Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)
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Annie cut her a big slice and handed the cake to her on a plate with a fork. “Searching for another job so soon?”

“No,” Emma answered while she scrolled through her emails. “The executive producer is supposed to email me a codicil to my contract about filming while I’m here. He’s going to give me final approval before anything airs.”

“Unusual,” Annie remarked and sat down across from Emma with her piece of cake.

“Troy’s wonderful. You should see my blooper reel. I’d be mortified if some stuff ever aired.” She shivered at the thought. The fact she often forgot to turn off her personal microphone threw the crew into hysterics at times. “Here it is.” She pulled up the email and downloaded the attachment.

“So is there anything going on there?” Annie took a bite of her cake.

“No,” she replied firmly.

“Is there anybody?” Annie reached across the table and grabbed Emma’s hand.

Emma shook her head, slipped her hand out from underneath Annie’s, and scanned her screen.

“I thought they kept the personal stuff off the show. Your love life is off limits.”

“What love life?” Emma scoffed.

“You dated the writer guy, Patrick, for what, a year before you told any of us, and I’m one of your best friends. Within a few months, poof. Bye-bye, Patrick.”

“Yeah, because I found out the magazine he worked for wanted him to dig up dirt on Terrance for a story. Guys only seem to sniff around to get close to Terrance. All the fame or interest people see in me is because of him.” Emma re-read a few lines her morning-addled brain didn’t comprehend.

“What is the Nerdy Girl Nation, huh? Those kids admire you. You’re a role model. Charlotte is so proud of you. She has at least five Nerdy Girl Nation tee shirts she wears to school. She even asked to get glasses like yours even though her eyesight is perfect.”

Emma pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose out of habit. She didn’t realize how much Charlotte wanted to emulate her until that moment.

After Garrett Green declared Emma's followers as the Nerdy Girl Nation, she decided much more needed to be done with the name. She started a charity specializing in education about bullying to schools, parents, and educators. The charity's headquarters was in one of the several teen outreach centers in LA. Not spending time with the kids would be one of the most painful things about leaving her life on the west coast behind.

“I love how I’m able to help those people, but if not for Terrance, there wouldn't be a Nerdy Girl Nation.”

“You’re not going to abandon them, are you?”

Emma closed her laptop and placed her attention on their conversation. “No. As long as they want me, I’m eager to lead the charge. But life won’t be too interesting the rest of the season. Helping my dad run the charter business won’t be very exciting. “

“You’re going to work for Mick?” Annie seemed shocked.

“I said I would for a while. I still haven’t heard from Terrance, but I don’t want to live in LA anymore. I moved out there for him. I want to be
with you guys. Besides, I need to bond with my nephew. Is he awake yet?”

“Yes,” Annie sighed. “He hasn’t slept well here the past two nights we’ve stayed here. He misses his crib at home. Harry’s giving him his bottle and a bath.”

Emma cut into the cake with her fork while all the things to be done before the funeral ran through her mind.

“Nell seems to be MIA. Where is she?”

Annie's identical twin sister and Emma's other best friend, Nell De Lacy, evaded the MacLean household. Odd since she usually appeared the second Emma arrived home.

“She's not doing too well.” Annie's eyes glistened with unshed tears. Emma took Annie's hand in hers. “She saw the accident and got to your mother first. The medics told her she did all she could.”

“But Nell doesn't believe them.” Emma closed her eyes and imagined what her friend saw when she came upon the accident. Elaine MacLean wasn't only Annie's mother-in-law, but a surrogate mother to Nell and their younger brother, Seamus, as well. “Please tell her to come over. She shouldn't be alone.”

“I'll tell her, but she’s as obstinate you are.” Annie rolled her eyes.

Nell’s tender soul suffered as much as Emma’s over the years, yet they never gave up hope they could be happy with who they are someday. So much alike, sometimes people would believe the two sisters instead of friends. They both were shy and introverted growing up. If not for Annie, the two would’ve been happy to spend every weekend watching episodes of
Doctor Who
and pouring over the latest science journal articles.

With a glance at the clock on the microwave, Emma saw the time. “Al and Ben will be here soon. How about I get dressed then get in some baby time. You can fill me in on what I’ve missed these last few weeks while Sam and I play.”

“I will even allow you to post a picture of you, Sam, and Harry. Let your fans see how you’re doing.”

“The whole thing hasn’t hit me yet I don’t think. I’ve spent so much time controlling my emotions. I’m half expecting her to walk through the door with her beat-up leather bag and give us both a hug.”

“I understand. Now finish your cake before the camera gets here. I don’t think Mrs. Savoy wants her secret recipe to get out.”

Emma took a big bite of her cake and moaned.

The sun’s rays warmed every inch of Terrance’s skin as he snoozed in the hammock outside his vacation home on the small island of Tinos in the Greek Isles. No cameras, no phones, only sunshine and fresh air for two more days.

The slight sway of the hammock caused him to open his eyes. His wife of thirty-one years stood above him. He smiled with delight.

At fifty-five, Lydia Hunt didn’t appear a day over thirty-five and all without the aid of any cosmetic surgery. His libido stirred as much at the moment as it did when they first married. He took her hand and tried to bring her down for a kiss when he noted her worried expression.

“What’s the matter?”

“I’ve gotten word from Troy. We need to cut our trip short.” She pulled on his hand and got him out of the hammock.

Terrance wrapped his arms around his wife’s waist and waited for her to drop the bad news.

“Irene took advantage of your absence and fired Emma.”

“What? She can’t do that.” Terrance let go of Lydia and fell into a nearby chair. “They never got along, but why the hell would she fire her?”

“Something about a missed conference call with London.”

Terrance dug through his memory. He remembered the scheduled call, a mere formality of the deal. Nothing so important to require Emma’s presence. “I don’t understand.”

“Terrance?” Lydia took his hands in hers. “Troy sent the footage, but . . . Emma found out her mother died after a car accident. The cameraman told Troy he believed she was in shock after she received the call.”

“Elaine? Oh my, God. I need to call Emma. And Mick.” He clasped his hand over his mouth at the thought of Emma’s father. “Did Irene hear about this?”

“Not at the time, but she told Troy it didn’t matter. You gave Irene carte blanche while we’re away.”

“Not to fire a Vice President of the company.” Terrance sensed his daughter didn’t get along with Emma, but Emma shrugged off Irene’s attitude and did the job. He never believed Irene to be so cruel.

“I’ll get your phone,” Lydia said as she caressed his cheek. “You make your calls and I’ll start packing.”

He nodded and wondered what the hell to say.



Emma laid Sam down for a nap after a few hours of serious playtime. The picture she posted of her snuggling with her nephew and Harry got an overwhelming response. The Nerdy Girl Nation rallied behind her one hundred percent and would be there for her when she needed them.

After she read some of the comments, she took a moment to check her phone. Disappointment held her heart as she noted no calls were from Terrance. Another number stood out, though.

“Aaron Russell?”

Al perked up and went in for a close-up at the sound of the name.

Emma listened to the voicemail Aaron left. Her mouth dropped, and eyes went wide. Without another thought, she tapped the screen of her cell phone to turn on the speaker and call him back.

“Emma, darling. Thank you for calling me back. How are you?”

“Still in shock, Aaron. Thanks so much for calling.” She enjoyed a marvelous relationship with Aaron. He reminded her of home and everything she loved about the east coast, not to mention how much fun they often had when they went out together. Aaron was a helpless flirt. He made her feel so much younger than her thirty years.

“The reports are true?”

“I’ve only seen the report on
Gossip Greeting
, but Garrett was pretty accurate.”

She heard Aaron sigh on the other end of the line. “I was praying the reports were false. I am so sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you. I’m trying to concentrate on my family right now.”

“I’m glad you’re with them. You will send my regards to Mick for me?”

“Of course,” Emma responded. Aaron remembering her father after only meeting him once at one of the IWA events they’d attended in Boston was touching.

“This might be the worst possible time to bring this up, but do remember the last time you visited me in Boston?”

“I do.” Aaron took Emma to the new IWA training facility. She got to meet a few of the wrestlers and their trainers. A short segment even aired during the last season of the show.

“Together, we can do tremendous things.” Emma gasped in shock. “Admit you want you to work with me. The IWA is ingrained in your DNA. There is no better place for you.”

“Are you offering me a job?”

Aaron laughed. “Of course I am. We have a large vacancy.”

She swallowed hard. Two weeks earlier, Aaron fired his general manager on a live IWA broadcast. Her heart quickened at the thought of stepping into the role.


“Don’t be coy, Emma. We
know about your IWA obsession. I’ve even talked with a certain former wrestler about your sessions at his gym in LA.”

She blushed, Al capturing every second. “Are you offering me a position as a wrestler or as management?”

“I want you to be my new GM of Televised Events and Executive Vice President in charge of Talent and Creative. If you’re willing to go in the ring, I could certainly see that happening in the future. There is a lot of travel involved, but your main office is here in Boston. You would be closer to your family and be around more often than in the last few years. I’m confident you can do this. Some people collect football or baseball stats; you collect wrestling ones.”

“I can’t believe this.” Emma’s head spun at the offer. Could she, in fact, combine her business savvy with her all-time favorite obsession? Not to mention all her crushes on the wrestlers. Her blush deepened even more at the thought of coming face to face with some men she considered the sexiest men alive.

“Believe, darling. I can email you a tentative schedule for the next few months and a full job description with salary details today. Wait until after the funeral to decide. There is a live event in Boston the first Monday in June, so your decision can wait until the end of this month.”

“I’ll call you later in the week.” She bit down on her thumbnail, not believing what she’d said.

“Wonderful and please don’t hesitate to call if you need anything. I’m in Boston for the rest of the week, so if you want to get away for a cup of coffee, give me a call.”

“Thanks.” They ended the call, and she set her phone on the coffee table.

She took a few seconds to let everything sink in. Emma turned to find Harry leaning against the archway to the living room with a huge smile on his face.

“You think I should take the job?”

“As your lawyer, I would advise you to read through all your contracts with Terrance and the network before making any decisions. As your brother, I say hell yes!” He pulled her up from her chair and into his arms. They twirled around in circles like when they were younger. He set her down after a round of laughter. “Can you believe this?”

“No. I never saw myself working for anyone else. Except for Irene and the long hours, working at Hunt is a dream job.” She shrugged her shoulders with a smile.

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