My Soul to Save (Soul Keeper) (6 page)

BOOK: My Soul to Save (Soul Keeper)
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“Move your ass Elena!” Deep down I’ve always longed to say that. Elena glares at me with murderous glances. Inara is in hysterics too. My crab finally starts to run as if her life depended on it, coming in third. Jet is in last place, poor guy took a wrong turn.

“Wear it. Wear it
,” we chant. Sam picks up the crab from the back and bravely offers it his finger.

“Ow! That really hurts.” He says through his laughs and squeals.

“Aw I promise to kiss it all better.” I say coyly. Jesson helps him remove the crab and releases it into the water. We’re still laughing when we go inside for the prom.

The prom committee spared no expense. The obvious theme of tonight is "Be Opulent."
 Three foot candelabras, dripping with crystals, adorn the tables, each surrounded by dozens of red roses. We find an empty table and the guys leave us to get drinks.

Emily and I size up the girls and their choice of formal wear as if we were obnoxious fashion gurus.  I spot Ari Campbell in some skin tight gold la
mé leopard print. “What’s Ari wearing? In true hooker fashion, she’s ruining animal print so bad, that even the monkeys won’t be seen in it by next fall,” I say causing Emily to burst out laughing.

“Sure they will if they can pull off drag as good as she can.”

“We’re so wrong.”

“I know, we’re awful.”

Sam returns with a glass of ice cold citrus soda for me.

“May I have this dance?”
he asks.

“I’d love to,” I say taking his hand. A slow love song caresses out a melody
, and Sam glides us along the dance floor. We don’t mind being one of maybe three couples on the dance floor. The only people I care about are at our table.

“You have the attention of every male in this room,” Sam says softly in my ear as we dance.

“I only care about yours.”

“Oh you definit
ely have my undivided attention, now and forever Brennen. I love you.”

“I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have you in my life. I love you
too.” He spins me in his arms as the song ends. Our love is magical, Sam blesses my lips with a soft kiss, despite the chaperone clearing her throat in his ear.

I finally get Jesson alone when the D.J tells us to dance with someone other than our date. The song is a swing and had it not been for that dance class our school offered in place of PE
, I’d be clueless. Jesson seems to know lots of moves.

"I have to get a message to Elijah. Can you help me?"

"When he comes out, yes."

I tell Jesson everything that my mother told me. Before he can say anything in return, Sam cut's in.

"May I?" Jesson releases me into Sam's arms. I can't help but notice the shock in Jesson’s eyes as he does. He sweeps Emily up and leads her around the dance floor, her face engulfed in a smile. I hope he doesn’t lead her on if he has no intention of dating her.

"What were you and Jesson talking about so intently?" Sam asks.

"He wanted to know about my internship. I think he wants to get his foot in the door."
More lies. Will they ever stop spilling from my mouth like water?

"I see." He nuzzles into my neck and inhales my scent.
I bask in the intimacy his feathered breath on my collar fills me with.


Journal of E.M May 18
, 2013

It's heaven holding Brennen in my arms again. She looks stunning tonight, as I knew
would. Will didn't notice I was waiting in the restroom stall a few minutes ago. I knew he never followed Sam in all the way, something I'll have to chastise him with later on.

Sam will miss out on part of the night, but maybe I'll let him have the last dance. She brushes her soft lips over mine, causing my entire body to lurch to attention. Then
maybe I won't. I know she's in love with him, it's his lips she cherishes, his kiss, and his touch. But that's only because Nehemiah stole her memories of us. I know the real truth, and I know she's this way because she wanted to keep her promise to me.

Chapter 6 ~ Dance with the One



Sam finishes up the dance with a sultry kiss that has me lost in a dream. I don’t know which way is up and if it weren’t for him guiding me back to the table I’d probably run into a pole. How does he do this to me?

Emily and Jesson sit back down as well. I've got to get Jesson alone again.

"I can't keep my eyes off of you tonight. Did I mention how breath taking you are?" Sam whispers in my ear with a hot breath. He really is enamored by me this evening. I suppose I owe Thomas and Maggie a nicer tip.

"Thank you."

"Alright you two, t
here are other people in the room." Emily teases.

"If I can get everyone on the dance floor
, we'll announce this year’s prom king and queen." Payton, Sam's ex, announces on stage.

"Who do you think will get the glory?" Emily wonders.

"Well the most popular couple in the school is probably Ari and Chris Sanchez. The quarter back always wins these things right. They were home coming king and queen."

"I don't know.
 They broke up and got back together more than a dotted line."

The sea of seniors in formal wear fills the dance floor. Sam presses his body in behind me, nuzzling my neck. It takes all my strength not to run upstairs with him right this minute and find a room. He trails a line of kisses down my neck that has me squirming in my four inch heels. He pulls me in closer and I find that I’m not the only one who feels this way.

“You’re blushing aren’t you?” he whispers so that only I can hear. I nod my head into him. Flames should be shooting from my dress right now from the fireworks going off inside of me.

"This year's king and queen are, Sam Montgomery and Brennen Hale."

The crowd erupts in cheer. I can't believe we won. I've only been a part of this school for a couple of years, and Sam only one. Of course everyone loves Sam.

"Oh dear." Sam grips my shoulder like he's in trouble.


"Nothing, let’s go up."

The vice principal places crowns on top of our heads and the crowd parts the floor for us. 
"Just the Way You Are,"
 comes on and a smile blooms on Sam's face.

When Sam and I dance, the world fades away
, and it's just us out there. He must be shocked, normally we'd be spinning across the floor by now, and twisting and turning are way through the song. Not that I mind the way he's dancing now, his arms fuse our bodies together.  The silky fabric of my dress glides over his expensive tux like they were trying to breed a new textile right here in this very room. There's a hunger in Sam's eyes that makes me wonder if my virtue will make it out of this hotel alive.

"After this
, do you want to go for a walk on the beach?" he asks as his hand makes small circles in the curve of my back. I nod, lost in his scent, his touch, drunk off of his love. The song changes, ending our dance. He spins me around once more before dipping me down low and kissing me tenderly on the lips once more.

leads me outside, taking a moment to remove his socks and shoes. I kick off my heels and he hides them under a chair by the pool.

"I'm going to miss you so much,” he says in his low register.

"I don't want to think about that right now."

It pains me all together
at how the angels derived this whole plan to keep us apart. My own mother, forbidding me from marrying him, only drives home this fact.

"I know, love. I just wish you could see the bigger picture, what plans I have for us."

We walk hand in hand along the damp sand, just at the water's edge. The hotel lights shine in the distance trying to call us home.

"Plans hm? I want to know all of your plans that involve me."

"Brennen, step away from him!" Elena and Inara appear, followed by Will. They surround us like a battle is about to ensue.

"What's going on?"

Why doesn’t Sam look surprised to see them at all?

Oh my God. The reality of what’s going on hits me like a Semi-truck on ice.

"Elijah, get out of the kid now!" Inara chastises.

I'll go. Calm yourselvces."

"Elijah?" I ask and watch as Sam nods his head. Oh no, this is too weird.

"How could you do that to Sam, to me, for that matter?" I want to slap him, but I can't bring myself to hurt Sam's beautiful face. I clench my fists up by my side ready to clock him if he makes a move.

"You used to look at me the way you look at him now. I'm not sorry Brennen. I would do anything to have you feel the way you used to about me."

"I can't have this conversation with you while you're inside of my boyfriend. Get out now Elijah! I'll never forgive you for this." My eyes become blurred with tears. I take off back toward the hotel.

"Bren wait!" he calls after me but the others stop him in his tracks. I don't turn around. Elijah appears in front of me in an instant and I run straight into his artfully sculpted bare chest. Bless me.

The Keepers go to block him.

"Oh for heaven’s sake if he was here to kill me he'd have done it by now, so back off," I grumble out, sick of being guarded like the Hope diamond. I look back and see Sam passed out in the sand.

"He's fine. He'll be up in a few minutes."

"How could you do this to me Elijah? All of my memories of prom will forever be marred
, and poor Sam won't even remember being crowned homecoming king." How did he think this would possibly turn out well for us?

"Elena, will you go back an hour in time and fix this? I won't possess Sam. You'll have your perfect night without me in it. I'll go now."

"Of course Elijah," she says softly, saddened about the pain I just inflicted on him.

"Before you go I have a message for you from my mother."

He stops and gazes into my eyes. The moonlight bounces off his dark hair turning it a shade of blue. "Never mind, I can't do this. Jesson knows all of the details. Talk to him before you leave. And Elijah, promise me that you'll never do that to Sam again." He nods somberly and moves aside to allow me pass him.

Elena takes my hand up in hers. "If you only knew how much you loved him before, you wouldn't blame him."

"So now you're on his side."

"He's my brother in arms Brennen, and he's wounded, trapped and alone."

"Do you have any idea what it's like for me to have these memories of a love so crazy passionate and beautiful? And yet, when I look at him I feel nothing Elena. The memories don't connect. It’s like that movie The Vow, where the girl wakes up from a coma and she can’t remember she’s married to Channing Tatum. I mean who wouldn’t want to go along with that scenario, but she has no freaking clue who this guy is. And it’s based off of a true story. Makes me wonder if she was one of Nehemiah’s failed brain scrambling victims."

"I'm so sorry Brennen. Come on I'll take you back. Don't forget to act surprised when they call your name," she's says, back to her usual sensible self.

She takes me back in time and it is the strangest feeling. Seeing the same things happen all over again. Emily asks me who I think will win. I give her a wry grin before they announce our names.

My sweet Sam, lifts me up and spins me around as the crowd cheers for us. This is the man I know and love. He whirls me around the dance floor so that my feet feel as though they barely touch the ground.
 Only Sam can make me float like this.

"I love you,
" I whisper in his ear.

"I know you do. You make me feel more loved than any man on earth. I'm going to marry you one day Brennen Elizabeth Hale. I want to spend the rest of my life making sure you know just how much I cherish you." He seals his lips over mine and the crowd hoots and hollers as Sam kisses the hell out of me.

Chapter 7
~ Nice Night for a Swim



"Bren, let's move this affair back to your house."

"Sounds good to me," I say more than ready to have some alone time with Sam. We take the limo back to my house. Emily takes the opportunity to pour us a cocktail from a flask she managed to smuggle in her tiny clutch.

"None for me thanks." Sam holds his hand up.

"You don't drink?"

"Nothing hard, I might have a beer or champagne on New Year’s."

"I can respect that." I say snuggling into him. Jesson looks far away and I wonder what he's thinking about. With the way Emily just generously served herself Sam's portion I'm sure I'll get the chance to question him later when she passes out.

"Easy Emily, I’m not cleaning up your puke later on tonight." Jesson rolls down the window and takes Emily's cup and empties it onto the freeway.

I've never seen him in a bad mood before. Emily looks confused and hurt by his comment. The mood in the car is getting thick enough to hang a coat on. I hope the whole weekend doesn't go this way.

When we get back to my house I know I have to do something to lighten the mood. Even I'm still perturbed by Elijah's interference.

"Has anyone ever been night swimming in the ocean?" I ask setting our crowns down on the entryway table.

"That sounds like a good way to drown Bren." Emily says already backing away.

"We have swim buddies. It's a little scary at first, but it's really fun."

"Sharks are not fun, they have flesh ripping teeth and I hear they love to munch on the thighs of unsuspecting teenagers."

"These guys will keep us safe. Sam is practically an Olympic worthy swimmer."
Not to mention the four other guardian angels in the room.
I need to do something, the anxiety welling up inside me is maddening.

"I'll never take my hands off of you." Sam says softly bumping his forehead into mine. Emily glances up with pleading eyes. I take her hand and lead her up the stairs to change.

The water is still chilly, summer hasn't fired up her relentless rays on my little coast yet. I slip in anyway despite Sam trying to reel me back in. I need something to take my mind off of Elijah. I splash a reluctant Sam with my toe.

"Ooh you're gonna get it Hale." He rushes me and pulls me into deeper water. I squeal out as the coldness wraps me in its icy arms. The propensity of the inky water consumes our bodies, shrouding us in darkness.

"I've always lived near the ocean, it's going to take more than a little cold water to keep me out."

Sam smiles and dives under like he’s finally in his element. We’re both creatures of the water that is for sure. I glance up at Emily and Jesson still contemplating on joining us. He takes her hand and leads her in even though she looks scared to death. I go over to her and Jesson dives under joining Sam body surfing in the largest waves.

"Are you okay? We can go back to the house if you're afraid."

"No I'm fine. It’s just his kiss was so confusing. I don’t know if it was an act for the camera or if he wanted it to happen.”

"It's his loss. I can tell he at least likes you as a friend, so maybe that is what you should treat him as unless he makes his intentions out to be more. I think the best relationships start out as great friendships."

"I just wish he would have told me upfront so I wouldn't pine after him like a lost pup."

"I don't think Jesson has ever dated anyone, so maybe he just doesn't know the proper etiquette."

"Really?" she asks
, and somehow I think I just made him ten times more appealing in her eyes.

"Yes now come on." She follows me out to where the guys are. Night swimming is scary fun like going to a haunted house. You don't really know what's out there but you know something really wants to get you. Something is lurking in the darkness, and the fact that you can't see what it is, makes every turn heart stopping.

Sam glides over to me, kissing me with salty wet lips. "I think I'm ready to relax with you in my arms and a crackling fire place." He says in his low register effectively turning me to Jello. He slides his finger over my lips.

“Is this the injured digit?” I ask coyly. He nods liking where this is leading. “I told you I’d kiss it better.”

“Your kisses are like magic.”

"Shark!" Will calls out circling above us. He darts into the water and my nerves hit the panic button to my rear end.

"Let's go, last one to shore has to cook breakfast!" I count heads while getting away as fast as I can. Sam smiles and away he goes.  Upon hearing Will, Jesson grabs Emily by the waist and helps her reach the shore faster. Something bumps my leg. I clench my teeth and try not to scream and alarm them to the situation.

A second later,
Will flies out of the water with an eight foot shark dangling in his hands, still thrashing and chomping at the air. That has to be the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life.  Jesson busts out laughing the moment we're on shore. I can't help it, I start cracking up as well. As long as I live, I will never go night swimming again.   

"What's so funny?" Sam asks looking at the pair of us.

"Racing you, like we would stand a chance." I can think of a good lie as easily as breathing and it has me wondering how much angel blood is really coursing through my veins.

"Guess I'll be burning your eggs in the morning." Jesson admits.

"I'll help you, since I'm pretty sure we tied." Emily gushes. Great, it seems his rescue mission gave Emily just enough fuel to keep the fire lit.

After we are showered and dressed
, Sam gets the fire place going outside and I put the stereo on. We lounge on the back porch and rehash the day. I go inside to make some tea and Jesson follows. He readies the cups while I set the kettle on.

"Emily really likes you, if you don't feel the same about her you should tell her."

"I like her too."

"You like her like a friend or like a girlfriend?"

"I can't like a human in any sort of romantic premise. We're not made that way."

“But you kissed her.”

“It was her idea. She wanted to recreate the famous sailor pose.”

She failed to mention that little tidbit. My heart breaks for her.

"What about Elijah?"

"Perhaps his soul bonded with yours because you're not wholly human."

"What do you mean his soul bonded?" The tea kettle screams and I jump, snatching it from the burner to silence it.

"You mean you can't feel it?"

"Feel what? I'm new to your world, remember."

Sam walks through the open glass door. "Need any help?" he asks.

"No, I think I have it. Thanks."

I try and understand just what Jesson was talking about. When I'm with Elijah I don't feel anything, do I? All I feel around him is awkward. Jesson invites Emily to join him and I presume he's going to break the news to her. I’m sad for her, but better she learn the truth now
, than spend the weekend craving the one thing she can't have.  

Sam and I kick back on the porch swing. He motions for me to put my feet up on his lap. I do and he begins to rub the soreness away from dancing in heels all night.

"I am the luckiest girl on the planet."

"I had the best time tonight. I can't believe we won prom king and queen," Sam comments as he continues melting me with his gifted fingers.

“Why? You reign over my heart with absolute monarchy. It’s no surprise you’ve managed to capture the hearts of our fellow classmates as well.”

Emily and Jesson walk back up the porch steps seemingly happy and holding hands. She stretches out he
r arms and says she turning in, Sam follows suit. I still want to finish the conversation with Jesson, so as soon as I’ve settled in them in their rooms, I head back to the living room.

he trio of angels sit in around examining a tooth from the shark, which thought I looked like a tasty hors d'oeuvre tonight. Jesson comes out and joins us, choosing to sit on the arm of the sofa like he’s not fully committing to staying. I take a seat on the hearth of the fireplace, allowing it to warm my back.

"What did you tell Emily?" Everyone stops talking and stares at Jesson. I can tell he's not a spotlight kind of guy.

"I very nicely explained that it was not my intention to lead her on and that I hoped we could still be friends because I honestly like her as a human friend."

“Did you actually use the words human friend?” I ask, while raising a brow.

“Um, I don’t think I did. I’m sorry, I’m still getting used to interacting with your kind,” he admits, looking embarrassed. Now I feel bad for both of them.

"No, I’m sorry for putting you on the spot. She looked like she took it well. You must be quite the charmer. I expected her to come back in tears."

"Jesson is some kind of charmer alright," Elena laughs out and I feel like I'm missing an inside joke.

"How about Will, the shark tamer over here?" Inara rubs Will's broad shoulders.

"Yes, thank you Will. I'm in your debt."

"Glad to help and no, I think we're about even on the scorecard." Will's deep baritone voice fills the room.

"Goodnight everyone."

"Goodnight," t
hey sound off. Jesson catches up to me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Earlier our conversation got cut off.”

“Yes, sorry about that. Do you want to go somewhere private and talk?” I ask. He nods his head off to one side. He follows me up the stairs. His bare feet padding over the warm wood is the only sound in the silent house. I lead him out to the catwalk. The black ocean is churning now, gray clouds are building in the distal corner of my world. The moon penetrates their masts with fragments of silver light turning them to lavender down, a pillow for God’s weary head to rest.

“Elijah mentioned to me once, that when you weren’t close by him, he felt like part of him was physically missing. It made me wonder. You see, there is this myth that souls are made in pairs. Sometimes the two find their way back to each other. This is rare because though they are made in pairs they don't go into the world that way. Some are born hundreds of years apart, some on the other side of the world. This is where angel's coined the term soul mate. Human's throw the word around so much these days that it's lost its meaning. But I think Elijah is your soul's mate."

I glare at Jesson who still bears a sappy grin on his face. "Myth, isn't that what you called it." He sighs with a heavy chest. Lightening illuminates the sky. It flashes out over the sand turning it into a colorless powder for a moment.

, call it what you want, but our kind usually don’t experience love like that. We’re made to love only one. It's very rare that we ever find that bond with anyone else.”

I rub my temples hard as if the pressure could fix my brain. I sink down to the floor and Jesson follows pulling me in against his chest. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that I’ve known Elijah for a very long time and I’ve never seen him like this. Elena told me what he did at the dance tonight and it was wrong. But what you and he share can only be true love.” Jesson’s words send me over the edge. The tears I’ve held back all day have broken through the dam. Hot and salty streams run between my lips and sear my neck.

“No, don’t cry Brennen. Elijah will kill me if I made you cry.” I bury my neck into his neck and he holds me close. “Tonight he told me to look after you. They still haven’t taken him, he feels like their toying with him. But he’s honoring your wishes and staying away. He feels terrible.”

“I believe he does. And I believe everything you’re saying Jesson, but I’ll tell you what I told Elena. Nehemiah fried my brain. I have all these holes in my mind and when I try to connect the dots they just won’t.” I shake my head in my hands again.

“I know, and I’m sorry Brennen. Come on let’s get you to bed.” Jesson opens the door to the catwalk for me. I climb under the covers and he sits down on my bed. “No matter what happens, I’m here for you. I’ve known Elijah for a long time but if in the end you still don’t choose him. I’ll be here if you need a friend.”

As tired as I am I can't fall asleep. I finally take out Elijah's journal and finish it by the time the dawn begins to break over the water. In summary I've had my life saved by Elijah more than the sum all of my fingers and toes combined. That, coupled with how much he loved me, makes me so angry at myself for ever disregarding simple instructions that could have saved both of us so much heartache.

Tell Sam we were at dinner and he fell asleep on the way home
: that’s all I had to do. Now Elijah is somewhere without the grace of his creator. He's truly alone in the world, probably getting tortured or locked away, and it's all my fault.

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