Naughty in Norway (15 page)

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Authors: Christine Edwards

BOOK: Naughty in Norway
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“I enjoy hearing your sounds, baby. They’re so fucking hot.”

I groan as his wicked finger keeps up the intense friction. I’m sure it’s saturated as he moves it farther back to toy with my delicate ass. I jerk at the foreign sensation. Without a word, a possessive palm clamps down on my outer hip, calming me.

Slowly, oh so slowly, his lone finger works its way into my little ass. I whimper loudly into the comforter, initially in embarrassment but then I quickly surprise myself by rocking back against him for more. If he doesn’t stop soon I’ll certainly cum.

He gives a few more deep pumps and pulls it out of me. Within seconds, I feel his beard against my ass and I do my very best not to move. I’m clawing at the blanket with desperate need. A loud cry breaches my lips as his wicked tongue laps hotly against my pussy. I widen my knees and push my ass up higher, wanting all that he has to give to me.

The lapping is wild, as if he is starved for me. He’s all over me with his mouth and I’m close, so close. I’m sweating and whimpering for him. He knows and pulls away briefly, only to thrust his straining cock straight into my pussy without any warning. I scream as he begins a brutal rhythm, riding me impossibly hard. This is him. Raw, unleashed. There’s nothing more beautiful in this world.

“Come when I say!” he yells.

“Unh, ungh, agh!” is my only possible reply as the air is knocked repeatedly from me.

The blindfold is whipped off and the intensity of the Northern Lights hits me like a wrecking ball.

“Now! Now, Vail, give it to me!”

I scream out a high cry as a rainbow of pleasure ignites like a firework within me. I let go and shudder with an orgasm so strong, so intense, that it racks me with total ecstasy. I’m overwhelmed, shattered, nearly destroyed as it flows through me.

“Alreck!” I call out to him as he pounds into me twice more, gripping my hips with utter control. He roars his intense release and I can feel it spilling hotly inside me. He falls forward, propped up by thick arms on either side of me. His beautiful hair drapes across my shoulders and back. Rivulets of sweat drop from his face onto my bare back and I’m silently content. He’s still buried deep within me.

“They are stunning tonight, like you, Alreck,” I tell him in a whispered pant.

We both gaze out at the lights before us and he lowers his head to place a kiss on my hair. “My Vail.

Chapter Fifteen
Blood On The Snow

strange sound rips me from my dream that night, jerking me awake. Alreck’s arms are around me and he’s moving us swiftly out of the bed. The sound grows more intense, menacing.

“Grrrrrr …”

It’s Titan. He’s in an attack stance, facing the window.
Oh my God, they’ve come for us!

All of this rushes through my frightened brain as Alreck brings me down to the floor, onto my knees with him. He clutches my face. The look on his face is penetrating, murderous. I can’t suppress a shudder.

“Vail, I want you to get under the bed now. Take this.” He reaches onto the nightstand and hands me a massive sheathed hunting knife, along with the keys to his truck. “If I don’t return in thirty minutes I want you to make a run for the truck. Make your way back to Reine. There is a police station close to Bjorn’s pub. There’s no time; get under now.”

I don’t want to let him go. I cling to him like a frightened child, eyes filling with unshed tears.

“Alreck,” I whisper desperately.

“Shhh, I know. There’s no time. Now hide, baby.”

He shoves me down onto my stomach and pushes me under the low bed. I clutch the keys and knife in my outstretched hands before me because the frame is so low.
Oh dear God!

Within a minute he has his jeans and boots on. He calls out a low, single-word command to the growling Titan and they disappear out of the bedroom. Seconds later I hear the front door open, but oddly it does not close again. Shouts, frantic barks and snarling growls drift to the bedroom. Loud shots ring out. Startled, I drop the items from my hands and clasp my trembling fingers to my lips to keep from screaming out in terror.

Titan’s growls turn beyond vicious and I hear Alreck shout loudly. Another two shots ring out through the night and then nothing.

Please, please let him be alive!

More than anything, I want to pull myself out from the bed. But I heed his advice and wait. A puddle has formed on the wood under my chin from the drops of silent tears.

Loud footsteps inside the hallway send adrenaline shooting through my system and I reach for the weapon again. I see his distinct black boots beside the bed and breathe a long sigh of relief, which abruptly dies as thick drops of red blood begin to land in horrible plops, inches from my face.

“Vail, come, we have to hurry.”

I immediately wiggle out from my hiding spot and, as I stand, I see my worst fears realized. He’s shot in the upper left shoulder and is bleeding badly. Titan is behind him whimpering and hopping around on three legs.
Holy hell

Alreck’s face is white and he is possibly going into shock. I grab a scarf from the floor and tie it tightly onto him, hoping to slow down the bleeding. I grasp his right palm and bring it up to rest against the wounded area.

“Here, apply pressure. I’m going to get you to Edgard’s. He’ll help us.”

I throw clothes on as fast as possible and tug on my heavy winter boots. Despite my haste, I freeze when I hear him say, “Bring your passport and ID.”

In a moment I recover and grab my purse before helping him to the front door. Titan limps pitifully behind us, dark red blood covering his brown muzzle.

Nothing prepares me for the surreal scene outside the front door. Three bodies lie dead in the white snow. Twisted limbs and blood complete the gruesome image. I throw my hand over my mouth to keep from vomiting on the spot.

I race to the passenger door and do my best to help Alreck into the seat.

“Try to get Titan in the back,” he groans.

“I will.”

“Titan, it’s all right, boy. Here, let me help you up, okay?” After opening the back bed, I carefully lift his front paws up onto the truck gate. He’s heavy but still has control of his upper body and strains to help me. I do everything I can to avoid touching his crooked back leg. He must be in so much pain! After clutching him around the waist, I’m thankful when he pulls up and slides in. The poor baby collapses onto his side from the vast effort.

Without looking back, I jump in the driver’s side and start the truck. The clock on the dash displays three forty-five a.m. My heart lurches in my throat as high beams cut through the dark trail ahead, heading straight for us.

Are there more? Heaven help us!

I try my best not to panic as I turn to Alreck. Between clenched teeth, he grits out, “Turn the beams off. It’s most likely Mikkel and we need him to know that it’s us.”

I do as he says, but waiting for Mikkel takes more patience than my body is willing to put out right now. Mikkel must be hauling tail, though, because his dark SUV closes in fast. He’s leaves the car running in front of us and jumps down to quickly cross to my window. With the darkness and the steam coming out of the exhaust of both trucks, the scene seems eerie and dreamlike, like something out of a snowbound dark noir thriller.

Stepping up onto the rail of the truck, he leans in and speaks to Alreck. Thankfully he begins in English.

“What the fuck happened?”

Alreck responds with a strained, “Look behind the truck.”

He jumps down and for a moment there is silence. Then there is a string of what I know now to be heated curses including “
Nei, Herregud!

No, oh my God
, followed up with “
Jævla fittes!

Fucking pussies
. Others follow but I don’t comprehend what he is spewing. It’s safe to assume he’s off the rails furious.

Breathing hard, Mikkel hops back up and I cut him off before he can speak. “He’s been shot. I have to get him to Edgard’s up the road.”

“Follow me.”

It takes him a minute to maneuver his vehicle into a three-point turn on the narrow trail, but somehow he manages the task and I follow the red lights of his black Dodge Durango through the silent forest.


Sweat beads on Alreck’s forehead and I try my best to both calm him and assist Edgard. He’s lying on the little navy sofa and they are speaking in Norwegian. I wish I knew what they were saying. Alreck’s eyes meet mine and with a pained voice he says, “It was a through and through; he’s washing it out and then we’ll put a few stitches in front and back. How is Titan?”

I look down and stroke his fur. He whines. The dog has a broken leg and needs a vet.

“I’m certain Edgard can help him or phone a vet. You just lie still.” I reach for his hand and it closes immediately around mine, pulling me closer to him. “You’re going to be just fine.”

I reassure him with a weak smile.

I watch Edgard make the efficient stitches right above the corner of the flag on his chest. Thank goodness it was not a few inches lower …

Mikkel says, “Thankfully Edgard was a physician in the military long ago.”

I nod and rub Alreck’s hand, trying to soothe him. Edgard helps him turn over and the same is done with the small hole on his upper back shoulder. The little man gently cleans the area before placing a bandage over it. I glance over as Mikkel’s phone begins exploding with activity, erupting in a string of rings and buzzes. He sent the word out via text once we arrived and the whole club must know what has occurred by now.

“Come on, Vail, we’re leaving now.”

“What?” I sputter, stunned. “But you need to rest. You were just shot!”

“You’re driving, baby. I’ll rest on the way to the airport,” he says slowly, sadly.

A crystal clear, “
, Alreck,” cuts through the small living room. Mikkel continues in Norwegian, but I understand what he says because he speaks slowly. “
Jeg tar med henna
I’m taking her.

I take a step back. Alreck’s glare is so intense that it could melt the polar ice cap.

They disagree for long moments and I pick out ‘police’ and ‘stay.’ Right when I think they are in the middle of an impasse, Mikkel turns and strides outside, Edgard following behind. I begin to tremble and know in my heart I have only minutes left with Alreck.

I suck up my own angst and drop to my knees beside him. “How are you feeling? Are you in much pain?”

He ignores my question.

“Reach into my left coat pocket, Vail.”

I grab his bloody coat, lying on a nearby chair. I reach into his pocket and pull out a giant roll of Norwegian Kroner mixed with Euros.

“Listen carefully to me.” His eyes lock onto mine with determined intensity. “I want you to get onto the seven a.m. flight at the Leknes airport. It’s heading north to Tromso. Use the cash to purchase this and any other flights you need. Mikkel is booking you on a connecting flight from his cell that will take you from Tromso to Stockholm. Once you are there, get on the first plane headed to the States. It doesn’t matter where it’s headed. Just get to America and then you can worry about connections to California, all right? The main thing is that you are out of Europe as soon as possible. From the bottom of my heart, baby, I’m sorry this happened to you. We’ll clean this up. You’ll be safe once you reach America, trust me. Mikkel found out that this group came to Oslo on their own and they don’t have connections in the U.S. Their main focus is making money in Norway. ”

“What about the dead guys on your property? You won’t go back to prison for that, will you?”

“No, not a chance. Edgard is going to take me back now and together we’ll contact the police, saying they attempted a break in. I shot them on my property. He offered to be my witness, so there will be no issue. Now you need to go. You must be on that plane to catch the connection in Tromso. Don’t be scared, Vail. Mikkel will take excellent care of you. He’s like my brother.”

“But, what about your arm? Don’t you need to get to a hospital?”

With a sincere look and a soft voice he says, “Sweet Vail. I have a good one left. Do you forget that I’m of Norwegian breeding, from the Vikings and all that? I’ll be fine, baby. Don’t worry for me. Go now, I will ship your belongings to you. Lisetta has your address, yes?”

“She does.”

Gently, he takes his coat from my hand and fishes around in an inside pocket. He pulls out a small black velvet bag and places it into my hand, curling my trembling fingers around his.

“I wanted you to have these for Christmas, Vail. I knew when I saw them that they were made for you.”

I’m frozen in place and can’t bear the thought of leaving him now, of saying goodbye. My heart is breaking.
What twisted irony
, I think in sad silence.

“Vail, please don’t be sad. We will see each other again, I assure you. Promise me that you’ll look after yourself, baby.”

I break down completely and inch closer to him, wanting to fall into him forever. I softly stroke his glossy hair, committing his features to memory as hot tears flow down my cheeks and fall onto his neck.

He stares at me with profound sadness in his clear eyes. “Vail, I will be thinking of you. Always, baby. Do this now for me. You must go to Mikkel.”

I want to tell him how I feel, that I’ve fallen in love with him, but the sadness is rocking me to the core. We gaze at each other for one last moment before I can’t bear it any longer. I lean in and kiss him once on his perfect lips before I stand and walk out without a backward glance. If I look at him again, my heart will simply fall in on itself.


The forty-minute drive to the Leknes airport flies by in a blur. Mikkel asks if I’m all right before we fall into a heavy silence. I’m destroyed. My heart is lying back in the snow-covered
with Alreck. Soon he pulls his truck up just past the double glass doors of the tiny, modern airport and I turn to thank him. It’s still dark and there’s next to no activity around us.

He surprises me by saying, “He loves you, Vail.”

I bite my bottom lip and reach over for the door handle, desperate to hold myself together. Before I jump down, I turn and look into his scotch-colored eyes and say slowly, “Thank you. Goodbye now, Mikkel.”

“All right, I will make certain that your flight departs safely. Goodbye, Vail.”


“Miss, are you sure that you are all right?”

I nod weakly and blink back the tears. After giving me a compassionate look, the stewardess moves on to take her seat and the engines roar to life. I stare down at the exquisitely crafted set of hand-hammered, wide silver cuff bracelets that now rest in my lap. He bought them when we were at the Viking Museum together on that special day.

I collapse against the seat on my side, curled into myself, listening to Florence and the Machine’s heartbreakingly melodic “No Light, No Light.”
I sob quietly against my already drenched forearms.

I’m unable to look out the window at the snow-covered mountains; to watch as I’m physically torn away from him would be unbearable. How bizarre that less than two weeks ago all I wanted was to get the hell away from him. Fate has such a funny way of controlling our destinies …

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