Never Been Witched

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Praise for the work of Annette Blair
Gone with the Witch
“Yet another fun romp for Annette Blair!”
—Fallen Angel Review
“A spellbinding story that totally knocked my socks off!”
—Huntress Reviews
(5 stars)
“Wonderful characters, a riveting story line, and a sensuous undercurrent are just a few of the things that made this such a phenomenal story.”
—Romance Junkies
“This story tugged at the heart . . . A definite addition to my keeper shelf.”
—Fresh Fiction
“I’ve read all of the ‘witchy’ tales from Ms. Blair and found this to stand on its own, but made even better having known many of the characters previously. I would recommend them all for your reading pleasure.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“This second story about psychic triplets is just as good as the first.”
—Romantic Times
(4 stars)
Sex and the Psychic Witch
“Ms. Blair’s humor and wit is evident in many ways . . .
Sex and the Psychic Witch
is . . . a delight [that] will bring chuckles.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“A sexy, hilarious, romantic tale with fun characters, snappy writing, and some super-spooky moments. I’ve looked forward to this story since the introduction of the triplets in
The Scot, the Witch and the Wardrobe
, and it was well worth the wait!”
—Fresh Fiction
“More hot scenes . . . spine chills . . . outrageous stunts . . . A witchy climax that will warm your very soul. I can hardly wait until the next Cartwright triplet spins her spell. Out-Freaking-Standing!”
—Huntress Reviews
The Scot, the Witch and the Wardrobe
“Sassy dialogue, rich sexual tension, and plenty of laughs make this an immensely satisfying return to Blair’s world of witchcraft. Fans will welcome back familiar characters in supporting roles, but newcomers will take to it just as well.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Snappy dialogue can’t disguise the characters’ true insecurities, giving depth to Blair’s otherwise breezy, lighthearted tale.”
My Favorite Witch
“Annette Blair will make your blood sizzle with this magical tale . . . A terrific way to start the new year!”
—Huntress Reviews
“This warmhearted story is a delight, filled with highly appealing characters sure to touch your heart. The magic in the air spotlights the humor that’s intrinsic to the story. A definite charmer!”
—Romantic Times
“Annette Blair writes with wit and humor . . . Mixed with the fun, Ms. Blair shares the beauty of unconditional love . . . A great story.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“Lighthearted comedy, a touch of magic . . . unexpected twists . . . a romance that sizzles . . . A great story sure to be placed on the prized keeper shelf!”
—The Romance Readers Connection
“Sparkles with wit, romance, and a love so grand, no magic could ever hope to create it. It’s from the heart, the truest magic of all.”—
Fallen Angel Reviews
“A fabulous read! Kira and Jason are made for one another, and their witty, teasing, sexy banter is laugh-out-loud fun. Ms. Blair has a gift for layering her characters and revealing them gently, cleverly, allowing readers to get to know them on a deeper level.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Annette Blair charms her readers with the amusing
My Favorite Witch
. . . An enchanting pairing . . . Bewitching.”
—The Best Reviews
“A terrific contemporary romance, told with passion and verve. This book proves magic makes sex even sexier!”
—Romance Junkies
The Kitchen Witch
“A fun and sexy romp.”
The Kitchen Witch
sizzles. Ms. Blair’s writing is as smooth as a fine Kentucky bourbon. Sexy, fun, top-notch entertainment.”
—The Romance Reader
Berkley Sensation Titles by Annette Blair
SEX and the psychic witch
Gone with the witch
never Been witched
Berkley Prime Crime Titles by Annette Blair
Vintage Magic Mysteries
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Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / February 2009
Copyright © 2009 by Annette Blair.
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With love and thanks to:
Lynn Haberak,
for opening her childhood home
to friendship and creativity,
and to
Catherine J. Jenssen, CJ,
for creating a home in which writers may flourish.
Live, Love, Laugh!
Dedicated to:
Summer Retreat 2007
Where this story was born
Chapter One
DESTINY Cartwright sought peace in her ritual circle but found self-censure instead. Drat the Goddess of mischievous matchmaking pranks. How could a psychic witch lust after a paranormal debunker?
What were the odds?
Talk about a lousy chooser. Not that she wanted to marry the hunky debunker: six feet of baditude in tight, torn jeans, chest-baring unbuttoned shirts, shaggy, burnished bronze hair, wide shoulders, and a five o’clock shadow.
She wanted Morgan Jarvis, architect, for sex, for a while, as a boy toy, no commitment—no after burn, aftertaste, or regrets.
She’d faced facts. The odds of identical triplets
finding their soul mates were nil to “No way, Jose!” Since Harmony and Storm had found theirs, that made her the single girl out.
Lightning did not strike thrice.
Yes, Morgan would probably try to debunk her every goal: psychic, magickal, emotional, and spiritual, if either of them ever discovered what they were.
Self-discovery. That’s why she’d come here, to find those goals and the path she should take to reach them.
Now, in the dark parlor of the Paxton Island Lighthouse, she sat surrounded by votive candles representing earth, air, fire, and water, situated north, south, east, and west, one in the center for spirit. The crystals between each cinnamon candle refracted their flames like stars, the ageless echo of breaking waves at high tide adding an earth rhythm to her magick.
Though her particular brand of clairvoyance allowed her to see the future of others, never her own, she had envisioned this lighthouse—as lost in a fog, and as much in need of comfort as she—as the place to find her future, her psychic path, her reason for being. And if she was smart, she’d maybe spell her perverse attraction for Morgan Jarvis into the sea.
Alone, like this, she
be able to accomplish it, but if she allowed herself to be caught in his magnetic field, she’d get sucked right in.
She suspected that Morgan hid a soft, chewy center that he covered with a snarky rock-candy shell. She thought he might be hiding Morgan the Mystic, but after Harmony’s wedding, Morgan the Mistake made more sense.
Destiny shivered as mortification threatened to singe her brows, until the moon slipped from the clouds, its beams piercing the windows, caressing her shoulders like a shawl, warm, protective, and forgiving. It offered solace and welcome with the affirming embrace.

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