Naughty Little Wishes (Birthday Dare) (9 page)

Read Naughty Little Wishes (Birthday Dare) Online

Authors: Nina Crespo

Tags: #fling, #erotic, #Naughty Little Wished, #enemies to lovers, #military, #Brazen, #Entangled, #Nina Crespo, #contemporary romance, #PTSD, #fashion

BOOK: Naughty Little Wishes (Birthday Dare)
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Drew settled back and she laid her head on his shoulder. “Okay, but this is my story so no complaints.” He paused for dramatic effect and raised his brow.

Smiling, she nodded. “Okay.”

“Once upon a time, there was a red-haired princess who never listened and always wanted her way.”

“Hmm, I like her already.”

“One day, she went on a big adventure to change the kingdom. She wanted everyone to wear lime-green stripes and blue polka dots.”

Tab chuckled and sniffed. “Wait a minute. I said fairy tale, not a horror story.” She laid her hand on his chest and pleasing warmth radiated into him.

“You shouldn’t judge.” He kissed her forehead and tucked her close. “You don’t know how it’s going to end.”

He went on with his story, and she fell asleep long before happily ever after. Fatigue pulled at him and he fought to stay awake. Neither one of them had gotten much sleep for the last few nights, but she was better now. He could go to work at Bode-Wynn. Get back to his busy schedule. A familiar weight of responsibility bore down on him, and he mentally shrugged it away.

No. Not yet. One more afternoon, one more night. The end of next week, he wouldn’t have her at all. He’d miss her…

His eyes closed.

Chapter Thirteen

Tab opened the front door, and sun warmed her bare arms and legs. Smiling, she took in a long breath. The sniffles and lingering cough had finally passed. The worst of the virus had ended on Thursday, but she took the next day to fully recover. She’d worked from bed, checking in with the designers, tailors, and seamstresses on custom projects, caught up on orders she needed to place, and reworked her schedule. A couple of her clients hadn’t minded meeting yesterday, despite the time cutting into the start of their weekend. No one wanted to reschedule to Sunday, so now she had the day off to fully recharge and prepare for her double-booked schedule next week.

She picked up the garbage bag, slipped on her baby-blue flip-flops, and headed for the trash container on the side of the house. She’d put in an hour of suds-therapy cleaning her bedroom and the kitchen. Not that it needed it, but the smell of lemon along with the feel of suds through her fingers matched her mood to think. The past week had thrown her a curve, and not just with the virus.

Drew didn’t have to stay home and take care of her, but for some reason he’d made the choice. The cold medicine had knocked her out the majority of the time. She’d also feigned sleep when he pulled the sheet closer to her chin or stroked her cheek after checking for a fever. He’d given her privacy, but she’d sensed him in the hallway whenever she got up, waiting until she got back in bed before he quietly slipped away. She’d objected at first, but it felt good to have him around. No one had taken care of her like that since she’d left home. She would never forget him feeding her homemade chicken soup, and she still couldn’t believe she’d convinced him to tell her a story. Asking him not to go had popped out of her mouth before she’d realized it. He’d stayed almost the entire night…like a real boyfriend.

They still hadn’t talked about the night they’d slept together. In the lulls of conversation, she’d sensed it hovering, and she could tell he did, too. He’d set her mind at ease with his confession he’d truly wanted her, not Shana, but they’d both agreed. No sex. Now that they’d violated the rule, what did it mean? Would they keep sleeping together? Would sex make things better or worse? She didn’t want to lose the ground they’d gained. He’d shown a side of him she’d never expected during her illness. They actually talked now instead of arguing.

As she walked back to the front her cell buzzed against her butt, and she slipped it from the back pocket of her cut-offs.
. She clicked the talk icon. “No, I will not fly to South Carolina and have a wild threesome with you and Ethan.”

Jasmine laughed. “In your dreams. I’m starting to think you’re developing an unhealthy obsession about seeing my man naked.”

“Just offering a friendly option in case you’re worn out from your duties. Make sure to use padded cuffs when you’re tied to the headboard.” Tab snickered. “It’s too hot to wear long sleeves and wrist burns are hard to explain. Oh, and make sure he drink lots of water. You don’t want a cramp hindering his performance.”

“Keep your offers and your advice to yourself. Not that it’s any of your business, but I take good care of him. I even feed him on a regular basis. Wait. Oh shit, you and your dirty mind. I just set myself up, didn’t I?” Jasmine groaned. “Leave it alone. I mean it. If you say anything, I’ll hang up.”

Laughter burst past Tab’s lips. “You’re lucky I’m in a generous mood, but I reserve the right to come back to that one in the future.”

A car alarm
across the street.

“Where are you?” Jasmine asked.

She’d dodged the question during their previous conversations. Drew hadn’t said to keep her staying with him a secret, but she doubted he’d blasted it out at Bode-Wynn. Still, she’d half expected for the news to travel from Mitch to Ethan and back to Jasmine, saving her from breaking the ice.

“I’m at Drew’s place.”

“You mean Drew as in Andrew Bode?”

She flexed her foot and traced a crack in the pavement. Like a Band-Aid, better to rip it off all at once. “And, I’m kinda-sorta sleeping with him.”

“Hold up a minute. You’re sleeping with he-has-a-stick-so-far-up-his-butt-he-should-be-a-puppet Andrew Bode.”

“But it’s a cute butt.”

“The man you said, and I quote, ‘there aren’t enough good prescription drugs or bottles of whiskey in the entire state of Florida or Texas that could help me deal with him,’ Andrew Bode.”

Dang it. Now she’d have to offer up Jasmine’s feeding Ethan comment in exchange for Jasmine not busting her up over Drew. She really hated surrendering good payback material. “Yeah, that’s him.”

“Well it’s about time, but couldn’t you have waited another month? Now I owe Ethan a hundred dollars and a massage.”

“You bet on me sleeping with Drew?”

“Sure did. You may have circled each other like dogs fighting over fresh meat at the barbecue, but I sensed a little sizzle going on. It was only a matter of time. Especially after Mitch said Drew gave him a look that almost seared his balls off at the party when he touched you.”

“Mitch told you that? Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I figured you’d tell me when you were ready. So?”

Once again, the question she and Drew failed to face loomed ahead. “So, what about the stockbroker, the lawyer, the surgeon…”
And Drew,
CEO of a major firm
. She didn’t want to add him to the list of gold-star dating failures.

“Forget about the others. Do you really like Drew?”

“Tab’s doing Drew?” Ethan’s voice came through clearly. “I knew it! I win! Pay up, princess.”

“Seriously?” Jasmine yelled. “Get off the bed and go watch television, or better yet, start making lunch. Don’t give me those sad puppy eyes.” She laughed. “Get out.” A door closed in the background. “Sorry, he’s gone, but he did bring up a good point about sleeping with Drew. There is no kinda-sorta, either you are or you’re not. Which is it? And be precise, I still might be able to win this bet.”

Tab spilled on everything, including her fears about where things were going, and swore Jasmine to secrecy about Harrison’s contract. The release of unburdening pushed out a long sigh. “So there you have it. What do you think?”

“What do your mind and heart say?”

She sat on the front step. “They’re not in agreement. My mind says keep having sex with him. My heart says don’t get too involved.”

“It sounds like you should keep it casual until the two of you decide to have the relationship talk. Are you okay with just sleeping with him, no strings attached?”

Drew, outfitted in full cycling gear, rode up the driveway.

She stood. “Yeah, I can live with that.”

“Then go for it. Oh no. I can’t believe this.”

“What?” Tab listened to Jasmine but tracked Drew coasting around the curve.

“Ethan’s dancing.”

“But he’s a good dancer.” Tab swallowed. As long as she lived, she’d never be able to look at Drew in cycling shorts and not think of that quickie in the guest bathroom.

“And that’s the only reason I’m cutting him slack for what I’m seeing right now. It’s like a weird version of Chippendales mixed with Top Chef.” Jasmine laughed. “But it’s actually hot. I’ll talk to you later. Gotta go save my man from harming something I’d really like for him to keep.”

Drew stopped in front of her and dropped his foot to the ground. His muscles flexed as he balanced the bike between his strong thighs. “Hey. Going for a walk?”

She cleared her throat. “No, I came out to get some air. How’s training?”

“Not training today. Just a joyride.”

Keep it casual. Don’t look down at his crotch. Yeah, mama still wants to take that for a ride. Okay you looked, now swing it back up.

He took off his helmet and wiped a heavy coat of sweat from his brow. “I wanted to get some fresh air and enjoy the sun before burying myself in work. You know, after being cooped up, you should go out.”

. She should have thought about that. They’d spent a lot of time together this week. He could probably use a few hours to himself. “Yeah, actually, I am.”


She jumped on what she’d glanced over while checking her email that morning. “The movies, I’m going to see the sequel to that action movie we talked about.”

“Really? It’s out?” He grinned. “Aww, you’re killing me.” His smile faded to an expression of disappointment that tugged words from her mouth.

“You should come.” What was she thinking? He’d just said he had to work, and she’d planned on giving him some alone time.

He looked to the ground and shifted his weight on the bike, probably searching for a way to let her down easy. “Can you wait until the showing later this afternoon?” His sincerity melted through his serious expression. “It’s okay, if you can’t.”

“I can wait,” she chimed in quickly.

His returning grin made up for her embarrassment of sounding desperate. “Good. I’ll go inside and finish what I have to do. Just let me know what time so I’m ready.” He rode to the garage and stored his bike.

Disbelief tangled with giddiness. She’d just kinda-sorta asked Drew on a date…and he’d said yes.

Chapter Fourteen

The movie delivered everything the reviews promised. Explosions, car chases, and a drool-worthy scene of the hero stepping naked out of the shower, but Drew captivated her attention. She wanted him in a designer suit, but she loved how he filled out a pair of cargo shorts, and he smelled wonderful. Tab leaned in, magnetized to the scent of his cologne and the heat of his skin. She shivered.

Drew looked at her. “Are you cold?”

He reached around and adjusted the jacket he’d given her higher on her shoulders. She took another deep exhale. As much as she loved the tub of extra butter popcorn in her hands, with the way he smelled, she’d rather munch on him.

After the movie, they strolled through the outdoor strip mall. Tab caught more than one lingering stare in his direction. One woman’s blatant stare almost made her suggest the woman take a picture as a memento.

Drew nudged her arm. “What’s the eye roll about?”

“Some people don’t understand it’s rude to keep staring at the view out of someone else’s window.”

“What are you talking about?”

The amused look on his face made her laugh. He knew. “Now you’re just being conceited. Didn’t you get enough attention at the movies? Those girls in the third row should have paid extra for the double feature they made of it by staring at you the whole time.”

“College girls aren’t my type.”

“What about the grandmother four rows over?”

“Good to know what gets your attention—co-eds and kindly grandmothers.”

A laugh shot past her lips. “That kindly grandmother grabbed your ass on the way out, and you smiled at her.”

He offered up an innocent shrug. “I was just being respectful of my elders.”

Tab nudged him. “Right.”

“Sometimes the view is just too good to pass up.”

Just taking in the view.
That’s what he’d said right before he’d settled between her thighs and rocked her world. She averted attention to the sidewalk as awareness radiated through her. That’s what she got for having a dirty-girl mind. She turned to him. “Really?”

“Yeah, really.” A look of male appreciation flickered through his gaze. He remembered, too.

The intensity of it stalled her flirty response. They’d already opened the door twice, an angry sexcapade and his nightmare. Both times, reactions in the heat of the moment. This time, if she responded, they’d deliberately make the decision. She wanted him sexually, but what if they lost the ease developing between them? Could they sleep together and get along or was she right in thinking their arguments and sex linked together in some strange way?

A window display over Drew’s shoulder featured a navy-blue men’s suit. A sign touted it was from the line of one of her favorite designers. She still had to take make changes to his closet. Drew had to maintain control as the CEO of his company, but the lighter, caring side of his personality ended up buried under his image. Updating his wardrobe would allow him to reveal what she suspected and learned over the past few days. Wonderfulness existed, not just outside but inside of him as well.

He glanced behind him and his teasing expression grew agitated. “If you’re still interested in going to dinner at that place up the road, we should go. They’re busy on the weekends. It’s hard to get a table.”

Time was running out. With all the changes to her schedule, it wouldn’t hurt to get a jump on confirming his measurements or making a few minor selections. She had a right to insist. He’d agreed as a part of their deal. His gaze hardened a bit more. But he’d say no. If she insisted, their pleasant Sunday would end…and maybe so would their truce. They’d end up in opposite corners, waiting for the signal to get back in the ring. No. She wanted more of his laughter and for him not to lose the genuine happiness reflected in his eyes. Could she have both his closet and him for her final week in town, if she didn’t push too hard?

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