My Vampire Prince (11 page)

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Authors: T. Skye Sutton

BOOK: My Vampire Prince
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In the corner of the room sit

s a large solid oak desk, a black filing cabinet on either side, a laptop in the center set up for wireless, and an IPOD dock. Across from the doorway is a huge bay window with a pink bench in front of it. Very spacious, very pink. It could grow on me, I think to myself. Actually, I sort of like it, maybe we won

t redecorate after all. She leads me over the bench and we both sit down, facing each other.

It is silent for a minute, I am gazing around the room.

Victoria, we have less than two months now to get this wedding planned. I think Lliam wants to wait six weeks, but I think that four is plenty. Is that okay with you my dear?

I nod my head.

Ok, than I need a list of your friends and family for the invitations. Also, I need to get with your bride

s maids and maid of honor for the dress fittings.

We finish making a list and set an appointment for gown fittings. We talk about everything and nothing for about a half an hour. Then, there is a knock on the door.

See, I warned you of the search party.

We laugh and she says

come in

as sweet as possible.

Lliam walks through the door looking handsome as always.

mum, Victoria, are you two beautiful women finished? I have something to do that I would like my fianc
e to help me with.

Yes Lliam, go ahead.

Mum hugs me and kisses my forehead.

It has been wonderful, Victoria. Until next time my dear.

Lliam sits on the bench with me after his mum walks out and closes the door.

Victoria, I have a surprise for you. We need to drive there. Would you like to change your clothes?

I nod and we head to his bedroom.

We both change into more comfortable clothes; jeans and a sweater. It seems that I have an entire wardrobe here in his bedroom. Normally, that would have surprised me, maybe even pissed me off, but I guess I am getting used to things like that. We walk out to the car. The night is cool and breezy. We pull out of the driveway and take off towards Garden City Beach. Hmmm

I wonder why we are going there.

Where are we going Lliam?

You will see shortly dear. You are going to love it, I

m sure.

Finally, we pull up to a well lit, old southern style farm house. Oh my, this is the house that I have dreamt about my entire life! It sits back about a half a mile from the road. The driveway goes through the center of the ginormous front yard. On each side of the drive way, there is a huge tree. The hose is white with a white picket fence around the porch and closing off a small portion of the yard. The shutters are red and black. I can just imaging the inside of it. It probably looks like the house of my dreams as well.

I look at Lliam confused and excited. I didn

t need to say anything because he was obviously listening to my thoughts.

Vitoria, forgive me. I read into your thoughts and saw this in your memory of dreams. I wanted to build us the perfect house. There is one difference between this one and the one that you have dreamt of so many times.

He guides me to the back yard. In my dreams, this house had a medium size back yard with a white privacy fence. It looked similar until he opened up the back gate. The ocean! Oh my God, this is spectacular. I jump up into his arms and we fall into the sand just outside the gate. I kiss him and tell him that I love it.

We lay in the sand kissing and holding each other for a while. He truly is a great man, and he definitely knows how to give a woman exactly what she wants; even if he has to read into her past thoughts to do it.

Would you like to move in now, or wait until after the wedding dear?

Not now, we will talk about it later. Right now, I would like to go to your room.

I wink at him and start thinking of ways to misbehave so he will spank me again. I hear him laugh,

You don

t have to misbehave, if you want me to spank you, I will.

He kisses me on the forehead. I take off running to the car. He was faster than me, with his vampire speed, and was already opening my car door smiling when I got there.



Chapter 18: Biting my mate


When arrive at his house in record timing. He picks me up out of his car and carries me, bridal style, up the stairs to his bedroom. I have my head nestled into his neck. He smells of ocean and wilderness as usual. Oh how he turns me on. I start to hear his heart beat, I have never heard it before now. I got the sudden urge to bite him. this is weird, I almost can

t control my urge. I am trying to hold but, but I am not doing very well. I nuzzle my mouth closer to his skin and open my mouth. My lips are now pressed against his neck, I can feel his blood pulsing through his veins.

No! Victoria not yet!

Lliam yells at me and takes my attention away from biting his neck.

I am so confused. He sits me down on the floor outside of his bedroom. I am frustrated at myself and embarrassed. Why did I try to bit him like that? He grabs my face gently and kisses my lips.

It is normal for you to want to bit me honey, but you cannot do it yet. I need to go talk to mom quick. Go ahead and get a shower. I will meet you in the bed shortly.

He kisses me again and leaves. He is right, I do need a shower. I need to relax, I am still so confused.

I hope he explains this to me better sometime. He just told me it was normal for me to want to bite him, but why can

t I do it now if it is normal? I don

t even know why I care, I still think it is weird that I wanted to bite him in the first place. Not to mention the fact that I could hear his heart beat, and feel his blood moving through his veins. Curiosity killed the cat Victoria, I tell myself. I should just forget that this happened and never mention it again. Yes, that is what I will do.



s P.O.V


I want her so bad. I need her. She actually wants me to spank her! I knew from her thoughts that she had liked it, and I wanted to take it further. I am carrying her upstairs to my bedroom to do just that. She was thinking of my blood, my royal blood that will change her if she drinks it. Why is she thinking about my blood? Just then, she tries to bite me.

No! Victoria not yet!

I yell. I don

t understand, mum said that she wouldn

t do that until the night of our wedding. I tell Victoria to take a shower and that I will be back after I go talk to my mum.

I run to my mum

s room. She is sleeping, I can here her dreams. I don

t knock I just barge in.


I yell. It startles her awake.

What is it Lliam?


s Victoria! She wants my blood, she tried to bite me.

Oh honey.

She laughs.

Its ok, it means that she loves you and is ready for the wedding. I see we will have to hurt, she cannot change until the night of the wedding. She needs to transform during your honey moon so her family won

t notice anything. What were the two of you doing when she tries to bite you?

Of all the questions for her to ask, she chooses that one. I really don

t think she wants to know, but since she asked, I will tell her.

I decide on just giving her a brief answer, this is my mum, I don

t want to give her details on my sex life.

I was carrying her upstairs to my bedroom to uh
This is awkward.

So we could

you know.

Lliam, it would be wise if you would hold off that urge until after the wedding. I will move up the date. I shall send the invitations out tomorrow morning. Your wedding will be in two weeks time, January fifth.

I thank my mum then head back to my room to see Victoria.

I stop outside my bedroom door to think about what I am going to tell her. She is going to want more of an explanation that I previously gave her I am sure. Mum just said I can

t tell her what will happen when she bites me. I already told her it was normal. I decide I will tell her that she just can

t bite me until we are married. That

s what humans tell their children about sex normally. It

s a good explanation

I think.



s P.O.V


I am just getting into a red silk nightgown when Lliam walks in. He kisses me and we walk over to his bed to sit down. It is obvious that he wants to talk to me. He explains that my wanting to bite him is normal. He says that when a woman truly loves a vampire, that during sex, they crave for the vampires blood.

Victoria, it is important that you only bite me after we get married not before. So


I won

t be spanking you until then.

We giggle and he kisses me again.

Mum set the day for January fifth, we have two weeks.

We lay down together in the bed. I am still kind of confused. I keep thinking of his blood. I decide that if I want to sleep, I need to think of something else. I start thinking about the house that Lliam had built for us. Soon, I falls asleep and start dreaming.

It is the night of our wedding. We decide to spend our honey moon in our new house. We lay in the bed or our master bedroom, kissing passionately. Lliam rips my clothes off and uses his tongue to make swirls down my stomach to my waist line, than back up. On his way back up, I grab him and bring him up for a kiss. He starts making his way to my eager woman parts. His wrist is on the bed next to my head. I grab it and bring it to my lips. I want his blood and I am aloud to have it now.

Suddenly, I am brought out of my dream.

Victoria, wake up!

I had Lliam

s arm in a tight grasp trying to bite his wrist. I instantly let go.

I am so sorry Lliam. I


was dreaming.

He laughs.

I know, when you grabbed me I started to read your thoughts to see why you had me in such a tight grip.

Embarrassed that he knew that I had been dreaming of having sex with him, I said,

I told you to stay out of my thoughts Lliam. That was a private dream.

I am sorry sweetheart, but I wasn

t sure if should wake you or not. You were making sounds, I was worried. Anyhow, if I wouldn

t have woken you, you would have bit me!

We laugh and fall back asleep in each other

s arms.



Chapter 19: Present from the in-laws


The next to weeks couldn

t come faster. I decided to work a few hours a day to take up some time. Aviel isn

t happy about it but he doesn

t complain to much. When I am not at work I am spending time with my family. My brother and sister flew in early for the wedding. They absolutely adore Lliam. My brother went fishing with him a few times, and I took my sister shopping with Lliam

s credit card. He insisted.

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