Natalie Acres (6 page)

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Authors: Sex Retreat [Cowboy Sex 6]

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Natalie Acres
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“I’ll pass it along,” Tristan promised.

“Take care, Ansley.” Mitch started his truck. “Let your sister know she isn’t crazy. I came here when I was released and I’ve been watching and waiting.” He gripped the steering wheel and carefully considered his parting words. “Maybe I just didn’t know what to say and well, I didn’t want to be an uninvited guest in her home.”

“Mitch, if you’re waiting for an invitation, that day may never come. You hurt her when you walked away. I don’t know what the two of you shared, but it must’ve been pretty special at one time.”

“It was.”

“I don’t doubt that,” Ansley said. “But I’m unclear on your reasons for walking away from a woman who loved you so. I doubt Trixie understands, and if she can’t figure out your motives, she may not be able to forgive you. If I were you, I’d prepare myself for that possibility.”

“Rejection from your sister won’t happen, if that’s what you’re suggesting.”

Ansley gave him a weak smile. “My sister’s happiness is important. If you’re part of what makes her complete, then I hope she’ll find her way back to you. But if you threaten to destroy what makes her the happiest, I pray Brock and Rory stop you in your tracks.”

Chapter Five


Trixie bounced out of their SUV and stopped short of taking another step. “Wow.”

“Looks pretty much the same,” Brock said.

“Yes it does.” She took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh country air and the undeniable smell of South Holston Lake, which in her mind, was the distinct odor of a clean lake, regardless of how much Rory, Brock, and even Mitch had once provided proof to the contrary.

“This place never changes,” Rory said, locking his arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. “I spent every summer here from second grade forward and I always felt the same upon arrival.”

“How?” she asked.

“At home and at peace.”

Located on over a hundred acres, the main part of the camp was situated on an island. Completely surrounded by South Holston Lake, the property looked exactly as they’d left it.

From where Trixie stood, she could see the dock where they’d housed the sailboats. Across the lagoon, the archery range and several racks of tarp-covered canoes were barely visible through the trees.

“Simply amazing,” she whispered.

Brock grinned. “So you won’t mind spending a few days here?”

“Are you kidding me?”

She rushed into his arms and locked her legs around his waist. Framing his face with splayed fingers, she kissed him with fervor. Those old feelings of eroticism came rushing back as she recalled her carefree summer and the recklessness of youth.

“Hey now,” Rory grumbled. “Let’s get unpacked before we start a reenactment.”

Breaking their kiss, Brock peered around her body, but held fast to her bottom, securing her against his rigid cock. “Bertie and Claude aren’t here. No one is around. Gone are the days of trying to behave for the sake of preserving our reputations. We aren’t expecting campers. Overzealous parents won’t arrive with their munchkins the day after tomorrow.”

Rory took a deep breath and exhaled. “Those were the days. Ya know?”

Trixie flattened her palms against Brock’s shoulders and fluttered her legs. A masculine growl fell from his lips. “You’re in trouble.”

“Give me a taste,” she suggested, pushing her pussy against his hard length. “Just a little sample.”

“You mean you don’t want to skip down Memory Lane first?” Brock asked, hooking his arm around her torso and securing her body firmly against his.

“Not yet,” she replied, crooking her finger back and forth in an effort to beckon Rory. “Come here, you.”

Rory moistened his lips. Leaning forward, he cupped her neck and gave her a succulent kiss.

As his tongue slipped across hers, she clung to Brock’s broad shoulders, riding his denim-clad cock until she was filled with desire and eager for a fuck. A quickie would do.

A sigh fell from her lips and Rory moaned before he abandoned his passionate assault. He moved behind her and grabbed a handful of her hair. “You should know better than to start something right away.”

“I’m setting the pace for our long weekend away.”

Brock locked his teeth over his bottom lip and studied her face. “Did you think we’d settle for a quick wham-bammer?”

“Oh, she thought so all right,” Rory said, lifting her hair and kissing her nape. “Didn’t you, baby?”

“It’s been a while,” she reminded them. “I’m happy with a fast one.” Her hands careened down Brock’s muscular arms. Tilting her head to the side, she allowed Rory better access.

His lips were like velvet. They traveled along the base of her neck before dipping lower, skimming her bare shoulders.

“Now, if you’d only slip around to the front,” she teased, leaning all the way back.

Brock caught her by securing her hips. Rory seized her arms and released a near-musical laugh. “This is some position, doll.”

She reached for his belt. “Give me a minute. I bet you’ll love me upside down.”

Rory loosened his jeans and lowered his zipper. Before her fingers wandered, Brock jerked her to an upright position once more. Then, he let her go, holding her steady until she regained her balance and stood before him.


* * * *


Cash had been exploring the property for the better part of the afternoon. The layout of the camp and the amenities offered were second to none. He felt like a king living on a pauper’s salary.

Mitch had a mighty fine investment in Cow Camp, and Cash hated to see his assets go to waste. If he had the poor bastard’s number, he’d give him a ring and let him know he was enjoying his real estate investment to the fullest.

Lance’s driver had left him with a few hundred bucks, groceries for a week, and enough beer to stock his tiny refrigerator several times over. Unfortunately, partying alone lost its flavor a few hours after his arrival.

The evening before, he hadn’t minded. He’d spent most of the night jacking off with Trixie anyway.

Chuckling aloud, he continued walking toward the main lodge. He remembered hearing Mitch talk about the state-of-the-art facility and vending machines. He was in the mood for a soda and hated to take one of the camp’s vehicles out in broad daylight. Maybe the caretakers kept the machines in working order.

Rounding the bend, he stopped short of reaching the main cobblestone trail. Laughter filled the area.

Cocking his head, he bent his ear and ducked behind a row of bushes. He used his hands to part the cluster of branches and peered between the green mass of tiny leaves.

Cash looked over his shoulder as the muffled voices faded away. Had he panicked without just cause? Was someone there on the property or had the sounds carried across the cove?

“Calm down, Cash,” he whispered, reminding himself he wasn’t in a hurry. It wouldn’t kill him to wait a few minutes and make sure it was all clear and safe to continue his walk.

“Ah! Fuck!” A man screamed out in the distance.

Jolted to an upright attention, Cash was immediately on guard. No doubt, the outburst was too close for Cash’s liking.

“Ah, sugar, that’s so sweet. Suck it, honey. That’s good. Hmmm…”

“What the hell?” Cash muttered, crawling to the second row of shrubs.

“There ya go. Hmm…yeah. Tighten your lips around me. Ah yes, sugar. Suck me, honey. Right there, baby. Use your tongue, Trixie. Mmm…Oh God. Damn. I can’t hold back. I’m coming.”

Trixie? Had the guy said Trixie?

Cash peered around his limited natural coverage.

“Holy fuck!” Cash gulped as soon as he realized he’d spoken a bit louder than before. He ducked out of sight again.

Oh no. This was too good to be true. He’d heard the countless rumors from other prisoners, but he’d never quite believed the stories. Many of the guys had sworn Mitch had shared his women with other men. Trixie Cartwell had been no exception, some of them had told him. Stephen Pratchert had talked about a lifestyle and had claimed Trixie’s mother married two or three men.

He’d heard the rumors. He’d even repeated a few of them, but he hadn’t really believed them. Now he wondered. Could he trust his own eyes?

Squatting close to the ground, he hurried across the limited lawn between the cafeteria and an outdoor picnic area. Once again, he used the landscape to his advantage, staying low to the ground and stooping behind trees or shrubs.

Without a lot of effort, he gained a bird’s-eye view to one hell of an erotic show.

Chapter Six


Trixie was sprawled across the concrete picnic table with her bottom fully exposed. Brock stood in front of her, thrusting between her lips, screwing her mouth like he might take all day and let her really work for his pleasure.

Behind her, Rory slapped her ass as he fucked her. She mumbled against Brock’s cock as his length slid across her tongue, the crest tapping against the roof of her mouth.

The three of them had easily found a good rhythm. The position in itself was arousing, especially after Brock had grabbed a few stacks of linens from the SUV and covered the rough table texture with comforters and sheets. Soon after he’d dressed the table, Trixie anchored her elbows in front of her and braced for the best of good loving.

Rory gripped her hips and hammered forward. “Sweet heaven. You feel so good, baby.”

Her pussy slickened. The syrupy heat of her desire pooled around his cock. He hammered forward, pounding his long, hard dick inside her.

Trixie consumed Brock’s thick length, the whole of him filling her cheeks as she devoured him. She watched in awe, totally mesmerized, as his lust rolled forward and she deliberately shattered his defenses, humming against his size.

“Come,” Brock demanded, cradling her head in his large hands and drawing her face closer to his groin.

He slammed against her once, inched away, and almost left her lips completely before returning again with another quick, but quite delectable, jab.

She moaned out in pleasure rather than in discomfort. Trixie loved rough sex, and the harder they gave themselves to her, the more fulfilling the end result.

Since it had been a while since they’d taken her together, the explosive climax was near. The finale she’d wanted to keep at bay for as long as possible was only seconds, mere thumps, away. Exquisite sensations rolled over her. Chill bumps covered her arms. Her pussy convulsed as the inferno between her legs heated to another degree of hotness.

Rory pushed her ass cheeks together and stopped moving. Good God, she loved the tightness, the firmness of his cock as he twitched inside her walls. She closed around him, clamping down on his dick in a deliberate attempt to keep his long length trapped inside her body.

“That won’t work right now, baby,” Rory said, a little play in his voice.

He started a slow grind, working his thick shaft deeper inside her before leaning over her body and tucking his hands under her. Brock stared down at her with hooded eyes. Rory pinched her nipples, twirling them between his attentive fingers and thumbs.

“Mmm,” she moaned, peering up at Brock as her body trembled from their loving.

“I told you to come,” he rasped, pulling out long enough for her to rub her lips across his salty slit now oozing with his excitement.

Dragging her mouth over the crest, she gripped his cock and whispered across the head, “I heard you.”

He lifted her chin and stared at her lips. “Then come for us, sexy woman.”

Then Brock slipped inside her mouth, changed his stance, and fucked her like a man with a cause, a man who wanted to complete his explicit mission. At the same time, Rory grabbed her hips again and screwed her with clear damning conviction.

“Now then. Here we go. God, yes. That’s it, honey. Ah yes, let me come!”

“It’s your turn, too, beautiful,” Brock rasped, his dick thick and hot as he sank inside her mouth.

Trixie arched her back and stretched her neck. She was poised for the finish, ready to take and give.

She threw her body forward, sucking and licking, consuming Brock’s cock until finally his hot, thick cum coated her tonsils and shot down her throat.

Brock jerked as he came. He filled her mouth with his creamy release, screaming out her name as he fucked between her lips with solid strokes.

“Good Lord, Trixie,” Rory crooned, moving from side to side as he worked his long cock deep inside her channel.

Brock slipped away from her and held her chin firmly in his cupped hand. “Come, baby.”

Her body shook as she held fast to the pleasure. Rory thumped against her pussy. He screamed out her name as his dick jumped inside her cunt.

Her pussy pulsed around him. The orgasmic tremors threw her into a multilayered climax.

Back-to-back satisfaction ripped through her system as her ragged breaths thrummed in her lungs. Rory locked his arms around her middle and held her close, screwing her deeper, harder, and with more determination.

“Baby, baby,” Rory whispered, his forehead mashed against her back. “Don’t move, sweetheart. Just stay still. Let me hold you.”

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