Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (14 page)

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Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

BOOK: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))
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Sofia has assured me that she has my outfit for tonight and will meet me in the Quad at eight tonight. I can then change in the ladies and we can grab a taxi then head to the party. I pick a conservative light grey shift dress and black boots with a three quarter length charcoal cashmere cardigan, courtesy of Sofia. My wardrobe is a little light on elegance and a drink reception suggests elegance, well it does to me. I check my cardigan into the cloakroom and enter the Gallery room where there is a large gathering of Heads of Departments and I am guessing, because I am here, some students too. I take a glass of white wine and look to see if I can see a familiar face.

A tall gentleman approaches in an immaculate grey suit and pale pink shirt and silver tie, his hair is a dirty blonde and short. He has two day stubble that gives him a slightly rough demeanour and his eyes are a light brown. He smiles, all white teeth and charm.

“Please don’t tell me you are a student?” He seems friendly enough even if I don’t understand his question.

“Sorry?” I didn’t bring the email invitation but I know I was invited, Mr Wilson invited me, I will die on the spot if I have to be escorted from the building for gate-crashing. Seeing the obvious look of worry flash across my face, he quickly adds.

“It’s just that as a member of staff there are rules.” His lips curl in a knowing smirk. “And I’m afraid looking at you I would be sorely tempted to break those rules.” Oh he’s smooth. I was right about the charm, but then again, I’m sure he is right about the rules.

“Ha, that’s funny.” I smile and laugh. “Yes I’m one of Mr Wilson’s mature students, Bethany Thorne.” I offer my hand.

“Christopher Taylor, finance and accounting, call me Chris and it’s lucky-” I don’t get to learn what is lucky exactly.

“Lucky for me, that I am
a member of staff. Good evening Miss Thorne.” Daniel interrupts as he steps to my side his arm and thigh brush mine and I can feel an instant heat where we touch. He whispers but loud enough for Christopher to hear, “not that the rules would concern me.” His warm breath heats my neck and the sudden and now familiar prickles spread across my skin. I take a sharp breath and I feel my face glow. I take a step away and toward Christopher, my heart is thumping wildly. I expected him to show up at some point, he mentioned that he would but I didn’t expect this degree of invasion of my personal space and in such a public arena.

“Mr Stone, it’s nice to see you again.” I straighten my back and lift my chin conveying a calm and strength I do not feel. He grins and his dark blue eyes dissolve in to inky pools of desire. His lids are heavy and he steps once more to close the distance.

“Nice? You hurt my feelings, I believe our recent meetings have been more than nice?” I glance a quick and panicked look at Christopher who is frowning at this last comment. I can’t believe he is going to do this here; I’m fuming, obviously flustered and off the charts aroused with him so damn close but mostly fuming.

“Nice, yes! The lecture you gave was extremely useful and it was nice to meet you.” I hope that has clarified my meaning but I add just in case, “when Mr Wilson introduced us at the ‘meet and greet’ the other week.” I look again to Christopher as I add a context to the meeting, “it was
. . . . nice
to meet you then.” My throat is dry and I take a large sip of my wine.

“What about Mr Wilson’s office, was that
” He chuckles. He is such an arse.

I ignore his last comment. “It was
lovely to meet you Christopher maybe we could check out those rules another time?” His face flashes with shock followed by a huge smile. I can’t believe I just said that, since when did I start flirting, I don’t flirt but looking at Daniel as he scowls and grinds his jaw I think I know exactly why I chose this time to start. “I have just seen Mr Wilson, if you would excuse me gentlemen . . . Daniel.” I add pointedly and hope he picks up on the deliberate differentiation as I turn and walk away. I don’t quite make it to Mr Wilson and thankfully he doesn’t see me as Daniel grabs my elbow and guides me through a nearby door into a vacant vestibule.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” He growls low, his face close to mine, his breath fresh and his scent warm and intoxicating. Lucky I’m still fuming.

“What the fuck do you think
are doing?” I return his heated glaze. He laughs lightly.

“Not very polite, Miss Thorne.” He draws in a deliberately steady breath. “You know you react to me. Your body glows, the hairs on your neck spike when I’m near, your skin prickles, you tremble under my fingers and your smell,” He takes another tortuously slow, deep and sensual breath. “Oh Miss Thorne you intoxicate me.” Interesting choice of words, I believe I had the same thought not a second before. “Why do you deny this? Why do you run from this?” He pushes his strong, hard frame into mine, his hand on the small of my back exerting enough pressure to bend my body into his body, enough to make me soft and pliant.

“It’s not rocket science, of course I’m affected by you, look at you!” I push against his immovable chest, my fingers just touching the ripped definition of the muscle beneath his shirt. “Oh Christ,” I let out an exasperated breath. “Look, this,” I wave my hands between us and around indicating our surroundings. “This isn’t a game for me, I can’t afford to lose this. I won’t risk this.” I pause gathering another steadying breath. “So I will ‘deny this.’” I pull on his narrow hips and hold myself tight against him, just to emphasise that I know exactly what I’m denying. A deep groan escapes the back of his throat and I shake my head softly. I push against him this time and this time he steps back.

“Self-Preservation Mr Stone, you need to find someone else to play with.” I easily match the intensity and desire of his gaze before I turn away. I hate the feeling of sickness in my stomach, I hate the feeling of losing this intense heat between us and I hate the heavy ache in my chest the further away I walk. I am starting to understand this is exactly the reason I have to walk away. I would never survive Daniel Stone.

I can’t bring myself to mingle now but manners dictate that I at least thank Mr Wilson for the invitation. I finish my wine and grab another glass as I approach a small group of people including Mr Wilson.

“Ah Bethany, so glad you could join us.” He smiles and leans in to kiss my cheeks. I guess this is more a social gathering than a formal occasion.

“It was very kind of you to invite me.” I smile as he introduces me to his colleagues. Three other department heads, two fellow students and Christopher Taylor.

“We met earlier, only too briefly though.” He remains effortlessly charming. “Perhaps you’ve come to make amends now and let’s hope you won’t get frightened off this time.” He continues to hold my hand in a slow handshake despite having already met.

“Funny again Mr Taylor.” I laugh lightly but he has a cheeky grin this time.

“I don’t think Bethany would scare too easily, maybe on a Ghost Train eh?” Mr Wilson chuckles and comes to my defence, bless him.

“Never go near them, I find life is scary enough.” I add quietly. “Actually, I have to leave but I did want to thank you again for the invite.”

“Oh not me my dear.” He looks a little embarrassed. “Mr Stone selected you, did you see him yet? You must thank him?” He looks around trying to spot my sponsor. Oh I can’t catch a break, I get the strength to push him away and wham! I have to go over and thank him, with an audience this time.

“There he is!” Mr Wilson waves to Daniel, he causes the sea of people to part before him as he strides toward us.

“Cold Miss Thorne?” His mouth curls to one side trying to contain his grin. I look down to the offending articles; my nipples puckered to hard tips pointing directly at him. Ground swallow me now! My face flames and before I can stutter a response he continues.

“You have goose bumps all up your arms, I just wondered if you were cold?” I can see his fingers twitch. I think, maybe, he is trying to control his urge to stroke the bumps along my arm and I am definitely trying not to imagine his touch.

“I’m fine, a little warm actually.” I cough to clear my throat. “Mr Wilson just informed me that I should thank you for tonight’s invitation?” I look back to Mr Wilson for confirmation, he nods.

“A random selection I assure you.” He is quick to confirm, “but I will happily take the credit.” He takes my offered hand, his palm soft against my skin his grip firm and secure.

“Well, I’m grateful, nonetheless, so thank you.” I attempt to pull my hand and he holds firm for a moment more before allowing me to move away. I quickly wish everyone a good evening and start to leave.

“It’s not necessary but I’ll show you out.” Christopher steps in front of Daniel and places his hand on my waist escorting me to the cloakroom. I have to physically fight the urge to glance back at Daniel, is he looking my way? Does he notice where Christopher’s hand is resting? Does he care and more importantly why do I care? I see Sofia’s head peak around a column down the corridor and I couldn’t be happier to see her.

“Hope to see you again Bethany.” Christopher smiles. “I’m going to be checking those rules you know”

“Funny again, you’re on a roll tonight!” I laugh and start jogging toward Sofia.

I’m scrabbling in the bag Sofia handed to me trying to find the
T-shirt or even the
Wake Me Up, Go -Go
T-shirt. “You’ve got to be shitting me Sofs!” I pull out what can only be described as a dress that would fit Barbie, it’s
small but Barbie is obviously in mourning. “Do you want to explain this to me?” I dangle the offending article in front of her mischievous face.

“Marco had a change of plan, he’s doing Robert Palmer’s
Addicted to Love,
instead of Wham’s
Wake-me Up,
and we are his super-hot honeys’ at the back. I’ve got plastic guitars and everything.” She is doing excited little bunny hops.

“Sofs this is so short you can see what I have for breakfast!” I cry. It’s my own fault. I should’ve run when I noticed her suspicious grin and her trench coat hiding her own indecent outfit.

“You’ve got the legs and I brought the heels. You’ll probably have to go commando though unless you’ve got a thong?”

I’m going to hyperventilate. “Yes, that is just what I was thinking, because what I’m really worried about now is this look being ruined by VPL!” I am hoping she can hear the real panic in my voice.

“Relax, Bets it’s for charity” I can hear her holding back a fit of giggles, “and besides two broken nights’ sleep? Marco said you owe him. That and I didn’t bring an alternative costume. Put it on, come out here so I can fix your hair and make-up.” Her tone is no nonsense and resolute. I resign myself to an evening of pure hell.

I wrap my cardigan tightly around what there is of the long sleeved, scooped necked, short short lycra dress. I declined the stockings and took the heels. Sofia scraped my hair slick and painted my face with dark smouldering eyes and fire engine red glossed lips. I don’t recognise myself in the mirror and I am hoping no one else does either. We leave the ladies and make our way out across the Quad avoiding the cobbles.

“I’m not walking, we’re getting a taxi from here I don’t care how long it takes or how much
have to pay for it.” I grouchily inform my friend but we wait for ten minutes and still no luck. A very sleek Bentley limousine pulls up slowly and stops in front of us. “You know whoever is in there thinks we’re hookers, right?” I accuse Sofia.

“Yes but we’re expensive looking hookers.” She laughs and squeezes my arm. The driver has come around to our side and opens the door. I feel him before I see him but drop my eyes, praying for an invisibility cloak in place of my cardigan. Daniel goes to get into the car, he looks up and stops.

“Bethany?” His wide eyes and sharp voiced question reinforces his utter surprise.

Oh crap! “Daniel.” I flash a tight smile but manage to hold my chin high and meet his astonished gaze.

“You look . . .” He bites his bottom lip. “Ah yes, fancy dress.” He smiles as he remembers the details from last night.

“Well I’m not working late if that’s what you think!” I laugh nervously. He raises his brow but smiles.

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