Naughty No More (17 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Fiction, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty No More
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Chapter 17
I couldn't even explain what the hell was going on with me. Inside, I was mad as hell, but my anger didn't stop me from moving forward. Once I found out Scorpio had booked a flight to Florida, I didn't have much else to say to anyone. At Nokea's request, I called and told her about Scorpio's little trip, just so she wouldn't be left in the dark about all that was going on. Through a little investigation of my own, I found out Scorpio extended her stay in Florida and that was enough to break my heart.
I decided not to return the phone call she left the other day, and when she stopped by my house, I couldn't even open the door. Basically, what in the hell did she have to say to me? I wasn't about to listen to how many mistakes I'd made, when Scorpio knows damn well she never, ever, shook Jaylin from her heart. I do believe she loved me, but Jaylin has a tight hold on her and vice versa.
Either way, I was out of this mess. I wasn't in the mood for Jaylin's bullshit. I decided to take the high road and focus on Shane and Shane only. I made my business my priority and things have been going well. Last week, I picked up two new accounts and was paid a nice sum of money for my design with the Mayor's Group. I made sure Jaylin was paid every dime of his money back. Scorpio's money was transferred back into her account too. In her message, she thanked me for returning the money and sounded as if she really cared.
Yesterday, I removed her ring from my drawer. I spent hours looking at it and thinking . . . what if? What if I would have married her, without realizing her constant desires for Jaylin? For that, I was grateful things turned out as they had. Instead of keeping the ring in my possession, I went to my mother's house and gave it to her. She was disappointed things didn't work out between Scorpio and me. She told me she'd wear it until I found the woman who was right for me.
For now, though, I wasn't looking to be in a committed relationship. All I needed was a woman I could have fun with, without all the attachments. For the time being, my standby, Amber, was back in the picture. I could always rely on our companionship to help me get through troubled times. Last night, she and I kicked up a good conversation. If I didn't have to prepare myself for court, I probably would have gone to see her today. I told her I'd stop by soon. Like always, she made it clear that she was anxious to see me.
Late last night, Nokea called and told me Jaylin was coming to St. Louis with her. She asked me to keep it cool. I told her that I wasn't the one she needed to worry about. I made it clear that I wasn't tripping off Jaylin. As far as I was concerned, everything was everything. As my friend, he knew how I felt about Scorpio, but that didn't stop him from wanting to put his dick inside of her. Yes, I had feelings for Nokea, but if we had never been forced, I doubt that sex between us would have ever happened. I think I was more upset with Scorpio, simply because she took her ass to Florida to see him. Even if he would have come here to see her, Scorpio didn't know where to draw the line. Any future drama he brought to her would be well deserved.
According to Nokea's latest phone call, she was in St. Louis and the kids were with her parents. When I asked where Jaylin was, she said he was coming in on a later flight. Since the courthouse was in a small jurisdiction that neither one of us knew much about, Nokea asked if she could follow me. Just so she didn't get lost, I agreed. She told me she was on her way to my house. After my shower, I started to get dressed. I couldn't step in the courtroom with jeans on, so I wore my Kenneth Cole jacket, with a gray vest and white crisp shirt underneath. As soon as I stepped into my pants, I heard a car door shut. I hurried into my black leather shoes, not wanting Nokea to wait long. I straightened my goatee with the tips of my fingers and added some shine to my twisties. As the doorbell rang, I quickly splashed my face with aftershave. I hurried to the door and invited Nokea in. She looked magnificent. She wore a light tan suit with a dark brown silk blouse underneath. Her accessories were gold and her layered haircut was cut to perfection. Normally, the front of her hair was spiked, but this time, bangs covered her forehead and barely covered one eye. I couldn't help but stare at how pretty she was. When she stepped inside, I shot a glance at her curvaceous hips and butt that were well fitted in her short pencil skirt.
“You can have a seat in the living room. All I have to do is get my coffee, my wallet and find my keys.”
I walked off to my bedroom to get my wallet and keys. On my way to get my coffee, I asked Nokea if she wanted some.
“No thanks, Shane, but before we go, come here and sit down for a minute.”
Since Nokea was sitting in my chair, I sat on the couch next to it. She turned to me, nervously rubbing her hands together. Obviously, she had something on her mind and I gave her all of my attention.
Her voice was soft. “I . . . These past several weeks have been very difficult for me. I feel lost and the way Jaylin has reacted to all of this has tremendously damaged me. I wanted you to know that I don't regret what happened between us. The only reason I'm testifying today is because of what this man did to his other victims. I know for a fact that Jaylin was intimate with Scorpio. I have this dying need inside of me to make things right. I need for you to help me do so.”
“I'm not sure what you have in mind.”
“I paid for a mistake that was beyond my control. A lie from me should not have resulted in what my husband did. And since it did, I need a reason to have been so deeply betrayed. I'm asking that you make love to me and do it without being forced.”
I dropped my head into my hands, closing my eyes. I was getting frustrated with this shit. “Nokea, why do we all keep doing this? What good is going to come out of you and me having sex? More headaches will follow and I am not up to continuous arguments with Jaylin. I can't believe you just asked me that.”
A tear rolled down her pretty face, and it tore my ass up. “Shane, I'm hurting. I need to make this right. I am so tired of being the nice girl. It's time that I do what I want, and I want to continue what we started at the motel.”
“So, in other words, you want to use me to get back at Jaylin?”
“No, that's not what I'm saying. For once, I want to let my hair down and do something I've always wanted to do, just like Jaylin does when he's angry. I want to know what it feels like to do something so out of character and not worry about the consequences.”
I sat back on the couch, shaking my head. “And what about what I want Nokea? My feelings are tied up in this shit and nobody seems to give a fuck. Do you think I can just have sex with you, without any attachments? Jaylin might be good at that shit, but it's not my style. I can't turn myself on and off like that.”
Nokea wiped her watered down eyes. She pulled off her jacket, placing it on the arm of the couch. “I understand how you feel, but why must we continue to deprive ourselves? Scorpio and Jaylin didn't. If I can cope with my feelings, I know you can too. Let's just make this right, please?”
Nokea had me thinking hard about what Scorpio and Jaylin had done to us. This would be sweet, sweet revenge, but I couldn't seem to get with it. Invading my thoughts, Nokea stood up and proceeded to undo her blouse. I couldn't say much of anything. After she exposed her plump and pretty breasts, she stepped out of her shoes and faced me. I spread my arm on top of the couch, looked at her hard nipples and felt defeated. I shook my head from side to side and softly spoke.
“What about Jaylin, Nokea?”
“What is it that you want to know? They . . . he and Scorpio played us and this will be our secret, okay?”
She hiked up her skirt and straddled my lap. After looking at her breasts again, I dropped my head back, closing my eyes. Nokea took my hand and placed it on her upper hip. I felt her thong, and when she let go of my hand, I kept it in place. My hand eased around to her curvy and smooth backside, causing my dick to poke through my pants.
“Damn, Nokea,” I said, raising my head. “This is so fucked up!”
“No it's not, and, there's no way you're going to feel that way when this is over.”
She placed her arms on my shoulders, leaning in to kiss me. Her soft lips and sweet smell drew me in even more. I couldn't help but think how lucky Jaylin was. Then again, so was I. As we kissed, my hands worked her ass and my fingers swiped her slit. Through her thong, I felt her moistness and it sure as hell turned me on. Thinking of nothing else but getting inside of her, I slowly directed her back on the couch. We were pressed for time, so I moved her skirt up a bit higher and pulled off her thong. I couldn't believe that Nokea had willingly opened her legs for me. Like at the motel, her pussy was so sexy and inviting. The wet look of it made my mouth water. I quickly came out of my jacket and lowered my pants underneath my butt. I hurried to put on a condom. When Nokea grabbed my ass to push me in further, I couldn't help but tear that pussy up. With every stroke, I looked into her eyes and she gazed into mine.
“Now, this . . . this isn't bad, is it?” she insisted, while holding tightly around my neck. I sucked her breasts and kept up with my rhythm down below, not saying a word. My actions answered her question, but they weren't good enough for Nokea. She lifted my head away from her breasts.
“I . . . I want all of your clothes off Shane. I need to feel your sexy body next to mine. Stop holding back and do this shit,” she gritted.
“We don't have time . . . .”
Ignoring me, Nokea reached for my pants to pull them all the way down. I stood up to step out of them, rushing out of the rest of my clothes as well. She rushed out of her clothes too, but when she lay back on the couch, I looked at her naked body and had a change of heart.
“Like you said, if we're going to do this, we need to do this right. Come here,” I said.
Nokea stood in front of me and I easily lifted her petite body. She straddled my waist and we intensely kissed as I carried her down the hallway to my bedroom. Having much more space to work with, I lay her on my bed, giving her exactly what she—I wanted.
Definitely, time was not on our side. Before leaving for court, we attempted to clean up, but wound up spending thirty extra minutes in the shower. We rushed to my car, and tried to redeem ourselves on the way to the courtroom. By the time we got there, I'd say things were pretty obvious. Nokea's hair wasn't intact like it normally was, her makeup was all gone and both of our clothes had wrinkles. The only excuse we had was the rain, but I wasn't sure if that would save us. What was so fucked up was Jaylin had beaten us there. I walked in first, and Nokea followed only a few minutes behind me. When she looked at Jaylin, the look on her face said it all. I wasn't sure what his thoughts were, but maybe it was me feeling . . . knowing what had gone down.
Even though we were late, things were delayed. Once Nokea, Frick and I talked to the prosecutor, I sat up front with Frick. Nokea sat in the far back with Jaylin. My mind was all over the place. I felt like I was on the verge of an anxiety attack. I was so anxious for this shit to be over with so I could leave.
Finally, the man in question came out with an orange jumpsuit on. Cuffs were on his wrists and ankles and his face was badly bruised. When he looked at me, he held his head down low. I kind of felt sorry for the motherfucker, but as I looked at all the hurt people in the courtroom, I was happy about testifying so he'd get what he deserved.
The trial dragged on and on. I had hoped they would call me to testify before Nokea, and surely enough, they did. I was sworn in and took the stand. Immediately, my eyes looked to the back of the courtroom and connected with Nokea's, then Jaylin's. He already looked pissed. I knew when I started to tell my story, things would get worse. I focused my eyes on the prosecutor who started to ask questions.
At first, things were going smoothly. However, somewhere down the line, my mind confused what had happened today with what had happened at the motel. Several times, I asked the prosecutor to repeat himself and my pausing didn't help much either. I kept visualizing the sweat Nokea and I kicked up today, and my testimony was all over the place. I guess I did okay, but when Nokea took the stand, she was thorough and very credible. She painted the defendant as the true criminal that he was and didn't appear nervous at all. As she explained what had happened, she continued to look at Jaylin, and at times, she looked at me. At one point during her testimony, I heard the door open and Jaylin walked out. Minutes later, he came back, and when I turned around, his eyes connected with mine.

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