My Scandinavian Lover (2 page)

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Authors: Bella Donnis

BOOK: My Scandinavian Lover
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“Think so – I’ll just squeeze through shall I!”

Jayne felt Astrid brush against her. Did she not make herself smaller to get to the fridge? Astrid opened the door, bending over and peering inside. The light shone against her bare skin, highlighting the slender yet sculpted legs. That ass! It took so much effort not to grab that thing. The wide hips contrasted perfectly against her slender waist.

Astrid stood and closed the door. “Yoghurt! I have one every day around this time.”

Great – Now Jayne would have to watch her eat yoghurt back in the office. All she wanted to do was pour the entire tub over her body and scoop it up with her tongue. “I love yoghurt!” Oh, how lame a response.

Astrid turned back before leaving the room and for a minute Jayne worried she’d caught her gawping. “Just one more thing – I’m inviting the department out for drinks tonight over at Bar Francois. It’d be great to get to know everybody. You know – break the ice!”

“Oh – Yeah, I’ll come. It’ll be nice to get to know you better.” This would not be easy.




After work, Jayne had returned home to change before heading out again. She wore a flowery dress which usually brought her much attention. It exposed a great deal of cleavage and although she doubted Astrid was a lesbian, she still wanted to leave a lasting impression on the girl. She sprayed herself with Chanel and attached her favourite necklace which would temporarily lose itself in her boobs.

Jayne was the last from the group to arrive at the bar and was happy to find Astrid had reserved a spot next to her. No man – Hmmm – Interesting!

As she approached, the sudden awareness of being so close to her almost brought on a panic. Stay cool, dammit - Easier said than done considering Astrid wore an elegant black sequined dress which exposed the top of her cleavage. That would be sure to taunt - tempt her even, all evening.

She took her seat next to Astrid and was greeted by the inviting aroma of rose petals – along with a cuddle and kiss on the cheek. Astrid’s boobs pushed hard against her own. This would be a tough night.

Abdul arrived from the bar carrying a tray full of shots and beer. He plonked down the tray and everybody grabbed their drinks. Jayne figured that one round alone must have cost Abdul the equivalent of one week’s wages for herself. She was exempt from buying drinks for everybody – the one and only perk of being an underpaid trainee.

“It’s absinthe – hope you like it babe.” Abdul slid the shot towards Astrid.

“Babe?” Jayne asked her. “He’s being overly familiar isn’t he?”

“How come his wife isn’t with him tonight? This was meant to be an opportunity to meet everybody.” Astrid knocked back the shot as Abdul looked on from the next seat.

“I’m really not sure – As far as I know she finishes work around the same time as us. There’s no reason she shouldn’t be here.” Abdul’s wife worked in an office only a couple blocks away. However, Abdul’s wife was not in the direction Jayne wanted to steer the conversation towards. “So tell me about yourself – I’m assuming you’re Swedish?”

“Nope, I’m Danish! Let me guess – it was the stereotypical long blonde hair that made you think that?” Her hair seemed to come alive as she moved her head, fine strands falling from her shoulders and down her back.

“I guess you must get that quite a lot?” Jayne really did not want to be pigeonholed with all the others.

“There are blondes in Copenhagen too – lots of them! You ever been?” Her face came alive, her voice full of nostalgia.

“Nope, but I’d love to go.” If the locals were anything like the one Jayne was speaking to right now, then it would certainly be a fun and memorable trip.

Bar Francois, being an upmarket kind of place attracted a similar clientele. It was chic, moderately busy and the music played low so conversations could be heard. The group sat round a large table in a booth tucked away in the corner.

“Those two really look like they’re having fun.” Astrid turned to face Jayne, but gestured with her eyes toward Mr and Mrs Bateman. They sat ashen faced, full of gloom with a beer each in front of them.

“Looks like they’re just going through the motions.” It wasn’t easy for Jayne to sit next to Astrid, their hips pressed against each other on the bench, her smell filling her breathing apparatus. “If I’d been with someone a hundred years, I’d probably feel like that.” She didn’t believe the words even as she spoke them. There was nothing Jayne wanted more than a perfect relationship with somebody who excited her.

“Well what about you? Are you seeing anybody special right now?”

The query didn’t sound like she simply wanted to know the answers to the usual polite questions – there was some genuine interest there. Jayne was also dying to know the answer to that very question about her. She let out a laugh, “Are you kidding me? On my pay grade, I can barely afford to eat.”

“That’s such a pity. A pretty girl like you should be happy with somebody.” Astrid paused, looking at her with soft eyes. “If you don’t mind me asking – You do like women don’t you?”

“Hah, well I guess I make it fairly obvious.”

“I think it’s pretty cool – You seem very together with it all!”

“Well there’s no other way to be about it.” It felt odd, talking about being a lesbian in such close proximity to Astrid. Nothing had been picked up on Jayne’s gaydar, which was a great pity. Had there been the slightest inkling she was even bi, it would be more than worth attempting to get in her pants tonight. “So how about you? A stunning lady like yourself must have guys throwing themselves at you.”

The waiter appeared from the side, holding a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Excuse me madams – A gift from the gentlemen at the bar.”

Two tall men in suits, stood, half leaned against the bar trying to appear aloof and cool. One of them gave a small wave upon catching Jayne’s eye.

Astrid looked back to the waiter. “Thanks, we’ll take them. But can you make them aware, we’re having a private company party and would not like to be disturbed.”

“Yes, madam!”

“Wow, you certainly know how to deal with generous men.”

“If I spoke to every guy who tried to buy me off with drinks I’d have no time for anything else.” She was annoyed, probably offended by the gesture. “I mean, do they really think they can buy us wine and we’ll just fall into their arms? What does it say about any guy who’d try such a thing?”

“I agree! You can see why I gave up on men many years ago.” Jayne took the opportunity to stare down Astrid’s luscious cleavage while she scowled at the two men.

“Well, sometimes I think things would be a lot simpler with a woman – And it’s hard to find a guy who has the slightest idea of how to satisfy a girl where it matters.”

“Hah, I can’t help you there love – Never had a guy in my life.”

“Really?” Astrid looked over to Abdul, who’d spent the last few minutes stealing glances at the new girl. She then looked back to Jayne and spoke with a lowered voice. “You asked earlier if I was seeing anybody. Well I’m not!”

A shiver shot up Jayne’s spine. What was that? Why was Astrid making a point out of being single? And not just single, but also condemning men and all their flaws. Jayne wondered how she should play this, realising she was probably in with a shot of burying her tongue deep inside Astrid’s pussy tonight. “Well, you’ve just started a new job. Maybe a new partner right now would be bad timing.” But that was playing it too safe. No - if she was going to sleep with Astrid tonight, then she’d have to be at least a little bolder. Astrid was clearly a girl who could have almost anybody, yet was fed up with half-baked, gutless pickup attempts made by men who used waiters to do the leg-work for them.

“You’re right about that! I’m not looking for a new partner, but a little fun wouldn’t hurt anybody.”

Abdul shot to life, straightened in his seat, said something to Mrs Bateman, then pulled their two untouched shots closer. “Here you go babe, doesn’t look like the boss and her husband want these so looks like there’s more for us.” He slid an absinthe in front of Astrid, keeping hold of the other glass.

“Oh, that’s ok. Looks like we’ll be fine with the wine.” She slid the shot back towards Abdul.

“You mean you’re not getting pissed tonight love? On your initiation? I’m not having this – Down it!” Abdul spoke with feigned aggression, but not taking
for an answer.

“Looks like you’re not giving me a choice, Abdul.” She picked up the glass, chinked it against Abdul’s and downed the fluid.

Abdul wheezed for a breath before slamming the glass to the table and returning to his beer. “Look at those two. Nice isn’t it!” He nodded his head toward Angela and her new boyfriend who’d been lost in each other all night long. “There’s nothing like new and exciting love is there!”

“You can say that again Abdul.” Astrid humoured him – something which appeared lost on Abdul.

“So Astrid, tell me about your workout regime.” Jayne came to the rescue and took a small delight in the flash of rage which shot across Abdul’s face.

Astrid turned her body back to face Jayne, pushing her knee into hers as a gesture of
. “Well, Jayne, I workout five times a week.” She winked at Jayne, “I like to keep my body in tip-top and trim condition.”

Jayne couldn’t figure out if Astrid was taunting Abdul, or trying to turn
on. Of course, Jayne herself worked out regularly because she enjoyed possessing the same kind of body that she also found devilishly attractive in other girls, which Astrid had in spades. If the conversation was leading in this direction, then her head would likely turn to mush. “Well you certainly do have one fit body!” She said loud enough for Abdul to hear, then leaned closer to Astrid’s ear to whisper, “Your legs are incredible!” She knew it was the wine speaking, but she didn’t give a damn. If she made a fool out of herself by taking a chance and being rebuked by this beautiful woman then she’d be out of the office after this week anyway. She wanted so badly to run her hand up the inside of Astrid’s thigh right where she sat, but there was that company reference to think about, not to mention Astrid’s reputation around the office.

“You are quite the player aren’t you!” Astrid whispered back and Jayne felt a hand on her thigh below the table. The same inhibitions that Jayne had, clearly weren’t mutually shared.

A bolt of electricity which could only be interpreted as exhilaration shot through Jayne’s body. Ok, maybe she
bi, or at the very least was up for a fuck. Straight girls didn’t go around touching gay women like this – Or at least, Jayne had never known it to happen. Jayne usually loved playing things subtle, yet she sensed a different strategy would be required with Astrid. If indeed a
was required at all, for
seemed to be making moves on
– or at the very least was sending mixed signals. Sure, Astrid’s hand was even now resting on her thigh, but there was something not quite right. How could it be this easy? Perhaps she was simply gagging for a guaranteed climax from a woman who knew what she was doing? Maybe Jayne should simply relax and enjoy the evening, sitting next to a beautiful woman and seeing where things might lead.

She knew she should capitalise on the small move made by Astrid and so Jayne’s hand wondered over Astrid’s thigh. The thin material of her dress prevented contact with her skin, so Jayne slid the fabric higher up her leg and placed her hand on the inside of her thigh. God this was exciting - The entire accounts department sat round the table, including the boss and a drooling Abdul, all the while Jayne and Astrid touched each other out of eyeshot of their colleagues. And it was safe to say Jayne no longer cared for that reference – She was hot, turned on and hoping for a release after leaving Bar Francois – The kind of release that could only be brought about by two fingers and a hot tongue.

Jayne took hold of her wine, taking a small sip while rubbing the inside of Astrid’s thigh. The flesh was smooth and supple and she could not remember a time she’d been so brazen. Her fingers changed tact and now lightly grazed skin. She felt a shiver from Astrid as she glanced closer to her pussy.

Abdul sat forlorn, making occasional texts on his phone while also taking any opportunity to stare down Astrid’s top, not that Jayne could berate him for that for she’d lost count of the amount of times she’d also taken any opportunity to do the same. Mr and Mrs Bateman were now at least engaged in conversation and since they sat opposite, Jayne was happy they were distracted from her busy hands below the table. The two love birds to the right of Jayne were so deeply involved in each other, she doubted they’d notice if she took Astrid right then and there on the table top. As long as Abdul didn’t notice anything untoward happening, mere feet from where he sat, then Jayne was happy to take the chance and have some fun.

Astrid took a sip from her wine glass, while removing her hand from Jayne’s leg and placing it on her roaming hand. Astrid drew Jayne’s hand into her pussy, applying a small amount of pressure as if to say –
do me

Jayne felt the moisture through what felt like lace underwear. But more than that, it was now obvious that this Goddess of a woman desired Jayne just as much. She felt lightheaded at the thought of having her naked in her bed. She rubbed a finger lightly over Astrid’s clit, who took her wine glass, tipped it back, taking in some of the fluid in order to disguise her naughty pleasure.

Jayne moved a finger inside the fabric that clung to her pubic area, twirling it around her moist digit and giving it a tug, stretching the material before letting it snap back into position. The underwear smacking against Astrid’s soft skin made a high-pitched sound that Jayne only just made out. She smirked to herself and saw that Astrid also beamed with delight.

“I’m going to the bathroom. Wait a minute and excuse yourself!” Astrid stood, squeezed passed Abdul and exited the booth.

From the look on Abdul’s face, he took pleasure in having Astrid’s leg press against his knees as she left. He shamelessly turned his head, staring at her ass as she walked down the gangway toward the bathroom. He turned back to the table, picked up his beer while puffing out his cheeks. How shameless – Men had no subtlety.

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