My Fair Captain (3 page)

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Authors: J.L. Langley

Tags: #Gay Romance

BOOK: My Fair Captain
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He’d mastered portraits, landscapes, still lifes and even architecture, but some of the technology gave him fits. He closed his eyes and tried to picture it in his head, really
it. He
picture it. Now, if he could only render it.

“Oi there. Wotcher doin’ ’ere, boy?”

Startled, Aiden opened his eyes.


My Fair Captain

Three men clambered up the small incline toward him. They were a fierce looking threesome. One was tall with short blond hair and broad shoulders, another was short and pudgy and yet another was somewhere in between. Their loose black tunics and formfitting uniform pants proclaimed them sailors.

Aiden’s stomach churned with apprehension. He couldn’t imagine what they wanted with him. Maybe it was his overactive artist’s imagination, but the word “pirate” grabbed hold of his brain and wouldn’t let go. Of course, it was ridiculous, pirates wouldn’t be in port with all the legitimate sailors. Would they? Aiden dropped his stylus and scrambled to a sitting position.

The men came to halt, staring down at him. The tallest man might even be considered handsome if not for the surly expression. The middle one was downright scary looking, with his bald, bumpy head, beady eyes and hawklike nose.

The shortest one—with greasy brown hair and a scraggly beard—

glowered at Aiden. “I asked wot ye were doin’ ’ere, boy?”

“I—” Aiden hurried to his feet. His gut feeling told him these were not nice men. The scowling looks on these three’s faces hinted at trouble. He may not care much for societies dictates, but he certainly didn’t want to be murdered or kidnapped because he’d disregarded them. But he wasn’t about to let them know he was alone. If they thought he had a chaperone with him… Clearing his throat, he jerked his head toward the lift he’d appropriated for his trip. “My chaperone brought me here so I could draw the ships, not that it’s any of your business.”

Spying the sketchscreen, the blond man’s brow furrowed in a fierce frown. He bent and snatched the screen from the ground and used the buttons on the side to flip pages.

“Hey, give that back.” Aiden grabbed for his screen but the swine jerked it from his reach.

“Go check the carriage. I’m bettin’ the wee lordlin’ is alone.” The blond’s gaze traced over Aiden’s frame and a nasty smile curved his lips.

“My, yer a pretty wee fin’. I fink we’ll take ye wiv us.”


J.L. Langley

Aiden’s stomach dropped to his feet. He could either stay and fight or make a break for it. He’d never been bad at self-defense and weapons training, but they’d never been his strong point either. He was more of a strategist, a fight-with-your-mind type. The deciding factor was the weight difference. The three sailors were much bigger. Which hopefully meant he was faster than them. Aiden was no idiot, the odds were clearly in their favor. He bolted, running past the heavy man. If he could get to the lift first he could get away. He’d have lost the drawings he’d risked propriety to get, but he’d be safe.

His eyes, locked on to the open door of the black metal vehicle, narrowed to tunnel vision. Nothing mattered but getting inside. It had been programmed to respond to his family’s voices and their servants—

no one else could use it. It alone was his haven out here on his own. He dove in without using the steps.

Before he could pull his feet inside and order the door closed, someone grabbed his ankles.

A maniacal laugh echoed through the lift as Aiden was dragged from it.

He kicked at his assailant while trying to catch ahold of something…anything. When nothing came within grabbing distance, he dug his nails into the polished wood floor and continued to lash out with his feet. There was a grunt when his foot connected. Then an arm wrapped around his calves, forcing his legs tight together so he could no longer kick.
Bloody black hole.

“Come now, pretty, don’t ye want ter play wiv us? Ye ’ave no care for society’s rules or ye would not ’ave come ’ere by yorself. Didn’t anybody tell ye the bleedin’ docks are no place for yung innocents?”

It was the tall blond thug who had him. Aiden recognized the voice.

The other ruffians had more weight, but this man looked to be stronger and probably had more endurance than the others.

A hand groped Aiden’s arse, making him freeze for an instant.
, no one had ever dared to take such liberties. Aiden scrambled harder, to no avail. His fingers squeaked across the floor as he was


My Fair Captain

pulled toward the opening of the coach. Throwing his arms wide he tried to wedge himself inside the doorway. The pressure on his underarms was unbearable, but he held on as long and he could. When his arms gave way, he clasped his hands around each side of the doorjamb.

“Ye’ve been caught, give it up and come along nice and quiet-like before ye ’urt yorself,” the tall sailor said.

Was it his imagination or did the thug sound tired? Sweat dripped into Aiden’s eyes and very ungentlemanly grunts left his lips. His teeth clenched together so tightly his jaw hurt but he would not go down without a fight.

“Henri, Russell, get over ’ere and ’elp me,” Aiden’s captor rumbled.

Another set of arms wrapped around his belly and Aiden was yanked free of the coach.

“Arugh.” His fingers were on fire. Aiden shook his hands trying to relieve the pain. That had really smarted. Luckily his fingernails were still attached. Looking over his shoulder, he glared at the bald hooligan.

“Let me go!” He made a fist and swung backward, clipping the man on the ear.

Bellowing in agony, the man clutched the side of his head and released Aiden’s middle.

Aiden braced for impact with the ground, catching himself on his hands. The jolt sent a stinging twinge through his wrists, but it didn’t slow him down. Once his hands were planted on the grass he used the surprise to his advantage and jerked his knees into his chest.

The other thug didn’t let go, but he did lose his balance, falling to the grass with Aiden.

Aiden rolled onto his back and bolted into a sitting position. As hard as he could, he brought his hands together and cuffed the blond’s ears.

Still the man didn’t release his hold. He bellowed, “Henri.”

Aiden twisted and thrashed like a man possessed, knocking his hair into his eyes. He had to get free…now.


J.L. Langley

Suddenly, the man loosened his grip, allowing Aiden to scuttle away.

His heart pounded and his lungs pleaded for more air, but he didn’t stop moving. The safety of the coach was only a yard away.

“Would you like to explain what you think you are doing with my son or shall I just run you through?” a deep, steady voice inquired.

Aiden froze, turning back around. His sire was here? He brushed the black curls from his eyes and peered at his savior.

His sire stood with the tip of his sword under the bearded man’s chin, his long legs spread in a fighting stance. Cony studied Aiden before relief registered on his face, then he glared back at the three men.

“Aiden, go gather your things.” Cony dipped his head toward the art screen.

Aiden hurried past the men, who were scurrying like crabs out of Cony’s reach. Grabbing his sketchscreen, Aiden ran back to his sire’s side.

Cony clipped the blond upside the head with the flat of his blade, then pointed the tip toward the other two. Stomping his foot at them, he yelled, “Get!”

The men swiftly obeyed, running down the hill and toward the docks.

Watching them leave, Cony shook his head. “If it wouldn’t stain your reputation with investigations and trials, I’d have dispatched them.” He lowered his sword and turned his attention to Aiden. “What in the bloody hell were you thinking?”


“Get in the carriage, Aiden.” Cony grabbed Aiden by the back of his neck and led him to the lift. There was a second lift next to the one Aiden had borrowed. Which was probably why Aiden hadn’t been aware of Raleigh’s arrival, the carriages were remarkably silent.

After sending one carriage home, Cony motioned for Aiden to precede him into the other. Aiden climbed inside. Only then did fear set in. He could have been in some serious trouble if Cony hadn’t come along.

Cony entered the carriage and ordered it back to the castle as he put his sword in its scabbard. Tossing it on the seat across from them, he


My Fair Captain

sat, crossing his long legs in front of him and leaning back against the burgundy leather seat. He stayed motionless for several minutes.

Aiden bit his bottom lip and watched his sire. The confines of the family coach were comforting in its familiarity. Now, if he could only stop the jittery feeling in his stomach.

Cony’s jaw clenched and he closed his eyes, letting out a sigh.

Running his hands over his face, he sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Turning his head, he faced Aiden. He took a deep breath and let it out. “You could have been kidnapped, raped or, Galaxy forbid, murdered, Aiden.” Cony stared at him for several seconds then ruffled his hair and pulled him into a hug. “What am I going to do with you?

With all of you…you and your brothers are going to be the death of me, I swear it.”

Leaning into his parent’s touch, Aiden gave thanks that he was alive.

Finally, his heart slowed back to normal and the jittery feeling lessened.

He hadn’t thought of the consequences. He only wanted to get away. No one would take him to the docks, so he took himself.

Pulling out of his sire’s embrace, he shrugged, trying to act normal and not let Cony know how much the near mishap had bothered him.

“You should probably lock Colton and Tarren up and throw away the key. Rexley is too responsible to be a problem and Payton needs a challenge. He’s too smart by half. Me? Send me to art school? Allow me to seek an apprenticeship?”

Cony stared at him, blinking twice, before bursting into laughter.

Groaning, he pinched the bridge of his straight, narrow nose and leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes.

Aiden tried not to let the abrupt silence bother him. Either Cony would punish him or he wouldn’t. The important thing was that he was still around to be punished.

They rode the rest of the way home in silence, Aiden toggling through the great sketches he’d gotten and Raleigh staring out the window. The coach stopped when they reached the front of the castle.

Tucking his screen under his arm, Aiden stood.


J.L. Langley

Cony caught his arm and turned him before he could exit the lift. “I understand, Aiden. I really do. I was young once too.”

Aiden nodded, not knowing what to say. He didn’t doubt the sincerity in his sire’s statement. But it didn’t change the fact that Aiden was determined to be an artist and he needed different subjects if he were going to gain more experience.

Raleigh chuckled and cuffed his shoulder. “Stop fretting, Son, I’m not going to beat you. But rest assured we will discuss this with your father.”

A lecture.
Aiden groaned but managed not to roll his eyes. He was thankful that he’d made it through the ordeal. He almost welcomed the sermon.

“In fact, I left him stewing in the study.” Cony pushed past him and stepped out of the carriage.

Aiden dismissed the carriage and followed.

Before they reached the front door it was thrown open. Which wasn’t unusual, Jeffers was probably operational again. But it wasn’t Jeffers who greeted them, it was Thomas, their human butler.

His face was red, gray hair bedraggled, and his burgundy uniform disheveled, which was highly irregular. Thomas was normally more uptight than Jeffers. Obviously, he’d taken up the slack when Jeffers was offline. He took a deep breath and stood aside. “Jeffers is rebooting. I’ve been asked to inform you that his majesty is waiting for you both in the study.” Thomas held out his hand. “May I have your sketchscreen and have it taken to your chambers for you, milord?”

Nodding, Aiden handed his screen to Thomas. “Thank you, Thomas.”

Thomas bowed.

Aiden’s stomach plummeted as he followed his sire down the hall.

Father was waiting for them behind the desk. He sat with his hands folded on top of the huge wood desk, his brow furrowed. First, he gazed at Cony then at Aiden. The tension melted from his shoulders. “Have a seat, Aiden.” He glanced at Cony. “Well?”


My Fair Captain

Aiden took a seat on the loveseat sitting perpendicular to the big desk.

“He was at the docks as Muffin said.” Perching himself on the corner of the desk, Cony angled to see both his consort and son.

Father groaned and put his head into his hands. “Aiden.”

Cony frowned, shaking his head. “Oh, but that’s not the worst of it, Steven.” He looked at Aiden. “Tell him what happened, Son.”

Father’s head shot up, his eyes wide, glancing at Cony then Aiden.

Aiden prepared himself for the inevitable and told his father about the three men. After he relayed the story he sat back and waited for the outburst to come. It never did.

Leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes, Father stayed quiet for several minutes. His chest rose and fell with deep movements and he rubbed the heels of his hands into his eyes. Finally, he dropped his hands and opened his eyes. “You could have been killed. What if your sire hadn’t gotten there in time?” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. “Aiden, this has got to stop.”

Here comes the punishment.
“Yes, sir. We shouldn’t have turned Jeffers off again.”

Father heaved a sigh and exchanged a glance with Cony before returning his attention to Aiden. “I’m not talking about the sneaking out and meddling with Jeffers. That is a whole other situation. Which, rest assured, you will all be punished for. I’m talking about your obliviousness when you get into your art. You didn’t even see the men until they were right on you, did you?”

“No, sir.” Aiden shook his head.

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