Naughty Nicks (9 page)

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Authors: Christine d'Abo

BOOK: Naughty Nicks
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The dusting of chest hair went down across his stomach, a treasure trail leading down to disappear beneath the loose-fitting pants. If she’d thought her fingers were itchy before, they were now burning with the desire to reach out and touch. She wanted to rake her nails down across his pecs, tease his nipples, scratch the pale skin of his sides. Fuck, he was exactly how she remembered him.

The jacket fell to the floor, but Kim had lost interest in the garment. Her attention was now riveted on the pair of red suspenders that went across his shoulders and fastened at his waist. “Those are new?”

“I thought you might like them.” He strutted closer—that was such a Ryan way to walk—and dropped to a squat before her. “I know some women think they are sexy.”

“They certainly are.” As she ran her finger beneath the suspenders, Kim tested their elasticity. “Lots of things you can do with a good pair of suspenders.”

“Oh?” Blake pulled away and got back to his feet. Wow, that was an impressive body roll. “What would you do with them?”

She blinked away that particular mental image. “No. I’m not going to...just no.”

“Tell me, Kim. I want to know what goes on in that devious little mind of yours. If you do, I promise to give you a present.” He pulled the suspenders out, only to let them snap back against his skin. Blake held her gaze the entire time, his arousal clear in more ways than one.

Blake was clearly here with the intention of following through on what they’d started last night. All she needed to do was open up and let slip one of her favorite fantasies.

Shit, was she really going to tell him this? “Well, they are very stretchy.”
Apparently so.
“And I’d always thought they would be great for tying a person up in bed.”

Blake stopped, his fingers poised above the clasp that would release one side of the suspenders. “You’d want to do that? Be tied up?”

“Or tie my partner up. It would be fun either way and I’m not picky.”

Without looking down, Blake released the clasp. His pants sagged down, now freed from their support, and exposed another inch of previously hidden skin. He flicked the tail of the suspender over his shoulder, the end now dangling between his legs.

“Have you done that before?” He moved closer again, this time turning the hip with the attached suspender toward her. “We never had a chance to talk about the type of sex you’d be into. I should have guessed it would be kinky.”

“Why’s that?” She wasn’t about to discuss her previous lovers. While Kim might talk the talk, she’d only had a few chances to walk that particular path.

Blake flicked the clasp on the second suspender, but didn’t release it. “You have tattoos. I like to imagine women with tattoos are more interesting in bed. Plus, it’s the way you look at some of the men who come into the office. How you’re mentally undressing them and placing them into some scenario in your head.”

Damn, was she really that obvious about it? “Not always.”

Blake cocked his eyebrow and released some of the tension in the suspender.

“Okay, most of the time.”

The free end went flying and his pants dropped another half inch. Before the fabric could fall all the way down, Blake did a hip swivel and a spin that would have made the boys proud.

“I’m going to start putting your name on the list for hire.” The waistband clung to the rise of his ass, exposing the top of the valley. “Because there are women out there who would pay top dollar to see your ass.”

“Are you objectifying me, Elf Kim?”

“Sure am, boss.” She’d objectify him a whole lot more if he’d show her more skin.

Wait a second...

“Are you wearing the thong?”

Blake pulled the pants down, exposing two perfectly rounded ass cheeks. The normally too-bright red fabric was nowhere to be seen, nor was there the tell-tale line in his skin from where it would normally press. Which meant he was naked beneath the costume. Really, really naked.

Kim knew she was gaping, but looking like a water-starved fish was the least of her worries. This wasn’t a simple Naughty Nick stripping session. Blake was actually going to get naked for her. The full Monty.

If she’d been standing, she would have fallen down.

He turned around once more, his hands holding the front of his pants so they wouldn’t fall and reveal his cock. His body stilled, even as the next song in the mix kicked in. Gone was the look of mischief and the easy stance he’d taken up to this point. Kim met his gaze and sucked in a breath. If looks could fuck she’d be flat on her back with her legs spread wide.

“Blake?” Breathless, she swallowed hard hoping to get some of the strength back to her voice. “Why?”

“I’ve been alone for a while now.” He widened his stance and released his hold on his pants. The fabric slipped down to his hips before they stopped, giving her a tantalizing glimpse of the top of his pubic hair. “I’ve been miserable and thought no one would want me. Recently, I find myself smiling more. I look forward to going to work again because I know I have someone there who doesn’t care about how much money I make, or what my house looks like. I have a friend.”

Oh no, she didn’t want to be his friend. She wanted him to fuck her brains out. Before she could say anything, he held up his hand.

“When I kissed you outside of the bathroom, I think that was my subconscious telling me that it was okay for me to want someone else sexually. Yes, I know we’ve had sex before, but that was different. We didn’t know one another that night. If we were to do this again, it would be something more than before. Last night’s kiss, well, everything came into focus. I wanted more than that. Wanted to see if there might be a chance to...” He closed his eyes and let out a huff.

Dammit, if he got all emotional then she’d cry. If she cried then there’d be no sex. If there was no sex, she’d lose her mind and that wasn’t going to happen.

“Take it off.” Her voice was soft, but he heard her desire clear as day. “Take it off.”

His lips twitched into a quick smirk. Yeah, they both needed this, otherwise they’d never be able to have the inevitable grownup talk that was sure to come. Best to disperse the sex haze that had descended around them before the serious conversation took place.

It was for the best.


“Take it off. Take it off. Take it off.” She clapped to the beat of the music, and slowly his hips began to swivel once more. “Take it off! Do it!

Blake bucked his hips toward her, his erection fully tenting the front. “Are you su—?”

“Take it

Wearing a full-on grin, Blake pushed the pants down with a single motion, freeing the most perfect cock Kim had ever seen.

Chapter Six

There were many crazy things Blake had done in his life, but standing naked in Kim’s living room was officially at the top of that list. He’d never been this exposed before—either physically or emotionally. God, that sounded weird even in his own head, even if it was the truth.

Still, it wasn’t every day he stood naked in Santa boots before the woman he’d been denying his feelings about.

Kim had never been great at masking her emotions. She was an in-your-face kind of girl, but not in the offensive way. With her eyes glued to his cock and the small
her mouth was making, he knew she was happy to see him naked again. He shouldn’t have made them both wait for this. The years they’d wasted...

Thrilled that the guys had made him practice this next part several times, Blake easily toed the pants off over his boots without falling on his face. If Kim had noticed how smoothly he’d performed the move, she gave no indication of it. She was a one-track-mind girl, which appeared to be fully on board the sex train.

Time to take things to the next level.

Blake reached down and released the suspenders from the back of the pants, silently thanking Clark for the last-minute suggestion. The red elastic was old and well used, providing quite a bit of give. Remembering at the last moment to continue his dance, he sauntered up to Kim’s chair, reached over and draped the suspenders around her neck.

“Have you been a naughty or nice girl this year, little elf?”

“Oh, I’ve been naughty. Very, very naughty.” She reached out to run her hand across his stomach, but stopped short of actually touching him. “Are we really going to do this? Because I’ve been dreaming about fucking you again for years now and I’d hate for that not to happen. I might even cry.”

As though he’d be able to stop at this point? “Unless you tell me right now to get my naked ass out of here, we’re doing this.”

“Condoms? Tell me you have condoms in that bag, or else I’m going to go looking for coal to shove up your ass.”

“A whole box. Ribbed. With extra lube.”

Kim was still looking at his cock. On some primal level, Blake wanted to beat his fists against his chest, loving how taken she was with his pride and joy. No doubt the last sex she’d had was with someone her own age. Knowing he could still impress ego boost ever.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear that.” Without a word, she reached out and grabbed his cock, her cold fingers encircling him around his base. “I seem to remember you liked it when I sucked your cock?”

Blake should have answered, but the words wouldn’t form in his brain, let alone come out of his mouth. All he could do was manage a jerky nod, while Kim stroked his shaft. He loved blow jobs. Megs hated them and they’d been taken off the table early on in their relationship. Not that he’d minded at the time, they’d done plenty of other things. But having a beautiful woman with an eager expression and a firm grip around his cock brought back his old love of oral sex.

Kim licked the tip of her tongue across the head, teasing his slit with short, sharp flicks. Hot breath rolled across his skin, making Blake shiver in anticipation that bordered on the obscene.

Holy shit
her tongue is smooth.

“God, I’ve wanted to do this for so long.” She sucked his head into her mouth, the moist heat enveloping him. “All the time since that night. I should have known it wasn’t going to be enough.”

Any hope he’d had at being able to hold himself back flew out the window. He inched himself closer and buried a hand in her hair. Those beautiful brown curls practically begged him to run his fingers through their length. The curve of her jaw was soft beneath his fingers, and it flexed as she opened wide to suck him down.

“Fuck.” He tightened his grip in her hair when Kim licked up his shaft.

“That’s the plan.” She chuckled, lowered her face and sucked on his balls. “Sooner rather than later.”

She didn’t seem to be in any hurry to stop what she was doing. If anything, Kim’s enthusiasm increased with the pace of her bobs. She opened wide and swallowed halfway down his cock, using her teeth and tongue to scrape and tease on the way back up. Blake’s body shook from the strain of holding back. Kim must have realized, because the next thing he knew one of her hands was on his hip, encouraging him to thrust.

His groans cut through the song that still played, though he began to match the rhythm of the music. Kim sucked harder, teasing the nerve bundle of his cock on each forward thrust, until he was certain he’d lose his mind. When the tell-tale tingle started to build low in his belly, he knew things would be over far too soon for either of their liking. Using both his hands to cup her face, he pulled back. Her lips were red and moist from where she’d been sucking him, her eyes heavy with desire.

“I think we should move this to a more comfortable location. Not the floor like last time.” He swallowed hard. “Someplace we can test out your love of red suspenders.”

Kim moaned and shoved him backward. “Turn the music off. I need a second to clean up my bedroom.”

“I don’t care if your sheets aren’t made.” The Off button brought blessed quiet to her apartment. “I plan on fucking them up.”

He caught sight of her face, now sporting an attractive blush. “It’s not that. I was watching a movie on TV and I have crap all over the place.”

“What movie?”
She wants to have sex
not discuss her viewing habits.

White Christmas
. Bing Crosby is hot.”

“That’s my favorite Christmas flick. Well, that and
The Ref

“Denis Leary?” She stepped back into the doorway of her bedroom. She’d taken off her shirt and was now standing there in her bra and jeans. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s great. But Denis Leary? At Christmas?”

“I’m a guy and he’s a pig. I’m obligated to love him.” Closing the distance between them, he reached up and braced his hands against the doorjamb. “You took your shirt off.”

The tip of her pink tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Yes I do.” Blake hooked a finger around each of her bra straps, tugging them gently. “I wanted to strip you.”

Kim’s eyes fluttered closed. “I can put it back on if you—”

“Don’t you dare.”

He slid his hands down her arms and then shifted over to circle her waist. She was slim without being too skinny, a testament to her exercise routine. Goosebumps rose across her stomach in the wake of his touch.

“You’re so beautiful.” He ran a finger along the waistline of her jeans. “I used to get mad at myself for remembering how sexy you are naked. I’m far too old for you. And your boss.”

“You’re not old. I’m more than happy to quit if that would make a difference.”

“Old enough. And if you quit I would never be able to run Nicks on my own. You’re the soul of that place.” Neither age nor position mattered to him in that moment. This wasn’t mindless sex with some stranger. This was Kim and she was his for the taking. He wasn’t fool enough to reject the gift she offered him. “I want to savor this. You.”

Her groan encouraged him to tug on the button of her jeans, freeing it with little effort. Her stomach fluttered, the muscles going wild as he slowly tugged the zipper down, exposing a delicate pair of lace panties beneath. The scent of her arousal had his cock twitching with anticipation. Not that he was going to jump to the main attraction immediately. If he had one benefit over younger men, it was his patience when it came to seduction.

Blake walked her backward until the backs of her knees connected with her bed. It only took one gentle shove to send her to the mattress, the weight of her body shaking the mountain of comforters. There was so much he should be saying to her, things that would need to be discussed about what this meant to him, their relationship. How freaked out he was that in the light of day, she’d want nothing more to do with him.

All important conversations that they would have. Later.

The carpet cushioned his knees as he got to the floor, tugging her jeans off over her hips as he went. Kim helped by lifting up and wiggling herself free from her denim confines. He’d purposely left her panties in place for the moment, wanting to savor the feel of them.

“Come to the edge of the bed. Put your legs over my shoulders.”

With the difference in their height, Blake was easily able to lean in to touch her pussy.
Not yet.
First, he kissed the inside of her thigh. The smell of her body cream was strong and he took his time enjoying it. This was the scent that would linger for ages after Kim had left the office. It enticed and comforted him. Closing his eyes, he pressed his nose firmly against the meaty part of her thigh and drew a deep breath.

“I can’t smell jasmine now without getting hard.” He gently bit down, before licking the spot. “I avoid the cosmetics section in department stores now because of you.”

Kim groaned, her legs tightening against him.

“I love the way you smell almost as much as I love the way you feel. You’re much softer than I remembered.”

His fingers brushed against the top of her panties. The lace caught on his rough fingertips, pulling slightly as he caressed. Blake wanted to strip them from her, to finally be able to see her pussy, taste her essence. As he wrapped his fingers around the thin fabric, he looked up. Kim met his gaze, her eyes had darkened and her mouth had fallen open.

“I’m going to lick you until you scream.” God, was that his voice? It was rough, ragged in a way he’d never heard before.

Kim sighed as she reached down to touch his face. “Please.”

His fingers moved of their own volition, pulling the lace free to expose her core to him. It took some maneuvering to free her of the garment. Blake reluctantly pulled away from her to draw it down her legs. The end result was worth the momentary break in contact.

The sight of her bare pussy drew a groan of his own. So did the sight of a clit piercing.

“Fuck me. You didn’t have that the last time we did this.” He ran a finger across her clit, touching the heated metal. “Did it hurt?”

“For about five seconds. Then it wasn’t so bad.”

He’d never been with a woman who had a piercing like this before. It was wild, and a secret he would have never guessed about her. Looking up, he also saw something else he hadn’t expected—a small tattoo of the Naughty Nicks logo on her lower stomach. It would have easily been covered up by her panties, which meant it was not for show and highly personal.

“Why?” He ran his thumb across the colored ink.

Kim chuckled. “I don’t want you to get a big head.”

” Blake leaned in and placed a kiss on her bare mound, just above her clit. “Tell me.”

“Because Nicks is a special place to me. You’re special. I had no idea how big a deal it would become when you asked me to come work for you. I never thought we’d get back to the place we started all those years ago, so I wanted to have something to remind me of how much it all means.”

That confession broke through the last of Blake’s resolve. Leaning in, he pressed his mouth to her pussy and took a sharp breath before running his tongue up the length of her clit. Kim’s groan reverberated through her body, making the muscles of her thighs twitch around his face. That only served to encourage him. Sucking the clit barbell into his mouth, Blake toyed with the metal, tugging it between his teeth.

“Fuck, do that again.” She squeezed his hair in her hand. “Harder.”

The metal clacked against his enamel, making the oddest noise in his head. It was as though he’d been given a new toy to play with and he couldn’t put it down. Blake traced the length of the barbell over and over, until Kim was an uncontrollable force beneath his touch. As her body began to vibrate, he knew she was getting close to orgasm. Pressing two fingers into her pussy made her buck up hard against his mouth.


Whatever reservations Blake had about tonight quickly evaporated. He knew this woman, knew who she was deep down and what she liked. And while they’d slept together before, this had the weight of the emotional connection behind it. This was his opportunity, his chance to prove to himself that he was the right man for Kim.

Turning his hand around so his fingers pressed against the top of her pussy, he sucked hard on her clit, knowing the two combined would be enough to push her to the edge. The slight tremor running through her thighs grew to an all-out tremble as she began to lose her grip on her control. He matched his licks against her clit to the pace of his thrusting fingers, increasing the pressure in both spots. One moment she was fighting her body against her orgasm, and the next her fingers pulled his hair as she screamed.

After a time that could have been an eternity, Kim collapsed back against the bed and her legs slipped from his shoulders. Shit, he hadn’t even taken off her bra yet, hadn’t allowed himself the pleasure of sucking on her nipples, squeezing those two glorious mounds that called to him daily.

He should have given her an opportunity to recover, to gather her senses before he moved on to the next part of his seduction. He
have, but his body had long won out over his reason. Ignoring the pins and needles that prickled his legs as he got back to his feet, Blake crawled up on the bed beside Kim, pulling her further onto the mattress with him.

“Naked.” This is what she did to him, reduced him to a series of one-word sentences. “Now.”

At least she chuckled at his Neanderthal routine. She attempted to fumble with the straps of her bra, but he pushed aside her hands and encouraged her to roll onto her side in her languid state. Thankfully the clasp came free easily, leaving a small indent in her skin in its wake. As Kim rolled onto her back, Blake caught sight of another unexpected glint.

“You have your nipples pierced too?” This woman was going to be the death of him.

“I had my belly button done at one point, but it kept rubbing against my jeans so I got rid of it.” Cupping her breasts, she slid her hands along the plump skin until her fingertips brushed the steel. “I take it you’re a fan?”

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