Neeri's Need: How to Crash a Party

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Neeri’s Need:

How to Crash a Party

(Alien Erotica)


~Andromeda Bliss~





© Copyright 2014 Andromeda Bliss


No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author. This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


This is adult erotica and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended for readers 18 and older only.


Neeri’s Need
is the continuation of a storyline started in
Sasha’s Story
Adin’s Adventure,
though it can be read alone. The first two in this series can be found on
Andromeda’s Amazon Author Page





Neeri’s Need:

How to Crash a Party



Not everyone could float a body through a crowd with impunity. Not everyone was Neeri.

She moved through the passageways of the space s
tation with the sleek, predatory stride of a Lyomedrin on a mission, Ridge the backstabbing bartender drifting unconscious behind her on an antigrav tether. Plenty of people stared but she only stared back, giving them a challenging look and a wicked smile. Maybe her confidence gave them pause. Or maybe her teeth looked particularly sharp today. Whatever the reason, no one got in her way.

A good thing. She didn’t have time for petty things like assault charges.
She had a few more crimes on her to-do list today, plus a daring rescue to plan. Her former bosses would notice Ridge’s absence soon and start putting two and two together.
Hope they suck at math,
she thought with a smirk.

Sasha’s living unit was rig
ht where Ridge had said it would be. Lucky for him. Neeri touched the visitor chime and plastered a pleasant smile on her face. This was going to be a bit awkward, especially since time was precious. Explaining to Sasha that she’d been drugged, kidnapped, fucked magnificently by her cell mate, and then mind-wiped so she remembered nothing wouldn’t be easy. Getting her to help after that might be a little tricky.

A window of transparency formed in the door as the solid barrier de
molecularized to allow Sasha to see her visitor. The pretty little red-headed human frowned at Neeri. “Yes?” she asked through the unit’s transmitter. Then her eyes flicked over Neeri’s shoulder to the floating body and widened in alarm.

Damn Ridge. He wasn’t going to make this any easier. “Hi, Sasha,” Neeri said as nicely as she knew how. “Is Ocen with you?”
She figured mentioning the gorgeous Ophidian would at least give Sasha pause and maybe get her foot in the door.

“How did—? Who are you? What do you want?”

Neeri hid impatience behind her smile, taking pains not to let her canines slip into view. Humans were so skittish around predator species. “If he’s there, please tell him I know where his brother is. This guy,” she gestured at the comatose bartender, “kidnapped him. I need Ocen’s help to get Adin back.”

Sasha gaped at her for a second before jumping a little and glancing over her shoulder, as if she’d been goosed. Neeri’s smile widened with satisfaction. Ocen
there; she could tell by Sasha’s reaction. They really had mated true.

The crease in Sasha’s brow
returned, but the door disappeared, clearing the threshold for Neeri and her luggage to enter. They weren’t taking her on faith, though—Neeri could just see Ocen’s tall form off to the side, tensed to pounce if she misbehaved. She grinned, enjoying the idea. For one thing, she almost always misbehaved. And her recent experience with his brother Adin had taught her that a pouncing Ophidian was

On the other hand, they didn’t have time for that kind of fun. With an inner sigh of regret, she eased across the threshold, hands lifted in a gesture of peaceful intent, claws safely retracted. “I’m Neeri.
We’ve never actually met, but I know you both. You wouldn’t remember…” She paused with a frown, distracted by the scents in the living unit. Taking a deeper breath to confirm what she was smelling, she made a disgusted noise and glanced between them. “Are you kidding? You haven’t had sex yet?”

Sasha spluttered and backed away, creamy complexion turning rosy. Ocen stepped forward, calm as ever,
eyes deep pools of color to match his blue-gray scales, though his very fine body was disappointingly covered in a black flight suit. She thought Adin was even more stunning than his brother, but she remembered Ocen’s sleek muscles and thick cocks with a misty fondness.

You mentioned my brother,
Ocen said telepathically, his mental voice as solid and calm as his expression. But she’d spent a long time watching him at the facility and recognized the edge of worry in his tone and gaze.

“Right,” she muttered dryly. “No sex talk, straight to business. Can I come in? Maybe drop him somewhere and sit down?” she asked,
jerking her thumb at Ridge behind her.

Sasha pointed the way,
large brown eyes as wary as prey caught in the open. “Is he dead?” she asked abruptly, her tone surprisingly hard.

Neeri hid a smirk, remembering the unexpected steel in this little human’s spine. “Nope. Just doped to the gills. Figuratively speaking,” she added, moving into a small sitting area and easing onto
the edge of a cushioned chair. The antigrav tether tugged Ridge into the room after her, floating him to a position next to her. “His species doesn’t have gills. I only handed him a piece of justice, dosing him with the same stuff he gave both of you. Have you noticed you’ve lost time yet?”

They gl
anced at each other quickly and Neeri caught the flare of alarm that passed between them. Ocen moved closer and Sasha edged in behind him, frowning around his form at Neeri. “What are you talking about?”

“It’s not the sa
me day as your memories say it should be. Sasha, you’ve only lost a couple of days maybe, but Ocen was gone a lot longer. Your memories were wiped. You were kidnapped by Ridge here,” she flicked a negligent hand at the bartender, “and taken to a research facility for a sexual behavior study. They let you go because the two of you mated true.” She paused, narrowing her eyes on them in speculation. “So it’s kind of odd that you haven’t had sex yet.”

Sasha spluttered again but managed to speak this time. “Are you crazy? That’
s the most insane story I’ve ever—” She stopped abruptly when Ocen held up a hand.

Neeri noticed his claw tips an
d sighed. They looked exactly like Adin’s, black, sharp, and enticing. She shivered at the memory of them on her skin.

We have lost time,
Ocen conceded.
But how do you know what happened to us? How do you know my brother? What’s happened to him? Where is he?

“Oh, fuck me,”
she growled through clenched teeth. “Scales, we
don’t have time for a long Q and A. I was at the facility, but I don’t know the exact location. Ridge does. We need to wake him up, get the coordinates from him, and get Adin out of there pronto. If the big boys guess what we’re up to, they’ll shut that place down and disappear. They might make the subjects disappear, too.
me, Ocen. Help me save your brother.”

Ocen stared silently down at her, his scaled features troubled.

Sasha stepped around him, a fire in her brown eyes. “This is bullshit. Stop using his brother like that! So I can’t remember what day of the week it is—so what? What do you really want? Who the hell

Neeri cl
utched the armrests to keep from lunging at the human, feeling her claws slide out and puncture the fabric. She cursed so ferociously that Sasha blanched and skittered back into Ocen’s chest. “We. Don’t. Have.
With a growl, she eased to her feet, locking her gaze with Sasha’s suddenly wide eyes. “You have a birthmark like a birdwing on your right hip. You shave your pussy, but only the lips. You were
when you woke up in that bar, inside and out, front and back, because Ocen has three scrumptious
cocks and he worked them in you like a pro. He also calls you
which I think is kind of sweet. Now, stop asking questions and slowing us down. We have work to do.”

Ignoring Sasha’s slack jaw and red face, Neeri
grabbed a fistful of Ridge’s shirt and tugged him into the center of the room. “I need a stool or a chair to sit him on. And something to restrain him.” She squinted at the squirming human. “I suppose it’s too much to hope that you have cuffs or leathers? A cock-ring would be helpful, too.” When Sasha said nothing coherent, Neeri rolled her eyes and looked pointedly at Ocen. “Find me what I need, Scales.”

You are…unusual,
Ocen said on his way out the room.

“Uh-huh.” Neeri began stripping Ridge naked without paying them any more attention.

“What are you doing?” Sasha exclaimed.

“This guy kidnaps people for a living. The bartending is just a side job, you know. He’s going to need a little incentive to answer questions.”

“In-incentive? You’re going to

“Something like that,” Neeri said with a snort of humor. “
Ridge is a bit of a pain-junkie, though, so conventional torture is out. Don’t worry; I’m creative.”

“You’re…you can’t do this! I can’
t believe this is happening. How—how did you know about my birthmark?”

Neeri chuckled. “Be honest. The question you really want to ask is, did you say
cocks?” Yanking Ridge’s pants to his ankles, she caught Sasha’s mortified gaze and winked. “Trust me, you want to take that ride again.” Looking at what she just uncovered, Neeri raised her eyebrows. “Huh. That explains a lot.” She could sum up Ridge’s goods in one word:
. His phallus had decent girth but was oddly flat and short, and his testicles dangled small and hairless beneath.

Ocen glided back into the room—Stars, she loved how these Ophidian’s moved—and handed her a metal chair, a long strap, and something that could have been a hair band. She grinned.

Tossing Ridge’s clothes in a corner, Neeri tugged him lower and straddled him to keep him at that height while she tied his wrists behind his back
with the strap. Then she touched a control at her waist, severing the antigrav tether and dropping him unceremoniously into the chair. Threading the strap under the chair, she swiftly tied his ankles together.

Then she grabbed his limp cock and started massaging it

Sasha made a strangled, squeaky sound behind her. “What are you

Neeri shot her an impatient look and held up the hair band. “Cock rings don’t work unless the damn thing is erect. Honey, don’t you play with any toys?”

“You—that’s—stop saying things like that and messing up my head.” Sasha’s face was flushed again. Or maybe still. Had she stopped blushing at all since Neeri arrived? “How is jerking this guy off going to get you information?”

“Watch and learn, Red,” Neeri snickered. “Or ask Ocen to expl
ain it.” Sasha squeaked again, maybe in response to Neeri’s business-like stroke, or maybe Ocen had educated her. Once Ridge’s dick stood at attention, Neeri looped the band around its base then twisted the band into a figure eight and snugged the second loop around his balls. “Eh, not as tight as I’d like, but we’ll make do. Time to wake up, Rytel.” She injected him with the antidote to his infamous sleeping draught.

Rytel the
Ridge did not wake up pretty. None of them ever did. Neeri often wondered why they didn’t use something with a softer kick. Then again, knowing Ridge’s sadistic streak, he probably wanted his victims to suffer, picking a drug guaranteed to make them feel like dog-shit when they awoke.
Turnabout’s fair play
, she thought with a sharp-edged grin, watching him twitch and groan sickly.

“Good morning, Sunshine,” she said cheerfully, giving his trapped cock a tug to focus his attention.

He jerked, wide eyes snapping to hers before he thrashed ineffectively in his bonds. “N-Neeri! What the…” His skin turned a really interesting shade of green and he swallowed hard several times. “W-what do you want?” he asked carefully.

Neeri extended her claws, letting them just touch his
twitching shaft. “To give you your hottest, dirtiest fantasy. To humiliate you, make you beg and plead for mercy. To make you cry and scream and thank me from the bottom of your scrawny little heart for making you hurt…so…
She whispered the last in his ear and tightened her grip just enough to make him tense and quiver all over.

His skin tone went from green to deep red, a flush that spread from his head to his feet. His breathing hitched, then huffed along at a quick pace. “Neeri, I c-can’t tell you anything.”

She laughed softly and let go of his dick, circling him and letting her claws scrape along his skin. He shivered and whimpered softly as she spoke. “Ridge honey, in about five minutes you’ll be begging to tell me everything you know. Because I know your secret. Kidnapping people turns you on, doesn’t it? Having the power to totally fuck with their lives, to control them and humiliate them gets you off. But what you really want is for somebody to do that to you.” She plucked at his nipple with the exquisite point of her claw and smiled when he gasped. “Well, guess what? It’s your lucky day.”

“P-please,” he said,
voice already thick with lust, eyes glazing over.

“Atta boy,” she drawled, then looked over her shoulder at Ocen and Sasha. Ocen had his arms folded across his chest, a quizzical look crinkling his brow as if he couldn’t decide whether to be amused or disgusted with
the scene. Sasha stood half-huddled toward Ocen, jaw sagging and eyes bulging, the very picture of a scandalized novice. Neeri stifled a laugh. “This won’t take long. Ocen, you’re a pilot, right? Is your ship still at docking?” He nodded. “Make sure it’s ready to roll. Sasha…sit down before you faint or something.”

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