Netherfield Park Quarantined (28 page)

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Authors: Melanie Schertz

BOOK: Netherfield Park Quarantined
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“Of course I am home. Tomorrow is your birthday. I could never miss
your birthday. Let me see, you will be two?”

“No, Papa, I will be six. You know that.” The girl giggled.
“How could I forget?” Darcy kissed her again. “Where is your mother?”

“She is resting. Would it not be wonderful if she were to give me a baby
sister for my birthday? Mamma said the baby will be born any day now.”
“I know. I am pleased the baby waited until I was able to be home. I have
been worried the entire time I have been away. I wish I had not had to leave.”
“Is Grandpapa well?”

“He is much better. The fall was not as bad as it could have been. He
broke his leg and will be unable to walk for a while. His head has a bump on it.
Like you had when you fell down and your knee had the bump.”

“So Grandmamma is not calling for her smelling salts and crying all the
time, as the letter said? She is not fretting Grandpapa is going to heaven?”

Darcy smiled. His daughter knew her grandmother’s character very well.
“Your Grandmamma is much happier, knowing your Grandpapa is to be well
again. Uncle Charles and I made certain everything will be fine at Longbourn, so
Grandpapa does not have to worry and can spend his time reading the new
books your mother sent him.”

“Then Grandpapa will be very happy. He loves to read.”
“Much like your mother, and you. Did you and your mother begin reading
a new book?”

Another giggle came from the little girl. “Yes, Papa. Mamma says that by
the time I am ten, I will be reading stories of Cousin Richard’s battles. I told her I
do not need to read them, Cousin Richard tells them to me.”

Darcy laughed out loud. “You are wise beyond your years, my dear heart.
Now, let us walk up to see your mother. I have gifts for both of you.”
“But my birthday is not until tomorrow. You should not give me gifts

“I have gifts for you for tomorrow, including some from your
grandparents, for your birthday. This present is something to thank you for
taking care of your mother while I was gone.”

“I took very good care of Mamma. I brought her water when she needed
it, and told her stories.”
“Well, let us go to her and tell her how much we love her.”
The girl giggled again. “Just no kissing Mamma on the lips. You make silly
faces when you kiss her lips.”
“Very well, I will refrain from kissing her lips. Until you go to bed.”
Darcy awoke with a smile. Noticing his wife looking at him with an
arched eyebrow, he asked if something was wrong.


“And just whose lips are you refraining from kissing until someone goes
to bed?”


“I was having the most delightful discussion with our daughter. And she
informed me we make funny faces when I kiss your lips.”


“Our daughter? You realize I may be carrying a son.” Elizabeth

“No, I am certain it will be a daughter. A little girl who is the spitting
image of her mother, including her personality.” Darcy claimed his wife’s lips.
“And since she is not born yet, I can claim your lips any time I wish.”

Elizabeth began to chuckle as she told him to behave himself. “Do
remember, we are not alone in the carriage.”


Darcy looked across the carriage to see his sister, pretending to sleep,
her eyes closed with a broad smile on her lips as she attempted to not laugh.
“Very well, but when we arrive at our townhouse, I plan to spend the
remainder of the day locked in our rooms.” Darcy growled softly to his wife.
~~ ** ~~

Two days after the Darcy’s arrived in Town, while Elizabeth enjoyed a
morning to sleep in, Darcy went to the shops of London. His excitement over
learning he was to be a father was contagious, as he beamed with joy and
everyone around him could not help but feel his enthusiasm.

Darcy visited many stores, making purchases in most. He wished to
spoil his child from the very start. He purchased toys, clothing, a new infant’s
bed, and more. Before he left to shop, he informed his housekeeper to expect
packages to be arriving and to have them placed in the nursery.

Darcy’s final stop was at the jewelers. He wished to have something
special to present his wife, a token to show her his devotion to her as well as
his pleasure in her condition. After spending an hour looking through the
inventory the jeweler had on hand, Darcy chose the perfect piece for

When he arrived home, he went directly to his wife’s bedchamber. Still
curled up on the bed, though beginning to stir, his wife was a vision of beauty.
Darcy walked to the bed, depositing his coat on a nearby chair on his way. He
laid down behind his wife’s body, wrapping his arms around her and pulling
her to his chest.

“Good morning, my dearest husband. You have returned so soon from
your shopping excursion?” Elizabeth inquired as she stretched.
“You have been quite sleepy this morning, my love. I have been gone for
several hours. It is nearly midday.”


“William, why did no one wake me? I should not be lying abed at such
an hour.” Elizabeth attempted to rise.

“I informed your maid and other members of the staff that you were to
be allowed to rest, only coming to you if you rang for them. You have been
quite busy of late and I wished to have you pampered today. When you are
ready, we will make our way to the nursery to see all of the purchases I made

“I have the distinct feeling that you have bought out most of the stores
in Town from the look on your face. You seem quite pleased with yourself.”
She said as she turned her head to kiss her husband.

“Though I have not bought out any stores, I did make a large dent in
merchandise many of them had on hand. Everything I saw excited me to
purchase more for our baby. I want the next generation of Darcys to have all
the pleasures life can afford them. Georgiana and I had many comforts, but it
was not long before there were many responsibilities weighing down upon
my shoulders. As small children, I do not wish for them to know the weight of
being a Darcy from Pemberley. I only wish for them to enjoy life, and know
how dearly loved they are.”

“No child of yours could ever feel anything but loved, William. You will
be a devoted and caring father.”

Darcy smiled. “I also refuse to leave our children to the nursery, only to
be brought out to show them, as if they were a trophy, and placed back out of
sight. I wish to be a part of their daily lives, see them make their first steps,
hear their first words. It was difficult, when I was a child, and it was the staff
who shared my triumphs with me. I vowed I would be different when I
became a father.”

“You will be a wonderful father, William. You are willing to go against
society’s standards of what should be and act upon your heart. Our children
will all know what a wonderful man you are.” Elizabeth snuggled into her
husband’s embrace. “How many children do you wish to have?”

“I would say, at least twenty or thirty.” Darcy placed a kiss on his wife’s
neck. “After that, we will see if we want more.”


“Fitzwilliam Darcy, we will only have that many children if you carry at
least half of them. My body will not be able to withstand such abuse.”
“Oh, but I plan to take such care of your body constantly.” Darcy said as
his hands began to caress his wife.

“I still say you have to carry half of the babes inside you.”
~~ ** ~~

A few hours later, Darcy escorted his wife into the nursery. Seeing all
the items in the room, Elizabeth began to laugh. “William, you are insane. Do
you know how long it will be before our baby will be able to sit on a rocking
horse? And you have three of them. And you have hoops, tops, books, blocks
with letters, whirli-gigs, marbles, kites, balls, puppets, and more.”

“Well, I thought I would need to practice with those until our little one
was old enough. I wish to know how to play with all of these items before I
show my child how to play with them.” Darcy declared proudly. “There are
items for a baby, see over here.” He led his wife to the new infant bed. “I
ordered another bed like this to be sent to Pemberley, as well as most of the
other items to be duplicated. There are rattles, wooden animals, dolls, and
more. And I ordered clothing made. Oh, and a pram. I have seen them before,
but have never had a need for one. Is it not amazing?”

Elizabeth looked at the wicker basket contraption with a brow lifted. “I
have never seen such in my life. My aunt told me about them, she had thought
about purchasing one when my cousins were babes, but decided against it.”

“Look, my love, will it not be perfect for us to take our baby for a stroll in
the park? The babe can even sleep peacefully, yet enjoy the fresh air. The top
of it gives some shade from the sun, to protect the baby as well.” Darcy placed
a doll in the pram and began pushing the carriage about the room. “Is it not a
clever item?”

Elizabeth was laughing openly at her husband. “My dearest, you will
most likely not allow the babe to be out of your arms long enough to ride in
the pram. I am beginning to think that the biggest child I will have in my
family is my husband. You are having as much fun as if you were a boy

Darcy grasped hold of his wife’s hand, gently tugging her to him. “I feel
as if I am starting a new life, and I wish to enjoy every moment of it. And, as to
your concerns of the rocking horses, I will have you note they are different
sizes. As our current babe grows up, they will need a bigger horse, while
future children will use the smaller ones. You should be pleased I did not
purchase live ponies, as yet.”

“I do not believe it wise to have the baby immediately riding horses
after birth, you silly man.”


“I plan to wait until at least a month after birth.” A laughing Darcy
teased back to his wife.”

Elizabeth walked over and examined many of the items, admiring some
of the similar items from her own childhood. Suddenly, Darcy’s hands reached
around from behind her, fastening a necklace about her. “What is this?” She

The necklace was silver, with a strange, pale pink stone carved with a
flower on the front. Further examination showed that behind the stone, was a
locket. Inside the locket was a small lock of dark curls.

“The curl is my hair, from when I was a boy. Mrs Reynolds held on to
many of the items from when I was a babe. When our baby is born, we can
engrave the date of birth in the locket, and place a lock of his or her hair
inside. The stone is unique, as I have not seen it’s like before. The jeweler
stated it is called rose quartz. It is said to be a stone which represents love,
especially the love of a mother. I thought it was perfect for the most loving
person I know.” Darcy held his wife to his chest as he spoke to her.

Tears began to flow down Elizabeth’s cheeks. “William, you are such a
loving man. How can I ever tell you how precious you are to me?”

“Just continue to give me the most perfect smile, as you do every
morning when you wake. No words are needed to display the feelings I see in
your smile.” Darcy kissed her cheek. “I love you, Elizabeth Darcy, and thank
God every day for your being my wife.”

~~ ** ~~

The staff continued to chuckle at the behavior of their master over the
following fortnight, as more and more items arrived at Darcy House. Seeing
all the items which were far too old for an infant, seeing how Darcy was
finding enjoyment in testing the items, it was as if the Master of Pemberley
was reviving his youth.

As Darcy was often found checking out the items for his future children,
Elizabeth could usually be found at his side, either laughing at his behavior or
joining him in playing with the items. There were little toy soldiers, and little
tea cups, and all were played with by the couple. Darcy had taken a strong
stand on the fact that he would play with a son or a daughter with equal

Soon, the couple prepared to travel to Pemberley. The items which
Darcy had purchased for their country home were loaded on a wagon, with
other items being sent directly from the shops.

When they arrived at Pemberley, Mrs Reynolds met the carriage and
wagon at the front steps. Seeing her beloved Master William in such a state of
joy brought tears of happiness to the elderly lady’s eyes.

“It is wonderful to see you both in such a fine condition. Mrs Lizzy, you
glow with health and happiness.”

“The babe is beginning to become more active, and I am pleased to be
free from any queasy feelings I had early on. I am thrilled to be home, in the
fresh Derbyshire air.”

“Now, I have ordered a bath drawn, and the fire in your rooms has been
built up. I will have a tray sent up to you after your bath, as Cook has
prepared many of your favorites.”

“You know how to welcome a weary traveler home.” Elizabeth said with
a smile. “Mrs Reynolds, you are a true blessing.”


~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~


Chapter 23

As the weeks went by, Darcy watched with great pleasure as his wife’s
belly swelled. Every morning, Darcy would kiss his wife’s lips before placing a
kiss on her midsection, then proceeded to have a daily conversation with his
unborn child. Elizabeth would listen to his words, laughing at some, while
others brought her joy in the knowledge that her often silly husband was a
highly intelligent man who loved her and their babe. She knew that no matter
what the world held in store for them, they would face it together and with the
strength of their love.

The morning which brought Darcy the most joyous delight was the
morning when, as he spoke to his unborn child, his hand, which was lightly
touching the swell where the babe was growing, felt a movement. “Lizzy, was
that the babe?”

Smiling, Elizabeth nodded her head. “I have been wishing for you to be
able to feel him. He is growing stronger.”

“She, darling. She is growing stronger.” Darcy said, staring into his
wife’s eyes. He felt another movement, followed by a series of movement.
“Goodness, she is moving about like a whirli-gig. Is she always this active?”

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