Never Call Retreat (85 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

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Congress, U. S.: Constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, 392-394, 397, 398; discussions on Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction and Wade-Davis bill, 272-281; Lincoln's 1864 message, 387; Negro suffrage in relation to territoriality of Montana, 352-354

Conscription, Confederate, 163, 384, 385

Conscription, Federal, 163; Napoleon, Ohio, riot, 163; New York City draft riots, 205-207, 279

Cooper, Samuel, 136

Copperhead movement, 98-101, 268, 383

Corinth, Mississippi, 4, 6, 191, 290

Cotton, 324-326; and Red River campaign, 325, 326; speculation in, 68, 74, 320, 321

Couch, Major General Darius N., 134, 158; at Chancellorsville, 143, 145, 148

Cox, Congressman Samuel S., 101, 169, 272, 274, 275; opposition to Grant's promotion, 282

Cracker Line, at Chattanooga, 244, 245, 247, 248

Crittenden, John J., 217

Crittenden, Major General Thomas L., 201; at Chickamauga, 231, 233-238; at Stone's River, 37, 39-41

Crook, Brigadier General George, 347

Culpeper, Virginia, 13, 14 Culpeper  Court  House,   Vir-' ginia, 154

Culp's Hill (Gettysburg), 175,

177, 179 Cumberland Plateau, 228 Curtin, Governor Andrew G.,


Curtis, Major General Samuel R., 104, 105, 386

Dahlgren,  Admiral  John A.,

210, 212; Captain, 56 Dallas, Georgia, 309, 310 Dalton, Georgia, 233, 253, 305,

306, 311, 316 Dana, Charles A., 239, 243, 245 Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 128,

284, 285 Dargan, Congressman Edward

S., 295 Davis, David, 356, 362 Davis, Congressman Henry W.: Wade-Davis bill, 276-278, 280, 281, 353, 354 Davis, Jefferson, 150; address to 1863 Confederate Congress, 262, 263; Bragg and, 48, 49, 241, 242, 254, 255, 300; and British neutrality, 227; characterizations of, 1, 407; as Commander-in-Chief, 5-11, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 87, 191, 198, 228, 230, 241, 242, 248, 249, 254-256, 262, 263; criticisms of, 198, 292, 293, 294, 295, 300; on Emancipation Proclamation, 46, 47; flight from Richmond, 444, 445; Holmes and, 10, 11; Johnston and, 9, 304, 314-316; Mississippi Valley command problem, 5-11; Polk and, 2; relations with military commanders, 2, 6, 9-11, 48, 49, 241, 242, 254-256, 304; tour of Georgia, 376-379; Van Dorn and, 6; visit to Tennessee, 1-3

Davis, Brigadier General Jefferson C.: at Chickamauga, 238 Dayton, Ohio, 165 Decatur, Georgia, 365 Deer Creek, 82

Democratic party: and Federal war aims, 26, 27, 101-104, 169; Fremont as Presidential candidate of radical wing, 355, 372; Presidential election of 1864, 356-360, 364, 372-376; reaction to proposed Declaration of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 273-276 Department of Mississippi, 4, 7 Department of the Ohio, 164, 165

Desertions: Confederate, 257, 293, 384, 414, 415; Federal, 90

Devil's Den (Gettysburg), 176 Dinwiddie    Courthouse,    Virginia, 417, 420 Dix, Major General John A.,

113, 154 Doolittle, Senator James, 353 Doubleday, Major General Ab-ner, 146; at Gettysburg, 173, 174

Douglass, Frederick, 115 Dowling,   Lieutenant  Richard, 223

Conscription Drayton, Captain Percival, 120 Dred Scott case, 352-354 Drewry's Bluff, 328, 329, 333, 335

Duckport, Louisiana, canal at, 82

Duck River, 389

Dudley, Thomas Haines, 131

Dug Gap, 306

Du Pont, Admiral Samuel F., 118, 120-122, 209; Charleston ironclad attack, 121-127

Durham Station, North Carolina, 440

Dwight, Brigadier General William, 326

Early, Major General Jubal, 142; characterization of, 369, 370; at Lynchburg, 350; Pennsylvania raid, 369; raid on Washington, 361, 369; in Shenandoah Valley, 368, 369-371, 374, 375, 415

Edgerton, Congressman Joseph, 275

Edwards Station, Mississippi, 192

XVIII Corps, Federal, 330 Elections, U. S.: Gubernatorial (1863),    268;    Presidential (1864), 299, 351, 352, 355-364, 372, 373, 375, 376 XI Corps, Federal, 172, 173,

177, 243 Ely's Ford, Virginia, 138 Elzey, Major General Arnold, 154

Emancipation Proclamation, 24-26; Copperheads and, 107, 108; Louisiana and, 69, 265, 266; means of saving the Union, 220, 221, 264, 265; Missouri and, 105, 106; Negroes and, 107, 108; North and, 54-57; Southern reaction to, 46-48 Emmitsburg, Maryland, 172 Emmitsburg Road, 177, 179, 180

Entrenchments: in Atlanta campaign, 310, 311; Cold Harbor, 346, 348; Petersburg campaign, 331, 349

Etowah River, 309

Everett, Edward, 269, 271, 272

Ewell, Lieutenant General Richard S., 259, 261, 409; characterization of, 155, 156; at Gettysburg, 173-175, 177, 179, 183; Gettysburg campaign, 154-156, 171; at Wil-derness, 337-341

Ezra Church, Georgia, 367

Falmouth, Virginia, 13, 15, 137,

140, 145, 149 Farmville, Virginia, 429 Farragut, Admiral David G.,

68, 74-77, 127, 288; Mobile

Bay, 371 Fessenden, Senator William P.,


XV Corps, Federal, 366

V Corps, Federal,  159,  177,

338, 348, 420 I Corps, Federal, 172 Fisher's Hill, Virginia, 371 Five Forks, Virginia, 420, 421
C.S.S., 75 Foote, Admiral Andrew, 209,


Foote, Congressman Henry S., 295

Forrest, Brigadier General Nathan B., 290; Atlanta campaign, 317-320; Brice's Crossroads, 319, 320; at Chickamauga, 235, 241; Fort Pillow, 319; at Franklin, 390, 391; Kentucky and western Tennessee raids, 319; at Okolona, 290; Tennessee River foray, 31, 32

Fort Darling, 328, 329, 333

Fort Fisher, 396, 397, 411

Fort Harrison, 383

Fort Hindman, 78

Fort McAllister, 118, 396

Fort Monroe, 113, 154, 291, 445

Fort Moultrie, 119, 122, 124, 214

Fort Pemberton, 85, 86

Fort Pillow, 319

Fort Pulaski, 212

Fort Stedman, 417

Fort Sumter,  119,  120,  122,

123, 126, 208, 212-217 Frankfort, Kentucky, 55 Franklin, Tennessee, battle of,

390, 391 Franklin, General William B.,

20, 22, 61, 62-64, 223, 224;

Red River expedition, 322 Frederick, Maryland, 159, 171 Fredericksburg, Virginia,  145,

147, 149, 155; battle of, 11-
23; report of Committee on

Conduct of War, 56 Freedman's Bureau, 443 Freedom of press and speech,


. Fremantle, A. J. L., 182, 183 Fremont, Major General John C.:   Presidential   candidacy (1864), 351, 355-357, 372 French, Major General William H., 259, 261

Gaines' Mill, Virginia, 345 Galveston, Texas, 55, 74 Gamble,   Governor   Hamilton R., 104

Gardner, Major General Franklin, 73, 76

Garfield, James A.: Brigadier General, 200, 246; Congressman, 282, 283, 369

General Orders No. 38 (Department of the Ohio), 164

U.S.S., 76

Georgia, 198, 379, 380

Germanna Ford, Virginia, 138

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania: battle of, 170-184; first day, 172-176; second day, 176, 177; third day, 178-182; campaign, 152-160; cemetery dedication and Lincoln's address, 269-272; Confederate retreat from, 183, 184, 202, 203

Gibbon, Brigadier General John: at Gettysburg, 181

Gillmore, Major General Quin-cey A.: Petersburg campaign, 330-334; siege of Charleston, 209, 211, 212, 216

Gladstone, William E., 131

Globe Tavern, Virginia, 383

Goldsboro,    North    Carolina,

411, 415 Gordon,    Brigadier    General John B.: at Fort Stedman, 417; at Wilderness, 340 Gordonsville,    Virginia,    145,

300, 350, 370, 375 Gorgas, General Josiah, 53 Grand Encore, Louisiana, 323 Grand  Gulf,  Mississippi,  85,

151, 186-188, 189 Grand Junction, Tennessee, 28 Granger, Major General Gordon: at Chickamauga, 238, 239

Granite City,
Federal gunboat, 224

Grant, General Ulysses S., 3, 4, 10; appointment as Lieutenant General (General-in-Chief), 281-286; characterizations of, 83, 247, 248, 284-287, 291, 302, 303, 418; at Chattanooga, 247-253; Chattanooga campaign, 246, 247; at Cold Harbor, 345, 346; as Commander of western armies, 26-30, 246; criticisms of, 281-283; and Hampton Roads Peace Conference, 399-401, 403; Lincoln and, 291, 292, 399-401, 418; Meade and, 286, 287; Petersburg campaign, 326-331, 348, 349; as potential Presidential candidate, 282-285; at Spotsylvania, 342-344; strategy plans as General-in-Chief, 288-292; and Vicksburg campaign, 78-81, 84-88, 151, 185-197; visit to Army of Potomac Headquarters, 285-287; at Wilderness, 338-342

Great Britain: class views on Civil War, 128, 131, 132; and Confederate envoys, 224, 225; and Emancipation Proclamation,   131,   132;   Laird

rams affair, 130, 131, 225;

neutrality toward South, 227 Greeley, Horace, 167, 373 Greensboro,   North   Carolina,


Greeneville, Tennessee, 386 Grenada, Mississippi, 84, 85 Grierson, Colonel B. F., 188, 189

Griffin,     Brigadier     General

Charles, 421 Groveton, Virginia, 155

Habeas corpus, writ of, suspension of by Confederacy, 293, 294

Hahn, Michael, 279

Halleck, Major General Henry W.: Chief of Staff, 287, 311, 328, 338, 343, 346, 354, 412; General-in-Chief of the Armies, 14, 26-29, 35, 55, 62, 78, 80, 92, 114, 157, 159, 186, 200-202, 232, 239, 243, 259, 288

Hamilton's Crossing (Fredericksburg), 16, 20

Hamlin, Hannibal, 356

Hampton, Major General Wade, 350

Hampton Roads, Virginia, 168, 288, 326, 396

Hampton Roads Peace Conference, 399-402

Hancock, Major General Win-field S.: at Cold Harbor, 346; at Gettysburg, 175, 177-182; at Petersburg, 349; at Spotsylvania, 343; at Wilderness, 338-340

Hardee, General William J., 242, 316; Atlanta campaign, 304, 309, 365; at Charleston, 412; at Chattanooga, 251; as Commander of Army of Tennessee (temporary), 255, 304; at Savannah, 396; at Stone's River, 39-41, 44

Hard Times Landing, Louisiana, 87, 186, 190 Harpers Ferry, Virginia, 159
Harper's Weekly,
127, 207 Harpeth River, 390
Harriet Lane,
U.S.S., 55, 74 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 159 Harrison's   Landing,   Virginia, 157

U.S.S., 68, 76 Hatcher's Run, Virginia, 383,

420, 421
U.S.S., 75 Hay, John, 202, 272, 274 Hayes, Rutherford B., 65 Haynes' Bluff, Mississippi, 80,

83, 85, 193 Hays, Brigadier General Harry

T., 88

Hazel  Run   (Fredericksburg), 16

Helena, Arkansas, 110, 111 Henry, Senator G. A., 235 Heth, Major General Henry: at Gettysburg, 172, 173, 179 Hill, Major General Ambrose Powell,   148,  154-156, 259, 260; death, 422; at Gettysburg, 172-174, 179; Gettysburg  campaign,   154,   156, 171; at Wilderness, 337-340 Hill, Major General Daniel H., 154, 255; at Chickamauga, 232, 237, 240, 242 Hilton Head, South Carolina, 381

Hindman, Major General T. C, 8; at Chickamauga, 232, 233 Holly Springs, Mississippi, 33 Holman, Senator W. S., 275 Holmes,   Lieutenant   General

Theophilus, 7-11 Holmes County, Ohio, 163 Hood, Major General John B.: Atlanta campaign, 304, 306, 308, 316, 364-368; at Chickamauga, 236; Commander of Army of Tennessee, 314, 316,

364, 378; Georgia and Alabama campaign (post-Atlanta), 380, 381; invasion of Tennessee, 388-391, 394; Lee's opinion of, 316 Hooker, Major General Joseph, 62, 63, 366, 367; at Chancellorsville, 138-149; and Chattanooga campaign, 243, 244, 248, 250, 251; as Commander of Army of the Potomac, 64, 65, 89-92, 132-134; at Fredericksburg, 19; Gettysburg campaign, 154-158; relieved of command, 159

Hotze, Henry, 131 Houston, Texas, 223 Hovey, Brigadier General Alvin P., 192

Howard, Major General Oliver O.: Atlanta campaign, 311, 312, 366, 367; at Chancellorsville, 145-147; at Chattanooga, 243, 248; Freed-man's Bureau head, 443; at Gettysburg, 172-174, 177

Hughes, Archbishop John J., 207

Humphreys, Brigadier General Andrew A., 19, 286, 287, 373

Hunter, Major General David: at Charleston, 209; in Shenandoah Valley, 347, 350, 369, 370; near Washington, 370

Hunter, Senator, R. M. T.: at Hampton Roads Peace Conference, 400-402; on using slaves as soldiers, 406

Illinois, 161, 383

Imboden,    Brigadier   General

John, 183 Indiana, 268, 383
U.S.S., 75 Ironclads, 117, 118, 121, 122,

323,   324,   326;   attack   in

Charleston harbor, 122-127; Confederate Laird rams, 130, 131

Isaac Smith,
U.S.S., 120

Jackson, Mississippi, 190, 191, 223; capture of, 192

Jackson, Tennessee, 32

Jackson, Major General Thomas J. (Stonewall), 13, 97; at Chancellorsville, 141, 144, 146-148; death of, 148-151; at Fredericksburg, 17, 21

James Island, 121

James River, 61, 93, 94, 136, 291, 326-331, 415

Jaquess, Colonel James F., 218

Jenkins, Brigadier General Micah, 340

Jetersville, Virginia, 428

Johnson, Andrew, 114, 356, 410, 439

Johnson, Major General Bush-rod R.: Petersburg campaign, 331, 332

Johnson, Senator Herschel V., 294

Johnson, Senator R. W., 198 Johnson, Senator Reverdy, 119, 353

Johnston, General Joseph E., 9-11, 30, 97, 242, 314; Atlanta campaign, 303-314; characterizations of, 303; at Chickamauga, 231; as Commander of Army of Tennessee, 256-258, 299; Commander of forces in the Carolinas, 415, 416, 428, 440; investigation of Bragg, 48-51; at Jackson, 190-192, 223; relieved of command, 314; refuses command of Army of Tennessee, 50-52; surrender to Sherman, 440-442; and Vicksburg campaign, 77, 85-87, 151, 192, 194-196

Jonesboro, Georgia, 367

U.S.S., 386 Kelly's Ford, Virginia, 136 Kemper, Major General J. L., 384

Kennesaw Mountain, 312, 313 Kentucky, 54, 55, 156
U.S.   ironclad,   118,

123, 124, 126, 209
Keystone State,
U.S.S., 120
U.S.S., 76 Kingston,   Georgia,  308,  309,


Knoxville, Tennessee, 1, 5, 249, 253, 258; capture of, 228, 231

Lafayette, Tennessee, 232, 234 Laird rams, 130, 131 Lake Providence, canal at, 81, 82

Leavitt, Humphrey H, 165, 166

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