Naughty in Norway (17 page)

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Authors: Christine Edwards

BOOK: Naughty in Norway
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The Rally

see the orange and black sign getting closer. “Sturgis, South Dakota. Legendary City of Riders.” It’s hard to believe we’ve spent the past two months together, nearly inseparable. With him it’s fluid, natural, the way it should be. My mother absolutely adores him and, after coming to learn that both his parents have been deceased for some time now, she sees it as her mission to spoil all six foot six inches of him. It constantly amuses me to see him, so large and Viking-like, moving around my small feminine apartment with carefree ease. We rented a longboard for him and he’s already picking up the basics of surfing like a natural.

Leaning back, he yells over the roar of his bike, “Nearly there. I have a surprise for you once we arrive. Are you excited, baby?”

I lift the visor of the sleek black helmet that he insists I wear and say, “Are you kidding? I never thought that I would
attend a bike rally, much less THE bike rally.” The Sturgis rally, as I’ve come to find out, brings riders and designers from all over the globe. Its seven days of unadulterated biker throw down fun.
I can’t wait!

I glance down at my teeny red shorts, stitched silver cowboy boots and white lace-trimmed tank and laugh. We’ve had the best road trip up from California, so scenic and romantic, and yet there’s more? I really can’t believe it.

At the stoplight leading into the jammed town he checks his phone to read a text. As we make our way into the loud mayhem, I glance around at the Wild West looking town that has been transformed into Harley heaven for the week. Everywhere you look is a visual treat of bikes, tattoos, skimpy clothing and leather. It’s fantastic! Some of the women are even brazen enough to walk around beautifully airbrushed while wearing only tight booty shorts.

He pulls into one of the few empty spots and helps me off his blue and silver custom Harley. It sits low and sleek and features leather studded detailing around the wide double seat. It suits him perfectly.

“In here, you’ll find your surprise.” He grins as he leads me by the hand around the sea of visitors and into an authentic looking saloon, complete with swinging double doors. The sign reads ‘The No Holds Bar.’

We enter into the packed main area and, before my eyes can adjust to the dim light, I hear voices shout out wildly through the vibrant rock music, “There they are!”

My mouth drops open as a tanned and stunning Lisetta rushes toward me. We embrace for a long time, and she nearly starts bawling as she pulls back to look at me. “Oh, Vail! I know I’ve said it over the phone a thousand times but I’m so happy that you’re all right now. I’m so, so sorry for what you went through, darling.”

“Lisetta, I’m so happy you’re here! I’m speechless. I’ve missed you so much. Let’s just have fun and not talk about what happened right now, all right my sweet?”

Her pretty hand flashes out before my eyes and in a giddy voice she chimes out, “I’m engaged! Bern asked me on my birthday last month.”

“I’m thrilled for you. That’s fantastic news,” I gush.

I glance over her shoulder to see Bern and Mikkel, who are heartily laughing and drinking with Alreck and a few intimidating, tattooed American bikers. Wait, how on earth did he get a beer in his hand so quickly?

Alreck calls out, “Vail, come here, baby. There’s someone I want you to meet.”

I cross the space to the large weathered table where a red-haired biker of medium build is chatting away with the group.

“Max, this is my girl, Vail. Vail, this is Max. He owns the bike garage in San Francisco where I’ll begin working next month.”

I stare at him, frantically processing the information. He’ll be living here, in America, in the same state?

“What? That’s fabulous, Alreck. I think I’m in shock.”

Max holds out his hand to shake mine. He appears quite young to own a custom business, not much older than Alreck.

“I’ve heard a lot about you, Vail. I’m happy to finally meet you. And I assume that Alreck also left out that one of his awesome designs is here at Sturgis to compete for the title of the custom bike builders’ annual world championship.”

My jaw falls open, again.

“By the stunned look on your face I can see that I guessed right, ha! It’s safe to say that you have an extremely talented and also very modest boyfriend, Vail. Let’s get this girl a drink.”

I look up at Alreck, who is watching me amid the swirling party that surrounds us. He leans down and pulls me close, his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

He breathes quietly into my ear, “I love you so much, Vail. When you left that night my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest.”

“Alreck,” I whisper back to him, “you know that I love you with everything I am. I never thought I’d admit it but I’m so grateful that Lisetta dragged me out to your crazy biker party that night. It’s where we found each other.”

His mesmerizing eyes smile down at me with glittering intensity.

“Oh, and baby?” I add saucily, “I hope that you’ve already booked us a room because you’re in for an unbelievably hard ride tonight and this time
be the one driving.”

His eyes immediately turn smoldering hot and I shiver, knowing that I’m about to become a very lucky lady.

He leans into me, his hot palm threading possessively through my hair to clasp down against my bare neck. He speaks against my ear in a vibrating growl. “I took care of it. You’d better have a quick drink and say your goodbyes until later because I’m about to drag your sexy ass to our room right now. Damn, you’re so
naughty, Vail.”

Standing on tiptoes with my arms latched around his soft hair and bronzed neck, I say in a sultry purr against his sculpted lips, “And you love it.”


Christine Edwards
grew up in the Deep South on Hilton Head Island, SC. At an early age she developed a passion for the arts that led her to earn a bachelor’s degree in Art History from the College of Charleston in South Carolina.

Christine has a special place in her heart for reading and writing erotic tales. To date she has published two novellas along with two full-length novels including
Claimed in Canada
Naughty in Norway
. Her main focus is on loving, multifaceted relationships involving intense alpha males and feisty heroines.

She adores snow skiing, traveling the world, and spending time with her amazing family.

Christine currently resides in the sleepy coastal town of Beaufort, SC. You can find her on the Web at:

Claimed in Canada Excerpt


e have to get back to the lodge! I hear a voice scream in my head as frigid wind and snow whip across my numb cheeks. My survival instincts kick into overdrive as I crank the snowmobile faster. We must get moving or we will be buried by the impending storm front that’s closing in on us like a freight train.

Come on, we need to get these snowmobiles moving faster.

Our research site is only five miles out from Haines Junction and we should be back within thirty minutes if we can just keep the Arctic Cats steady, assuming we aren’t overpowered by the storm first. Without warning my engine begins to stutter step on me. My throttle gives up power. Oh God no, not the gas. I glance at  the gauge, which still reads over half full. Through the snowy haze, I’m able to see black smoke drifting from the engine.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I call out through the cold air as the Cat comes to a halt on the fresh snow.

Through the torrent of wind and falling flakes I see Gabe turning his Cat around and heading back toward me. He shouts over the rumble of his sled, echoed by the storm, “What’s wrong with your Cat, Violet?”

Trying to muster fortitude, I tell my partner, “Go back to the lodge fast and get help. I’ll follow behind you on foot. There’s no time to waste, now go!”

With a concerned look he yells to me over his motor, “Wait, let’s try to get you onto mine.”

I considered his small one-seater before shaking my head and shouting, “Gabe, there’s little time; this front is already raging around us. The sleds are only intended for one and we’ll wreck if we try to double up. I know you used to race these things. Now go and bring back help as quickly as you can.”

He gives a determined nod before turning his Cat around. He revs the engine and blazes away, disappearing within moments into the harsh front. Born and raised in Minnesota, Gabe has been riding snowmobiles since he was a boy and if anyone can get back in time, it’s him. Close to tears, I slide off my bike and realize that my only option besides waiting for Gabe is to start jogging toward Haines Junction. I grab the supply pack off my sled and settle the added weight onto my shoulder. It’s nearly dusk and I’ll have to hurry down the wooded trail.

How could this have happened? We always check the weather hourly and we had high-tailed it out of there as soon as we heard that this freak front was popping up. The big storm they were all talking about in town was not supposed to hit for another day.

That’s when I hear the first howl. So strong and confident that it makes my blood turn to ice in my veins. No, no! They’ve spotted me as solo prey and I know it’s just a matter of time before they take me down.

Completely jacked on adrenaline I sprint for all I’m worth down the dim path ahead. I fumble in my pocket for my Taser gun. It’s charged up but will only buy me a little time, not enough for survival. There are too many wolves in a pack.

The howls are coming one after another now and I can’t get a read on their direction, but I know they’re closing in on me.

From my six years of research I know what they are, without a doubt.

Running furiously through the fresh snow I try to think clearly and formulate a plan. What will I do if they attack? Will a Taser be enough? My heart is pounding out of my chest and I feel lightheaded.

Keep it together girl! 

I hear a low growl off to my right coming from the snowy bank on the edge of the trail. As I whip around to face the noise, I strain to see where the wolf is positioned. I realize that it’s close and can make out its darkened form. I stop to hold my ground and get the charge going on my weapon. My arms are trembling as I will myself to focus. There won’t be a second chance in this scenario.

This is it, do or die time.

I begin to stumble backwards, instinctively distancing myself from the danger. Then I lose my footing in the soft snow. Panicking, I realize too late that I’ve backed myself off the path and down the embankment.

Thank God I’m still clutching the Taser. I aim straight out so I can let loose on anything that comes near me. As the howls start closing in I suddenly hear a close, cracking shot and then another followed by a deep male voice.

“Goddammit Violet! Where are you? Violet? Fuck!”

I strain to make my voice work. “Here! I’m over here! Please help me!”

Oh my God, is that Luke?

“Here! Right here!” I begin scrambling back up the few feet of the snowy bank toward his voice.

I yell to him, “Watch out, there are …” Before I can finish something jumps me from behind, knocking me to the ground. I feel a hard smack on the side of my head and begin to fade out. While struggling to hold on I hear only a mixture of angry growls and a low male voice.

“Don’t move Violet, don’t fucking move…”

Then everything fades into blackness.


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