Naughty Thoughts

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Authors: Portia Da Costa

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Naughty Thoughts

About Portia Da Costa

Delicious Masters series

In Sebastian's Hands - excerpt

Naughty Thoughts

Copyright 2012 by Portia Da Costa

This story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. With exception of quotes used in reviews, this story may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from the author.

Please be aware that this story contains sensual content that is only suitable for adult readers who are comfortable with frank language and descriptions of erotic scenarios

Please note: Naughty Thoughts is also available as part of the Daring Interludes anthology

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Naughty Thoughts


"Are you having those naughty thoughts again, you bad girl? I can always tell, because your eyes start to cross."

Terrence accompanies his accusation with a swirl of his hips, a move that nearly blows the top of my head off. It also nearly dislodges said naughty thoughts he's accusing me of. But not quite. They're so naughty that I can't seem to shake them, despite another virtuoso hip-swirl that makes me groan and claw his back.

"Back with us again, are we?" he gasps, laughing as he shags. He really is the most fabulous, fabulous fuck.

"Yes! Yes!" It's half gasp, half cry, all genuine. I don't have to do a Meg Ryan when I'm with Terrence. He's just gorgeous and he knows how to do the business. And if that wasn't enough, he looks like a movie star too. And not one of those mindless action hunks, mind you, all pecs and teeth and tan. No, he's like the more thoughtful kind of star, one with lots of grey cells, and a major league sense of humor to go with his exceptional body.

And he's on top of me now, going like a jackhammer.

Or he was.

For a moment, he raises himself up on his elbows and looks down on me. His handsome face is sweaty and a little flushed, but that only makes him sexier than ever. And even hotter for the look in his eyes. They're narrowed, sort of cute but sly, and shiver-inducingly knowing. He gives a little shake of his head as if he's read my mind. I hope he has, and I hope he likes what's in there.

He gives me a soft little kiss, on the corner of my mouth. "Maybe I should go down on you again for a while. That'll stop you wool-gathering while I'm giving you my fanciest moves, you naughty bitch." He licks his lips and that makes him look incredibly naughty.

You could spank me.

I open my mouth. I almost say it. But I don't. Not yet. That's a delicious treat I'm saving to surprise him. Doesn't stop me thinking about it though.

"I like your moves. I love them!"

He tilts his head, and a comma of thick brown hair dangles in his eyes. "I should bloody well think so, woman." He smoothes my hair out of my eyes too, and wipes the sweat from my brow. "You'd better brace yourself, because there's more of the same incoming."

"Do your worst!" I growl, and he swirls again. "Or preferably, your best!"

I have to close my eyes now, because they're crossing from the pleasure of him this time, and either way, I must look like an idiot. Hitching around beneath him, I find an even better angle, if that's possible, and with another small kiss, then a bigger one, he starts to swing in and out again, with all the smooth power of a human reciprocating engine. Supporting himself on one arm, he strokes my body at the same time, his fingers as clever as his hips and cock are potent.

I start to rise higher, straining against him, arching, reaching, savoring.

And the naughty thoughts return to sweeten climb.

In my mind, in a heartbeat, we're in a dark, dangerous room somewhere together. Is it a dungeon? Why, yes, it is... Here are the dingy, encrusted walls, the flickering torches in their sconces, the chains. And here's Terrence, but not quite the man who's currently fucking me. Well, he's the same, and just as sumptuous, but a darker version, more dangerous and exotic.

In bed, I grab at him, excitement building, my fluttering sex roused aroused anew by my kinky, yummy notions. "Baby," he growls, sensing every subtle and not so subtle response.

In my imaginary subterranean prison, he prowls around me, a slightly smiling figure all done up like the dream of a master. He's stripped to the waist, clad only in form-fitting leather jeans and knee high boots - apart from a platinum-studded collar round his neck. His thick brown hair is slicked back with water or gel or pomade, and his bare chest gleams in the torchlight as if he's oiled.

"Well, well, slave," he purrs in the mirror world.

Me, I'm strung up, my wrists in cuffs that dangle on chains from the smoky ceiling. I'm all done up like the dream of a slave, my body trussed in a corset of tight-laced satin, my feet in high heeled pumps, a gag in my mouth.

A shudder runs through me in each parallel world, as he tweaks my nipple and makes me squirm.

Oh god, he's so beautiful when he's stern. The mouth that kisses so softly is sculpted and cruel, and his warm brown eyes are black with power and lust.

As he slaps my bottom with the flat of his hand, I start to come. And come in the real world too, in bed, lying underneath him. Straining for the best, the finest, the highest orgasm, I arch against Terrence, my heels dragging against the backs of his calves, my fingers flexing like talons, gripping his bottom.

I scream as I soar to heaven, while his phantom self smacks my naked flesh, again and again.

*** *** ***

Afterwards, we lie against the pillows, both slumped and sweaty, breathing hard. Multiple orgasms have knocked the stuffing out of me, and even Terrence, with all his prodigious sexual stamina, looks momentarily shattered.

"What the hell were you thinking, Vickie?" He turns to me, and I see he's sharper and more with it than I imagined. Those clever brown eyes of his gleam with knowledge, almost as if he really were the master of my fantasy. "There was something dirty and devious going on that turned you into a wildcat, wasn't there?" He does that sinful lip licking thing again. "Come on, woman, tell the truth or you'll regret it." His mouth curves into a deliciously evil smile, and I'm back in heaven.

Oh, the threats... oh, please bring them on!

Suddenly I'm not tired at all. Now's the time to tell him. Because I've a sneaky feeling he probably knows already. He's got this uncanny knack of reading me, and it turns me on.

I prevaricate, gnawing my lip. An act, obviously.

"Vickie?" he prompts. There's a hint of sternness there, and for a vertiginous second, I can't tell whether it's real or fabricated. My pussy flickers again despite my previous surfeit of pleasure.

"I... um... well, it was just a little fantasy I sometimes have." Little? Who am I kidding? It's big and it's bad and it's beautiful. "I... I don't mean that fucking you isn't satisfying... it's just I have these thoughts sometimes." Lots of the time, and I'm dying to share them. "I can't help myself, but it's not you, it's me. I... You're a fabulous lover."

His eyes are on me. Steady and strangely bright. Knowing again. The devil, he's teasing me. He's read my mind as easily as if my eyes were made of glass. Suddenly he is the man in the dungeon, and twice as dangerous.

"But not quite fabulous enough," he growls, pursing his lips, fighting that sunny, sexy "let's get it on smile" of his. "Spit it out. What do you want? What dark and depraved perversion do you think about when you're already having bloody good sex start with?"

I would point out to him that he has a very high opinion of himself, but now's not the moment. Especially as I hold that high opinion also.

"Well, you see... it's like this. I sort of like men to spank me. It's a 'thing' of mine, you know?"

His eyes widen. He chews his lip. He looks perplexed. Oh, give the man an Oscar! But he can't disguise the merriment in his eyes.

"Good lord, you are a wicked little pervert, aren't you?"

"But I do like ordinary shagging too, honest! I just that like I spanking as well."

"I see." He's killing himself here. I swear he's dying to burst out laughing.

"Perhaps I'd better go." Throwing myself into my penitent role, I start to slide out of bed, ready to feign a search for my scattered clothes.

But he stops me with a firm hand on my wrist. "Oh no you don't! I think we need to get to the bottom of this." He has to turn away then, and I can see his broad shoulders shaking. "I'm going to get a bottle of wine. And then we'll discuss it properly. No messing about."

Then he strides naked across the room, stalking towards the door, his gorgeous cock swinging. It's a bit perky again. More than perky.

Oh God, I can't wait!

A few minutes later, after I've rushed to the bathroom and tidied my hair and everything, I sneak back into the bedroom, and he's already returned.

But he's not in bed. Chin resting on his steepled fingers, he's sitting in the armchair, dressed again. Well, sort of. He's wearing his black jeans, but his chest and his feet are still bare. Whether by accident or design, he's managed to make himself even more magnificent than ever. He's the man of my dreams, literally and figuratively, and covering up his gorgeous goods only makes me feel more vulnerable by contrast.

"So, spanking, eh? There's a thing," he says, his voice level. He takes a measured sip of red wine from the glass that he's set on the bedside table at his elbow, and staring at me, his smooth brow crinkles in a little manufactured frown.

I feel awkward. Unsure of myself. This is all so real, all of sudden. Do I get back into bed? Or just sit on the edge of it? I feel off balance, standing here naked while he's sitting, clothed, and calmly drinking his wine.

He doesn't seem to have poured a glass for me.

"Yes... sorry... it's just a kink of mine. I can't help it."

His fine eyes narrow. Is he cross? Because I haven't shared this with him sooner. I start to feel shakier than ever, even though my pussy is already swimming.

"I never said there was anything wrong with it."

I'm starting to feel more and more disorientated, but in a good way. When I begin to edge towards the bed, he makes a little quirk of his lips that's so perfect it almost stops my heart. So I hover, feeling giddy, out of my depth.

He draws in a deep breath, sets aside his glass and stretches, "So, I suppose we could try a bit of this spanking. Give it a whirl."

My heart thuds madly. I feel a new rush of hot honey between my legs. If he really is what I suddenly suspect he is, I've hit the mother lode here.

He's Mister Perfectamundo. Everything I've ever wanted and a whole lot more.

"So, how does it go? What do you usually do?" He clasps his hands loosely in front of him, his head tipped slightly on one side, the glow from the lamp shining on his sleek dark hair.

"All sorts of things. Sometimes the man spanks me over his knee. Sometimes I lie across the bed, on my face, and he punishes me."

"What with? His hand? Or something else?"

We really are getting in deep here. Sliding through layers and layers. My heart flutters like a bat on crack. "Yes, sometimes his hand. Sometimes something like a belt, or even a leather slipper. Sometimes, um, toys."


"Something like spanking paddle... or a ruler... or even a riding crop."

Now, for some reason, I find it hard to look at him. His gaze is like a laser, sweeping over me.

"Fascinating." He pauses, a long slow beat. "But how do you want to start? What do you think is the best way to begin?"

My eyes are cast down. I stare at the carpet. But in my mind I can see his strong legs, his experienced thighs spread just the precisely right amount. His lap - with a growing bulge beneath the dark denim of his jeans. He's become his mirror self from my dungeon fantasy.

I drag in a breath with all the effort I would have to exert if the atmosphere had turned to water, or to gel. "I... I think I'd like you to spank me across your knee, if that's all right?"

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