Naughty No More (16 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Fiction, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty No More
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Jaylin stirred up my insides even more and my pussy was a slippery wet mess. I was hooked. Once I let out another well overdue explosion, I rolled on my stomach. Jaylin lay over me, releasing his juices onto my butt. We both took deep breaths. He moved my hair away from the back of my neck, kissing it. “How could I not love the hell out of this,” he whispered. “And, my dick makes you crazy because that pussy does the same to me. Now, to answer your questions about how I feel,” he rubbed my butt cheeks again, turning me over to look at him. He placed tender kisses on my stomach and stopped when he reached my goods. “I feel like . . . like sexing you every damn day of my life. Baby, I love this connection between us and . . . damn, your pussy. How does it perform for me like that? You know better messing with my mind like this.”
“What can I say, other than I'm in love and so turned on by you. Since we've waited so long to do this, there's a major build up inside of me.”
Jaylin laughed and asked me to turn over. I did and he licked his tongue where his name used to be tattooed on my butt. “You know what I'm about to ask you, don't you?” he said.
“Yes, I know, but I don't know why my butt is so shapely, and plump, and workable . . . .”
Jaylin smacked my ass hard and we burst into laughter. I turned around and tightened my legs around his waist. “I removed your name because I thought we'd never see this day again. I never thought I'd feel you like this, and I'm so afraid. I'm afraid of what tomorrow will bring and—”
“Tomorrow is going to bring about good things,” he said, gearing up to go at it again. “And the day after that will bring even better things. Let's not worry about the future. All that matters is what we're sharing right here, at this moment, this day and this time.” He paused, shaking his head as he observed his insertions. “Umph, umph, umph. This shit is a crime, baby, it's a crime! If you the least bit feel what I'm feeling, then your time should be focused on how this sweet and creamy pretty pussy of yours can get the best performance that it can out of me. Time is of the essence, and I'm not in the mood to waste any more of our time.”
“You're right,” was all I could say. “Definitely, time is not on our side so it's up to us to spend our time together wisely.”
That night led to me extending my vacation. We had sexed our way through another two days, and I was damn happy about it. Whether it was on the beach, in the shower, back on the rug, on the stairs again, or in the bedroom, we could never get enough of each other. Simply put, I was not ready to go home. I was so upset that once my time was up Nokea would have him back in her possession. At any time, she could make love to him, and she could wake up to his handsome face every single morning. She had access to his money and their children guaranteed her a lifetime with him. The thoughts of it made me crazy. For any woman to have Jaylin Jerome Rogers, the way she had him, was so unfair.
In less than two hours, Ebay was on his way to get me. Jaylin and I were getting through our last goodbyes in the bathtub. It was filled with bubbles. He was at one end and I sat at the other.
“Now, what am I supposed to do without you here?” he asked.
“You don't ever have to be without me Jaylin. All you have to do is say the word. I hope you think about this, like you said you would, and you'd better keep in touch with me.”
“I will. But first, you know I gotta straighten some things out, right?”
I nodded and there was a moment of silence.
“Jaylin, what was the best sex you ever had? I want the truth too.”
“Truthfully, the best sex I ever had was . . . I remember three occasions. They all run close together.”
“The best sex I ever had was . . . my first time making love to Nokea and she was a virgin. It wasn't that it was the greatest, but in my heart it was. The second time was that night I proposed to you. That was the best and I've never been able to forget it. Third, it's kind of a toss-up. Either it was the night Nokea came to Florida to find me, or what I experienced with you a few nights ago. You put a hurting on my dick and I don't know how it's going to recover.”
I laughed. “You are crazy, but thanks for being honest.”
“Always. Now, what about you?”
“No doubt, the other night is at the top of my list, and another time would be the first time I met you. Sex at your house that day was unforgettable. Other than that, the first time Shane and I had sex was great and the sex we had during a limo ride might rank number two.”
“So, how are you feeling about Shane now? I want you to end it, for good and none of that break up to make up shit either. Do it as soon as you get back to St. Louis. Can you promise me that you'll end it?”
“I don't want to make you any promises, especially if you can't make me any.”
Jaylin was serious, but he wasn't willing to give an inch. “Do it for me,” he said. “I want the relationship over with for good, Scorpio. You and he had no business hooking up.”
“I . . . I don't know what I'm going to do . . . .”
“End it!” His voice rose. “Tell that muthafucka it's over and be done with it.”
I cut my eyes at him and looked away. It wasn't fair for him to demand something from me when he hadn't spoken about his intentions with Nokea, not one time.
“No matter what happens between Nokea and me,” he said softly. “I still want you to end it with Shane. The thought of him being with you and making love to you always drove me insane. What could you possibly want with him, after sharing these several days and nights with me?”
“I could reverse that question back to you and ask that you refer to Nokea, but I won't.”
“Then don't. Besides, I know your position regarding Nokea and me, but this conversation is about you and Shane. Open your eyes, Scorpio, and see your relationship with him for what it truly was. It was your way of getting back at me, nothing more and nothing less.”
“I disagree, and like you once said, love doesn't disappear overnight. Since I've been here, I haven't thought much about Shane. I don't know if I'm discouraged because of his lies, or if I was never really in love with him.”
“It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. It's time to do the right thing.”
“I have to ask, but what about Nokea? During our time together, have you thought much about her? A few times, I've seen you spaced out and I wondered . . . .”
“Yeah, well, I've been thinking about her. Not all good thoughts, but she's definitely been on my mind.”
“Before I left St. Louis, Shane told me that during their drive home that day, Nokea and he discussed their feelings for each other. He said their feelings were confirmed, and after they shared an overdue kiss, they agreed that pursuing each other wouldn't be in anyone's best interest. Did Nokea mention anything like that to you?”
Jaylin's eyebrows rose, so I could tell he was mad. “Nothing. She said nothing like that to me, but when I asked her about what took place at the motel, in a sarcastic way she said that she enjoyed it. Bottom line, I know what time it is. That's why I'm here. I can't wait to see or talk to Mr. Shane, but there's a time and place for everything. Our day is definitely coming.”
Instantly, the thoughts of Nokea put Jaylin in his own world. When he was angry, he always performed at his best, so I made my way to his side of the tub. I wanted to relieve his mind from the brought upon stress, so I asked him to sit on top of the tub. After he did, I massaged his goodness with both hands, occasionally covering the tip of his head with my mouth. My jaws were sucked in and every time he went to the back of my throat, his fingers tightened in my hair. “Te . . . tell me that it'll be over,” he said softly. “Scorpio, promise me that you will never again make Shane feel what I've felt these last several days.”
I removed his goods from my wet mouth and looked up at him. As far as I was concerned, it was already over, but at first, I didn't want to confirm it for Jaylin. Now that we'd hooked back up, things were definitely going to be different. “It's over. You have my word that I will never be with him again.”
Those words put a smile on Jaylin's face. I got back to work, but I remembered how difficult it was to make him come like this. Still, I put forth my very best effort. When he held a tight grip on my hair, I knew I was in business. He let loose and I didn't let a drop of his lava drip from my mouth. I swallowed, and while Jaylin calmed himself, he held my head steady.
“Yo' . . . you must pay for that,” he barely uttered.
I definitely knew how, and when he escorted me to the bed, I paid dearly.
Nearly an hour later, I got dressed and gathered my things to go. Jaylin helped me pack, and when Ebay came to get me, again, I hated to go. While standing at the door, I tightly embraced Jaylin and we shared a lengthy kiss.
“Don't forget to keep in touch,” I said. “And next time you have this desire for me, you're coming to St. Louis. Hopefully, that'll be soon.”
“I hope so too,” he said.
On that note, I stepped away from him to exit. He reached for my hand, pulling me in for another hug.
“I'll never forget you coming all this way to see me, Scorpio. You are truly a special woman, no matter what happens. You know I got love for you, right?”
I nodded. I wasn't sure if I'd ever see Jaylin again. I knew how he felt about me, but was it enough love to separate himself from Nokea? No doubt, he'd gotten what he wanted from me, only time would tell if I'd get everything I wanted from him.
Chapter 16
This was unbelievable. The other day, Shane called with very bad news. He told me Scorpio had taken a flight out of St. Louis to Florida. We didn't say much else to each other, but both of us were stunned!
Since, I hadn't heard from Jaylin. I knew he was upset with me about disappearing that night, but I purposely did so, just so I could see how far he would go. I definitely knew the man I married and I accepted that. I would never tell anyone that I didn't know what I had gotten myself into because I'd sound like a fool. No matter who got hurt, Jaylin was always going to be Jaylin. Whenever he was hurt, other people always had to feel his pain right along with him. What I didn't expect, though, was for him to neglect me and his children for this long. For me, that was a true wake-up call. Even though I knew Scorpio was here, I hadn't a clue where they were. I definitely wasn't going to go look for him. I waited for days, until he finally showed up.
I was helping Nanny B clean up the kitchen, while LJ and Jaylene were down for their naps. Nanny B knew how devastated I was, but I asked that she give me some space and let me deal with this situation as best as I could. All she did was continue to make excuses for Jaylin's behavior. She talked about all he'd been through and all the changes he'd made. Personally, I didn't give a care about any of the changes he'd made. The only thing that his changes proved to me is, that with a snap of my finger, he could always resort back to the person he was before.
As I took the plates out of the dishwasher and put them into the cabinets, I heard the front door alarm sound. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and when I looked to see who it was, Jaylin walked in the kitchen. He was casually dressed in blue jeans shorts, sandals and a football jersey. He couldn't look at me for two seconds before his eyes quickly shot in another direction. He picked up the mail and thumbed through it.
“Is this all the mail we got,” he asked.
Neither Nanny B or I said a word.
“Is anybody talking in this muthafucka?” he yelled.
Nanny B just stared at him and I left the kitchen. I heard her say something to him, but I couldn't quite make it out. I returned to our bedroom. Minutes later, Jaylin came through the door. I looked in his eyes again, and I still got the same response. Guilt was written all over his face. The thought of what obviously transpired between him and Scorpio made me want to throw up. I rushed to the bathroom, shut the door behind me and did just that. As I hugged my stomach and leaned over the toilet, Jaylin knocked on the door.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
I didn't say a word. I threw up some more, and then cleaned myself up. I looked in the mirror and wanted to cry so badly. A big part of me wanted to believe that Jaylin would never cheat on me. Even though he'd done so in the past, I truly thought being married to him would be different. I couldn't stand the sight of him. I took a few more minutes to gather myself, and then left the bathroom. Jaylin was sitting back in the chair next to our bed with his eyes closed.
“I'm coming back home tonight. I had time to think about some things and we need to talk,” he said.
“I'm not ready for you to come home yet and there's not too much more that we can discuss.”
Jaylin sat up, gripping his hands together. “Nokea, how much longer is this going to go on? I'm not gon' come in here every day arguing with you. You've had your fun by staying out all damn night. It's about time you got back to being a wife and mother.”
In disbelief, I stood with my mouth hanging open. “You haven't even been here every day for us to argue and I've always done my best as a wife and mother. It's not something I have to get back to. You're the one who has to adjust to the change. Wherever you were, I hope your time away did you some good. I'm sure it did, and without going into any details, you will pay dearly for what you've done to me.”
“Whatever, Nokea. Without all the mumbo jumbo, face it, Daddy's home. Make sure your boyfriend ain't ringing my phone and try to keep your feelings for him under control, all right?”
One good slap across his face would've made me feel good, but I wasn't going to go there. Lord knows I wanted to walk out on him, but that took careful preparation. I never thought I would feel so disgusted by the sight of him. Just knowing . . . thinking about him with Scorpio, sparked a mad rage inside of me. For now, all I could say to him was, “Welcome back, Jaylin.”
What else could I say, other than living in this house was like living in hell. I couldn't stand to be around Jaylin. At night, it was so hard to sleep next to him without wanting to choke the mess out of him. The more I ignored him, the angrier he got. He continued with his smart remarks about Shane, but I let him have his little fun. I had no plans of telling him that I knew Scorpio was here, but I had a feeling he'd already known I knew it.
As for sex, please. Last night, for the first time since he'd been home, he tried to sweet talk me. He wrapped his arm around me, told me he was sorry and that he loved me. At times, I thought Jaylin needed some Prozac. He was on one minute and off the next. Then again, I probably needed some strong medication for putting up with his mess too.
Jaylene and I were in the playroom painting some pictures. LJ was at the grocery store with Nanny B, and the last time I checked, Jaylin was still asleep. As I was getting ready to clean up the mess we'd made, Jaylin came into the room and sat on the floor with us. He looked at the pictures we painted of our family and told Jaylene how pretty they were. He put her on his back, pretending to be a horse. She was laughing her butt off, and seeing her smile, definitely made me smile. Once Jaylin got tired, he lay flat on his stomach and took deep breaths. She kept telling him more, but he told her later. Of course, that caused her to cry and he picked her up and carried her into another room. I stayed behind, continuing to clean up the mess. Once I was finished, I went into the kitchen where they were, and saw that Jaylin had given her a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream to keep her quiet.
“Jaylin, she already had breakfast. Ice cream is for lunch or dinner.”
“But she told me she wanted some ice cream, so I gave her some. It's no big deal.”
Since chocolate was all over her face, I wet a paper towel and walked over to her to wipe it off. Jaylin sat close by her. After I wiped her mouth, he reached for my hips and pulled me back to his lap.
“I gotta tell you something,” he said.
“What?” I said, feeling uncomfortable.
“While I was away, I got in on a profitable real estate deal. Once the deal is closed, we stand to make three million dollars. The deal is expected to close sometime next week and I was wondering if you'd like to take a vacation somewhere? Anywhere? We need some time alone. Anywhere you'd like to go, Paris, Hawaii, Africa . . . Wherever, we can go.”
I wanted to tell him he could go to hell, but instead I stood up and responded, “Let me think about it and I'll let you know.”
He grabbed my waist again and put me back on his lap. “I missed you while I was away,” he said. “I know I've said and done some hurtful things to you, but I can't get my anger under control. I just wish that incident with you and Shane would have never taken place. I want you to understand how hard it was for me to swallow. By all means, it doesn't justify my behavior, but if you're willing, I'd love for our healing process to begin. We got some work to do and I'm ready to start whenever you are.”
I shrugged, really not caring much about our marriage. I was there for my kids and I had been thinking hard about what I needed to do. “That's fine. Whatever works.”
I got off his lap and picked up Jaylene. Jaylin stood up, gave her a kiss and then put his lips on mine. I backed up and touched his chest.
“Not right now, okay? Like you, I have some things I need to sort through.”
“It's just a kiss Nokea. I can't even kiss my wife?”
I quickly pecked his lips and left the kitchen.
Nearly an hour later, I started to wonder what was taking Nanny B and LJ so long at the grocery store. When the doorbell rang, I rushed to the door. A florist stood outside with dozens and dozens of red roses.
“Nokea Rogers?” he asked.
I nodded and widened the door for him to bring the roses inside. They were very beautiful and I thanked him. Once I closed the door, I picked up the flowers and placed them on the round glass table in the foyer. I reached for the card and read it.
This is so awkward, as I never thought we'd get to this point in our marriage. I don't know where to begin in correcting the pain I've caused you. I've missed your smile and I hope these flowers brighten your day. Love Jaylin.
I stuck the card back into the envelope, thinking about my failing marriage. My thoughts were interrupted by Nanny B and LJ coming through the door. Immediately, Nanny B noticed the flowers.
“Oooo, those are pretty. Where did you get them from?”
“Jaylin had them delivered.”
She tooted her lips and headed to the kitchen with LJ. When I left the foyer, I saw Jaylin standing by our bedroom doors. He awaited a reaction from me, but all I did was hug and thank him.
“Did you like them?” he asked.
“They're nice,” I said, going into our bedroom. He followed.
“Look, I don't like to see you like this. You're distant, quiet, and I'm willing to do what I can to make things right,” he said.
I sat on the bed and began to express myself. “I don't know if you can make things right, and I don't know if I can either. Yes, I can see that my lies caused major damage, but instead of dealing with them, as I've dealt with yours so many times before, why did you allow things to go this far?”
“I needed space,” he said, walking over to the bed and sitting next to me. “If I had stayed here, things would have been worse.”
“So, you just run off and do whatever? Then, you think it's okay to come back here and things are supposed to get back to normal?”
“This marriage isn't perfect Nokea. It will never be perfect. We had a disagreement, and now, it's time to work through it.”
I wanted to tell him that I knew about Scorpio being here, but it didn't seem like the appropriate time. More than anything, I wanted him to tell me, but surely he would not.
“Whether you agree with me or not,” I said. “We had more than a disagreement. It's been kind of a reality check for me. As angry as you've been, I never thought you could stay away from me and the kids for so long.”
“You act like I was gone for months or something. Didn't I call here almost every day? I stopped by several nights, and some nights, you didn't even know I was here.”
“Well, tomorrow, the kids and I are checking out of here for a few days. I'm taking them to see my parents. I've been subpoenaed to be a witness in court against the man who posed as an officer and forced Shane and me—”
“So, fuck me, right? Do you think I'm going to let you go to St. Louis without me?”
“What are you so worried about? I'd like to see this man behind bars for a very long time and so would Shane. Whether anyone likes it or not, we have to do what is necessary.”
“I'm doing what's necessary too. What time do we leave?”
“My plane departs at seven o'clock in the morning. There are no more seats available, and the next flight out of Miami isn't until eleven.”
“Then, cancel your flight and leave with me at eleven.”
“I can't do that. I'm supposed to be in court no later than two. Once you get off the plane, you can meet me there. If you do show up, please do not embarrass me and I do not want you to say anything to Shane. You know I'll have to speak about what happened that day, so I don't know why you'd want to come, especially if the situation bothers you so much.”
“I'll keep my cool. I just want to be there for you, okay?”
“I hope so, and, if you get yourself in any legal trouble while you're in St. Louis, I'm telling you, ahead of time, that the kids and I are coming home.”
He kissed my cheek. “I'll be on my best behavior. I promise.”

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