Napoleon's Gift (5 page)

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Authors: Alie Infante

BOOK: Napoleon's Gift
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“And do you thank that boy is gonna do as Mr. Jones asks?” Millie inquired as she shuffled her old bones across the floor towards the kitchen.

“I sincerely hope so Millie, if he does not all is lost. I have seen the way Mr. Charles looks at my
, the fact that she is half colored, makes her just his type. You remember what happened to Moses
petite fille.
He takes no never mind to the fact that
they are not his property. I’d soon as
le tuer morts,
than to see him put his filthy hands on
mon bebé.”
Kill him myself
Marié hissed, and Millie nodded.

“And did you give here that amulet I made
; you know it will protect her.” Millie questioned, and Marié nodded.

“Yes, but is it enough Millie. Mr. Benjamin should have been here by now. I tell you
truth; I do not think Mr. Jones has another week left in him. Then the first thing that evil Mr. Charles will do, is try to get the bank to sell him the
lands. We have to find some way to stop that.”

“Well, have you thought on sending Ginny off

“No, and I daresay she won’t leave me
. I’m the only thing she has, and you know as well as I, that I don’t have the strength anymore.”

“And have you told her of the illness
?” Honey, Millie countered, and Marié shook her head.

, you know I cannot, she would never leave my side. I have a few good months left in me. If Mr. Benjamin would only hurry, I could leave this earth, knowing full well that she’s looked after. If you remember, they were quite taken with each other, before Jean Christopher’s ball?” Marié sighed, then took a seat as Millie handed her the cup of tea nodding.

Yes I do, I myself thought he’d marry that gal, these whites be damned, he was so smitten. But, he’ll get here chil; you just hold on, I know he will.” Millie said as she continued to pat Marié’s hand.


Land’s Hand



As I walked into Ms. Adamae’s yard, I frowned.

I felt someone observing me, and the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I turned, raised the stick I was carrying, and readied myself for the attack.

“Nabbed you!”Timmy shouted, then pounced on me.

We both hit the grass, and I laughed as I realized who it was.

“Why yes you have. You are the smartest little man I know.” I wailed as I rained kisse
s down on his face, and his grey eyes lit up in his small brown face.

Timmy was Ms. Adamae’s
five-year old grandson, and as sweet as a lamb.

We both got up from the
grass; I picked him up, then retrieved the bag for Granny’s spices as Ms. Adamae came onto her veranda.

“Well he
jolie fille,
what brings you down today? Marié not feeling well today? I must say, I swear that Addison’s is getting the best of her.”

“Granny has what?” I cried, saw the look of surprise on Ms. Adamae’s face, then it changed to one of sorrow.

“I’m sorry
mon enfant
, I thought she’d done told you by now!” She wailed, and I shook my head. “Come chil sit.” She said gesturing towards the veranda swing, and I did, completely taken aback.

“Granny never told me she was sick.
She sent me for the spices.” I finally said, and she gave me a slight smile.

“I guess she didn’t want you to worry
mon enfant
, but you must realize that your granny is near to 90 living years.” She said, and I looked at her for several moments, then blinked back the tears.

I handed her the
spice bag nodding.

Juste un moment
, I’ll be right back with them.” She called as she disappeared into the house.

I knew
Granny had not been feeling well, but I have no notions it was this bad.

She could actually die!

When Ms. Adamae gave me the bag, I ran from the yard.

I knew
Granny was on her way to Ms. Millie’s when she sent me for the spices.

As I ran into Ms. Millie’s yard,
Granny came from the house.

“What is it
mon enfant
?” She cried as I gathered her up, the tears flowing freely now.

“Damn Adamae!” She hissed, as I continued to cry, holding onto her small frame tightly.

“Why didn’t you inform me you were this ill?” I cried, as I drew back from her and took her face between my hands, smoothing the wayward grey strands of hair from her face.

“Because I did
not want this to happen. Addie and her
grande bouche
.” Big mouth Granny snapped, and I smiled despite the seriousness.


“We’ll see you in a while Millie.
for supper if you feel up to it.” My grandmother called, and Millie nodded as she went back into the house.

“Come chil, we have some things to discuss.” She said and pulled me towards home.

As we rounded the house, I saw Jacques running our way, the look on his face stricken.



“What is it
?” Son, my grandmother called as he approached us.

Marié, come quickly.” He said as he took my grandmother by the hand, nearly dragging her to hurry her along.

When we reached the house, the faces of the servants looked grim. I rushed up the stairs, but Ab
el bared my way.

petite fille
, this is not a way that you should see him.” He said shaking his head, and I looked at my grandmother. She hurried into the room, and closed the door behind her.




Sometime thereafter, Abel, my grandmother, and Jacques came from the room.

I could
see my grandmother had been crying. I was not sure what I should feel, nevertheless I recognized my heart was heavy at his death. I had been near him for the last twenty-six years of my life, yet I discerned practically nothing of him as a person. Except to declare, that he was kind to all those who belonged to him.

“Your father was a
respectable man Geneviève, never allow anyone advise you differently.” Abel said, wiped his eyes, then walked somberly down the stairs.

Chapter Three…








Three weeks
elapsed since Mr. Jones’ death, and the plantation was in a very dismal frame of mind.

recognized how much the coloreds loved him, for the reason that he was one of the
“virtuous ones”
, Granny declared.

was not sure what she and I would carry out now, but every day, Granny pledged we would be well.

I on the other hand,
did not think that was so.

I frowned as I saw Mr. Charles’ carriage roll up, and every fiber of my being tensed up. My father was barely in his grave, and here he was
presently. I was not sure if there was anything we could perform to impede him either.

I was surprised
because the constable with him. I turned wide eyes to Granny, and she frowned. I heard a commotion at the front door, and moments later, they appeared.

“Are you one Mari
é Antoinette Basile?” The constable asked as if he had no clue who my grand was, and my grandmother stood.

“I am?” She replied, I noticed her chin raised a notch, and I smiled to myself.

“I am here to serve writ that this entire property, and its inhabitants, are under the temporary jurisdiction of one Mr. Jean Charlot Marrow, until further notice. Haven Plantation is in temporary hiatus, until we are able to distinguish if the newly deceased Tobias Jones has any fit relatives.” He declared glaring at me, and I noticed my grandmother grasped her chest.

She teetered, then toppled to the floor.

“Granny!” I screamed, and Abel rushed into the room.

“Send for doc Augustin, right away Jacques!” He shouted, and Jacques ran from the room.

Abel gathered my grandmother up, and was about to place her on the settee, when Mr. Charles spoke.

“I am sure her quarter
s will be more suited to the task. Please leave us.” He commanded, Abel frowned, then glanced at me.

“She shall stay.”
Mr. Charles stated, and I turned wide eyes upon Abel.

el stood his ground, until I touched his arm.

“Go, please
, Granny requires you at the present.” I whispered, he nodded, then looked at Mr. Charles again.

I felt my bravado
depart from the room with Abel.

Mr. Charles walked to where I was standing, turned my face up, then smiled. However, there was no mirth in that smile, it was pure evil.

“We shall have our time
mon amour
, as soon as I am completed with this dreadful business here.” He stated, then nodded me from the room.

My salvation surged through my body, as I hurried
towards my grandmother’s house.

When I arrived, the doctor was already there.
He glanced up as I hurried into the room.

“You do understand that your grandmamma is very
ill right child?” He asked as he pushed his glasses up with his middle finger, and I nodded.

merely just found out this day. How terrible is it?”

her aliment is the Addison chil, but her heart as well.” He said, and I gasped again.

Addison’s was notorious for a death sentence.

“Heart as well? Will she wake?” I cried, surging to my feet.

“That I can
not rightly declare as of now chil, we shall simply have to wait and see.”

If the breath had left me
beforehand, at the moment I was suffocating.

“But how will we survive? Mr. Charles has
by now taken over my fath… Mr. Jones’ properties?” I cried, and the doctor frowned.

“That he can
not accomplish child.” He stated frowning deeper.

“But he has, the constable only just
pronounced.” I wailed.

“And Benjamin?” He questioned, and I frowned.


“Mr. Waverly child, when is he
due to arrive. I had spoken to Tobias of this at length. It was my understanding that he was to be here?”

“I do
not know sir.” I moaned, and he sighed.

“Well, we shall weather that when the time comes,
at the moment, we necessitate to concentrate on Marié.”

“Yes sir.” I said calmly, but I felt nowhere near calm.

What the devil would I do?




One week later…


Granny had not roused for a week now, and I was nowhere to calculating what we would carry out, than I was last week. Mr. Waverly still had not arrived, and I recognized the only reason Mr. Charles had not noticed me, was for the reason that he was preoccupied with renovating Mr. Jones’ home. I knew if Granny were awake, she would spit fire at the very thought of it.

I watched out the window, as they took the
furniture from the house. I gasped, as I saw my mother’s portrait, then ran from the house before I realized it. I snatched the portrait from Abel, and he smiled down on me despite my rudeness.

“I was
merely on my way to you chil.” He said softly, I sighed, then smiled.

“Please excuse
my manners Abel, I was not deliberating.” I sighed shamefaced.

imagine hunny, and Marié?”

equivalent, she has not repositioned in a week. I have to accomplish something Abel, Granny and I cannot trust Mr. Charles.”

“I knowed that. Go on down and see Claudette. Maybe she has some kind of
labor, you can do, at least until Marié wakes. I believe with you chil that she will. Marié Antoinette Basile is too stubborn to leave here like this.” He grinned, and I smiled.

That was completely true.

My grand
would not leave me without a fight.

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