My White Hero (7 page)

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Authors: J A Fielding

BOOK: My White Hero
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She let out a little gasp as Taylor picked her up in his arms in one swift move and carried her over to the bed. She looked up at him as he slowly pulled her panties off and caressed her smooth thighs. She closed her eyes as he slowly savored her feminine form with his hands, his fingers and his eyes. He then brought himself lower on her and began to slowly kiss her fine body, making her shiver a little every time he got dangerously close to her pussy but never getting quite there. He was enjoying the way her body arched up every time he showed promise of putting his mouth on her pussy. He slowly ran his lips down her thigh to her ankle and then up again. Her hands found his head and she slowly her fingers in his thick hair. She ran her fingers through his hair as he slowly worked his kisses up her navel to her bra. He stopped and slipped an arm around her. She arched her back to give him access to her clasp. When he pulled away the bra and threw it on the floor, she felt him harden against her crotch.

Desiree gasped again when she felt Taylor take her nipple in his mouth. She tried hard not to moan out loud as he slowly sucked and ran his tongue around her hardened nipple. He put his hand on her other breast and gave it equal attention from his flicking fingertips. When she felt the torture had gone on enough, she reached for his zipper and pushed it down.

Taylor knew what this meant. He pulled himself to a kneeling position and took off his pants as he looked down at her. He thought she looked especially beautiful as her breasts heaved up and down in time with her breathing. He laid his body down on her and looked into her eyes. He smiled when he saw that her pupils were already dilated from her desire. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him as he began working himself into her slowly. She bit her lower lip as she felt his bulbous head push through to her insides. She gasped when she felt him bury his full length inside her. He pulled away and looked down at her. Her eyes were closed as she breathed hard and fast. He pushed himself inside her again and again, opening her up until he could easily move his cock in and out of her. She dug her nails into his back, prompting him to fuck her even harder than he had already intended to. Her moans turned to groans as she felt his cock probing deep into her insides.

He suddenly stopped and pulled away. She looked at him questioningly, her disapproval obvious in her eyes. She gasped when he flipped her around so that she was on top. It was apparent that he did not want to cum any time soon. Desiree held his shoulders down and straddled him. She looked down at him as she worked herself on and off his cock. Soon, he was arching his body and thrusting his hips upwards, meeting her every downward stroke. He slid an arm around her waist and used his other hand to cup a handful of her breast. She moaned as she felt her nipple harden against his palm, pressing hard, eager to be let free while urging to be flicked and sucked at the same time. She suddenly began grinding her hips against his crotch harder, moving his cock in and out of her as fast as she possibly could. She felt a surge of energy go through her as her orgasm ripped through her. Taylor held on to her as she shook feverishly.

I’m sorry,” Desiree said when she finally regained her composure.

What for?” he asked as he ran his hand up and down her back.

You didn’t finish,” she said. She could still feel him hard and pulsating inside her. She hated that she had attained her orgasm so fast and way earlier than him. He laughed and kissed her forehead.

Oh please, that only puts me in the mood for round two,” he said as he gave her a little thrust, knowing full well that she was still sensitive from her climax earlier on. She gave a little gasp and felt her muscles tense up a little.

Hey, even I give you some recovery time and maybe a sandwich,” she said pulling away.

Do you want me to get you a sandwich?” he asked looking at her.

It would be good for a change, wouldn’t it?” she said as she looked at him. He laughed as he lifted her off him. She tensed up again as she felt his cock pop out of her.

You know I am only doing this because it’s been a long day for you, right?” he asked as he pulled his t-shirt on. Desiree smiled.

And I am going to milk that cow until I draw blood, Ericson,” she said as she made herself comfortable on the bed. Taylor shook his head. “Trust me, I am the one person who can guilt you into suicide,” she said in a mock evil voice. Taylor laughed. “What? You don’t believe me? Ask Rochelle and Cynthia. They know best,” she said. Taylor smiled and put on his pants before he walked to the door. He turned around and looked at her.

It’s those little crazies that make me love you,” he said before going out, leaving a smiling, blushing Desiree on the bed.

Chapter 6

Cynthia’s heart was pounding as she looked outside the living room window.

Do you see her?” Rochelle asked as she set the bottle of wine in the middle of the table. Cynthia shook her head.

You do know that she is not supposed to be home until later on tonight, right? We still have a good forty minutes,” she said.

Yes, and Taylor would not bring her back right now. He knows the plan,” Tony said.

Rochelle stood back and looked at the table. She smiled at her creation. Everything was perfect. She had planned to surprise her sister for dinner as a way to ask for forgiveness for the millionth time even though Desiree had already told her that she had let go of whatever had happened. Somehow, Rochelle still felt guilty and she was jumping through hoops to make sure she made everything okay again. She had made grilled steaks, a vegetable stir fry of French green beans, and carrots and baked potatoes. She had even gone out of her way and bought the wine, something that she usually didn’t do.

Tony walked up to her and held her waist from behind. “It’s perfect, babe. In fact I have half a mind to start on it right now if I was not sure you would kick me right in the shin without a second thought,” he said. Rochelle smiled and leaned her head against his shoulder.

I just want everything to be okay again,” she said.

Everything is okay. You just don’t see it,” Tony said. Cynthia nodded and looked at Rochelle.

Tony’s right, you know. You have been walking on eggshells since we came back from the precinct,” she said. Rochelle pulled away from Tony and pulled out a chair.

Well, that’s because she was right. Even though she said what she said in anger, she was right,” she said as she sat down. Tony looked at Cynthia and then at Rochelle.

What do you mean?” he asked. Rochelle took a long deep breath.

Well, when Dee and I were placed in foster care, we initially had the same parents. They were great, a loving couple with two children of their own,” she started.

Why did they need more kids if they had two of their own?” Tony asked.

Their kids were in high school and they had volunteered their home. They never wanted to be in a house without children,” Rochelle said laughing. “So, one day this man, I think he was a brother to our foster dad, came home and it was just me and Dee. And we had heard stories of male members of the family being a bit more…friendly than usual and I went ballistic. I called him out telling him that he was no better than….” Her voice trailed off as she paused to take a deep breath. “Well, I said a lot of things not knowing that he was actually a DFS worker who was not on very good terms with the brother. He had some substance abuse problem and his brother had tried getting him clean and this was a chance to get back at his brother. The next thing I knew, me and Dee were being shipped off to separate foster homes and need I say they were never as good as the first,” she said as a tear threatened to roll down her cheek. Tony pulled out a seat and sat next to her. He took her hand in his and gently squeezed it. 

And you still turned out great,” he said with a smile.

I guess,” she said shrugging. Tony shook his head.

No, I’m serious. You did turn out great, better than most actually. It’s the thing about you I love most,” he said as he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. Rochelle smiled and put a hand around his neck. She kissed him again, softly caressing him until Cynthia cleared her throat loudly.

Keep it clean down there, kids,’ Cynthia said as she looked outside again. Rochelle pulled away from Tony and laughed. “Really? Now we are giggling?” Cynthia asked as she turned to look at them. Rochelle stood up and looked at her cousin.

Quick question, Cynthia. Is that what you are wearing to dinner?” she asked. Cynthia looked down at her sweat pants and oversized t-shirt and shrugged.

What? Have we suddenly moved to the Hamptons and I didn’t realize?” she asked.

Well, this is a special dinner. You should dress up,” Rochelle said looking at her.

You are the one making the big apology. I’m in the clear,” Cynthia said. Rochelle walked up to the window and pulled Cynthia away.

I know it’s my apology but you promised to be supportive,” she said as she pushed Cynthia out of the living room. “We still have…Tony? What’s our ETA?” she asked as she looked at Tony.

Um, T-minus fifteen minutes,” he said. Rochelle turned her attention back to Cynthia.

You have ten minutes to look glam,” she said before walking back to the kitchen. She took a long, deep breath again. She had not been this nervous in a long time. Perhaps it was because she never went out of her way to make someone this happy. She looked at Tony and shrugged again. “This is so weird. I feel like I am about to hear the winning lottery numbers and I put all I own into the ticket,” she said. Tony walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out half a bottle of wine from the shelf. He then took a glass and poured her some wine before he walked back to her.

Here,” he said as he handed her the glass. “All you need is some liquid courage.” She smiled and quickly downed the contents of her glass. Tony looked at her, surprised. “Okay, maybe a lot of liquid courage,” he said as he poured her another glass.

I only have ten minutes to get courage, so maybe I need the boost,” she said. Tony smiled and put the bottle back in the fridge. “Hey, I need more of that,” she whined. Tony shook his head and took the glass from her hands.

The last time I had to carry you out of here because of this liquid courage,” he said.

It was your idea,” Rochelle said in her defense.

Well, maybe that was not my best call,” Tony said. Rochelle looked at him and then down at the layered skirt she was wearing.

Okay, fine. At least tell me how I look,” she said. He smiled and let his eyes travel down her round-necked vest that showed off her generous cleavage and smiled.

If there is anyone who ever looks anywhere as good as you, it would be a crime,” he said just as Cynthia walked into the room. Rochelle smiled at her.

Okay, ice queen. How is this?” Cynthia asked, gesturing at her skinny jeans and floral top. Rochelle nodded.

See how lovely you look,” she said in an old woman’s voice. Cynthia rolled her eyes and walked to the living room. Tony looked at his phone and smiled.

Okay, they are on their way back,” he said and then pulled Rochelle closer. “You will need to set an extra place at the table,” he said in a whisper. Rochelle looked at him and squinted.

Why?” she whispered back.

We have company,” he said just as the front door opened. “Hey!” he said with a smile as Taylor, Desiree and a tall, muscular African-American man walked in.

Hey. Why are you all dressed up? Were you going somewhere?” Desiree asked. Rochelle shook her head.

No, I made dinner, you know, for being the bitch with the temper,” she said. Desiree smiled.

I told you that was over,” she said as she put her bag down.

Well, I did it anyway. I made steaks,” Rochelle said. Desiree’s eyes lit up.

Never mind. You can never apologize enough,” she said as Taylor walked towards everyone.

Guys, this is my friend Duncan Merlot,” he said. “Duncan, this is Desiree’s sister Rochelle, her boyfriend Tony, and this is Cynthia Alexander, Desiree’s cousin,” he said. Cynthia smiled as the two shook hands.

Pleasure to meet you,” she said smiling.

The pleasure is all mine,” Duncan said. Rochelle looked at Desiree and smiled.

I’m sorry. I spent the last two hours with Duncan. I am so used to being around him,” Desiree said.

It’s fine,” Duncan said. Rochelle pulled Tony aside and playfully punched his stomach.

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