My Woman His Wife Saga (23 page)

BOOK: My Woman His Wife Saga
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Since my hands were connected to her ankles I pushed her legs up and out as far as they could go comfortably. I would suck on her clit softly, making it real wet, then I'd blow on it until it got cold, warming it with my mouth and cooling it off repeatedly. It was interesting to sit back and watch as her cream began to rise to the top and gather at her opening.
I took the tip of my tongue and traced the edge of her tunnel in a complete circle before I stuck my tongue inside her, tasting her sweet, yet tangy nectar. I tugged on her clit softly with my teeth, leaning back so I could watch her juice spill over the sides and run down, my tongue catching it at her asshole.
Yolanda was practically begging me to slide up in her, but I wasn't ready yet. Pushing myself up on my knees I held on to her feet while I used my hips to rub the head of my man back and forth across her already sensitive clit. I would push just the head in, then pull it out and rub it across her clit again. Each time I went in, I pushed a little deeper until I was all the way inside her. I was killing the pussy with long, slow strokes, sometimes pulling out until just the tip of my dick was pressed against her, her walls gripping me like a Hoover trying to suck me back in.
Leaning in, I took her nipples into my mouth one at a time, since I couldn't push them both together with my hands. I grinded my hips into hers, causing another series of explosions.
“Now, I'm gonna untie you, but I'm not taking the handcuffs off. You ready to ride?”
Instead of answering, she threw her legs back farther so I could untie the scarves from her eyes and wrist. Once she was untied, I grabbed her by her ankles and she held onto my neck as I maneuvered our bodies so she could be on top. My girl did the damn thing to me, uncuffing me so I could hold on to her waist. Yolanda rode me until I was bone dry. Afterward she retrieved the eight ball from my coat pocket. She worked for that nose candy, so I just sat back and gathered my thoughts while she did her thing.
Thinking back, that was the last time I was over there, and from the imprint in my sweat pants, it was time to pay her ass another visit. While she worked me over I could see what info she would give me about her sister. They didn't appear to be close, and Yolanda was always out for self, so I was sure she could tell me something good. Making the call, she was all too happy to hear from me. We made plans to meet up before the week was out, and she made sure I knew what to bring with me.
Shortly after, just as I was reaching into my pants for a quick release, my cell phone buzzed indicating an incoming call. This time, Shaneka's number flashed across the screen. Peeping the time, I saw that it was ten o'clock at night. Damn, where did the time go?
“Yeah,” I answered, feigning sleep. Unless she had more info, I wasn't in the mood to talk.
“Carlos . . . I mean C-Dogg, I need you to drop a package off at FedEx for me in the morning.”
“On the real, Shaneka, I really don't want no part of whatever you tryin'a pull off. I got my own shit to deal with.”
“Come on, C. You know I can't go into FedEx since I got into that fight with the manager.”
“That's not my problem. Ain't nobody tell you to be in there on that hood shit. Go to another one.”
“Come on! It ain't like you delivering a damn bomb. It's a gift for Monica.”
“Oh, word? What is it?” I asked, curious as to how she was planning to get Monica back.
“It's nothing really. Just a little something to let her know I got my eye on her. Can you please drop it off for me, please?”
“All right, already. Bring the shit by tonight, and I'll drop it off in the morning.”
“I'm on my way.”
After hanging up the phone, I hopped in the shower. Since she was coming over, I thought I might as well get fucked nice. That should hold me until Saturday.
One Down, More to Go—1991
I ended up telling the principal only half the story because I didn't want to have to explain the previous day's events to my uncle. I used the excuse that I wasn't feeling well so I could leave early. I walked home so I could take time to think, and I became a new person with each step. I was tired of Uncle Darryl having his way, and having to deal with the ridicule from the students in school. I was determined it all would end that day. In my mind I hatched a plan that would get my revenge on every person who ever did me wrong—especially those snotty-ass cheerleaders and that damn Ashley.
When I got home I ran up to my room and dropped my book bag in the corner. Standing in the mirror I took a look at my hair, deciding to loosen the ponytails. I went to my stash, took out three hundred dollars, and left the house, moving quickly toward the strip so I could get everything I needed and be home before my uncle got in.
Stopping at the hair store first, I picked up a mild relaxer, a can of Isoplus oil sheen, electric flatirons, and a satin cap to sleep in. Once I paid for my items I walked three doors down to The Style Shop, a clothing store that sold fashionable items at cheap prices. I tried on outfit after outfit and finally settled on five pairs of jeans with matching shirts, shoes, and purses.
Clasping the bags tightly to my chest, I raced back home with three hours to spare. Hiding my new clothes in the back of the closet behind the boring clothes Uncle Darryl bought for me, I sat down to read the directions on the Dark & Lovely relaxer kit. I didn't want to risk my hair falling out from the procedure. Things were hard enough to deal with already without adding fuel to the fire. Following the directions, I worked the chemical into my hair until it was straight, and shampooed my hair three times to ensure all of the cream was removed.
After rinsing the conditioner and blowing my hair dry, I plugged in my brand new flatirons so they would be nice and hot when I was done cleaning up the mess I made in the bathroom. Taking a pair of scissors from the kitchen drawer, I trimmed my ends, afterward taking small sections of my hair and binding them into a soft, bouncy wrap.
Satisfied with my look, I then wrapped my hair into a beehive like I had seen my mother do to her hair many times, and tied a bandana tightly around it so it would be perfect in the morning. Getting rid of the evidence, I proceeded to clean the house and prepare dinner before my uncle arrived home. As I cleaned, I decided I would use a little more of the money I'd stashed to buy more clothes so I could keep up appearances.
I took the sharpest knife from the kitchen drawer, ran upstairs, and placed it under my pillow after I had made my bed. I didn't think I could kill my uncle, but if he came in my room again, he would get it. I would be buying a lock for my door tomorrow, whether he liked it or not. After finishing my homework, I ate dinner, cleaned up my mess, and took a bath. I put lotion on my skin so it wouldn't be dry, then got into bed to get some sleep.
My uncle came into the house around eight that night with one of his many girl toys. I woke up when I heard him come in, and I fed him and his company dinner, then cleaned the kitchen for the night. As I was walking by, he reached out and smacked me on my ass. I turned to say something, but before I got a word in, his lady friend was cursing him out.
“Darryl, you ain't got no business touching that girl like that. Keep ya hands to ya self!”
“Bitch, mind ya business! This here is family business.”
“Oh, I know you ain't just call me a bitch? Nigga, I'll . . .”
While they argued back and forth I made my way upstairs. I felt relief for a second because I never had anyone take up for me. Everybody always acted like they didn't know what was going on. At the same time, I wished she would've kept her mouth shut because I'd have to pay for it later. Once I was upstairs, I checked the position of the knife, closed my eyes, and anticipated my return to school. I contemplated how I would get Ashley back. I felt like the Grinch from How the Grinch Stole Christmas, hatching his plan to steal everything from the residents of Whoville.
I was abruptly awakened from my peaceful sleep by my uncle standing over my bed with his pants unfastened. I tried to act like I was sleeping, but my heart was beating a mile a minute in my chest as I gripped the knife under my pillow.
“Little bitch, I know you not sleep. Open up for Uncle Darryl,” he said as he dropped his pants to his ankles and stepped out of one pants leg before moving to climb on top of me.
Just as he settled on the side of the bed, I jumped up and put him in a headlock, pressing the knife blade to his throat.
“We're not doing this anymore, you hear me? We're family, and this shit just ain't right,” I said to him as the knife began to dig into his flesh on the side of his neck. He was sweating bullets as he tried to breathe with me pressing on his esophagus.
“Baby girl, I just came to give you your allowance and thank you for dinner,” he said as he tried to catch his breath. I'm sure he didn't expect me to snap the way I did. He was really trying to hit it before he went to sleep.
“Look, I'm tired of sleeping with one eye open. Why bring these women here and not sleep with them?”
“Baby girl, let me . . .”
“Don't ‘baby girl' me. This shit is coming to an end tonight. Make this your last trip to my room.” I held the knife to his back as he eased off the bed. When he got to the door he took a few bills out of his wallet and placed them on my dresser before closing the bedroom door behind him. I breathed a sigh of relief as I lay back in my bed and put my knife back under my pillow. When I woke up in the morning, Uncle Darryl was gone, but the money he left was still on the dresser. I counted two hundred dollars total.
Taking my time in the shower, I put on one of the new outfits I bought the day before and combed my hair down as I had seen my mother do. Adding the money my uncle gave me to the change I had from the day before, I stopped at the corner store to buy a lock for my door and purchased a bottle of Nair hair removal lotion.
By the time I got to school my confidence level was through the roof as I strutted through the halls like I owned them. Removing the remaining condoms from my locker and gathering the books I needed for second period, I made my way to the girls' locker room so I could get ready for first period gym.
Ashley and her crew looked at me oddly and laughed at their own jokes, hoping to make me feel self-conscious. I paid them no attention as I took off my new jeans and shirt, folded them neatly so they wouldn't wrinkle, and then changed into my blue gym suit. I applied a small amount of lip gloss to my already shiny lips. Brushing my soft hair into a ponytail so I wouldn't sweat out my wrap, I looked in the mirror one last time before sitting on the bench to change my shoes. I waited until I was the last one in the locker room before putting my plan into action.
Every Tuesday like clockwork, Ashley washed her hair, leaving it curly for the rest of the day. I laughed to myself as I poured half the contents of her shampoo bottle down the drain before replacing it with the Nair. After shaking it up vigorously, I placed it back into Ashley's locker and put the bottle of Nair in the bottom of my book bag. Tossing everything back into my locker, I made sure to put the combination lock on before heading to join the class with a bright smile on my face,
During gym, I heard all of the little giggles and sly remarks from Ashley and the gang, but I just chilled and smiled, knowing I would have the last laugh. I breezed through the exercises and was the only girl able to climb all the way up the rope and ring the bell. I noticed the stares I got from the boys in my class as they watched my ass bounce in my gym suit, but I paid them no mind. I had a mission to accomplish. Before long, gym was over and it was time to hit the showers.
Casting my shyness to the side and removing all my clothes, I put the plastic cap on my head the way the girl at the store showed me so my hair wouldn't get wet. Moving toward the showers, I made sure to get one near Ashley so I could watch everything take place.
I hung my towel on the hook under the showerhead so it wouldn't get wet and began to soap my body as I discreetly watched Ashley get into the shower. Getting a quick peek at her body before she closed the shower stall door that came up to just above her breasts, I saw that she had a nice pair of breasts—at least a 36C. I looked down at my A cups, then briefly glanced back at her.
I watched as she closed her eyes and put her head under the showerhead, soaking her hair so she could apply what she thought was shampoo. Before I could turn my head she caught me looking at her. My heart was beating fast as hell as she poured a huge amount of the concoction I made into her hair.
“Damn, what the fuck, are you lesbian now? First you fuck my man, now you wanna fuck me?”
Instead of responding, I rinsed my body under the water and lathered up again as she worked her hands through her hair with her eyes closed. When she stepped back under the water big sections of her hair slid off her scalp and ran down her body. She was oblivious because her eyes were closed. I turned my back to her, not quite believing that my plan had actually worked. She applied more of my concoction to her hair with her eyes still closed, and began to lather her hair again.
I was cracking up on the inside as clumps of her hair slid down her body. When she opened her eyes, clumps of hair were in her hands, and even more was at her feet. Ashley began screaming at the top of her lungs, causing a crowd of naked teenage girls to gather around her. The more she rinsed, the more her hair came out, causing Ashley to collapse in a crying heap on the floor.
Ms. Rhodes, our gym teacher, came to see what all the commotion was about. When she walked in she began screaming, asking us what happened and wrapping a towel around Ashley's head and body, calling the principal on her walkie-talkie for help. We were instructed to get dressed and immediately report to second period class. I kept my mouth shut, although I wanted to jump for joy at my silent victory. One down, many more to go, I thought.
Before the school day was over we received letters to take home to our parents explaining what had happened to Ashley, and to inform them that we would be taking gym last period because they were banning shower use at the school. I practically skipped out the school and all the way up the strip to get some more outfits and accessories for school.
When I walked into the house, Uncle Darryl wasn't home yet, giving me time to stash my newest purchases in the closet and put the new lock on my door. When I walked into the room, I was shocked to discover that Uncle Darryl had purchased me a new and bigger bed to sleep in. The comforter and sheets on the bed matched the curtains.
My little black-and-white television was replaced with a nineteen-inch color television with a remote. When I opened my closet a few of my old clothes were thrown out and my new clothes were hanging in their place, and my new shoes were lined up on the top of the closet. When I reached in the back my jar was still there, but when I counted my stash I had seven hundred dollars in it and I had taken three hundred out just the day before.
When I sat down on my bed I was surprised to find the knife still there. Under the other pillow was a note from someone named Stephanie telling me to find another hiding place for my jar, and to keep the knife in my room just in case. My uncle told her what I did to him and she helped him redecorate my room as a means of apology. I felt tears well up in my eyes at the gesture, and I did what she said.
Looking around my room, I noticed tons of new things, like the vanity that sat by my closet full of perfumes and feminine products, and an electric crimping iron accompanied by my new flat iron. I even had new clothes baskets, one for coloreds and one for whites. For the first time in my life I felt like a teenager should.
I raced downstairs and began to cook dinner so I could be done in time to watch a little television before I went to bed. I placed the bottle of Nair on my vanity and tossed the note from school in the trash. When I heard my uncle come in, I noticed he was with the lady from the other night. After fixing their plates, she winked at me before I went to clean the kitchen, letting me know she had my back. On my way upstairs my uncle stopped me before I reached the steps.
“Baby girl, I hope you liked your—”
“Darryl, leave the girl alone. She's cool. Right, Monica?”
“Uhhh . . . right. Thanks,” I replied, shocked that she knew my name. She winked at me again before I went upstairs, and for the first night in a long time I felt at peace, even though I was almost certain it would be short lived.
That night I lay in my bed thinking of how I could get Kevin back. My plan was almost perfect. It would take me the rest of the week, but he had it coming. When I finally went to sleep I had a dream that I was in the shower at school, only my head was attached to Ashley's body. I was leaned up against the stall wall as she knelt down under the shower with her face between my legs. She was orally pleasing me beyond my wildest dreams, but as the water ran over her head, her hair was sliding off. I wanted to stop her, but she had my clit in her mouth and her fingers in my pussy, causing me to explode in one orgasm after another. I didn't know what the dream meant, but I smiled despite the situation.

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