Napoleon's Gift (9 page)

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Authors: Alie Infante

BOOK: Napoleon's Gift
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“Where’s Millie?” I asked as I sailed past him to see Granny.

“Her old bones needed a rest, she sent me down here. Where you off to?” Isaiah asked with a slight frown.

“Town, is it possible that I can ask a favor of you?” I countered, as I turned to look at him.

“You need me to stay longer?”

“If I might impose?” I pleaded, his brown face lit up with a smile, then he nodded.

“Fine, I wasn’t gonna do nothing anyway, but lag about with Billy.” He said, and I felt my cheeks tint.

“I’ll return, as soon as I can.” I said, reached for my shawl, then turned for the door.

“Wait, M
amma said Mr. Ben wanted you sent to him as soon as you returned.”

“Truly, whatever for?” I questioned, frowning now myself.

Isaiah just shrugged.

Je n'ai pas de notions de ce qu'il veut. Mais vous feriez mieux de veiller à ce.
” I have no notions, but you best see to it. He said, I nodded, then went out the door.






When I reached the big house, Abel let me in.

“He went to town with that friend of his.”
Abel said, and I sighed.

“Then this
shall have to wait, I must be somewhere right now.” I cried, Abel nodded, then opened the front door.

“Have Henry take you to town.” He said, I nodded, then hurried towards the stables.







When I reached Madame Soleil’s it was in full swing.

I felt my stomach drop to my feet, churning as it went down.

I can do this!

I must!

My brain cried.

I squared my shoulders, then walked towards the back of the establishment.
When I left yesterday, the woman named Monique told me not to enter the front of the establishment.

As I came through the door, I removed the shawl, and Madame was standing there.

“Finally, I daresay that you are
en retard
.” Late, she snapped, and I sighed.

“It shall never happen again
. I had to be certain Granny was tended to.”

“Humph.” She said, then turned for the stairs. “Come, we need to make you ready.” She commanded, and I followed her up the stairs.

I was bathed, my body and hair scented, and the outlandish outfit she ordered Monique, and Mavis to dress me in, made my eyes nearly pop from their sockets.

I had no notions that the lord had blessed me with such an ample bosom.

Monique applied what she called make-up, and as I sat at the dressing table looking at my face
in the glass, I almost felt as though another person all together was staring back at me.

I looked at Madame in the
glass, and she had what appeared to be a baleful grin on her face.

Impeccable, tu feras une menthe en monnaie.
” Flawless, you shall make a mint in coin, she grinned, and I frowned.

“See to her.” She commanded Monique
clapping her hands, and Monique nodded as Madame left the room.

Monique looked at me in the

, have you ever had relations with a man? I must say, I just can’t see it?”

“Yes, once.” I replied, and she laughed.

“My word chil, why on earth would you come here?” She cried, and I looked at Monique for the first time since I met her.

Although blonde, I could
perceive it was artificial, or as Granny would say,
réalisés dans un bol
.” Made in a bowl.

was not very pretty either, almost just passable, but then I figured, in this business, the men were not truly concerned with their faces. She had laugh lines around her eyes and mouth, so it caused me to think she might be older than I had first assumed.

She too was in an outlandish
outfit; her eyes lined with dark black kohl.

“I needed to earn
money to take care of my grand, and this seemed like my only option.” I stated sighing.

, and what an option this is.
Ma chérie
, collect what you need, and make hast from here fast, least she gets her hooks in you.” She whispered, I gasped, then she placed her finger to her lips as some of the other girls came into the room.

“Come, we shall get you set.” She said as she pulled me up from the chair, and I nodded following her.

The thing she called a garter belt, snapped, and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. She heard the sound, then turned laughing.

“I’m sorry love, here, let me correct that.” She grinned, as she bent before me, pulled the elastic down, then snapped it back into place.

“Now come, the men will be arriving soon.” She smiled, and I nodded, somewhat ashen.

When we reached the
red door, she paused.

“This is where you shall wait. My advice, just do what should come natural, and do not anger her clientele, she gets most displeased.” She said, raised the sleeve to her dressing gown, and I gasped at the marks.

“Now you know, this is why I say make haste
petite fille
.” Little girl, she said, then hurried down the hall.

I sighed, then frowned.

What had I gotten myself into?

I pushed open the door, and stood astonished.

The entire room was decorated in deep burgundies and red velvet. The sheets were red satin, the pillows deep burgundy, and I frowned as I saw the ropes tied to the bed.

Why ever would someone need ropes?

I questioned myself, then shook my head.

The fetishes of
men certainly must be quite debased.

I sat down on the bed, folded my legs under me, then put my head in my hands.

Lord above, what have I done?






  “And shall we go now? I grow weary waiting for ye.” Bartholomew whined, and Benjamin frowned.

“I swear, yer like a child waiting for sweets! Good lord above, come along then.” Benjamin snapped, then tugged Bartholomew from the house.

When they reached Madame Soleil’s, Benjamin shoved Bartholomew through the door, and they both paused upon entrance.

“My word, I
do believe I have died and gone to heaven.” Bartholomew whispered, and Benjamin gasped.

“I too believe I have
just followed suit.” Benjamin replied; as he watched the dark haired woman on the stairs steal her way down, hips swaying, amble bosom scarcely covered to entice him.

He grinned, then
cuffed Bartholomew on the back.

However, before Gisela could reach him, Lord Fanning tugged her in the opposite
direction; she gave Benjamin a small pout, then a shrug of her shoulders.

“Bleeding old bastard.” Benjamin muttered, and Bartholomew howled with laughter.

“If I may gentlemen?” Madame Soleil said, as she waved them her way.

Both men
stepped down into the foyer, and she led them towards the specialized counter.

“And what shall you gentlemen require in drink this evening?”

“I shall have a scotch.” Bartholomew replied, then looked at Benjamin.

“Tis fine as well.”
Benjamin muttered, and the keep poured two glasses.

“And other pleasures?” Madame Soleil purred, and Bartholomew grinned.

“Whatever Madame pleases.” He returned, and she laughed.

“Then perhaps, you
would like to retire as you sip your drinks.” She grinned, and motioned for them to follow her.

“I should like that just fine, but do keep it simple.” Benjamin commented as he sa
w the woman in the feather getup.

“That it shall
be.” Madame grinned as she led them up the stairs.

She paused before a green door, then motioned Bartholomew forward. He grinned, winked at Benjamin, then went through the door.

Madame walked further down the hall, then paused in front of a brown door.

“Here you are sir.” She said, Benjamin frowned, but moved forward anyway.

“She will be with you momentarily. The bar is there.” She stated, pointing to the small counter in the corner, filled with bottles of liquor, liqueur, and such.

He nodded, and she closed the door.

Madame Soleil hurried down the hall, then frowned as she saw Monique.

“Where is she?”

“In the red room Madame.” Monique replied, Madame nodded and brushed past her towards the red door.

I looked up as the door opened, and surged off the bed.

“You! Come, now.” She snapped clapping her hands; I nodded, then hurried from the room.

I ran to catch her, but she paused, my chest slamm
ing into her outstretched arm.

“Has no one taught you sexy
, we don’t not run like a team of horses. We must be
séduisant, agréable et plein de promesses
.” Sexy, pleasureable, and full of promisses, she said frowning down on me, and I nodded.

She placed me in front of a brown door, then nodded.

séduisant, agréable et plein de promesses
.” She commanded, and I nodded.

As I pushed the door open, he looked up from the bar, and my quick intake of breath lodged itself in my throat.

My word, but he was a handsome devil!

The eyes were what caught my attention, and seemed
so familiar.

He gave me a peculiar look
, frowned studying me for several moments, and as the dressing gown slipped from my grasp, there was a slight grin as he looked at me now.

“And ye are?” He asked, and I just started at him. “Can y
e speak any English?” He inquired when I continued to just gawk at him.

It was as if my voice refused to obey my commands to work.

Then I remember Madame said to speak French only.

Parlez-vous français?
” Do ye speak French? He tried again, and my cords spurred forward.

” I cried, he chuckled, then offered me the drink.
“Mon seigneur, je ne participent pas à boisson
.” My lord, I do not partake in spirits. I said, and he smiled.

“It is fine, take it. I daresay it shall loosen ye up a bit.” He
countered, and I just looked at him.

?” I questioned.

“Oooh bloody hell,
il est très bien, prenez-la. J’ose dire qu'il vous détendre un peu
.” He repeated, and I bit my lip to keep from smiling.

Je n’ai jamais pris part à l’alcool, je n’ai bu du vin
.” I stated I only drink wine, never spirits. He smiled, and good lord above what a smile.

I honestly thought the man beautiful.

Ensuite, il ya une première fois pour tout.
” Then there is a first time for everything, he said handing the glass my way.

I accepted it, took a timid taste, then commenced to choke.

He grinned, and I frowned.

.” Sit, he said and I nodded, perching myself on the edge of the armchair. He removed his top coat, then his waistcoat, and I swallowed hard.

Combien de temps avez-vous été employé par Madame Soleil
?” How long have you been in Madame Soleil’s employment? He asked, and I looked at the long flowing yellow curtains, to remove my mind from the fact that he was undressing. He took off the cufflinks, placed them on the bureau, then removed his shirt.

My lord, what a very well built man

The muscles in his chest area rippled with the slightest of motions, and the small downs of hair
on his chest, traveled to the lower regions of his body. I felt flush with wanting.

What had Ms. Claudette done to me!

I swallowed hard again.

Should I have these peculiar feelings for him?

The deep baritone of his voice was very soothing, and as I watched his movements, he seemed completely confident with himself.

Good lord above, what was I to do?

?” Love, he questioned, and my gaze went to his face. The slight grin caused my heart to skip a beat, however, not from fear.

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