Neeri's Need: How to Crash a Party (6 page)

BOOK: Neeri's Need: How to Crash a Party
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Why am I not surprised that you worked here?

“No time for flattery, Scales. Are you there yet?”

He paused.
Adin is groggy but conscious.
His mental tone was filled with warmth and worry.

Neeri spared a glance at the holo display, relieved to see Ocen uncuffing his brother.
“Okay, brace yourself. I’m crashing this thing, then coming down to you. We’ll climb out together.” Neeri activated a kill program she’d hidden in the system long ago, bypassing regular shut down protocols that required authorization. “You were a bitch and I never liked you,” she muttered to the displays, watching to make sure the slaughter was global. The system went down like a gazelle with its throat slashed.

Darkness swooped in, bringing the silence of mechanical death.
The omnipresent hum and vibration of a host of machines disappeared, leaving behind a disconcerting stillness. Power off, lights off, ventilation off—life support off.

“Fuck,” Neeri stated conversationally. Then she bolted for the nearest service passage, small ducts used by the maintenance bots to move swiftly and freely around the facility.
With the power out, the lifts wouldn’t operate and this was her only way down. “Hey Scales, you still in my head?” she called as she ripped the grate off the shaft and climbed in.

Still here.

“How are things down there?”

Dark. And weird.

“Hang tight, I’m coming. Try not to breathe much—I crashed everything, including life support. It’s going to get uncomfortable in here.”

Well done,
he responded dryly.

“Thanks, I give good mayhem. How’s Adin?”

On his feet. Slow, but moving.

Neeri could hear the brotherly concern in his tone and wondered what he wasn’t saying about Adin’s condition. “Can you find a service shaft?”

Not…at the moment.

Neeri grimaced and didn’t ask what that meant. The preoccupation in his mental voice was
nerve-wracking enough. She scuttled and slithered through the passages at a breakneck pace, taking a shortcut and dropping levels with jarring force. She grumbled about her new bruises as she worked her way to a grate close to medical. “Okay, I’m pretty much here. Where are you guys?”

Ocen grunted, and her ears caught the violent slap of flesh meeting flesh.

Neeri swore hard and shot out of the service shaft,
dodging shadowy figures of wandering subjects and sprinting toward the sounds of a fight. She rounded a wall that looked half melted and then dove out of the way of a flying body. The flyer crashed into the wall with a grunt, but landed on poised feet. With a coughing roar, the figure lunged back the way he’d come.

Neeri snagged his ankle as he leaped over her. Throwing her weight in a pivoting twist, she knocked him off
balance, his considerable bulk crashing to the floor. “Wildcat Bill, you are being a very bad boy,” she lectured, facing the riled Lyomedrin male and sliding into a ready crouch.

His growl was low and
menacing, but he rose with easy deliberation. “A Lyo female? Don’t think I’ve had you yet. Just stay out of my way, kitten, and I’ll get to you after I put the snakes down.”

Neeri made a disgusted sound and bared her teeth at him. “
I guess they didn’t pick you for your brains. This place is imploding, and all you want to do is fight and fuck? You’re embarrassing me, Bill.”

“That’s not my name,” he growled, advancing on her.

She slid around him, spotting the two Ophidians beyond, Ocen propping Adin upright. “I don’t care,” she snapped at the Lyo. “Go fuck something that does.”

He paused
and breathed deeply, drawing in her scent. Then he blinked at her in confusion when he smelled her lack of interest. “I thought this was a new game,” he said in a lower voice.

“Party’s over. Sex bots are over that way. Take your pick and go home, tiger.”

He chuffed at her and shook himself before stalking away on a grumble of discontent. Neeri was watching him go warily when someone grabbed her arm and spun her around. She was about to shred her attacker when she recognized the touch, the drugging scent. “Adin,” she gasped before he hauled her up against him and sealed his mouth to hers with an incoherent mental moan of need. She had about three seconds of bliss, barely long enough to register his sweet/spicy flavor and feel his maddening tongue twine around hers, before something ripped her out of his arms.

“I take this one,” a rumbling, cavernous voice said,
and Neeri twitched in alarm. It was Caveman, a massive, brutish humanoid with very little brain power and a cock big enough to split a female in two. He was currently dangling her off the floor by a fist in the back of her shirt.

Whoa! Cavey, hang on big fella…” Neeri twisted ineffectually in his hold, wondering how the hell she was going to get out of this one.

Adin’s mental shout was enough to give her an aneurysm.
Put her DOWN! NOW!

“Ow,” the big ox complained, dropping Neeri and clutching his head with both hands. “
You hurt my head.” Then he swung an arm in a clumsy swipe, his expression more irritated than angry.

Ocen pulled his swaying brother out of the way and Neeri darted close to them. “Time to go, boys,” she hissed and yanked them toward the service shaft.
Ocen wrapped an arm around his brother and they shambled after her, slower than she would have liked. But Caveman must have decided to look for a less painful play-toy, shuffling in the opposite direction.

Neeri, you’re here. You came back. What did you do?

Adin’s mental touch slid through her mind like ambrosia and fire. She swallowed hard, leading them toward the service way and murmuring over her shoulder, “I sort of broke stuff. Are you all right?”

My head is fuzzy. And I…I’m burning. I need…

Neeri paused, crouching at the grate to study him. Even in the dark she could see the color swirling in his eyes and the clench and shudder of his muscles. She couldn’t see his expression, but distress radiated off him and shivered across her skin. “Adin?”

Ocen answered her.
It is the mating burn. He needs—well, he needs you. But we don’t have time. If we hurry…

Neeri hissed in a breath, pressing a hand to the grate to steady herself as heat engulfed her, tightening each of her nipples to hard points and swelling the folds of her pussy to a painful ache.
Fluid seeped out of her channel, cooling her suddenly flaming lips. She could see the shadow of Adin’s heavy erections and it was all she could do not to reach for them greedily. “Right, hurry,” she croaked and slapped the grate out of the way, diving in like salvation waited at the other end. Adin followed with Ocen behind him.

She didn’t think what it would mean to crawl in front of them,
the thick scent of her arousal drenching the air, her skirt too short to mask anything. She heard Adin groan like a dying man and suddenly pictured what he saw, her ass moving in tantalizing arcs, pussy weeping in open invitation.
Oh Stars, Neeri, so sweet…
His mental touch was a maelstrom of hunger.

She felt his breath fluttering the edge of her skirt and l
ust stabbed up her spine. She wanted to crash to her knees and elbows, arch her back and present her holes for him to take, hard and fast. She’d never wanted anything so much as she wanted those ridged shafts of silky flesh tunneling deep inside her, sending her to that place he’d found just for her.

We need to keep moving,
Ocen reminded them when Neeri paused, teetering dizzily on the edge of a razor-sharp desire.

Moving? She could barely remember why they were here.
Unable to speak, she shifted forward on shaky limbs, trying to be reasonable.

Adin’s tongue tossed reason right out into space.
That black devil’s toy slithered between her labia, curling around her clit in a flick and rasp that made her entire body convulse with pleasure. She yelped and dropped right to her knees, torso pitching forward. She barely caught herself before face-planting and wouldn’t have felt it if she had—that thick, nimble tongue swirled and dove into her channel, snapping out to stab at her clit with such ruthless demand that she saw stars. She spread her thighs as far as they would go and flattened her chest and hot face against the cool metal duct, pressing back against his mouth with a long guttural moan of need.

Neeri, my Neeri…

“Yes,” she sobbed, shuddering as he caught her hips in his cool hands, black claws pressing into her skin. “Please,

His clever
tongue swirled and
and her body shattered into climax, her cry vibrating the metal around them. With her body still quivering and contracting on waves of pleasure, Adin surged over her, one arm wrapping like a steel band around her torso. Before she could catch her breath, a cool, thick cockhead pushed between her labia, then drove like a spear into her depths. She shrieked again, clenching around him like a vice, delirious at the fullness and friction of that cool, silky hardness rubbing along her sensitive tissues. He thrust, as hard and fast as she’d dreamed, the second long cock rubbing and slapping against her lips and clit, the smaller third member sliding along the crack of her ass.

Her body seemed
to explode, the world evaporating into a pleasure so vast she lost herself and found him, found
the sweet and ruthless center of everything.

Eventually reality returned and she heard Ocen, far away at the edges of her awareness.
Stop, please, stop, my brother. You will hurt her. We must go, we must! Please…

Adin’s breath hissed p
ast her cheek in hard gusts, one arm still holding her tight to his hard-scaled body as he shuddered against her.
Neeri, oh no. Oh my sweet one…did I hurt you?

She snickered a little. “You guys joking?” she slurred and tried to move. Her muscles felt like taffy, loose and unmanageable.
“I feel
Wish we had time for a nap,” she mumbled. She turned her head and gave Adin’s shadow a sultry smile. He kissed her slow and deep before he eased back, helping her to sit.

I know that was needful, but we really should hu
Ocen urged.

“Okay, hang
on. Trying to remember how to—you know—function.” Neeri stretched experimentally then rose to a wobbly crouch. “Say, how was the view back there, Scales?”

Ocen answered with dry humor.
Sasha tells me she has called in reinforcements. We hope they will be in time to rescue these people.

That galvanized her into action. Breathing deeply, she eased through the passage at a steadily increasing pace. “Has she spotted any ships yet?”


“Let’s hope we’re gone before she does,”
Neeri muttered. “The bosses might get here before the cavalry.”

Adin prudently kept
a short distance between them, though she still felt his mental presence like a caress.
Neeri…how did you do this? How is my brother here?

“You know
, they had the sun-fried balls to
me?” she tossed over her shoulder. “I’m not good with rejection. I found Ocen and his mate, and they helped me break back in here. Sad to say, I think my severance is a lost cause.”

You came for me,
he murmured in her mind with a warm rush of emotion.

Neeri tensed at the unmistakable color of puppy-love in his tone.
“Yeah, look,” she said warily, keeping her face turned away. “I would’ve done it for anybody. This place just isn’t healthy.” Sex she could handle. Emotional entanglement wasn’t her thing. Especially when it was just a crush, sweet but temporary.

He wa
s quiet, his mental touch withdrawing and leaving a disturbing coolness behind. They climbed to the surface without any further conversation, preserving their strength and air. Neeri noticed the quality of the air turning distinctly stale and chilly by the time they emerged from the service vent. Luckily, the front doors hadn’t closed again and they were able to leave the facility behind without any further hardship.

Sasha greeted them at the hatch, her features pale and anxious. “Oh, thank god, are you all right?” Then she noticed Adin’s fantastic
, jewel-like nakedness and three impressive erections arcing toward his belly. She turned bright red.
shit…” She turned, eyes darting everywhere but at them. “Uh, hi?”

Neeri snickered. “
Red, this is Adin and his three friends. I haven’t named them yet. Any ships on the way?”

“No,” she squeaked and threw Neeri a frown of censure.
“What took you so long?”

“Oh, well…” Neeri glanced down at Adin’s delicious cocks
and felt her pussy clench hard. Stars Above, she wanted to ride those until it hurt.

“Never mind!” Sasha said hastily, seeing where Neeri’s attention had gone.
She coughed into her fist and shuffled out of the way. “We should probably leave now.”

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