My Soul to Keep (The Soul Keeper Series - Young Adult Paranormal Romance) (30 page)

BOOK: My Soul to Keep (The Soul Keeper Series - Young Adult Paranormal Romance)
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“Will, I
can read people's minds?”

“The eyes
are the window to one’s soul. You can read people's thoughts by looking in
their eyes. How else will you find the words to sway their actions? It makes

“Well can
I turn it off? I don't want to see my naked body every time I look into Sam's
eyes.” I wrap my arms around myself feeling vulnerable already. He bursts into

“You will
have to get used to it, I'm afraid there is no turning it off.”

“What if
I'm not wearing the necklace?”

necklace has nothing to do with it now, once you put it on it did what it was
made to do. It revealed your gifts.
“What other gifts do I have? I
don't want any more surprises.”

“I really
don't know. We will have to test you,” he says almost sounding apologetic. I
pace the floor, my heels click into the wood. I feel like a grenade without its

then,” I say before heading out my door and blinking back to my realm.
Downstairs I grab the bottle of champagne from the fridge. I uncork it and pour
myself a glass. I hear the door slide open and watch Sam striding towards me. I
keep my gaze averted away from his eyes.

“Care for
a glass?” He pulls me into his chest and grabs my glass. He takes a long slow
drink, finishing the glass, and then kisses me deeply, filling my mouth with
the cool bubbles and his tongue. I hear him set the glass down and he grabs my
waist lifting me effortlessly to the counter top. He positions himself between
my thighs.

don't you want to wait until we are married.” I allow him to search my eyes
while I watch the scene shift in his mind. One second he pictures his zipper
going down and the next second he pictures me in white lingerie. I see a ring
on my finger and a new look of resolve in Sam's eye as he course corrects his
decision to match my suggestion,
He picks me up and sets me on the ground.

don't you pour us all a glass? I will go find Em and Chris.” I take down three
more flutes. I listen as the sound of fireworks boom outside. The town will
have a big show later this evening and we should have a front row seat for it.
I refill my glass and drink it down and before they return I fill it again.
Emily strides in first, followed by Chris and Sam. They each grab a glass.

to a new year and new possibilities. I hope we all open our hearts and follow
our dreams. Cheers!” We clank glasses and from the corner of my eye, I see
Emily wrap her arms around Sam and try to kiss him. I almost shoot champagne
out of my nose. What the hell…? Sam's eyes widen and he pushes her away.

“Emily!” we
both yell out. Chris realizes what just went down and drags her off to the

“What the
hell was that Emily?” Chris chastises her.
I look to Sam and he shakes his head as if he is clueless.
I think I might have an idea. I walk over to
Emily. I look into her eyes and ask her.

“Do you
like Sam?” “
I liked Sam first, but he
loves you so much. And you are my best friend. Oh why did I do that? I just
screwed everything up. Lie you have to lie!” Emily thinks.

“What, no
I just thought people kissed on New Year’s Eve, I'm really sorry Bren.” “
Oh please believe me. Why did I do that? I
was just following my dreams like she said to.

cool Emily, here in America, we usually wait till midnight, and we kiss the one
who brought us.” Great, me and my big mouth, I just need to quit talking. I
gulp down another glass of bubs and find the bottle is empty. I grab another
from the fridge; yeah it's been that kind of day. I pop the cork while the
three of them stare at me like I'm an alien– awkward. Chris is thinking that
Emily and Sam are totally doing it. Sam is thinking that I am pissed and he
hopes that I don't think he likes Em like that. Emily wants to crawl into a
hole and die. Okay, time to make everything better. I walk over to Sam.

“I love
you baby, thank you again for this party.” I kiss him with a slow lingering

“Mm, I
love you too.” He pulls me in and hugs me. “
does she make me feel this way? I would do anything for her
.” And I know he
“Come on Em let's go dance,” I
say while grabbing her hand. She manages to grab her glass before I haul us out
to the tent.

The tent’s
population has tripled in size and the party is in full swing. We make our way
to the dance floor and we manage to squeeze our way on to it. Bodies are stirring
to the rhythm, mere inches apart from one another and Emily and I are one of
them. I spot Sam and Chris talking over by the dessert bar. I hope they are okay.
One little innocent word caused a hairline fracture in our once stable alliance.
The question is, did I just slap a Band-Aid over it, or will the gaping rift between
us widen irrevocably?

The band takes a break and switches to D.J music. A
popular line dance comes on and the crowd is moving in unison to the urban
I want to dance with Sam. I try and will him
over to me with my mind. Who knows maybe I am telepathic now too. He is
watching me move but he keeps talking to Chris like he is distracted by
something. It looks like things are getting heated. Suddenly, Chris shoves Sam
then Sam punches Chris.
Aw hell
. I
run over to them. Sam's punch lands square on Chris's jaw. Chris tackles Sam
sending them both hurling towards the desserts. Okay nobody is going to get in
the way of me and my chocolate or my boyfriend.

it!” I yell out. They both look up at me. Sam has Chris in a head lock, he
slowly releases him. Chris spits out blood and glares at me.

all this about?”


Fucker said your ass looked good enough to
,” Sam thinks.

Brennen I was just being a jerk,” Chris apologizes
. I'll say you were being a jerk
. Sam straightens out his shirt and
brushes his hand through his wavy hair.

I can
tell he is pissed off at Chris. Chris probably made the jab at me because of
Emily's pass. So I still feel like this whole thing is my fault. I give up. I
take off my shoes and exit the tent. Sam follows close behind. I turn to him
and say, “Don’t.” His face says he’s sorry and confused all at once.
“Let her go. Let her cool off. No, I need to
apologize to her. I’ve ruined her birthday. But she said not to.”
He stops
and watches as I continue off, his brows still knit together, torn over whether
to listen to me or himself.
birthday ever. The sand is cold but I don't care. I walk down the beach
watching the occasional firework explode in the night sky.

I find Will escorting me when I blink into
the red skied world, now a strange aubergine color. The full moon has a plum
colored halo cradled around it. It’s beautiful.

made a mess of things. All I said was to follow your heart, something about
hopes or dreams, I don't know, but I caused a bunch of drama.”

it'll blow over. Just let them figure it out. All you need to know is that your
intentions are pure, they always will be, and that is what makes you so

“And as
the saying goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.””

too hard on yourself. Did you know that no one at your party will drink and
drive tonight or ever for that matter?” Will's deep voice carried in the night
like a drum. He is wearing a dark slim fitting shirt, though nothing about him
is slim. He could be a professional wrestler or something. I guess technically
he is.

“I see
the skies are clear again, so is the battle over? Am I still a target?”

battle is over for now. They will probably asses their options and strike again
one day soon.”

“Is this
some alternate world or plane?”

“No, this
is your world where you live; it just appears differently to you because of
your human blood. You can see another dimension that you couldn't see before.
But it's always been here.”

“I have
so much to learn.”

“You have
time and plenty of help. We will see you through it.”

“You have
been great Will, thank you.”

We continue walking and the fireworks dazzle in the sky, raining down streamers
like a Willow tree. Screeching bottle rockets and the rapid fire of Black Cats
resonate in the distance. Before I know it, we've reached the pier, which is
over a mile from my house. Will leaves me to think and I walk to the end and
sit on a bench. There are a few couples cuddling on the end and I find myself
missing only one person right now, Elijah. I feel guilty for missing him. I do
love Sam after all. I sit for a few minutes more just enjoying the quite before
I head back home.

The beach
is empty as I return; only the gentle lap of waves meeting the shore breaks the
silence. I hear the distant fireworks and they seem to be slowing down. The
real show is about to begin. I hear the high pitched screech of a bottle rocket
and the sound gets louder, I look around as the sound intensifies, it must be
close by. It’s not a bottle rocket- is the last thing I think before I blink
and see a yellow eyed demon bird twice my size, barreling in on me. Its scream
is nerve shattering. Before I can break into sprint, it grabs my arms with its
razor sharp talons and hauls me upwards. Its wings beat hard trying to gain as
much altitude as possible. It screeches again and I struggle and scream. “Ah
let me go!” We climb higher and higher. As I struggle, its talons strike blood.
I feel like my arms are going to be severed between its double bladed cigar-cutter
like clutches. Fireworks start, exploding a couple yards away from us. The
creature swerves to avoid the fire, tearing into my arm from the sudden change
in direction. The pain is inconceivable. I scream out. I can barely make out
the pier below we must be up half a mile or more.

“Tell me
young beauty, what is your destiny? What is it they have you doing that is so
important?” The thing's voice oozes like slime.

Where are you? I need you! Ah!” I scream out as the pain rips through my flesh.

“Tell me
now or I’ll drop you, you will hit the ground with enough force to snap every
bone in your frail little body.” It releases one arm and I dangle like a broken
branch from the other.

please... help!” My voice is desperate. I can feel the warmth of my own blood
soaking my dress and dripping down my toes.

have it your way. It's too bad you'll never see another birthday again,” he
sneers as he opens his talons.

I scream
a blood curdling, “Elijah!” as I fall.
brace myself for the impact. Three... Arms cradle me. I have been
caught. I crank open my eyes and make out
bloodied mangled face, right before I lose consciousness.

Chapter 17 ~ In Between

“Brennen can you hear me?” I am surrounded by bright
brilliant light. This is it, I am finally dead. I can't see anything but light.
Even with my eyes shut it seems like my lids aren't even enough shade.

“Here put these on her.” I feel a pair of glasses
being put on me. I open my eyes again and through amber lenses I see a room
full of Keepers. I am on a hospital type of bed. But I don't think I am
anywhere near home. They are all staring and smiling at me like curious
children. I swallow and try to sit up. My arms are sore and I look down and see
they are bandaged.

“Your arms were pretty mangled up and you lost a lot
of blood. But you should heal up with only a small scar. I'm Enara by the way,”
says a dark skinned woman of slight build. Her short curly hair is pulled back
with a scarf. She is quite beautiful, they all are really. I scan the room
feeling like a fish in a bowl.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the In-Between.”

“How long have I been here?”

“About a week, but don't worry time is different here,
you have only missed a few hours at home.”

“Where is Will?”

“He is in the infirmary still trying to recover. He
was nearly ripped to pieces when he brought you here.”

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