Naughty Nicks (4 page)

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Authors: Christine d'Abo

BOOK: Naughty Nicks
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Chapter Two

By the time Blake finished his
with Clark, he realized two things. First, he was grinding his teeth again and should probably go see his dentist. Second, Clark wasn’t as dumb as he wanted people to believe.

“What are you studying in university again?”

“Veterinary medicine. It’s what I’ve wanted to be since I was a kid.” Clark’s eyes softened and his smile grew more sincere and less dopey. “It’s been a challenge, but I love it.”

“Good for you.”

Blake heard Kim clear her throat from the next room. “No, ma’am, our Santas won’t have sex with you. This isn’t an escort service. No, not even for a tip. No, not even a substantial one.”

Clark stiffened, his gaze locking on to Blake’s. “Dude. The hell?”

“That’s why I have Kim. She filters out all the crazies.”

He hadn’t realized the blessing she would become when he’d asked her to work for him back then. The impulse to ask her had been the result of a sex-addled brain, but the result had been inspired. They clicked together professionally as quickly as they had sexually, making Naughty Nicks an instant success. His only regret was the need to keep her at arm’s length. While he got the impression Kim wouldn’t mind if they picked up where they left off three years earlier, he couldn’t do that to her. Especially now that he knew her as well as he did.

Straightening the now crinkled resume, Blake tried to remember some of the behavioral-based interview questions he normally used when he had to hire someone. Not that any of them fit this side of his business.
You’re getting naked in front of large crowds and you get nervous.
How do you handle that?

“Okay, Clark. What would you do if you’re at a house party and one of the women asks if she can check out your pole privately?”

“Is she cute?”

Oh buddy
don’t even joke.
“Does it matter?”

“Hell yes. If she’s pretty then she won’t take too kindly to the direct brush off. I’d need to use my mad man-skills to give off a
no thanks
vibe. They’re not used to being told no, so ya gotta do it right.”

“Good answer.”

“Thanks.” Clark grinned and somehow managed to bounce in the chair like an excited toddler. “Does that mean I get the job? ’Cause I really need the cash.”

“I heard. Chicks and beer.”

“And tuition.”

Blake really had no reason to doubt Kim’s judgment when it came to hiring the Nicks. For the past three years she’d been flawless in her decision making, their bookings and profits increasing with each subsequent season. He couldn’t explain why he felt the sudden need to vet Clark’s abilities for himself. It probably came about when he’d heard the easy banter between them. Yes, Clark was a good-looking guy, but Kim never made any moves on any of the boys. It wasn’t her style.

And this gut-clenching jealousy wasn’t his. What the hell was going on in his head?

It would be easy to simply chalk it up to not having had sex in a while, but he knew it was more than that. They’d been intimate...scratch that, they’d had fucking amazing sex. Over the years he’d gotten to know her on a more personal basis, and with each additional fact he learned, his fascination had grown. She wasn’t just a firecracker in bed, Kim was a pretty amazing woman.

But not since that night had he crossed the line between boss and employee.

Even as his nightly dreams increasingly featured his naughty little elf.

“Naughty Nicks Frosted Fantasies. Where one of Santa’s helpers... Oh hi, Mrs. Nicolson! I was wondering when I’d get your call. No, Roy isn’t with us this year. I know, I know. We were sad. Yeah, he finally graduated with his Masters degree. Actually, hang on a sec.”

Kim poked her head around the corner, snapping her fingers to get his attention. Her mass of brown curls bounced around, framing her heart-shaped face perfectly. Those plump lips were parted, wet from where she’d run her tongue along them. He had no doubt they’d taste like the mocha coffee she loved to drink. It would be so easy for him to see, to taste...

“Boss-man, is Clark good to go? ’Cause I need him.” She cocked a well-manicured eyebrow at him, highlighting the sparkle in her brown eyes.


Blake had a vague recollection of Mrs. Nicolson and her habit of tipping well. Partly because she liked dressing up as Mrs. Claus while her Nick gave her a show.
To each their own.
“Are you sure you want to throw him to the wolves so quickly?”

Kim looked pointedly at Clark, who grinned back at her. “I think our Goldendoodle will survive.”

he did look like a dog.
“Okay, he’s hired.”

Clark whooped and stood up, his head coming dangerously close to the light fixture. “Dude, you won’t regret it.”

Kim disappeared back around the wall, but Blake still heard her soft, “No, but you might.”

The next few minutes were filled with paperwork, schedules and a quick set of pictures. Thankfully, they had a costume that fit their new walking wall well enough for him to take it with him. Kim took control, managing all the details while Blake was able to sit back and pretend to work. It gave him the opportunity to watch her small frame fly around the office. She worked full-time as a personal trainer, which kept her in amazing shape. Her firm ass and thighs were a constant distraction for him, not to mention her sexy arms. He’d never considered arms sexy before Kim, but it was definitely a turn-on.

It was weird. For the previous two seasons he’d spent a crazy amount of time with Kim, getting to know her, coming to rely on her natural ability to lead a business. She never tried to come off as anything more than who she was—a slightly hyper exercise freak with a sarcastic wit and a wicked sense of humor. Blake needed that sort of stability in his life. Their night together was an unspoken
between them, something they’d silently agreed not to mention. She wasn’t looking to settle down and he’d been dealing with the fallout of Megs’ cheating. It was amazing how long he’d continued to hurt.

Megs had done everything in her power to blame him for her infidelity. Blake was forced to question their entire relationship, every word he’d said to her, every action, wondering if she was right. That level of self-doubt had nearly drowned him. It was a Chapter of his life that he’d happily closed with their divorce, one he had no intention of ever revisiting.

It had taken him a long time to start feeling any sort of interest in women again. While he was a guy, and one whom people assumed could brush anything off, he did have a heart that had been battered and bruised. Megs not only did that, but she’d stomped on it on her way out the door.

You’re a fucking boring prude
need a man who knows what sex is
not just an account book.

You have fun with your new man.
I’ll keep the account books and the businesses that go along with them.


Then there was Kim. She was as different from Megs as night from day. He couldn’t remember a time when she wasn’t smiling or laughing. She treated everyone who came in the door with the same amount of respect and care, setting them instantly at ease. He couldn’t look away from her whenever they were in the same room, which was more than a little distracting. To make matters worse, for the first time since his marriage had imploded, Blake was noticing things he hadn’t in a while.

Like how perfect Kim’s ass looked in those black yoga pants—and how awesome it looked naked.

The way her eyes always seemed to sparkle with mischief—like they did when she was stretched out on the floor beneath him.

And the tattooed script on the inside of her forearm—like the cherry blossoms he knew lived beneath her shirt.

The ink was a new addition from last year, and had intrigued him since Naughty Nicks opened its doors again. He’d shown enough restraint to warrant a medal, holding back the deluge of questions about what it said, when she’d gotten it. He’d wanted to trace the black words with his finger tips, curious if the ink made her skin feel different or if it would be as soft as ever.

Bad boy
No hitting on the staff.

Except Kim wasn’t exactly staff to him. Not really.

“Hey boss.”

her shirt shouldn’t gape open like that.
All I can see are her boobs.
Is that her red bra?
He tightened his grip on his pen and forced his gaze to meet hers. “Yeah.”

“I was going to swing around the Closed sign and turn on the voice mail.”

Shit, he hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. “No problem.”

Kim hesitated for a moment, giving him that small smirk of hers while she toyed with one of her brown curls. A halo of stray hairs encircled her head, highlighted by the fluorescent lights behind. It gave her an angelic appearance, despite her devilish smirk. Blake had always been fascinated by the way her hair naturally fell into its curly mass. The urge to drive his fingers into it, spread those kinky waves across his pillows, grew stronger each time he looked her way.

“Okay then. I’ll be back in at three tomorrow. I want to make sure the new boy is all set for his first gig.” She gave him another smile and stepped away.



Blake got to his feet and stumbled as he moved too quickly around the tight space of his office, driving the corner of his desk into his upper thigh. “Fuck.”

“You okay?” She was immediately in the doorway, hands on her hips. “Don’t kill yourself. Not until I get paid next week, at any rate.”

“I always pay you first, don’t worry.” He was still rubbing his side when he got to her. “I was just wondering what your plans were tonight?”


Kim seemed just as surprised by his question. Her brown eyes went wide and her mouth fell open, revealing the tip of her tongue. He wanted to suck on it, pull it into his mouth until she was moaning against him—

“Ah, no plans. I was going to pick up something to eat on my way home and then probably watch last night’s
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
. Why?”

He didn’t have a clue what to say. The last thing he had in mind was actively pursuing Kim, even if thoughts of her were starting to take up a healthy portion of his daydreams. Not to mention the shit-pile of work he needed to get done before the holiday break was upon them.

Running his hand along the back of his neck, Blake squeezed the muscles hoping to wring some inspiration out of the stiffness. “That sounds fun. I think I’m going to be stuck here for a while longer. I need to go through these property reports from my managers. I don’t want any of my tenants having any issues over the holidays.”

“And I’m sure you don’t want to be called in to deal with a busted pipe or electrical on Christmas morning, either.” She’d slid her hands down so they now bracketed her hips. They were slender, but he knew there were long, lean muscles beneath the fabric of her pants. If he closed his eyes and imagined hard enough, he could feel them press against his cheeks as he licked her pussy.


Kim shifted her foot back, as though she wasn’t sure if she should stay or go. Blake knew which option he preferred, but didn’t have a clue how to go about asking. This was a line he’d promised himself he wouldn’t approach with her. The last thing he wanted was to be throwing unwanted advances at the one woman who kept this little business running. Just because they’d had sex once, didn’t mean she’d want it again.

Then again, he really didn’t want her walking out that door either.

“You know, I didn’t realize how late it had gotten. Food sounds like a good idea. I should look into that at some point.”

One moment, Kim was standing there looking every bit the cool, confident professional she knew she was, and in the next she was grinning the same way she had that night in the bar.

“I could stand the company if you’re looking to get out of here for a bit. I know a great burger place close by.”

As she said
, her tongue peeked out and kissed her bottom lip. He could picture her mouth slick from eating, glistening in such a way to tempt him to lean in and kiss her. Even now, he shifted closer, leaned down a bit so that this distance between them shifted from professional to most definitely personal space. At this distance he could smell her shampoo and perfume, could see her eyes darken as her gaze shifted down to his mouth. They could go out for supper. Then maybe on to something more.

What the hell was going on with him?

Was he really going to do this? Kim was nearly ten years younger than him and was at a completely different place in her life. She was just starting out her career, partied, had crazy friends. Even back when they’d had sex she’d been very clear. It hadn’t been about commitments, or even breakfast. Sex for sex’s sake.

And he was thirty-six, divorced and a workaholic. He had no business thinking about going on a date with her, kissing her, or any of the other naughty things he had in mind.

The throbbing in his thigh increased, the pain sinking deeper into the abused muscles. His back was sore from having been hunched over his desk dealing with the pile of paperwork. He really should get out and get something to eat...

“No, I better not. Not that the offer isn’t tempting.”

Kim’s entire body appeared to deflate. “Okay, then. Maybe next time.”

Blake was an asshole. A big, enormous, Scrooge-shaped asshole. Grinch green. “For sure next time.”

“Well, don’t work too late. Will I see you tomorrow?” Kim finally stepped away, grabbing her coat and making a beeline to the door.

“Sure. I’ll pop in.”

Kim gave him a little wave before flipping the Closed sign and stepping out in to the night. As the door snicked shut, Blake swore he felt a candle of hope snuff itself out deep inside him.

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