My Spy (29 page)

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Authors: Christina Skye

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: My Spy
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There were tears in her eyes when he cradled her face.

“I'm not worth a single one of your tears,” he said grimly.

“Say that again and I'll have to get nasty.”

Behind them rain hammered at the window. His hands
tightened in her hair. Annie saw the question in his eyes and touched his cheek, nodding blindly.

“What about your shoulder?” she said.

“Hurts like hell.” He smiled faintly. “You'd better go easy on me.”

“Take off your clothes and come here,” she whispered. “I want to touch you.”

Sam shoved down his zipper and stepped awkwardly from his khaki work pants, leaving white cotton against hard, tanned skin. He took her mouth, whispering her name hoarsely, and Annie realized his hands weren't steady.

Intrigued, she reached for the taut skin clearly outlined by white cotton, shocked when he caught her hand and pinned it hard against his chest.


His jaw moved. “I couldn't take it. I'm right at the edge already, Annie.”

Her smile was uncertain. “So what are you …”

His eyes were on her face as he moved between her legs, stroking beyond her final barrier of lace. “One thing at a time.”

His eyes dark slits, he explored her, finding silken folds and wet heat. Annie stiffened beneath waves of hot sensation as he stroked, searched. Deep, deeper, until she couldn't seem to take in air.

It was better than before. Now Annie knew how close she'd come to losing him forever, and the knowledge left her ashamed of the lie she had to maintain.

“Sam, I have to—”


“No.” She swallowed, fighting her way through waves of pleasure. “About us. You and me.”

His movements grew slower and more intimate. “What about us, Annie?”

There was an edge to his voice that hadn't been there before, telling her his control could shred at any second.

“This.” She closed her eyes, feeling the stroking heat of his hands. Every sense ached, fully sensitized as she shivered in the cold air, surrounded by the hammering of the rain, the scream of the wind.

His hand twisted. Her last piece of clothing dropped to the floor. Sam's eyes narrowed as he nudged apart her knees and stroked slowly.

She tried to speak and failed. “What, Annie?” He pulled back, then filled her again, finding a rhythm in his taking that made her mind go blank.

She shook her head, gripping his waist, unable to speak. Something was tearing inside her, clawing free and breaking loose. She felt his hands, the heat of his locked body against her hips, all part of an unbearable weight of intimacy.

With a stranger.

Yet not a stranger.

Then the thing she couldn't name surged free and she moaned as pleasure exploded and her body went liquid, contracting against his hand.

Her eyes flashed opened and she felt the burn of his eyes, but his fingers didn't stop. “Sam, I can't—”

“Again, honey. Trust me.”

Trust me.

Annie caught a harsh breath, feeling the lie locked in her throat. “Sam, we need—need to talk.”

“I don't want to talk. I want to watch you go crazy again.”

Annie gasped as he traced the exquisitely aroused bud of nerves. She throbbed at the slightest touch, pleasure cresting all over again.

Then Sam's mouth took hers and she gripped his shoulders, sliding to meet the thrust of his tongue, lost to everything but his touch, pushing blindly against his hand as he stroked her. She unraveled, lost against him, lost in what he was doing to her.




Long, dizzying waves of sensation gathered heavily, surging through her. Now she was hot, liquid with wanting him.

Liquid with the memories of how he'd taken her before, rocking her until pleasure snarled and screamed through her veins. She shuddered, feeling him sheathe a second finger in her heat.

In that instant, Annie recognized the simple, damning truth.

This was far more than wanting. This hammering at her chest, like a primal breath trying to claw free, was a thousand times more dangerous than idle desire.

She'd loved this man since the day he rounded her cove, fearless at his sails, fighting to hold course in a snapping wind.

She'd loved him when he'd offered his life for forty-seven children on a bus headed straight for hell.

She wouldn't let him go again, not without this.

“You're dangerous,” she said huskily.

“Not half as dangerous as you are.”

Dangerous? Annie let herself think about being the kind of woman who always wore red lace underwear and carried a foil packet in her wallet.

The kind of woman who saw what she wanted and let herself have it, the way she was going to let herself have him now.

Maybe she
a little dangerous.

She slid her legs high, circling his waist, and the movement pressed him against her in a wet slide of friction.

“Damn,” he said raggedly.

She smiled, suddenly fearless. Or maybe brazen was the word. Amazing that it had taken her twenty-seven years and one pair of red lace underwear to see the light. “Something wrong?”

His hands opened, gripping her hips as she moved against him. “Not that I've noticed.”

“Then what are you waiting for?”

His body was still. “For the top of my head to bounce back off the ceiling.”

“Forget about your head.” Annie reached up to him and their mouths fused hungrily. He felt wonderful against her, and he felt even better when she took his weight in her palm.

His jaw worked hard. “I need something.”

“So do I,” she said, stroking down his length.

“My pants.” His voice was unsteady. “I need my wallet.”

Annie fished the pants from the window seat with one toe while Sam simply stared at her, looking as if he might beg fairly soon.

Taylor was right. Sex, lingerie, and power could be a lot more fun than she'd expected.

Sam frowned as he searched his wallet. “I thought I had one in here.”

Annie realized he was looking for protection. “Try the pocket of my dress,” she blurted. “Taylor gave it to me. She said I needed …”

“I may have to kiss your sister when I see her next.” Sam fumbled with Annie's dress. “Which pocket?”

“Right top.”

Fabric rustled. “Found it. I only hope she got my size.”

“I didn't know that there were sizes. Taylor didn't say—”

“There aren't.” He leaned down, fighting a smile, then kissing her, rough now, not gentle, nipping her mouth and driving his tongue across hers until her nails dug into his shoulders.

Then he pulled away, ripping at the foil and sheathing himself.

Annie watched in fascination.

This was Sam. Sam wanting her, Sam staring at her with his face tense and his beautiful, scarred body hard with need for her.

Her heart took a jerky little sidestep in her chest and she raised her foot, trailing her toe across his rigid stomach.

He caught her ankle, turned it slowly, and planted a kiss on
her tender sole. If Annie's heart hadn't already been oatmeal, it would have melted then.

“You smell amazing.”

“Eucalyptus steam bath. Strawberry-mango face gel.”

“How did you get to be so damned smooth?”

“Taylor's exfoliating gloves.”

He skimmed a hand along her thigh. “Here, too?”


“I'll have to buy us a few dozen.” His hands moved down her back, opening over her hips. “Later.”

“Much later.” Annie was mesmerized by the desire she saw in Sam's face. “I'm not letting you go for hours.”

“Hell.” Sam's body went still. “I didn't think I could want you more. Then you say something like that, looking at me as if I'm important, as if I'm special and you couldn't want any man more—”

“I couldn't.” She traced his shadowed face. “And you are.”

Neither moved, their bodies touching, the bond between them fierce.

He breathed her name and Annie sighed as he leaned down, gripping her hips, moving against her, inside her, filling her in one driving thrust that had her wanting until she couldn't breathe with it.

Her body felt strange, hot and out of control, like the body of a woman who always wore red lace underwear and always carried protection, just in case. Annie wondered if she'd been that kind of woman all along, only she hadn't known it.

Then she couldn't focus on anything because their fit was too slick, too tight, and something was pulling her up, rocking her into him, sucking her into the pounding rhythm of her heat to his.

She gasped his name, caught in the magic of touching him this way, holding him as he moved inside her. Annie wanted to tell him how special it was, that she'd never been so lost before, never known it could be so deep or blinding or perfect.

No more wishing he was here, she thought.
He's real and he's alive and he's inside me, not a dream or a dim memory.

She closed her eyes, wanting to hold this gift, to hoard the sweetness of the night around them, the rain on the windows, the smooth stucco tiles beneath her hand with Sam warm and deep and relentless inside her.

She could feel him in perfect, minute detail, his biceps straining at her back, his naked body slick with their sweat as he rocked, rocked, rocked against her.

Suddenly it wasn't a fantasy anymore, not remotely a game. It was her and Sam, together again, only now they were hot and wet, panting and straining and holding and taking, and the taking had never been so deep or amazing or so filled with risk.

She opened her eyes to find his gaze on her, fierce and black, as if he were thinking the same thoughts.

“How?” His voice was low and strained. “How can it be so much better than I imagined? How can you make it so damned good to touch you?”

Annie only shook her head as he opened his hand, sliding between her legs, finding the perfect way to make her mind do that blank thing again.

Something tore away and left her shuddering. The world blurred and the shuddering went on for maybe a few hours and then Annie felt tears slip down her cheeks while the ringing lifted from her head and the feelings started to loosen so she could finally breathe again.

This is incredible,
she thought.

This is Sam filling me and it's worth every risk.

He traced her damp cheek, his jaw outlined by shadows as he said something she couldn't hear. Then he kissed her hard, sliding his tongue deep and flicking his fingers over her and she came again, this time clutching his locked shoulders, feeling the hammer of his heart, the bunch of his straining muscles.

Hers. This. All hers.

She must have said the words aloud because Sam said yes, he was and it was, and he never stopped moving as he spoke, never stopped driving into her until Annie realized the other two times had been only rehearsal and now, now the real show was starting.

Too sudden for words, she was
mindless and hot, coming in high speed and full Technicolor. Sam said her name, coming with her, stretching her, opening her, taking her so hard that she shuddered and bit his taut shoulder and said
just like a woman who owned red lace would do.

“Jesus,” Sam rasped, moving just the way she'd asked, his hands on her hips as he watched her. “I wanted you,” he said. “Wanted this. Every time you were around me I thought about this.”

“So did I,” Annie said, fearless, shuddering from the inside, holding him deep and taking him with her until he stiffened. Gripping her hips, he drove against her in a way that made Annie come all over again, in sheer shock at the pleasure of him losing himself inside her.

They were both gasping then, their bodies hot in the cool, rainy night.

Oh, boy,
was Annie's final thought.

DECADE Before Annie opened one eye. She was slick with sweat, bone tired, shaking.

Entirely sated.

Sam looked to be in about the same state.

She slid back against the wall, as limp as the rain pooling over the flagstones and flowing down the windows.

Women who wore red lace probably felt that way a lot, she decided. She was going to have to invest in a whole wardrobe of red lace.

She drew a long breath. “Is there a word for what just happened?”

“Insanity. Even by California standards.” He moved stiffly, taking his weight off her and pulling her against him on the cushioned seat. “Having sex that good is dangerous. I think it makes you go blind. Or bald.”

Annie ruffled the hair at his forehead. “Still here.”

“Glad to hear it.” She heard the smile in his voice.

Rain hammered at the windows in heavy sheets. Neither spoke for a long time. When Annie looked up, she realized Sam was watching her.


“Just replaying the last twenty minutes.” He seemed to be waiting for her to say something. After a while he pushed up onto one elbow. “I don't think I've ever lost control that way. You hit me like nerve gas.”

“Gee, thanks.”

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