My First - Jason & Katie (29 page)

Read My First - Jason & Katie Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: My First - Jason & Katie
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“Tell me,” he teased.

“ made me...” she stammered, and then spat out all at once, “You made me come!”

He began to move his thumb again, “That's right, I did. I made you come. Did you like it?”

She nodded furiously, throwing her head back again, eyes still closed.

“It felt good?”

Another nod, and her back arched, stretching her breasts towards the sky. He swallowed hard.

“Tell me,” he demanded.

She groaned, “Oh, God, Jason, why are you doing this?”

“Just tell me,” he insisted.

Hoarsely, she admitted, “I loved it. It felt amazing.”

“Good. I'm glad. I wanted to make you feel good. Amazing is even better. Now, Katie, here's the real question. Do you want me to make you come again?”

“Oh, Jason!” she screamed, the cry tearing from her throat almost involuntarily it seemed.

He smiled, perhaps the wickedest – and sexiest – smile he had ever smiled.

“Katie, if you want something, you have to ask for it,” he teased, “How will I know what you want if you don't tell me?”

He was loving making her squirm, both literally and metaphorically. He knew that for Katie...the good girl, the color-inside-the-lines girl, the rule-following girl...talking like this was definitely stretching her outside of her comfort zone. That's what he liked about it.

He liked knowing that she wanted him so desperately she was willing to follow him outside that comfort zone, and that she trusted him enough to see what lay there.

“I want...” she squirmed, tossing her head back and forth, “I want...”

Then she surprised the hell out him. It was like a determination came over her, a calmness. Her squirming and wriggling ceased, and she lay perfectly still as he touched her. She opened her eyes wide, looking straight into his. When she spoke, her voice was hoarse with desire, but there was no tremor in it.

“I want,” she said, “For you to touch me right where your thumb is...for you to go deeper, go inside...rub me until I explode. I want you to make me come again, Jason. I don't know that I've ever wanted anything so much.”

He closed his eyes against the powerful wave of desire that crashed over him at these words. It was all he could do to keep from passing out.

He opened his eyes again, and looked straight back into hers. He shook his head, mock-regretfully.

“Well, you're in for a bit of a disappointment then, I'm afraid,” he said, and then, without giving her a chance to wonder what he meant, he clarified, “I don't plan on using my fingers at all this time. Only my tongue.”

Without waiting for her reaction, he dipped his head and covered her completely with his mouth. She tasted so sweet, he felt like he could spend the entire night just devouring her. He ran his tongue up and down, again and again, alternating thrusting his tongue inside of her with working her sweet button of pleasure.

Finally, when he felt her motions become even more frenzied and heard a new note of urgency enter her cries, he knew that it was time to release her from this exquisite torture that he was visiting upon her.

He broke the promise that he had made in jest and slipped two fingers inside of her, working her with them as he concentrated his mouth on her center of pleasure. He felt her muscles squeezing harder, clamping down on his fingers, and at the same time she grasped the back of his head with both hands and thrust her hips up into his mouth, screaming, “Oh, Jason, Yes! YES! Jason...Jason...Yes...Jason...JASON JASON!”

He smiled as her body calmed. He slowed his movements as she slowed hers, bringing her down softly from the powerful orgasm.

She had screamed his name as she came. That wasn't proof, in and of itself, of their bond...but it wasn't bad, either.

When she was almost completely calm, she said, “Jason?”

He looked up to meet her eyes, and saw that she was looking at him, clearly and directly.

“What do you need, my angel?” he whispered.

“To feel you inside of me,” she stated matter-of-factly.

This time it was Jason's turn to groan uncontrollably.

He stood on shaky legs and began to undress, unbuttoning his shirt first. Katie watched him for a few seconds and then shook her head.

“Nah. Too slow,” she concluded with a sly grin, and sat up on the edge of the bed, her fingers working at his clothing. Looking down at her, watching her sit on the edge of the bed completely naked as she worked to undress him, was an almost unbearably erotic image.

When they had completely freed him of all of his garments, he slipped on the condom that he had pulled from his pants pocket as he removed that item.

She smiled a little as he rolled it on. “Pretty sure of yourself, weren't you Mr. Sloan?” she asked.

He grinned back at her. “Eh. I knew if it wasn't you, it'd be somebody,” he teased.

She laughed and smacked his ass, shouting, “Shut up!”

Growing serious, he said, “You know I’m just kidding, Katie. Honestly? I feel like this is fate. You and me, this weekend...all of it. I feel like it's meant to be. I didn't know for sure, in my head, that it would happen. But I think, in my heart...I always did.”

Her eyes filled with tears again, and she didn't even reply. She merely scooted back gracefully on the bed, taking his hand and pulling him with her. She lay back and pulled him down on top of her.

She began to kiss him again, and run her hands all over his body. God, he didn't know that it was possible to get this hard.

Before long, he felt her thin, delicate fingers grasp his shaft and guide him inside of her. felt so sweet. She was warm, and tight, and it felt as if he were being completely enveloped in her as he began to pump rhythmically in and out.

Soon, even that conscious thought was banished from his mind as his whole world narrowed just to the sensation that Katie's body was making him feel. He was vaguely aware of her hot breath on his neck, of her soft skin against his body, of her hands trailing over his back, and her legs wrapped around his waist. But all of those sensations were far secondary to the one overwhelming, overriding sensation in his consciousness – how it felt to be inside of her.

Her inner walls squeezed tightly around him. She locked her ankles around his back pulling him even deeper inside of her. He felt her heat pulsing around his hard length as he thrust in and out of her.

Her hips moved against his as their pace quickened. Her nails dug into his back.

“Jason. Oh God, Jason,” His name came out as a plea on her lips.

He felt her core begin to spasm around him and his passion rose to a peak, and then he felt it break. He had never experienced an orgasm like this one before. This felt like the complete release of his mind, his body, his soul. This felt like the whole world coming to an end, but at the same time it felt like the whole world being born anew.

Almost as if he were observing someone else, he heard himself groaning, “I love you...Oh, Katie, I love you...I love you so much...” as he rode out the wave of ecstasy crashing over him.

To his delight, he heard her gasping in his ear, “Oh, Jason I love you! I love you, too. So much! I love you so much.”

And in that moment it was enough. It was all he needed to know.

Chapter Twenty-three

Jason drifted awake the next morning on a cloud of good feeling, and he reveled in the sensation for a moment before even trying to figure out where it came from.

Why was he so happy again?

He turned his head sleepily and saw Katie's tousled hair on the pillow next to him. It all came rushing back, and he smiled a sleepy, silly grin. The grin of a man in love.

Just then, his dreamy good mood was shattered by the insistent chime of his text message alert. He scrambled out of bed, frantically searching through his pockets and trying to silence the phone before it woke Katie.

He finally found it and hit the button for the text message, but it was too late. Katie was sitting up in bed, looking like a Greek goddess with the white
bed sheet wrapped around her, and rubbing her eyes sleepily.

She looked at him and smiled.

“I haven't seen you scramble for your clothes that frantically since the night my mom and aunt were on the stairs, about to catch us,” she teased between yawns, “I don't guess that's one of them this time, is it?”

He chuckled. “No, but it is familial interference of a sort. It seems boy wonder can't seem to locate the wedding bands. I thi
nk I'm going to have to be on 'best man' duty this morning,” he said regretfully.

“You were certainly on 'best man' duty last night,” she said, a sultry note in her voice.

He sighed. Damn. He wished he had time to follow up on that undertone and make a little somethin' happen...but he didn't.

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Who was he kidding? Best man duties or no best man duties, if he kissed her on the mouth – even a kiss goodbye – he wouldn't be leaving this room anytime soon.

“I'll see you later today,” he said as he walked toward the door, “I love you.”

“I love you, too!” she called after him, and he could not have asked for any sweeter words to send him off.

--- ~ ---

Katie headed down to the bridal brunch feeling happy, but confused. She was also sore in places she wasn’t even aware you could be sore in. She smiled to herself. Her shower concert this morning had been extremely upbeat, favoring numbers like, “Walking on Sunshine,” and “I Just Called To Say I Love You.”

Just as she was about to round the final corner, she realized that she had better put the kibosh on her glowing demeanor and mile-wide smile if she didn't want to have to answer a lot of very awkward questions.

She buttoned down her facial expression and walked into the brunch room.

The Sloan Girls were already sitting at the table, and Katie saw Sophie walking in from the other entrance at the same time that she did.

Katie hurried over to Sophie so that they could walk to the table together. Katie hugged her, saying, “Hello, beautiful bride! You look as fresh as a daisy this morning! I guess that 'solid night's sleep' did you some good.”

Katie finished with a wink, and Sophie laughed, her cheeks pinking. Then she smiled a wicked smile and leaned in closer to Katie, saying, “From what I hear, I'm not the only one that partook in that particular kind of 'sleeping' last night.”

Katie's eyes widened and she stammered, “Um...uh...who told you?”

Sophie grinned wider and returned her wink, “You just did.”

Katie threw her head back and laughed uproariously. She said, “You're a lot sneakier than you used to be, missy.”

Sophie giggled, “I've been working on it.”

“Well, I tell you what. Why don't we keep this between us? I don't want to steal your thunder. This is your day.”

“Hmmm...thunder. Not a bad comparison,” Sophie teased, “Sure. I'll keep your and Jason's little weather experiment to myself. But don't for one minute think that I believe you want it kept private all because of little ol' me.”

And with that, she spun and headed off toward the table, leaving Katie with no other option than to trail after her, eyes wide and mouth a little agape.

They settled in to their seats and chatted for a while as the rest of the ladies arrived. Chelle came in, followed by Grace and Pam, and Katie jumped up to go give her mom a big hug, as well as Sophie and Nick's mom.

As she returned to her seat, she noticed that some other ladies had filed into her seat and the ones surrounding it, probably not realizing that she had already been sitting there. That was fine, in fact she was kind of glad. This would give
her a chance to visit with her mom and Grace. Trying to be as subtle as possible, she bent down and grabbed her purse from under the chair and returned the where Grace and Pam were seated, at the end of the grouping of tables.

Pam looked up, happy, “Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise! I didn't expect to get the chance to visit more with my girl!”

Grace looked equally pleased, “Katie, honey, I sure hope you're not gonna let it be ten whole years until we see you again! We sure do miss you.”

Katie smiled, basking in the warm glow of being surrounded by loved ones. It was sweet, indeed.

Just as they were finishing up the last drops of satisfying coffee and conversation, Aunt Wendy swooped into the room like a tornado.

“Ladies, ladies!” she exclaimed, “It's time to go get gorgeous!”

A round of applause went up from all of the women at the table, including Katie. Man, she had forgotten how much she loved hanging out with this group of girls.

They all stood and filed their way down to the spa and salon area, and Katie felt tingly with the anticipation of the wedding drawing near. As they settled into their chairs and the stylists began to work on their hair and make-up, Katie continued to marvel at how gorgeous Sophie looked. She was the quintessential beautiful bride.

As much as she wanted to revel in the female togetherness, though, and enjoy the cozy nesting feeling that was building between the group of women as they all readied themselves for the ceremony...she couldn't seem to tear her mind entirely away from last night.

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