Netherfield Park Quarantined (25 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: Netherfield Park Quarantined
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~~ ** ~~

Elizabeth noticed her new sister seemed to be reluctant to spend time
with the couple. At first, she thought perhaps Georgiana was just nervous. But
as time went on, Elizabeth grew concerned.

One day, while Georgiana was practicing in the music room, Elizabeth
decided to speak with her.


“Georgiana, are you well?”


The young girl turned towards Elizabeth, a frown on her face. “I am well,
Lizzy. Do I appear unwell?”

“No, dearest, I just was concerned with how little time you have been
spending with your brother and myself. I thought you would have enjoyed
attending the opera last night.”

A blush grew on Georgiana’s cheeks. “I have just been trying to give you
and William time alone. I read that newlywed couples who love each other
prefer to be alone with each other rather than have to socialize.”

Curious of her sister’s reading material, Elizabeth inquired as to where
Georgiana had read such information. Her sister’s eyes grew round with

“Oh, Lizzy, please do not tell William. I…I purchased a book recently,
and I…I do not think my brother would approve of it.”

“What sort of book did you purchase? Certainly not something which
discussed marital relations?” Elizabeth asked with concern. Her sister was far
too young to be learning about such matters.

Georgiana turned her eyes away from Elizabeth, turning an even
brighter shade of red.


“How could you have purchased such a book? I am sure the man at the
bookshop would not have sold such to a girl of your age.”

“I…I had someone purchase it for me.”
Elizabeth was shocked. “And just who would do such a thing?”

“Please, Lizzy, please, do not ask me to tell you. I do not wish to cause
them trouble. I only wished to know more, so I might behave appropriately to
allow you and William to have a proper marriage. I know I am a burden to my
brother, and now to you, and I wished to lessen such.”

“Georgiana, you are not a burden. Your brother loves you dearly, and
has never felt you to be a burden. And I love you as well. You are as dear to
me as the sisters with whom I share parents. We have had time alone, but we
do not wish to exclude you from our family. When we attend the theater and
opera, or visit exhibits, we dearly want to share these experiences with you.
Now, I will ask you to bring this book to me and I will take care of it, so your
brother does not learn of it.”

Georgiana nodded her head. She quickly left the room, returning shortly
with a wrapped package in her hand.


“From now on, if you wish to discuss subjects such as this, please, come
and speak with me.” Elizabeth said as she held her sister’s gaze.
“I will, Lizzy. Thank you so very much. I am so pleased my brother fell
in love with you.” Georgiana said as she embraced her sister suddenly.

It was then that Elizabeth realized just how sheltered the young girl
was, and the lack of a mother had made a mark on her. Yes, Lady Matlock and
Mrs Reynolds at Pemberley had taken care to be there for her, but Georgiana
needed someone to turn to and trust. This would be Elizabeth’s role in her
sister’s life. She would be the mother figure she required. And after the
betrayal of Mrs Younge, Georgiana needed to know she could trust Elizabeth.

“Well, Georgiana, I would dearly love to hear you play some more. What
I heard when I entered the room was wonderful.” Elizabeth laid the book upon
the sofa and covered it with a nearby pillow. Though Georgiana had brought it
wrapped, Elizabeth wished to keep it concealed as much as she could in case
someone entered the room.

Two hours later, Darcy found his two favorite ladies together, enjoying
practicing music together. It was a sight which warmed his heart to the core.
~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~


Chapter 20
Darcy smiled from his seat in the carriage, hearing his wife’s gasp as she
saw Pemberley for the first time.

“William, this must be a dream, as I have never seen a more perfectly
designed estate in my life. The way nature seems untouched by man, and the
house appears to have always belonged there; oh, William, truly this is my
new home?”

“Yes, my love, this is Pemberley. You are Mistress of all that you see. If
you think it is beautiful now, wait until the springtime and summer, when
everything comes to life and the flowers are in bloom.”

“You have brought me to paradise, my dearest William. How am I ever
to be Mistress of such splendor, I do not know, though I am sure I will be more
than pleased to live here.” Elizabeth could not tear her eyes from the vision of
her new home. Finally, turning in her seat, she embraced her husband.

Georgiana sat quietly across from her brother and sister. She was
thrilled to see Elizabeth’s reaction to Pemberley, as the estate was the one
place in the world which brought comfort and joy to Darcy. He felt a part of
the land, and had always been able to relax when at Pemberley.

The carriage finally arrived in front of the main house and Darcy jumped
down as soon as the door opened. He handed down his sister, who instantly
hurried up the stairs to Mrs Reynolds, who was standing at the open door.
Georgiana embraced the housekeeper, placing a kiss on the lady’s cheek. She
then stood to Mrs Reynold’s side as they awaited Elizabeth’s first step onto
Pemberley ground.

Darcy turned back to his wife, holding out his hand to her. Taking a
deep breath to calm her nerves, Elizabeth stepped out of the carriage and onto
the land of her husband’s family. Taking her hand and guiding her up the
steps, Darcy was quite proud of himself when he introduced his beloved wife
to the housekeeper who had been quite instrumental in raising him and
Georgiana. “Elizabeth, this is the lady you have heard so much about, Mrs
Reynolds. Mrs Reynolds, it is my delight to introduce you to the most
wonderful woman, who has stolen my heart, Mrs Elizabeth Darcy.”

“Mrs Darcy, it is a joy to finally meet you. I have heard so many things
from Master William and Miss Georgiana, I feel as if I have known you for a
long time.” The housekeeper gushed her praises.

“Oh, my, I do not know if I will be able to live up to half the praises my
husband gives me, let alone what Georgiana has claimed. I pray you will
forgive me if I fail to meet standards. I am sure it will take me forever to learn
my duties to an estate as grand as this.”

“Mrs Darcy, you only need to take on the duties you wish. I have been
seeing to things since the previous Mrs Darcy passed on, and I am quite
certain you will settle in nicely after having some time to spend with your
husband. At first, just learning which hallway is which can be daunting. Take
all the time you need before jumping in to duties.”

“Mrs Reynolds, you are a wonder, just as I had been told. It is an honor
to have you as our housekeeper. I know my husband is pleased to have such
an amazing housekeeper, and he considers you part of the family.” Elizabeth
smiled as the elder lady blushed. “And, as you refer to my husband as Master
William and our sister as Miss Georgiana, I cannot abide by being referred to
by you as Mrs Darcy. Let us see, what would be fitting. Mrs Lizzy? Mistress
Lizzy? Mistress Elizabeth is far too long and formal. Fitzwilliam was
shortened to William, so I see no reason you cannot refer to me as Lizzy rather
than Elizabeth.”

Darcy smiled as he watched the look of honor which grew upon Mrs
Reynolds’ expression.


“Oh, dear me, Mrs Darcy, it would not be proper to speak to you so.” Mrs
Reynolds stated.

“On the contrary, Mrs Reynolds.” Darcy interjected. “My wife is correct
in her assessment of the situation. Though you have known me since I was
near four, and Georgiana since birth, as my wife stated, you are a part of our
family. It is only right for you to refer to her as she requested.”

Mrs Reynolds reached out a hand to pat Darcy’s cheek lightly. “I am so
pleased to see you have married a young lady with the same sort of kind heart
as yours. Very well, Mistress Lizzy it is.” The housekeeper turned her eyes
back to the new Mistress of Pemberley. “It is an honor and a pleasure to have
you here and married to my dear boy.”

~~ ** ~~

Darcy had escorted his wife to their rooms, noticing a bath was already
being drawn in her dressing chamber. “Well, it appears you will be taken care
of first.” He laughed.

Elizabeth was confused. “What do you mean, William?”

“Usually there is a bath being drawn in my rooms when I arrive. As you
see, yours is being drawn first, and I am now forced to wait my turn.” He said
with a smile.

“My poor, dear husband, the trials you are forced to suffer on my
account.” Elizabeth said, attempting not to laugh out loud.

“You had best be kind, my love, or I will leave you to find your way
through the maze of hallways. One word from me and none of the staff will
assist you in finding your way about the house and you will be lost for hours.”
Darcy teased as he placed a kiss on his wife’s nose. “Now, behave yourself and
I will see you shortly.” He turned her around and swatted her behind lightly
as she giggled.

Elizabeth entered the dressing chambers to see Hannah directing two
other maids in their duties in preparing the bath for the new Mistress, as
Hannah had seen to laying out fresh clothes and toweling for her. “Ah,
Mistress, the bath shall be ready in a moment. Let us get you out of these
dusty clothes so you can enjoy a nice long soak in the tub. I added the jasmine
scent this time, as I overheard the Master saying he enjoyed the fragrance.”

“Thank you Hannah. You take such good care of me. And which gown
have you chosen for me to wear?”

Seeing the dark blue gown, Elizabeth nodded her head in approval.
Once she had undressed, Elizabeth stepped into the tub which was now
perfectly filled for her with piping hot water and fragrance.

“I will leave you to relax, Mistress. I will return in ten minutes or so.”
Hannah stated as she left the room by way of the servants’ door.

Several moments passed by when Elizabeth heard the door behind her
open and close. She had been resting her head against a towel on the back of
the tub, with a cloth covering her eyes, so, rather than look, she assumed the
person who was at the door was Hannah, checking on her. Elizabeth nearly
screamed when she suddenly felt lips placing kisses on her neck.

“William!” She exclaimed as she yanked off the cloth from her eyes and
gazed at her husband. “What do you think you are doing, scaring the wits out
of me?”

“I told Foster not to bother with filling a tub for me, as I thought to enjoy
this one with you. It will save our servants from having to carry so many
buckets of water, and I believe it will be ultimately more enjoyable for us.”
Darcy said as he dropped his dressing gown and scooted his wife forward
enough for him to climb in the tub behind her.

“The tub is not made for two adults, my dear husband.” Elizabeth

“Ah, but I am quite pleased with the tight squeeze of being here with
you, my luscious minx.” Darcy explained as he picked up the bar of soap and
the cloth he took from Elizabeth and began to wash her. Any tension she had
was quickly melted away by the movement of his hands roaming freely over
her body.

The door from the servants’ hall began to open, as Hannah had returned.
“Do not enter, Hannah. I have assistance, you may have the rest of the evening
off.” Elizabeth called out quickly. The door closed quickly as Elizabeth found
herself attempting to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. Darcy, too,
was trying desperately not to laugh at the situation, and soon, the couple
returned to their bathing.

As Elizabeth began to wash her husband, she chuckled at the thought of
her poor maid nearly finding the couple in such a shocking situation. “I guess
Foster was unable to locate Hannah before she returned to assist me. Poor,
dear Hannah, she would have had an attack of apoplexy from such a sight.”

“I was grateful you had the presence of mind to call out to her, as I was
too caught up in my pleasure to think of what to say when I heard the door
opening.” Darcy stated, his head relaxing against the back of the tub, while his
wife tended to his needs.

Elizabeth continued to wash her husband, her hand gliding gently over
his body, until he could stand it no longer. Standing up, he reached down to
take hold of his wife’s slippery, wet body and scooped her into his arms.
Carrying her to the bed, Darcy laughed as she scolded him with regards to
their being too wet, and that the sheets would be soaked.

“My dearest, loveliest Elizabeth, I do not care a lick for the sheets. I wish
to ravage you, here and now, and it matters not to me if the bed is wet from
our freshly bathed bodies.” He stated as he deposited her on her bed, nearly
pouncing on her playfully.

No one in the house saw the couple the rest of the night, and no one
entered their rooms, with the exception of the maids who added to the fire
and brought the refreshments requested to the room.
~~ ** ~~

Over the following fortnight, Darcy and Elizabeth would disappear
together to investigate more areas of the grand house of Pemberley. Maids
and footmen would discover the couple coming from different rooms
throughout the house, sometimes making adjustments to their clothing as
they were making their way to other locations.

Elizabeth found her study of duties to be pleasant enough, though she
preferred to spend time with her husband in his own. After a week of her
attempting to utilize the sofa in Darcy’s study to sort her correspondence,
Darcy requested another desk brought in to the study for Elizabeth. His
reasoning was that his wife was learning her duties as Mistress, and this
arrangement would be easier on her when she had questions for him. The
servants all found this to be humorous, as it was obvious to all that their
Master and Mistress preferred to be together.

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