Naughty No More (5 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Fiction, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty No More
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“Really?” she sounded shocked. “I hope the two of you have separate rooms.”
“Yeah, baby, we got separate rooms, and if we didn't, you know she's a married woman and I'm soon to be married.”
Scorpio laughed. “You are so, so good. Soon to be married my butt. I had a feeling that something would happen. I've been worried about you. Be careful, okay? Get some rest and hurry back home.”
“You know I will. Stay sweet and I'll call you in the morning.”
Scorpio and I ended our call and Nokea stared at me again.
“I already know what you're thinking,” I said.
“Why Shane? Why must men lie so much? Scorpio knows that you and I don't have anything going on, so was it necessary for you to tell her we had separate rooms?”
“In an effort to protect her feelings, yes. If I had told her we were spending the night in the same room that would have caused major problems.”
“No, if you had been honest with her, she would have known that you had nothing to hide. By the look on your face, I can see that this conversation isn't going anywhere so I'm going to leave well enough alone.”
“Thank you. I will feel so much better if you would call your husband and tell him what's up. If you don't call him, I will.”
“Shane, please stay out of my business. I said I will call him in the morning and I promise you that I will.”
“All right,” I said, making my way to the bathroom. “I'm taking a shower. Before you get in the bed, if you wouldn't mind tossing the covers or quilt in the chair, I'd appreciate it.”
“You can have the quilt. The sheets will work for me and I'll be kind enough to give you a pillow.”
“Thanks,” I said, closing the door.
Tired, I took a rush shower and dried myself with a white towel. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door. Nokea was laying on her side and had already fallen asleep. She still had on her jeans, but had removed her jacket and shirt. With her lace turquoise bra on, she was snoring her butt off.
I shook my head and made my way to the chair. It was comfortable and I had no problem snuggling up with the quilt and falling asleep.
I was awakened by a knock at the door. Nokea woke up too and we both looked at each other. I got up and when I looked through the peephole, the officer was standing outside.
“Who is it?” Nokea whispered.
“It's the officer who brought us here.”
“Well, open the door. He might want to tell you something about your car.”
Having the same thought, I opened the door and the officer smiled at me.
“Did you folks get all settled in?” he asked.
“Yes,” I said, stepping aside as he made his way inside. I looked at my watch. “Did you need something? It's almost one o'clock in the morning and I'm sure the gas station ain't open yet.”
“I was just checking up on you folks. Didn't know if you all had something to eat or not.”
“We're not hungry,” Nokea said. “We were sleeping and resting quite well.”
“Gud, gud,” he said chewing on what appeared to be tobacco. The officer looked at me still standing by the door with it opened. He placed his hand on his holster and slowly pulled out his gun. He aimed it at me. “I'm gon' need you to close the door and step away from it.”
My forehead lined with wrinkles, showing confusion on my face. “What's this all about?” I asked.
He spoke sterner. “I said, close the door and slowly step away from it.”
Nokea pulled the covers over her, looking frightened as ever. I closed the door and moved over to the bed with her.
“Get behind me, baby,” I said, trying to throw the officer off. I wanted to rush him, but with the gun aimed in my direction, I knew my timing wasn't right.
“What do you want from us?” Nokea asked.
“If it's more money, my wallet is in my pants pocket on the dresser,” I offered.
“Well, that there is a start,” he said, and made his way over to my jeans. He picked them up, tossing them to me. “Take the money out and lay it on the nightstand. Missy, if you got any money in your pocket or purse, now is the time to come clean.”
Nokea reached for her purse on the nightstand and pulled out some money. She set it on the nightstand, along with my money.
“You can take the money and leave,” I said. “There ain't no reason for you to cause us any harm.”
The officer laughed. “I haven't caused you any harm. Not yet anyway. I need for you to move away from Missy and she needs to get undressed.”
Nokea panicked and held me tightly around my waist. My heart quickly dropped to my stomach. “I'm sorry but she can't do that. You will have to do whatever you came here to do, but I will not let you touch her.”
The officer's wrinkled face scrunched up and he quickly placed the gun on the side of my temple. Nokea started to whimper and quickly shouted out, “I'll do it! Please don't shoot him!”
“You'd better listen to your wife. I'm giving the orders 'round here, boy, and I hope we have an understanding.” He pressed the gun harder against my temple and pushed my head. “Do we have an understanding?”
My fist tightened and sweat had started to form on my forehead. I was so damn mad and couldn't respond. Nokea quickly spoke up. “Yes, he understands,” she said, removing her bra. He focused on her perky breasts and backed away from me.
“Ohhhh, nice titties,” he said, grinning and licking his lips. “Now, take off your bottoms.”
I jumped up from the bed and the officer wasted no time cocking the gun. “Shane, stop,” Nokea yelled, as I stared down the barrel of his gun.
“Sit yo' ass down, boy. As a matter of fact, go sit over there in the chair and don't move until I tell you to.”
My chest heaved in and out. Nokea got off the bed, pulling me by my arm. “Shane, it's okay. Please cooperate. Don't make this harder than what it already is.”
I kept my eyes on the officer and walked over to the chair feeling useless. For now, I planned to cooperate, but there was no way in hell I was going to sit there and watch this man rape Nokea. I'd rather die first and I told her just that.
“Well, I don't want to die,” she said. “And, I don't want you to either.”
The officer interrupted us. “For the record, I don't screw colored women. And as luscious as her boobs and buttocks might look, I'll leave that up to you.”
Once I sat in the chair, he turned the gun to Nokea. “Drop'em,” he said, referring to her jeans.
Nokea cooperated and stepped out of her jeans and panties. For a moment, she stood naked and when he gestured for her to back up on the bed, she fearfully looked at me. She followed the officer's order and scooted back on the bed. Hurt was all inside of me and I held my face in my hands.
“Please don't hurt her,” I pleaded. “You can do anything to me, but please don't put your hands on her. I can give you plenty more money and . . .”
“Shut the fuck up,” he ordered and spat the tobacco from his mouth.
Nokea moved her head from side to side, implying that I be quiet. She could tell that my tone was irritating to the officer, but what else was I to do? Just then, her phone rang. When she looked at her purse, the officer told her to throw it to him. She did and he pulled her phone out of her purse.
“Would you like for me to answer and tell Jaw-lynn that you're tied up right now?”
Nokea didn't say a word. I knew she was thinking the same thing I was. Now, I bet she wished like hell she could answer her phone.
The officer dropped her phone and purse on the floor. He pulled some more tobacco from his pocket and put a fresh batch into his mouth. He chewed while studying Nokea's naked body.
“You are one pretty-ass Black woman. Hell,” he said, looking over at me. “You got yourself a nice piece of ass over there.” He rubbed himself down below. “I'm not gon' hurt her, though, I'm just gon' watch her.”
Nokea surprised me by how strong she appeared to be. I was the one straight up losing it. I continued to think about the appropriate time to rush the officer, without me or Nokea getting hurt.
“The Rock,” he said, turning to me. “Why don't you get up and get over there in bed with your wife. Remove the towel from your waist and show the woman a little appreciation for being so cooperative.”
“Wha . . .what the fuck is wrong with you?” I yelled.
“You are a feisty nigger, aren't you? You'd better do like I tell you. I will have no problem blowing your fucking brains out if you don't listen to me.”
“Shane,” Nokea calmly said. “Just do what he says. Please. Come over here and sit on the bed with me.”
I kept my eyes on the officer and walked over to the bed. The towel remained around my waist and I sat next to Nokea.
“You're a smart-ass,” he said. “Missy, remove the towel from your husband's waist.”
Nokea pulled on the towel, but I held it. “Why are you listening to him?”
She gave me a stern look. “Because I have too much to live for Shane. We'll be okay, trust me.”
Nokea removed the towel and dropped it on the floor. The officer walked over to the chair and took a seat. He kept the gun on us and sat back.
“Well, well,” he said. “Black couples look really good in porno movies and it's not too often that I get a chance to see colored folks perform in the flesh. I wish I had some fuckin' popcorn, but since I don't, my Vaseline will have to do.”
I gritted my teeth. “Are you expecting me to sit here and make love to my wife in front of you?”
“No, smart-ass. I'm demanding that you start fucking your lovely wife. If you can't do that, I'll take her somewhere and get a real man to fuck her or do it myself!”
I couldn't believe this was happening. Nokea looked shocked too, but not saying a word, she courageously lay back on the bed. She swallowed, keeping her eyes on me. I got underneath the sheets and lay between her legs.
The officer laughed, slapping his hand against his leg. “You must think I'm awfully stupid. Take the fucking sheets off and hurry it the hell up so I can get back to work!”
Nokea slowly pulled the sheets off me, exposing a naked view of our bodies to the officer. She positioned me between her legs and I held myself up over her. For the first time tonight, her eyes watered as she continued to stare at me. My dick wasn't even hard and when I told the officer just that, he had another suggestion.
“If your husband's dick ain't hard, Missy, then you might need to put your mouth in action.”
Nokea's eyes fluttered and she closed them. I leaned down over her and softly whispered in her ear. “Keep your eyes closed. Don't look at me and focus your mind elsewhere. I promise not to hurt you.”
Nokea kept her eyes closed and I looked down at her pussy. I circled my thick head around her slit. When my dick hardened, I entered her. At first, she was dry as the desert and my strokes were painful for her. She held my hips, and as her insides started to moisten just a bit, she opened her watery eyes. Old boy was talking all kinds of shit, but I focused him out of my mind. That was until he got up and put the cold barrel of the gun against my back.
“What in the fuck are you two doing? I need some real damn action going on, yah hear me!”
My dick was not cooperating with his demands, and neither was Nokea's dryness. I pulled out of her and touched myself. Attempting to get through this uncomfortable situation, I closed my eyes and thought of Scorpio. My dick hardened again, and once old boy ordered me to continue, I went back inside of Nokea. This time, to keep me hard, she worked with me. Her insides got gushy and she pumped to my rhythm. I didn't know what her stares were about, but they surely made me nervous. I leaned into her ear and apologized to her.
“I'm so sorry for this,” I softly said.
“Me too,” she responded back.
She turned her head and I lightly kissed a salty tear that rolled down the side of her eye. Nokea picked up the pace and we continued.
The officer heavily breathed and cracked up from time to time. “Give it to her from the back and can she ride? She looks like a woman who knows how to ride,” he smirked.
I looked at Nokea, and not saying a word, she got on her hands and knees. I worked her doggy style and my hands touched her silky smooth body to comfort her. I massaged her perky breasts and manipulated her nipples with the soft touches of my fingers. Nokea's pussy was juicy as ever. As I felt myself about to come, I pulled out of her. She looked over at the officer, then straddled the top of me.

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