My Perfect Mate (6 page)

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Authors: Caryn Moya Block

Tags: #paranormal romance, #Magic, #werewolf, #fantasy romance, #fae, #arctic circle, #shifters romance, #shifters werewolves, #racism and children, #polar bear shifters

BOOK: My Perfect Mate
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“Honey, what’s wrong? You do want to
cement the bond in place don’t you? It would be better to have this
done with before we head out onto the ice.” Her jaw clenched.
Whoops, wrong choice of words. “I meant, we’d both be more
comfortable with each other.” She stiffened. Great Goddess, he
messed this up! She stood and pulled the covers back and then
climbed into the small bed and pulled the blanket up to her chin.
Okay, this was not good.

Jean-Paul turned off the light. Like a
wild wolf, Susan’s eyes reflected the light from outside and
glowed. He walked around to the other side of the bed and slipped
under the covers.

Susan rolled away from him until she
was on the very edge of the bed. Sighing, JP wrapped an arm around
her and dragged her back into his body. He lay spooning her, his
nose buried in her neck. He waited, holding her until she began to
relax. She was tired, but she wasn’t sleeping until he let

“I love the way you smell like ripe
peaches. My mouth waters to take a bite out of you.” He nibbled at
her ear and neck. She squirmed, but didn’t pull away. He took her
earlobe into his mouth and sucked on it. She leaned back into him,
a sweet little sound coming from her throat. His lycan mate played
hard to get, but she was interested.

His hand pushed underneath her shirt
and found her nipple behind the lace of her bra. He pinched
lightly, letting the roughness of the lace tantalize her skin. She
sighed. He pushed the shirt higher, baring her other breast before
caressing her again. He scooted backwards and rolled Susan toward
him onto her back. “Lift up,” he insisted, as he pulled the shirt
from her body.

He caressed her milky white skin.
Finding the front clasp, he freed her breasts with a quick flick of
his wrist. As the bra fell open, he leaned over to kiss her
collarbone and then slowly licked her skin, moving lower until he
reached her nipple.

She pressed up, begging him for
attention. He only licked around the nubbin and then blew across
it, watching as it tightened even more. He lay partially over her
and her hands went to his head. Finding his stocking cap, she
pulled it off and flung it to the floor. Her fingers quickly
entangled in his hair. He leaned across to her other breast and
licked at the nub. She tugged on his hair. Giving her what she
wanted, he sucked the nipple into his mouth. His tongue lapped at
her flesh before his teeth pressed down. She whimpered and
squirmed. He loved how responsive she was.

He ran his fingers gently across her
abdomen and then lightly scratched her skin. The differing
sensations sent shivers up her spine His hand traveled lower to the
waistband of her pants. He slipped a finger under the elastic and
lightly ran it around to her hip and back. She squirmed. Her breath
coming faster.

Pushing his hand under the thermal
pants he stroked her skin, playing at the edge of her silken
panties, caressing her hip bones and upper thigh. While his mouth
continued to pleasure her breasts, first one and then the other,
Susan moaned and ran her fingers down his back, her nail lightly
scoring his skin.

He released her breast. She
reluctantly let go of his hair as he moved to kneel between her
thighs. He reached for the waistband of her pants and slowly worked
them down. Susan lifted her hips and he slipped off the last of her
clothing. The garments lay forgotten on the floor as he gazed at

She was beautiful, her nipples red and
extended from his kisses, her legs spread to accommodate him.
Little blond curls glistened with moisture between her thighs. What
a treasure the Goddess gifted him. He leaned down and pressed
kisses to her legs and slowly worked his way up, licking and
nibbling until he reached the wet curls waiting for him.

He blew lightly across her and she
shivered. Suddenly needing a taste, he swiped up her crease with
his tongue. She gasped. He went back for more, pushing his tongue
deep. She tasted as lovely as she smelled. He would never get
enough. He pushed in again, licking, searching for the wonderful

“Oh my god, Jean-Paul, you’re driving
me crazy.” Susan’s voice came out breathy and hoarse. JP went down
again, pushing a finger into her core. He sucked on the little
bundle of nerves that added to her pleasure. He began to feel her
emotions. When he sucked her, he could feel her pleasure. Was this
the mating bond?

Mathis said it would connect them
telepathically. JP didn’t realize it would connect them
empathically. He used his teeth to lightly press on the nerves.
Susan gasped as her body bucked. Ecstasy flooded his mind. He
floated with her in the ether.

Jean-Paul shook his head, trying to
separate his desire from her pleasure. He moved up her body,
needing to connect them, feeling her need to be filled. He poised
above her, his member nudging at her core.

“Susan, look at me. I want to see your
eyes as I take you.” Her eyelids fluttered and then she locked onto
his gaze. Jean-Paul pushed in deeply.




Susan stared into Jean-Paul’s eyes.
She could feel his desire coming through the mating bond, his need
to connect them. She relished the feeling. Yes, she needed this,
needed him to want her. All thought of fear fled her mind. There
was only her and her mate.

He pushed in again and Susan lifted to
meet him. The sound of flesh hitting flesh fed her excitement.
Again and again. Her wolf close to the surface fed her desire,
needed to mate. Susan panted. She wrapped her arms around JP,
pulling him closer, needing him deeper.

He kissed her, mimicking their
joining. She sucked his tongue into her mouth, holding him inside
like she wanted his body. He moaned in her mouth. She released him
and nipped at his lip. Then ran her nails down his back. He leaned
down and sucked her nipple into his mouth, then nipped.

Susan clenched; everything
seemed so hot. She was on fire. No, she
fire, burning brightly. She
suddenly burst apart, her climax shattering her mind. Jean-Paul
swore and came inside her. Heat engulfed them both. JP was in her
mind, his thoughts mixing with hers, his body filling her with his
seed. He collapsed on top of her.

“Ughh,” Susan said a few minutes
later. “Jean-Paul, could you lift up, you’re squishing me. I’m not
complaining mind you. I think you just blew my mind. That was the
best sex ever, but I can’t breathe. JP…Honey?” Susan shook

He didn’t respond, his head rolled to
the side. “Oh my god, I killed him.” Susan pushed with all her
might. JP’s dead weight rolled off her and fell to the floor. She
got up and leaned over him. Okay, he breathed. The golden heartmate
bond glowed brightly between them as big around as a

She pushed into his mind and flashes
of an unfamiliar place moved across her eyes. It was almost too
beautiful to look at, and she felt tears roll down her cheek. She
blinked. Why would Jean-Paul leave a place like that to come here?
As if her question directed his thoughts, she suddenly saw
Marguerite and an older couple, and then she saw herself. Her heart
began to pound. The way he saw her was so lovely. Did she really
look like that?

“Jean-Paul, please wake up, you’re
scaring me.” She shook him again. He lay there,

Susan jumped from the bed. Grabbing
the sheet off the floor, she hurried to the door. “Help, someone.
Ujarak? Come help us.” She ran out the door and into a hairy chest,
arms came down around her and held her tight.

“What is it, Suzy-Q? What’s

“It’s JP. I think I broke him! He
won’t wake up.”

“Okay, let’s see.” Ujarak walked into
the bedroom. “Uh, maybe you should cover him up or something.”
Susan hurried over and flung a blanket over Jean-Paul. “So, he
passed out?”

“Well, yeah, I guess so. We cemented
the bond into place and our minds came pouring into each other. It
was wonderful. Then he collapsed. Do you think I hurt him? Should
we call Mathis or Jared?”

“Let’s talk to Mom and Dad. She’s a
lycan, she might have an idea what happened. JP’s breathing okay,
so we’ll let him rest for now. Come on.” Ujarak took Susan’s hand
and led her down the hall to his parents’ room.

He knocked gently on the door and soon
rustling heralded his father opening the door.

“What’s the matter, son?”

“Uhm, Susan is worried. JP is
unconscious after cementing the mating bond into place. I thought
you and Mom might be able to help.” Ujarak shrugged his

His father glanced back over his
shoulder and then opened the door. Nicole stood in a bathrobe by
the bed. “Come in. You’re going to wake the whole

“Sorry, Dad,” Ujarak

“Please,” Susan said her voice
wavering. “Did I hurt my mate?” She looked at Nicole, who smiled
and walked over to give her a hug.

“Not at all. If I had to guess, I
would say JP isn’t used to sharing space in his head. He’s probably
feeling a little overwhelmed from the joining. Taliriktug found it
a little unsettling at first.”

“I didn’t faint,” the large man said
with a grunt and chuckle.

“Try closing down the link and see if
he comes to. You might have to open the bond in small increments so
JP can adjust.” Nicole patted Susan’s shoulder. “It will be all
right. Give him time.”

Susan nodded numbly. She looked at the
mating bond as it pulsed a beautiful golden color and slowly
thought about closing it down.

“Don’t close it all the way, leave it
at the circumference of a pencil,” Nicole suggested as Susan slowly
diminished the link. “Good. Now, see if he wakes. You two should
probably talk about it.”

“Thanks, Mom. I knew you could help.
Come on, Suzy-Q. You need to get some sleep. We leave in a few

Susan nodded and followed Ujarak to
her door. He paused in front of her. A tear rolled down her cheek.
He sighed and picked her up. Instead of taking her into her room,
he went to the couch and sat with her on his lap. She couldn’t hold
back the sobs breaking free and buried her face in his chest.
Ujarak petted her hair and made soothing noises, his arms holding
her tightly.

“It’s going to be okay, Suzy-Q. The
lycan mating bond is never wrong. JP will be fine. You’ll be able
to relax and open the bond between you. You’ll see. The witch isn’t
used to being linked, is all. I’m sure that going from nothing to
having a new person in your brain would be difficult. You’re
already used to sharing your thoughts and feelings with the other

“JP isn’t a witch. He’s an alien. I
saw a place in his mind that’s got to be another planet.” She got
out between sobs.

“An alien, huh? Well, that explains
the pointed ears. I didn’t want to say anything since he’s your
mate. He’s kind of pretty too, for a guy, I mean.” Ujarak rubbed
her back.

“Do you think he’ll try to abduct me
like in the movies?” Susan hiccupped and sniffled.

“No. Mathis has known him for years.
He vouched for him, remember? If my brother says he’s okay, then I
trust him.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Why do these
things always happen to me?” Susan buried her face again as another
round of sobs tore from her throat.

“I’ve got you, Suzy-Q. It’s going to
be okay.”


Chapter Four


Jean-Paul slowly opened his eyes. What
the hell was he doing on the floor? His head felt like it wanted to
explode. He moaned and closed his eyes again. He felt a trickle of
awareness. It was Susan. She was asleep, and felt safe and warm.
Then he remembered. Her thoughts poured into his mind, her desire
feeding his, her excitement doubling his. It became impossible to
know whose thought was whose. His brain started to race. He
couldn’t think. Then he was flying. Ecstasy washed over him. It was
too much. JP’s heart thudded in his chest. Was Susan all

Where was she? He opened his eyes
again and leaned up. A thin golden cord of light ran from his chest
and through the door. He tried to touch the link, but his hand
passed through it. Wasn’t it supposed to be bigger than a pencil?
Mathis called it a rope.

Sitting up, he groaned and rested his
head in his hands. What he wouldn’t give for a healing potion about
now. Marguerite might have one in her workroom. He reached with his
magic and gasped as pain punched his skull. He gritted his teeth
and pulled the little blue potion bottle through space to his hand.
It materialized in his palm and he took the cap off and put the
bottle to his lips.

He could actually feel the potion
working as the pain drained away. He blinked and his eyesight
cleared. Great Goddess that felt good. He stood and reached for his
pants. Susan’s clothes still lay on the floor. Did she shift? That
would be dangerous in the polar bear village. He tugged on his
jeans and grabbed his shirt. He needed to find her.

He hurried down the hall and into the
living room. He froze, not believing his eyes. Susan lay in
Ujarak’s arms, sound asleep. It didn’t matter that she was wrapped
in a sheet. He’d claimed her last night. Cemented the mating bond
into place, and here she was in another man’s arms?

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