lips as rivulets of water ran over her rosy cheeks. “Shhh… I owe ju, Aid’n.”

Dropping the fabric, Aiden sat back up, still fighting off his mirth.

The four-year-old hadn’t figured out that Jeffers, the castle computer, knew everything that happened under its roof. Doubtlessly, Nurse Christy would ask Jeffers to pinpoint the child.


My Fair Captain

Aiden decided to take pity on the waterlogged sprite. Sure she needed her bath, but it was good to rebel now and again. It kept things interesting. “Jeffers?”

“Yes, Lord Aiden?” the disembodied baritone asked.

“You have not seen Lady Muffin.”

“My Lord, you know I’m not allowed to lie to castle guardians and chaperones on your behalf, including Lady Muffin’s nurse.”

Aiden sighed. He did know, darn it. Inside the castle and on its immediate lawn were the only places he and his siblings were allowed without a chaperone. Which was why they had to resort to trickery to get any time by themselves.
Speaking of alone time…

He glanced at the clock on the mantel above the white marble fireplace.
9:12 a.m.
Three minutes until Payton shut down Jeffers, assuming Payton could circumvent Jeffers’ cameras, the other castle servants and a security system to get to the access panel in the basement. The last time Payton flipped Jeffers’ switch, their parents responded by implementing more defense measures. “Fine, let me rephrase that. You do not
Lady Muffin, she is hiding somewhere in the house.”

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