Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (16 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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She’s in charge here, this is about her.

“You are the sexiest woman I’ve seen in my entire life,” I murmur against her neck as I kiss and lick my way down.

My hands shake slightly from the restraint it takes to keep myself from grabbing her, flipping her over, and thrusting home.

She locks our gazes and eases down onto my rock hard cock. The second my tip pushes into her hot, slick sex I throw my head back and let out a string of curses worthy of a truck driver.

“So tight,” I grind out.

My hands clench her thighs, seeking control as she eases down at a glacial pace, squeezing my cock tightly with every inch.

“Eve,” I gasp.

She bites her lip and holds my gaze. My breath catches in my chest as I get lost in the overwhelming feeling in my chest. I was prepared for the physical aspect of sex with Eve. But, not in a million years could I have anticipated the emotions I would have rushing through me in this moment. The open trust and raw desire in Eve’s eyes has me losing every thought in my head. Nothing in this whole fucking world matters except for Eve.

I can see the moment she officially loses her virginity as surprise and discomfort fill her eyes.

I pull her against me so we’re chest to chest and I kiss her gently as I hold her still, letting her get used to the feeling.

“I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

We both still with my declaration. My heart stutters out an uneven beat. I hadn’t considered my words before I’d said them. Maybe now wasn’t the most ideal time. I could understand if she didn’t believe me, if she thought I was saying it simply because it’s what a girl should hear when she loses her virginity. But, fuck it
what a girl should hear when she loses her virginity. The real reason I’m saying it, though, is because it’s the most truthful thing I’ve ever said.

After a few moments she starts to slowly move her hips and we both moan. She rocks faster as I pull one of her nipples between my teeth.

Fuck, she is so tight. So tight, and all I can think about is getting deeper, harder, more.

I grasp her hips tightly and thrust up into the vice grip of her pussy.

God she’s so wet. It’s the most perfect thing I’ve ever felt in my life.

Her breathing quickens and I watch her start to blush with arousal. Her sex tightens around my cock so hard that I think it fries my brain.

I grab her hips harder and thrust hard up into her until we’re both screaming. My body tenses and I shoot my load inside of her with so much force I almost black out.

“That was the most incredible sex I’ve ever had.” I lay down on the couch and tuck her against me.

              She nuzzles her nose into my chest and I feel like I could die happy right now.

“How do you feel? Are you okay?” I ask as I stroke her back tenderly.

              “I’m perfect,” She assures me before yawning widely. “Mm, that was so worth going to hell for,” She jokes with another yawn.

I tense beside her and then tilt her chin so she looking at me.

              “Don’t do that. Don’t let the ridiculous lies the church feeds us about sexuality being wrong taint any part of this. It’s not wrong to share intimacy with someone you care about.”

Her eyes soften and she nods silently. My words hang in the air like a huge ass elephant in the room.

“Don’t move for a second,” I instruct before easing off the couch and getting a warm, damp washcloth from the bathroom.

              When I get back to the living room I nearly lose my breath at the gut wrenching, beautiful sight of Eve sprawled out naked, and clearly freshly fucked, on my couch. I kneel by her feet with the washcloth in hand.

“Open,” I command gently.

              Eve obeys without protest, spreading her legs wide open for me. I carefully wipe away the traces of blood and arousal coating her inner thighs.

              “You're good at that,” Eve notes with a hint of sadness.

My hands still, my eyes landing on her face. My gut twists when I see her eyes filled with trepidation.

              “Please tell me you're not regretting this,” my voice shakes, afraid to hear her answer.

              “No, I was just wondering what happens now.”

“What do you mean?”

              “Well, now that I'm not a virgin do you still want me?”

“Why wouldn't I still want you?” I demand, tossing the damp washcloth down.

“Because, virgins are your

“Where the hell did you get that idea?”

              “Ethan, he said you've been with a lot of virgins. He said you got off on it. And, it's obvious he wasn't wrong since you know exactly how to take care of me.”

              I wince and pull her back into my arms.

“I'm not going to deny my past, but it's not that being with virgins is my
. It's just the way it worked out,” I answer vaguely. I don't particularly want to get into the fact that it was always the girls who pulled the wham-bam-thank you ma'am routine after giving me their virtue. “Eve, you are my

              She smiles and nuzzles into my chest.

“Do you want to go lay down in bed?” I offer.

She nods and I scoop her up in one rapid motion and carry her to my bedroom while she giggles.

              “What are you thinking about right now?” I ask as I pull her into spooning position.

I fucking love having Eve in my bed and all I can think about is what I can do to keep her forever.

“I’m thinking that I want to do that again...often,” She answers in a lusty tone.

Oh, hell yeah.

“And, I’m also thinking…”

“Tell me, Angel.”

“I’m thinking I really like you, more than like you. I don’t want to keep this a secret anymore. I want to be your girlfriend,” She says in a rush, like pulling off a band-aid and then she holds her breath.

I feel like my heart could literally burst from happiness. I almost have to pinch myself because there’s no way that this whole night isn’t a dream.

“I want that too.” I swallow a lump of emotions and plant tiny kisses all over the back of her neck and her bare shoulders. “Eve, I’m so in love with you.”

“Really? I thought that might have just been the sex haze talking,” Her voice is full of awe

“It’s not about the sex, although I think we can both agree we’re very compatible in that department. It’s more than that, though. I want to spend all my time with you. It’s ridiculous, when I’m not with you I’m wondering what you’re doing and if you’re happy. I love to see the sparkle in your eye when you laugh. God, I sound like such a pussy right now.”

              “I love you too,” She whispers.

I tilt her face towards mine and kiss her deeply. She’s mine, forever and always. She fucking loves me back. She’s so good and so sweet and she loves

“And, just so you know, a chick losing her virginity on top is totally rockstar,” I inform her with a laugh.

              “Well, you know me, I’m a total rockstar,” She quips.

“That you are, beautiful.”


              I wake up and smile before I even open my eyes. Eve’s warm body is tucked against me and her scent surrounds me. My hand wanders down her thigh and my cock stirs, waking up with Eve naked in my bed is like a fucking dream come true.

Memories of last night play in my mind and I almost can’t believe it’s real, that she’s really mine.

As I slip my hand between her thighs she instinctually spreads her legs in her sleep. I brush against her slick opening and she moans sleepily. I slip one finger inside of her and she gasps.

“Asher?” She asks, voice thick with desire and sleep.

I chuckle against her back.

“I should fucking hope so.”

I thrust my finger rhythmically and she spreads her legs wider, pushing herself against my hand. I move my free hand to her tit and pinch her nipple between my fingers, tugging gently at her new piercing.

              “Oh, Asher, yes,” She whispers.

I add a second finger and I feel her start to clench.

              “Come for me Angel,” I growl, rubbing my throbbing cock against her ass as I thrust my fingers inside of her.

She rides my hand and moans my name, I can’t wait to get inside of her. But, last night I was too hasty. I want to make her come before I get any of my own pleasure this morning. Eve cries out and I feel the spasms around my fingers. I don’t stop until she rides out the explosion.

“Well, good morning,” She says breathlessly, rolling to face me.

“Tell me again,” I plead almost desperately.

She knows exactly what I mean.

              “I love you, Asher Wright,” She whispers before gently kissing my lips.

“Not as much as I love you, Angel,” I counter.

She smirks at me with challenge.

“There is no way you could possibly quantify who loves who more.”

“Insubordinance!” I shout playfully. “You will pay for this.”

I grab her waist and turn her onto her back so that I can position myself above her.

“Hm, I think I like where this is going,” She says, reaching up to thread her fingers through my hair and then pulling me in for a slow, deep kiss that feels like it may never end, and I’d be totally okay if it didn’t. I could just spend the rest of my life here in bed with Eve, our tongues intertwined, our naked bodies pressed together. Yeah, that wouldn’t be so bad.

“How do you feel this morning?”

God I want her, but I’m worried that she may be sore after last night.

              “I feel like if my boyfriend doesn’t give it to me then I may just have to take it,” She threatens, flicking my lip ring with her tongue.

              “Well, in that case.” I spread her legs wide and slowly ease into her.

“Asher,” She gasps out.

Fuck, no one can say my name quite like she can. I bury myself deep inside her and she tilts her hips up to meet my thrusts.

              “You feel so fucking good, Angel,” I moan, nuzzling her neck as I continue to thrust into her, eliciting gasps and moans with each one.

I lower my head and use my tongue to lavish her nipples, alternating so neither one feels left out.

              “Oh fuck Asher, just like that,” She cries out.

It’s so damn hot how she only swears when she’s close to coming. I thrust harder, gently tugging one of her nipples between my teeth, flicking the silver hoop with my tongue. Her body starts to shudder and then I feel her as she tightens around me, lost in pleasure. I cry out her name as my own release overtakes me.

              After I ease out of her and then pull her against me so I can nuzzle her neck.

              “You know what I was just thinking?” Eve says with a yawn.

“Hm, let me guess...
My boyfriend is so sexy I can’t wait to tell all my friends what a sex god he is,
” I tease in a high falsetto.

Eve playfully shoves my chest.

              “No. I think I’ve decided what I want to do for a career.”

what you were thinking about seconds after sex?” I arch my eyebrows and Eve shakes her head at me with a grin.

“I want to be a sex therapist,” She explains. “My parents took me to this crazy rally type thing with this woman who talked to young people about how if you have sex before marriage you’re like a used shoe. I’m realizing now how messed up it is to make people feel like your self worth hangs on unrealistic puritan values.”

“Wow, I must be rubbing off on you because that sounded exactly like something I would say. And, I think that’s a great idea for a career.”



              I have to say that I could certainly get used to Asher’s way of waking me up in the morning. There’s a slight soreness between my legs, and my piercings, which are still healing, ache a little but it was so worth it.

“I can’t believe this is real,” He admits. “Are you really mine?”

              “I really am,” I assure him. “Can we tell everyone at Thanksgiving tomorrow?” I ask excitedly.

Since it turns out that all of our friends are sort of honorary orphans like myself we’d decided to have our own thanksgiving at Dex’s mom’s house.

“Absolutely,” Asher agrees. “Are you sad not to be going home to your family?”

              “No,” I answer with an indifferent shrug.

I love my parents because they’re my parents but if I’ve learned one thing about myself in the last few months it’s that I don’t want anyone else to decide how I live my life ever again.

“I don’t really know what I’m going to do for winter break though, they won’t let anyone stay in the dorms for four weeks.”

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