My Life As a Medium (13 page)

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Authors: Betty Shine

BOOK: My Life As a Medium
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Through these encounters I learned of the deep unhappiness caused by uncaring people, from all walks of life. It is true to say that familiarity breeds contempt, and yet it is the people with whom we are familiar, our partners and friends, who keep us going when times are difficult.

Mental cruelty is far more common than physical violence, and it starts from childhood. Almost everyone has practised some form of mental cruelty at some time in their lives, but sensitive human beings will know when they have done wrong. And if they cannot right a wrong, then they can certainly change. But it
is the premeditated mental cruelty that goes undetected by those who are not immediately involved. One example of this is when a marriage breaks down and ends in divorce. The perpetrator of the suffering is exposed; the victims have often experienced the most abject misery for many years before they are released.

Emotional difficulties cause much pain. Trying to help those who are going through a divorce is like stepping into a war zone, and yet someone has to be there, standing to one side, otherwise both parties could be dreadfully injured during the battle.

It is never too late to rectify our actions. Many people, before they die, leave letters for those they have treated badly, asking for forgiveness. This eases their passing, and makes it easier for the injured party to forgive.

Whilst giving survival evidence, I have found it is very common for the communicator to ask to be forgiven. Very often, the sitter will say that there is nothing to forgive. When this happens, I am given a graphic account of the deed and the circumstances surrounding it. It may be something quite insignificant, but it became obvious to me over the years that it was extremely important to the person who was now living in a more beautiful and loving environment, and who had obviously been shown the error of their ways.

I had been told many times during survival evidence that when one dies the whole of your life passes before you like tickertape. It is over in what seems to be
only seconds, but in that time you are left in no doubt about the havoc you have caused during your lifetime.

It can be argued that it is mainly other people who send us to hell in this life. This is only partly true. We also allow them to do it. Sometimes, as the following story shows, one is unable to do anything about it at the time, for a hundred different reasons. But, as the saying goes, every dog has its day.

Nancy was a conscientious mother of four children, whose ages ranged from four to fourteen. Her husband was an absolute charmer outside the home, but to his family he was a monster. As well as being a ladies’ man and a liar, he had, over the years, perfected the art of mental cruelty. I had known them both for many years, and Nancy had been a patient for a year. The healing had eased some of her pain, but she was trapped and they both knew it. First of all, she had no money of her own, and the house was in her husband’s name only. On my advice she tried to get help from several organizations but it seemed that no one could ease her suffering. She was not a physically battered wife, and the mental scars did not show.

However, one day a friend offered her a job where she could live in with her children. She turned the offer down, admitting to me that she simply did not have the courage to leave. I could understand her reaction, for when one has lived
with mental cruelty and rejection for so long, enduring it becomes a habit, and one becomes masochistic. Her life continued in this vein until she became very ill. I had warned her that this would happen. Fortunately her friends removed Nancy and her children from her home and nursed her back to health.

Two years later I met her again. She was brimming over with good health, happy and successful in her own right. Whilst we were talking she admitted that she had made her own life hell by refusing to leave. ‘If only I had been more courageous,’ she said.

Of course, not everyone has wonderful friends that come like shining knights to the rescue, but we are all capable of using visualization to conjure up pictures of the kind of life we want to lead. We are also capable of planning our escape routes. The only way most of us can cope at times is by escaping into a dream world but, with courage, it could and should materialize in this dimension.

Dream-time is so important to us all. Day-dreaming is the answer for everyone who is overstressed, whether at work or in the home. Unlike meditation, you do not have to prepare yourself, but can simply drift off when you have a moment to spare. You may be thinking about a person, a holiday, an object – a new house, or car for example, the list is endless and the dream is your own.

The only danger comes if you believe that the materialistic dream can become reality without the hard work needed to attain it. Everything gained by deceit of any kind will bring with it a price, and that price will have to be paid when you are at your lowest ebb. That is spiritual law, and is illustrated by the following story.

A young man coveted another man’s position within the same firm. He knew how much salary the other man received, and was envious of the rewards that it provided – a nice home, a BMW sports car, and the luxurious holidays with his wife.

The young man began to undermine his superior in small ways, waiting for his chance to pounce when he took his next holiday.

When this happened he conned the bosses into believing that their colleague had been using his power to undermine the firm and pass information on to a similar company. The plan worked, and when his superior returned from holiday he was told to leave.

The young man was eventually given the position he had coveted, and he bought a BMW sports car and tried to emulate the life-style of his ex-colleague. Within a year he had lost the job, the car, and the life-style, when he was found to be totally unsuitable for the position because of his laziness. His lies were unearthed later. He had made the mistake of believing that
he could simply reap the rewards of another person’s hard work.

Two years later, the business ran into financial difficulties and was saved from bankruptcy by the man he had deceived.

We all have a spiritual log-book, and the keeper of that book will only identify themselves when we leave this dimension. It is then, and only then, that the content will be made known to us so that we can redress the balance.


I had been living in a psychic circus for six years now, and it was finally beginning to calm down. The phenomena were more disciplined, which meant that I could plan my time more effectively.

Faces still appeared on the walls, but I was able to recognize them now and act upon them, sometimes preventing a major catastrophe. The following story is about one of these near-disasters.

I was standing in the hall of my home when, out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something moving. I turned, and saw a swirling mass of energy covering the wall behind me. I stood entranced as the mass was moulded into a face. Even the spectacles were there! I recognized the person immediately, felt the urgency of the message and called the lady in question. There was no answer. I phoned her daughter, who lived nearby, told her what had happened, and asked her to visit her mother to make sure that nothing was amiss. She said that she would leave at once,
and promised to call me when she arrived at her mother’s home. Two hours passed. I was becoming increasingly disturbed as I linked into the mother, because I was not getting the normal response from her energies that I would have expected. Then her daughter called me. Apparently, she had found her mother in a deep coma, after a stroke. The hospital staff told her that if her mother had been brought in any later, she could have died. In fact, she made a full recovery.

The majority of the people who appeared were still living in this dimension, and something or somebody was bringing to my notice that they needed help. This is another such case.

I was speaking to a friend on the phone when I saw the face of a patient on a nearby wall. I was not particularly perturbed as I had only seen her two days ago and she had seemed to be quite well. However, I decided to call her and find out if she needed any help. There was no answer. I then contacted a friend who lived nearby, and she told me that my patient had fallen down and broken her leg only hours before I had called, and that she was at the moment being attended to at the local hospital.

‘It’s strange,’ she said, ‘I’ve only just walked through the door. I came back home to leave a message for my son when he arrives home from school.’

It was not in the least strange to me. The moment had obviously been planned by someone.

I saw a child’s face appear on the wall behind the television, and immediately recognized it as the granddaughter of a patient. The child was crying. This worried me so much that I spent nearly all day trying to contact the grandmother. When I eventually caught up with her, she told me that her daughter had left home, and that she was looking after her two children. She had been unable to console the youngest child, who had been crying all day.

‘Betty,’ she said, ‘you must ask your spirit friends to send my daughter home. We are all distraught.’

I promised her that I would do all that I could, and spent an hour in my healing room that night asking for help.

Four days later the young mother returned, and when the grandmother told her that her young daughter’s distressed face had appeared on my wall, she broke down and cried. She immediately called and thanked me. ‘Now that I know someone is watching over me, I feel that I can manage,’ she said. That knowledge gave her the strength she needed, and enabled the family to stay together.

Because of my research in this field I had begun teaching the principles of mind projection, with simple
exercises. I had long ago realized that nothing is ever wasted. The faces that had appeared on the wall had shown me the possibility of mind projection, and I felt that if the spirits could do it, then so could I.

I began to use remote viewing more frequently. For instance, when I was asked to give absent healing, I asked if I could use this method as part of the process of healing, so that I could get closer to the patient. No one refused; in fact they were delighted by the idea and, through remote viewing, I was able to solve a few mysteries.

On one particular occasion, I visited the home of a child who was suffering severe asthma attacks. The medical profession had apparently been unable to help and the parents were desperate with worry. Using remote viewing, I gained the impression, when I entered the house, that the air was full of minute particles of dust – so much so that I began to sneeze myself. I mentally scanned the house and found myself in the child’s bedroom. Something directed me to a vacuum cleaner standing in the corner of the room, and I knew instinctively that this was the cause of the problem.

I called the child’s father and told him my fears, asking him to remove the cleaner from the bedroom. He promised to look into the matter. He phoned me later in the day to tell me that the cleaner had a fault, and that the dirt was being distributed around the house, and not into the dust bag. This was rectified, and two weeks later the child was free of symptoms.

No doubt the fault would have been found in time,
but the child’s suffering would have been extended.

Images are projected in many forms. I have been asked, time and time again, why certain people show themselves in uniforms now that they have left this world and are living in a spiritual environment. One of the reasons is that their family and friends will recognize them as they were – and it was also probably a time in their lives when they were happy. Spirits show themselves in what used to be their favourite clothes, and this seems to make sense to the recipients of the messages. They recognize that the clothes resemble the happiest time in the life of that person.

Spirits also project images of animals, usually pets who have been long gone, but never forgotten. These images have also been shown to me during survival evidence.

On one occasion I was shown four different breeds of dog. Before I could pass on this information, my sitter asked me if I could hear dogs barking. Because of the love that had existed between her and her animals, she had immediately linked in with them. I was able to give her detailed descriptions of the dogs, and told her that two were Labradors that had belonged to her sister. And the Jack Russell, Yorkshire terrier and Dachshund had belonged to her. She was absolutely delighted. The knowledge that her beloved pets were still existing somewhere, and had loved her enough to show themselves to her once more, changed her life.

She confided that she had become ill because of her negativity, and wondered every day why she still kept
going. Now she felt that the love that she had shared with her animals would be there forever, and that one day she would be reunited with them.

It has often caused great amusement when I have described the actions of some of the animals I was being shown. The owners have always recognized the antics of their beloved pet. I remember one lovely wire-haired terrier in particular.

My sitter was a young lady called Gillian. I was giving her survival evidence when I saw the spirit of a little terrier dancing around in rings on the floor. I began to laugh, because he was giving such a marvellous performance. I asked Gillian if she had owned a terrier, and described his antics to her.

‘Oh no, I can’t believe it!’ she exclaimed. ‘That is Toby.’ She explained that she had bought him from a dogs’ home, and from the time she had taken him home he had never stopped performing. Smiling through her tears, she said, ‘Everyone loved him. I know I’ll never own another Toby as long as I live. I’m so thrilled that he’s still with me.’

‘Do you think he might have belonged to a circus at one time?’ I asked.

‘He must have done,’ she declared. ‘Where else would he have learned to act like that.’

More and more, during my relaxation periods, spirit children were materializing. Several of them were ex-patients,
whose lives had been eased with healing when they were terminally ill. Others I did not recognize. They all asked me to contact their parents. Sometimes I had to hunt through old diaries to obtain the telephone numbers or addresses of those I had treated so that I could pass on messages from the children. Here are some of their stories.

Janey had been six years old when she died of a brain tumour. When she appeared, she asked me to tell her mother that she and Auntie Lucy sent her lots of hugs and kisses. Also, that she had been reunited with her pet budgerigar. I am always concerned when I contact the parents of a child who has died, as it will bring back the heartbreak they suffered. Nevertheless, I do not feel that I have a choice. I rang Janey’s parents. Her mother answered the phone, and when I told her that Janey had been to see me, she was speechless for a few moments. Then she said, ‘Did she have a message for me?’

I passed on the messages. As I did so I could hear her crying softly, and apologized for upsetting her.

‘I’m not upset. I think it’s wonderful.’ She hesitated. ‘I had no idea that this sort of thing could happen.’

‘Was Lucy your sister?’ I asked.

‘Yes,’ she replied, ‘my older sister. She died two years before Janey.’

‘What about the budgie?’ I asked. ‘When did he die?’

‘Six months before Janey,’ she said. ‘Betty, I believe she has come through to you to prove that she’s survived. You see, her father doesn’t believe in life after death, and I’ve been very worried about him. He cannot accept that his daughter has gone. Perhaps this will be the turning point for him.’

‘There is always a good reason why these things happen,’ I told her.

We talked for a while. She told me how grateful she was to me for passing on Janey’s message, and when I put the phone down I knew it had all been worth the effort.

I met Janey’s mother a year later and she told me that my call had changed her husband’s attitude so much that he now regularly attended his local church.

The next story is about a boy called Jack, who had died of cancer at the age of fifteen.

When Jack appeared, he asked me to tell his mother to get on with her life. He told me that since his death she had given up all her activities, and that this was making him very unhappy. He also wanted her to give his bedroom to Vicky, his sister, as she needed somewhere private to study for her A-levels.

Once again I searched through my diaries. I

found the address, but there was no phone number. Using the address I tried to find the number but was told that it was ex-directory. I wrote the messages down and sent them with a letter to Jack’s mother. And in the light of Jack’s message I decided to give her some absent healing. A week later I received a very moving letter from his father. He told me that his wife had been unable to cry since Jack’s death and, consequently, had been ill most of the time. Since receiving my letter, she had not been able to stop crying.

‘I know she will recover now,’ he wrote, ‘because there is no way you could have known about Vicky’s problems. Or my wife’s health. We have to believe that Jack has survived now. We all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.’

There was little I could do about the children I did not recognize, other than give them masses of love. I know they were aware of it, because one day, when I was giving survival evidence to a mother who had lost her son, he suddenly said, ‘When you’re not here Betty looks after us.’ His mother asked me what he meant, and I had to tell her that I didn’t know but that I would try to find out. A few minutes later the child told me, ‘You saw me the other day.’ It was then I remembered a little boy who had materialized a few days ago. I had not recognized him, but had given him a mental hug. When I told his mother the story she asked me to describe him, which I did,
adding, ‘He had a small scar on his lip.’ It was this small detail that finally convinced her that I had seen him.

When parents lose a child the loss stays with them forever. They are destroyed by the thought that they will never again be able to hold them. When I have pointed out that they can communicate telepathically with their children, and that no thought is ever wasted, it changes their whole outlook. Unless the parent is psychic they probably will never be able to see their child again, at least not until they join them in the other dimension. But they can have telepathic conversations with them. The thought is the deed. By simply looking at a photograph of the child, you are immediately in touch with them. Women are definitely better at this kind of communication than men, who seem to surround themselves with all kinds of so-called ‘rational’ obstructions. It is only when you ‘know’ that you can do something, that it works. Like swimming and riding a bicycle, once you have done it you know that you will always be able to do it. It can be frustrating, at first, not knowing whether the message is getting through or not. Eventually, however, you will begin to have a gut feeling about it, and possibly find thoughts in your head that you know you haven’t put there. Let me explain.

A young mother had lost her daughter in a car crash. When she came to see me she was totally distraught, until I taught her how to speak to her daughter telepathically. About three weeks later she came to see me again, and told me that
she had been having a conversation with her daughter every night, before going to bed. Her husband had told her not to do this, but she ignored him, telling him that it was the only time she felt at peace. After a week of these ‘conversations’ with her little girl, she heard the child call her. ‘I distinctly heard her say, ‘Mummy!”’ she said. Her eyes glowing, she went on. ‘In the morning, I went into her room and there, sitting in the middle of her bed, was her favourite teddy. When she died, I put all her toys, including the teddy, into a cupboard.’

‘Could your husband have put it there?’ I asked.

‘No,’ she replied. ‘He knows that it would have upset me.’

‘How did he respond when you told him what had happened?’

‘He just wouldn’t believe me,’ she replied. ‘But there’s something else. When I looked into her bedroom the following morning, her recorder was on the bed beside the teddy.’ She laughed delightedly, ‘You see, she is answering me in her own way.’ The little girl continued to communicate in small ways for some time, but her mother was already convinced by these two experiences, and this enabled her to pick up the pieces and live again. Later, she had another daughter.

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