Naughty Little Wishes (Birthday Dare) (2 page)

Read Naughty Little Wishes (Birthday Dare) Online

Authors: Nina Crespo

Tags: #fling, #erotic, #Naughty Little Wished, #enemies to lovers, #military, #Brazen, #Entangled, #Nina Crespo, #contemporary romance, #PTSD, #fashion

BOOK: Naughty Little Wishes (Birthday Dare)
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Gray tailored suit paired with a blue shirt and a navy blue silk tie with a hint of pattern.
It would fit nicely with his dark hair and classically gorgeous face. Minus the scowl. Geez, what did he have planned next? A pack of drug-sniffing dogs and a strip search?

“You better have a good explanation.” Drew unbuttoned his suit jacket and laid his hand on the desk. His shirt molded to his pecs, and her mind went rogue with possibilities. Him dressed in a torso-hugging T-shirt and faded jeans. What about low-riding board shorts and an unbuttoned linen shirt revealing sculpted abs? Or in nothing at all?

Stop panting.
Yeah, he rated damn near spectacular, putting him in the lust category of doable. Maybe stay-all-night-with-breakfast-thrown-in-the-next-morning doable, but if she did sleep with him, she’d have to redress him
burn his old clothes on fashion principle. Not a good idea. She’d barely gotten off Jasmine’s shit list over causing him to leave the barbecue with his boxers in a bunch…or did he wear briefs?

“I want an answer. Why are you carrying all this stuff in your purse?”

Another shame. He needed a refresher on what to do with his mouth. Those kissable lips were created to make magic anywhere…everywhere. His hazel-brown gaze locked with hers. Primal, sexual, like he
know how to deliver what those lips promised—a demand to open for the deep, delicious sweeps of his tongue.

Pulses spread through her middle, and she squeezed her thighs shut. “Do you really want to know?”

He stopped leaning on the desk. Cold irritation melted the warmth radiating between them and the heat from his gaze. “Save it. You cause any more trouble, I’m tossing you out.”

“Not unless you want an introduction to the pointy end of my Manolos.” She stuffed her belongings back into her purse. “You ran from the barbecue with your tail tucked between your legs because you couldn’t handle the conversation. Now you want to give me a hard time over it. Sorry, you’ll have to find someone else. I don’t play the arrogant jackass game.”

He crowded her space, and the scent of his cologne, a mixture of citrus and amber, surrounded her. She caught herself swaying toward him as she soaked it in. Damn. Why did he have to smell so good?

“I didn’t run.” A deeper scowl sharpened his jaw line. “I left because I had a meeting, and I don’t play stupid games. Now answer the question.”

Don’t antagonize him, huh? She wasn’t the one who poked the bear this time. The latest from Lady Gaga, Jasmine’s ringtone, blasted from her cell. Tab swallowed the wakeup call hovering on her lips. “You want an answer.” She picked up a “Bite Me” condom left on the desk and slapped it against his chest. “Read it.”

Pushing past him, she slung her purse over her shoulder and marched out the door.

Chapter Two

“I’m out.” Full from the eggplant parmesan she’d ordered at the Italian restaurant, Tab pushed the half-eaten slice of chocolate cheesecake across the table. Jasmine, a diehard chocoholic, dove in.

She could afford it. The burgundy wrap-dress Jasmine wore fit perfectly. Based on the sparkle in her eyes, she was excited about her upcoming trip to South Carolina to see Ethan. His demanding job as a security contractor for Bode-Wynn, and Jasmine living in Dallas and managing a hectic business travel schedule, didn’t make it easy. Somehow, the two found a way to make it work. Jasmine would need the extra calories for all the horizontal workouts she’d put in with him over the next two weeks. When Jasmine and Ethan were together, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

Tab smiled and sipped coffee. Score another win for the birthday dare. She and Jasmine started the dare tradition when they were eight years old. Since then, their challenges had led to more than a few wild escapades. Four months ago, she’d given Jasmine a birthday dare to get over her former fiancé, Asshat Cheating Greg. All it took was a one-night stand in Miami and karma delivering a swift kick past heartbreak for Jasmine to land the best present of her life. Ethan.

Jasmine’s cell buzzed on the table. She glanced at a new text. “The rumor mill is on fire over Drew kicking you out.”

“He didn’t kick me out. I left because he went crazy dictator on me.” Tab tapped a manicured nail on the table. “Show me where it states in Bode-Wynn’s corporate manual a woman can’t have a sex toy in her purse.”

“It probably is after today, Ms. Freakster.” Jasmine smoothed dark bangs from her forehead. “And it wasn’t just one toy. You’re hauling around a whole sex kit.”

“I know it’s hard to remember with your lust-fogged brain, but some of us don’t have a boyfriend waiting to rip our clothes off. When I’m on the road, I enjoy a little discreet pleasure. I bought the toys on my way to the airport. I forgot the clerk pulled the battery tab on the lipstick vibe when she showed me the speed controls. How was I supposed to know the on-off button was so sensitive?”

“I suggest you remember that detail the next time you go through airport security or harassment is in your future. Speaking of harassment, what scary nugget of wisdom did you give Drew?”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb. If he’s as pissed as everyone says he is, I know you didn’t calmly pack up your toys and walk out. What did you say?”

“Not much.”

“Define much.”

Tab pressed a napkin to her lips and peeped at Jasmine.
The patented stinky eye, guaranteed to wither all smart-ass comments. “Will you stop?”

Jasmine’s eyes narrowed.

“Fine. I may have suggested he bite me.”

“Oh, real subtle.”

“It was a vibrator, not a bomb. Did he get this upset when you and Ethan sexed it up in your office?”

“What?” Jasmine’s golden-brown face flushed. “For the umpteenth time, Ethan and I did not have sex in my office. Stop trying to change the subject.” She pointed with her fork. “You had to have the last word, again, like at the barbecue when you smeared ice cream on your boobs.”

“So what if I did? No one should have all those silly rules about food and sex. It’s unnatural.”

“You shouldn’t be so hard on him. The guy almost died in a car accident five years ago, and he’s worked his butt off to get to where he is now. He’s not bad once you get to know him.”

“You told me to stay away from him.”

Jasmine snorted. “Telling you not to do something is an open invitation to dive right in. When a cute guy’s involved, you lose all control.”

“No I don’t.”

Jasmine’s brow arched. “The stockbroker, the lawyer you met in traffic court, the plastic-surgeon who offered all your friends nose jobs, the accountant, and the bodybuilding auditor who always did that thing when he….” She grimaced. “Anyway, ring any bells?”

Yeah, guys with hot bodies she’d loved dressing and undressing until their hang-ups got in the way. She liked flexibility. They wanted to live by the clock. She enjoyed surprises. They couldn’t handle the unpredictable. She liked harmless fun. They never quite got the joke. All of them hid behind their egos. They’d also shut her out when she refused to allow them to ignore the truth they needed to face for their own good. Andrew fit in as their long lost brother.

“Trust me. I’m not interested in Andrew Bode, especially after what happened today. Flash a few sex toys and minds sink into the gutter. They’re not a big deal. I read the other day toy parties are becoming popular. In fact, I’ve been thinking of throwing you one for your bridal shower and adding in a boudoir photo session with the bridesmaids. Ooh, and the guys. Imagine how a sexy photo of Ethan and his friends would turn out.”

A vision emerged and Tab dragged in an involuntary breath. Drew’s defined chest and what she imagined as a flawless eight-pack of abs on display. A pair of Calvin Klein micro-underwear molded to his promising package. Hazel-brown eyes narrowed with a brooding look as he raked back his dark hair, full lips parted in the release of a sexy growl.

“Whoa. Hold on a minute.” Jasmine glared. “You need to wipe that look off your face. You’re not allowed to imagine my boyfriend half-naked, and no one’s talking marriage. We just started dating, but thanks for the heads-up on the plan. I’m eloping.”

“Oh please, don’t go there. If you run, I’ll track you down faster than a Botoxed ex-beauty queen huntin’ down a million-dollar alimony check.”

Jasmine gave her an exasperated look. “A Botoxed ex… Where do you come up with this stuff? Never mind. Forget I asked. Your twenty-eighth birthday is coming up. Mess with me, and I’ll dare you to walk down the street in a clown suit and heels.”

“Just so I’m coordinated, are we talking one-inch kitten heels or six-inch stilettos?”


Whatever. Jasmine and Ethan may not have realized it yet, but they were more than halfway to happily-ever-after, crazy in love. When they decided to head down the aisle, she’d make sure Jasmine had the best bridal sendoff ever.

Jasmine’s cell chimed with a call. “Sorry. I better take this. It’s Vanessa.”

“Devin Wynn’s assistant? She was a blast at the barbecue. I like her.”

“Good because she’s possibly my new,
best friend. Jealous?” Jasmine shot her a syrupy smile and answered the phone. “Hi. No, I’m having lunch with Tab.”

Tab glanced at her watch. Nearly time to drive Jasmine to the airport. They didn’t get much girl time these days back in Dallas. She’d set aside three weeks for her style-consult clients in Florida, hoping she and Jasmine would have a chance to catch up, but, once again, their schedules hadn’t matched. Two weeks from now, Jasmine would fly back to Texas, and she had clients to see in Virginia after leaving Florida. But it was all good. Jasmine having a couple of weeks with Ethan trumped everything. She deserved happiness.

Tab toyed with her coffee cup. Maybe someday she’d get lucky in the guy department, too, but time with her clients often got in the way of serious relationships. She didn’t have a psych degree, but closets made the perfect confessionals. Embracing change wasn’t just about clothes. Her clients faced fears and found their motivation in life. As she got to know them, and more about their dreams, she offered advice and firm nudges in the right direction.

Jasmine sighed in sympathy into the phone. “I’m sure if you talk to Devin, he’ll understand. If you’re sick, you can’t go to the party tonight… I wish I could take your place, but my flight leaves in a couple of hours. Are you sure you don’t know someone who can fill in?”

A party with Devin Wynn?
Definitely not a hardship. Unlike his partner, Devin was not only gorgeous, but he had a sense of humor and a stylish wardrobe. She could use a reason to get dressed up and mingle. Her first appointment wasn’t until tomorrow afternoon. She could drive to Jacksonville in the morning. All she needed was a place to spend the night.

Tab flagged Jasmine’s attention and pointed to herself.

Jasmine snorted in disbelief.

“Hey. What am I, a pig in a tutu?” Tab raised her voice. “She needs someone to fill in. Tell her I’ll do it.”

Jasmine closed her eyes. “That was Tab… I know. Gee, such a peach… Yeah, but she’ll need a place to stay… Okay… I’ll give her the keys… Uh-huh, I’ll tell her. Bye.”

“So”—Tab smiled—“Will Devin like me better in red or the fawn-colored dress I showed you?”

Jasmine gave her the patented stinky eye for the second time. “He won’t care.”

Chapter Three

Drew leaned in and pumped his legs faster on the Kestrel. His new love. Sleek, gorgeous, capable of handling speed on the straight-aways and hugging the curves. The power he generated with his legs flowed into the pedals of the bike. Wind cooled the sweat wicking from his blue-and-white jersey and cycling shorts. A fleeting sense of freedom rushed over him. He chased after it as he conquered the miles.

A flash lit up the empty road and the surrounding trees, and rain began to fall. He’d forgotten his protective gear and his cell. A bonehead move, but after his call ended with Bob Harrison, he couldn’t think straight. Their contract with Harrison Global officially ended a week ago, and the company still hadn’t signed a renewal.
What the fuck did Bob Harrison mean with that answer? Bode-Wynn had watched over Harrison’s executives for five years. They’d even saved Bob from a kidnapping attempt in Brazil last year. Their personal history, all the clients he’d referred to Bode-Wynn. It didn’t make sense for Bob to consider other companies.

The frustration he’d calmed during his bike ride rose to a low boil. She’d messed with his concentration. He wouldn’t have lost focus with Bob on the call and screwed up negotiations if he hadn’t run into Tabitha Drake.
Bite Me?
That was third on the list of things he’d do to her if they ever made use of that condom, which they wouldn’t. She’d start an argument about how to do it.
. She’d try to tell him how to handle his dick, and no one told him what to do with that or anything else in his life.

From the look in her eyes at the barbecue, Tabitha viewed him as a tight-ass, but he scheduled in time for enjoyment. He just didn’t like chaos messing up the order of things. He knew how to keep his priorities straight while she obviously…

Why couldn’t he get her out of his head?

Drew stood on the pedals and powered up the incline. His thighs burned. Quickening heart beats echoed in his ears. Pushing harder, he crested over the top and sailed down the other side. As he caught his breath, one fat drop of rain, then two, plopped on his helmet and rolled down his arm. He flexed his gloved fingers around the handles.
Too far out to beat the storm

But that didn’t mean he had to give in. Days of grueling therapy had taught him where to direct his strength. He had more than his share of experience in dismantling obstacles threatening to stand in his way.

He ducked his head and moved smoothly through the gear changes. A strong wind shook the bike, and he realigned it with practiced skill. Rain fell harder. Repeated claps of thunder rumbled into the frame. The vibration stopped, but the rumbling grew louder behind him. Hairs rose on his nape. That wasn’t Mother Nature stomping around in a bad mood.

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