
Read Naughty Online

Authors: Velvet

BOOK: Naughty
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The Black Door




Pan Books


First published 2009 by St Martins Press, New York

This edition published 2012 by Pan Books

an imprint of Pan Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited

Pan Macmillan, 20 New Wharf Road, London N1 9RR

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ISBN 978-0-230-76927-4 EPUB

Copyright © Velvet 2009

The right of Velvet to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

You may not copy, store, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

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Some people are meant to be in your life for a

season, a reason, or a lifetime! I’d like to

dedicate this book to all of the people who have

touched my life in some way!

I love you all,










is my fourth baby, and as with any birth there’s a dedicated team assisting with the process. So, I’d like to thank the people who helped with the gestation of this book.

Monique Patterson, one of the best editors in the business! And the rest of the St. Martin’s Press pros who helped bring this baby to life—Matthew Shear, John Murphy, Katy Hershberger, and the rest of the team. Though she’s no longer at St. Martin’s Press, I’d like to thank Kia DuPree for her assistance!

To my agent, Sara Camilli, who’s been in the delivery room with me from book one!

To my family and friends, you guys know how to coach a sister along with encouraging words when she can’t see the forest for the trees! Without all of you (too many to list), I would be in a private suite at Bellevue . . . LOL!

And to the readers, book clubs, booksellers, Web sites, and other media outlets, thanks for spreading the word about the Black Door series! Your help has truly been appreciated!

Now it’s time to conceive another novel, so let me assume the position (fingers poised over the keyboard . . . LOL!) and get to work!

Much Love,

















me just look at it,” Jessica pleaded, tugging on Chad’s arm.

Chad pulled away, and moved his body over to the edge of the sofa. “No,” he said adamantly.

Jessica was a woman with determination, and wasn’t about to take “no” for an answer, she wanted him badly, and would do and say anything to get her way, especially tonight. She hadn’t seen Chad in months, since they had broken up, and was desperate for some much-needed sex. She had lured him over to her apartment under the guise of being a damsel in distress, telling him that there had been an attempted break-in, and that she needed her locks changed. He had insisted that she call a locksmith. She told him that she did, but couldn’t get anybody to come out on a Sunday. She feigned tears, saying that she was afraid and pleaded with him to change her locks. Being the kindhearted guy that he was, he finally agreed. Before he got there, Jessica jimmied the locks with a screwdriver and cut the security chain. She then drank a few glasses of red wine to get in the mood, and waited for Chad to
arrive. Now that he was there, her plan wasn’t going as smoothly as she had hoped. During their relationship, their sex life was explosive and they fucked at least three times a day. Jessica missed Chad’s dick, and wanted to relive old times. “Oh, baby, don’t be like that. All I want to do is have a look and say hello,” she purred, scooting closer to him and resting her hand on his thigh.

After Jessica had abruptly ended their relationship, Chad swore that he would never fall back into her arms. She had said at the time that she wanted her freedom, and didn’t want to be committed anymore. He was deeply in love with her, and the breakup broke his heart, but he had walked away like a man. Now she was trying to lure him back, and he was confused. “Look, Jessica, you’re the one who said that you didn’t want a relationship, so what’s with this attempted seduction?”

She ran her hand up to his crotch area and rested it on top of his full mound. “I was wrong,” she began, gently massaging his package. “I want you back. We were so good together,” she said, increasing her pace.

Chad couldn’t deny their chemistry. She had one hell of a tight pussy, and he missed filling her up with his rod. He didn’t want to give in to her so easily, but she was making his dick hard. He hadn’t been laid in weeks, and was horny as hell. He unzipped his pants and took out the head of his penis. “Is this what you want to see?”

Jessica looked down and swallowed hard. The tip was big, and beautiful. Just looking at it made her mouth water. She didn’t say a word, but leaned over and licked him. She flicked her tongue back and forth, the way he liked it.

Chad began rotating his hips. She was driving him crazy. He wanted to fuck now. He knew that she was manipulating him, but didn’t care. All he cared about at the moment was getting laid. He took the shaft of his dick all the way out so that she could deep-throat him. She was an expert at giving head, and he missed her mouth. “Yeah, that’s it, baby, don’t stop,” he moaned with pleasure.

She bobbed her head up and down, faster and faster. She could feel the tip of his dick hitting the back of her throat, but she didn’t gag. She just continued sucking until she tasted his sweet pre-cum.

“Stop,” he breathed. “I want to be inside of you,” he said, laying her back on the sofa and pulling down her jeans.

Jessica wiggled out of her panties, kicked one leg over the back of the sofa, and gapped her legs wide open, inviting him in.

Chad quickly dropped his pants to the floor and eased in between her thick thighs

The phone rang before Naomi could finish reading the spicy love scene. She dog-eared the page and picked up the receiver. “Hello,” she said in a breathy voice.

“Were you exercising?” Kennedy asked, picking up on her friend’s lack of oxygen.

“Girl, I was reading
Auld Lang Syne
, and the phone rang as soon as I got to the juicy part,” she explained, sounding slightly upset.

“I see you’re living vicariously through the pages of a book again,” Kennedy teased. Naomi’s husband, Jacob, usually worked late or was MIA on an overnight business trip, which translated to a love life that was also MIA.

“Unfortunately since my husband spends more time making money than making love, I gotta get my thrills where I can,” she said with a chuckle, trying to make light of her loveless marriage. “But it’s not like you’re getting any either,” she shot back defensively.

Kennedy hadn’t been on a date in several months, not since she broke up with Lance the cop. They met one night when she was speeding down the Long Island Expressway. He pulled her over and instead of giving her a ticket, he gave her his telephone number and made her promise to call. Checking out his pecs through the blue, city-issued uniform, she thought, why not? Lance was five feet eight inches of solid muscle and his face wasn’t bad to look at either. He was chocolate brown with ripe,
succulent lips. She was weak for a brother with a delectable, kissable mouth. After her first call a few days later, it didn’t take long for her to taste those lips. Their sexual chemistry was sizzling. On her days off, Lance would come over at night and ignite a fire within her that would last until the wee hours of the morning. But the flame began to fizzle when she tried to move their relationship beyond the bedroom. Kennedy was an international flight attendant who traveled the world for mere pennies. She had companion passes and invited Lance on trips to Paris, Tahiti, and even to a four-star resort in South Africa, all of which he declined, saying the only place he was interested in traveling was south of her navel. Kennedy wanted more than sex, but as usual she had fucked him too soon, and now all he wanted to do was screw. Realizing that she was never going to get a commitment out of Lance, she ended the relationship as quickly as it began and vowed to reclaim her virginity until the proverbial Mr. Right showed up with the key to her chastity belt.

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