My Vampire Prince (9 page)

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Authors: T. Skye Sutton

BOOK: My Vampire Prince
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About an hour later, Lliam comes back. It is ten o

clock at night and unusually dark outside. We walk to his car and he opens the door for me. I slide in, he has the seat warmers turned up so my butt stays nice and warm. We talk about the wedding a little and he explains to me that I am his mate. We really were made for each other, destined to be together. I knew it. We are to discuss wedding plans with his mother, the queen, tomorrow evening over dinner.

We pull up into his circular driveway. Even though it is so dark, his house looks like a castle. It looks like something from the olden days when royalty roamed freely through the world. Well, I suppose, he is royalty. I smile at the though, and Lliam giggles.

You know, it is not polite to listen to what people think all the time.

We both laugh.

We climb out of his car and into the cold, dark night. He leads me through the main entrance of his house and gives me a petite tour, not the grand tour as he says. He shows me the dining room, the living room, the formal dining hall, the kitchen, the library, and the main office. Finally, he shows me up the stairs to his bedroom. Up until than, my favorite room of all in this castle like house, had been the library. It

s the biggest library I have ever seen in my entire life, and themed in Greek Mythology. It is absolutely stunning.



Chapter 14: Lliam

s bedroom



s room is painted my favorite colors, black and red. The walls are painted deep red. The wall behind his bed, serving as an accent wall, is bright crimson red. The bedspread is black, the pillow cases match the crimson red of the accent wall as well as the sheets. He has many shelves full of books, CDs, and DVDs. It would take a lifetime to read all the books that he has in his room, though I guess, as a vampire, he has probably lived many lifetimes.

I plop down on his bed and roll onto my side to look in his eyes. The pull is stronger than ever. It starts in my fingers and runs icy hot through my veins, up my arms, down my torso, to my sex, down my legs, through my feet, and the circulates back up my body. Oh my, I need him again. I have never wanted sex this bad before. I remember him saying something about pleasure and coming to his house, but I just cant remember exactly what he said. Hmmm

I think. I guess I shall find out.

The look in Lliam

s eyes is demanding and serious. He walks towards me as he undoes his belt and slides it out through the loops of his pants.

Victoria, do you trust me?

he asks. I nod my head.

Good, now listen carefully. I know that your not use to it but I think that you will enjoy it. Are you willing to try something new?

Again, I just nod my head.

Alright, than here are the rules. You will call me love master, you don

t speak unless I tell you to or ask you a question, and you will not cum until I tell you. If you break these rules, I will punish you. If it becomes to much, say stop now, and I will stop. You must say stop now, not just stop if you seriously want me to stop. Do you understand?

I nod my head.

Victoria, I asked you a question.

Yes, love master.

He means business. Sexy business. Usually I would be afraid, but what he said has just seriously turned me on.

I am still laying on the bed. I am staring at Lliam waiting for instruction. I don

t think I have been this excited about sex in my life.

Take off your clothes, slowly.

I do as he says, I am still a little scared, no

I am nervous. I know he won

t hurt me, not really, just for my pleasure like when he slapped my ass. I am beyond horny right now. My pussy is wet, running down my lips. I will do whatever he says if he just takes me.

I am naked and standing in front of his bed now.

You forgot to say yes, love master when I told you to take off your clothes Victoria. Now, I must punish you. Lie down on your stomach.

Yes love master

I lay down like I was told, he pulls my legs to the floor so that my ass is bent at the edge of his bed. I hear his belt snap behind me. Oh my God, he is going to smack me with his belt.

If you move, next time I will tie you up for punishment.

CRAKC! I scream. He rubs where he just hit my ass. Oh my, I think to myself. That got my sex going even more. CRACK! This time when he hits me, I moan.

Maybe I will like this after all, and maybe I will break the rules more often.

Roll over Victoria.

Yes love master.

He grabs one of my wrist and puts a handcuff around it. The other end was cuffed to the bed above my head. He repeats his action to my other hand. He reaches to a drawer next to his bed and pulls something out. It appears to be some sort of strappy device. He holds it up so that I can get a good look. It is leather and seems to strap around the waist. It has a silver bullet looking thing in the front and one attached to a thong like strap on the back. He squirts some lube onto each of them.

He tell s me to lift my legs and put my feet on the edge of the bed so that I can raise my ass up a little bit.

Yes love master.

I say, and do as I was told. He straps the device around my waist, positioned the front bullet onto my clit, and the back bullet he left resting in the crack of my ass.

Set your ass back on the bed Victoria.

Yes love master.

As soon as I set my backside down, Lliam pulled on the end of the thong strap, causing that little bullet to slide into my hole. He fastens the thong strap to the waste band of the device, and grabs a small black remote.

The remote has small silver buttons on it. I assume that I know what they are for. Lliam presses one of the buttons and simultaneously, the bullets start pulsating. With each press of the button the vibrations get quick and stronger, rotating from back to front, then vibrating at the same time. Lliam leans down then buries his face into my privates. Using his tongue to swirl around my opening and lap up my juices. I moan, than scream, I am about to cum. I am not ready yet, and I am not aloud to yet anyways. I must hold it in.

Stop please, oh love master stop, I am going to cum.

He laughs and makes it faster. I arch my back and try to break out of the cuffs. I cant.

All of a sudden he grabs my pussy lips, pinches them, and than slams his member into me. I am about to unwillingly cum when he finally gives me permission.

We shall cum together now my love.

he says to me, and we do. I feel his hot cum spreading through my body, my orgasm is now ending. I can feel my juices mixing with his and running down my thigh. He lay on top of me as he uncuffs me.

Good job baby, that was amazing. I love you.

We fall asleep together.

The next morning, I wake up and don

t feel Lliam in the bed. Man, he is an early riser. At least I know he didn

t leave me this time. I finally decide to sit up and I notice a small envelope that says


on it laying in a bed or rose petals. I instantly get excited. I open the envelope and pull out a piece of paper that is folded in half. I unfold the paper and start to read it.

My dearest Victoria, I had some business to take care of this morning. You looked so peaceful, that I couldn

t bare to wake you. I called Ellen and asked her to open the chop for you, I hope you don

t mind. She and Lianna are going to work it all day. When you are ready, get dressed. There is a set of clean clothes in the bathroom for you.

I love you Victoria.

Forever yours,



I quickly get out of bed and run to the bathroom. There, on the counter, lay a nicely folded pair of black jeans, a red knit sweater, a paid of black lace panties, and a matching bra. They are all brand new and exactly the right size. He is good. I look around the bath room. To the left of the door way is a hot tub size jacuzzi bath, it has candles and bubbles of every scent around the edges, along with a vase of red roses and baby

s breath. To the right, is a huge stand up shower with two benches encased in thick frosted glass doors. I decide to take a shower. I want to hurry as I can

t wait to see Lliam.

I take off all of my clothes and place them in the dirty clothes hamper behind the door, and step into the shower. I am washing my body and could swear that the door opened. I look out, but its closed. I finish washing, leaving my hair dry because I washed it yesterday, and shut off the water. I step out of the shower and grab a towel that that lay on the counter. Under the towel is another envelope. Quickly I tear it open.

My darling Victoria, I hope you enjoyed your shower. I am downstairs in the main office. Breakfast will be brought in when you arrive. If you have any trouble finding it, ask one of the maids in the hallway. I will see you soon.

I will love you forever.

You fianc


P.S. I love you Victoria


I finish getting dressed, find a comb in one of the drawers under the counter, and comb through my hair. Then, I walk to the bedroom door. I open it and start on my quest for the main office. A short, stocky women stops me in the hall. She has long strawberry blonde hair and freckles. She is really pretty.

Oh you must be lady Victoria. I knew that you

d be a beautiful sight. How lovely you are

oh, it

s a pleasure to meet you my dear. My name is Paudrigene. If you need anything, just yell for me and I will come.

She seems like a wonderful person. I would like to get to know her better. I could see us being friends.

It is so nice to meet you as well Paudrigene. If I could ask you to help me find Lliam in the main office please?

She curtsies and smiles so big that for a moment, I think the corners of her lips might reach the edges of her eyes. She leads the way to the office, we chat amongst ourselves about nothing really. It is strange for me to have maids around, that and Paudrigene knows an awful lot about me. I wonder how she knows o much. Lliam must have been talking about me. I smile at the thought.



Chapter 15: The specialty mall


We arrive at the main office and I thank Paudrigene for her help. I am not sure if I should knock or not. I decide to just walk in. I mean, he did break into my house before, so why not?

Good morning Lliam.

I sit on his lap on his desk chair and kiss him on the cheek.

Good morning dear. Are you ready for breakfast?

I nod my head and within five minutes, as we were talking about what to do until dinner, the door opens.

Sir, Lady, breakfast has arrived.

A butler dressed in all black walks in, pushing a silver cart with two plates on it. Bacon, eggs, French toast, and coffee with cream, no sugar

my favorite. The butler leaves without another word. Lliam takes one of the plates and places it in front of me.

Victoria, would you like to go shopping with me today? I think we need to get you a new dress for tonight.

He looks at me with pleading eyes, as if begging me to say yes. Generally, I don

t like shopping, but this seems important to him, so I agree.

As we are talking a realize that I don

t know much about the business he handles. I know it must be important, him being a prince and all. I ask him to fill me in on it.

Well, honey, basically I go through the laws and prioitize them, I keep up with correspondences to our allies and families in other parts of the world, and I create treaties between our kind and other supernatural being to avoid conflicts. That is just a few of the things I do, but the basics of what you need to k now. You are not required to worry about any of that at this time darling.

That seems like it could be interesting, maybe I will hang around with him one day while he works. Since I am going to be his wife, I think I should be able to help him work if he needs it.

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