Never Call Retreat (87 page)

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Authors: Bruce Catton

Tags: #Non Fiction, #Military

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Slavery: compensation to former owners proposed, 404; Constitutional amendment (13th) abolishing, 392-394, 397, 398; Dred Scott decision, 352-354; Emancipation Proclamation and, 24, 25, 54-57, 106, 107.
See also

Slidell, John, 129

Slocum, Major General Henry W.: in Atlanta, 380; Atlanta campaign, 367, 368; at Chattanooga, 243, 248; at Savannah, 399

Smith, Major General A. J., 386; at Mobile, 411; Nashville campaign, 389, 392; Red River expedition, 321-323

Smith, General Edmund Kirby, 198, 257; last Confederate to surrender, 445; Missouri cavalry raid, 386; Red River expedition, 321, 323

Smith, Brigadier General W. Sooy, 290

Smith, Major General William F., 61-63, 285; at Chattanooga, 247; at Cold Harbor, 345, 346; Petersburg campaign, 330-333, 349, 350

Smyrna, Georgia, 313

Snake Creek Gap, 306, 307

Snodgrass Hill (Chickamauga), 238. 246

Snyder's Bluff, Mississippi, 189

Soule, Pierre, 256

South: attitude of governors toward war, 295, 296; and Emancipation Proclamation, 46, 47; morale of, 293; war aims, 46-48; war strategy, 95

South Carolina, 291, 413; Sherman's campaign, 399, 411, 413

South Mountain, 183 Spaulding,   Congressman   El-bridge, 56

Spotsylvania,   Virginia,   battle

of, 341-345 Springfield, Illinois, 27, 30 Spring Hill, Tennessee, 390 Stafford   Heights   (Fredericksburg), 17 Stanton,  Edwin  M.,  29,  36, 167,  201,  243,  246,   260, 334, 342, 361, 368, 381, 411, 414, 430, 439, 442 Staunton, Virginia, 335, 370 Stebbins, Congressman Henry, 279

Steele, Major General Frederick: Red River expedition, 321-323

Steele's Bayou, Mississippi, 82, 85, 86

Stephens,  Alexander, 47,  53, 56, 292-294, 315; at Hampton Roads Peace Conference, 400, 401; prisoner exchange and peace overtures, 168, 169 Stevens, Senator Thaddeus, 276; opposition to Grant's promotion, 281, 282 Stevens Gap, Georgia, 231, 232 Stevenson, Alabama, 245 Stevenson, Major General C. L., 34

Stewart,   Lieutenant   General Alexander:    Atlanta    campaign, 365 Stimers, Alban C, 126 Stoneman,   Brigadier   General George, 91, 139, 144; raid in southwest Virginia, 412 Stone's River, Tennessee, battle

of, 34-45 Stono River, 120, 121 Storey, Wilbur, 167, 168 Strasburg, Virginia, 336 Strong, George Templeton, 207 Stuart, Brigadier General J. E. B., 136; at Brandy Station, 155; at Chancellorsville, 143, 148; at Fredericksburg, 17, 23;   Gettysburg   campaign, 154-156, 171, 176; killed at

Yellow Tavern, 344

Sturgis, Major General S. D., 319, 320

Suffolk, Virginia, 288

Suffrage: in Davis-Wade bill plan for reconstruction, 277; in Louisiana reconstruction plan, 264, 279, 281; Negro, 279-281, 352-354; in proposed Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 277

Sumner, Senator Charles, 274, 353

Sumner, Major General Edwin

V., 18, 19, 22, 105 Sunflower River, 83 Swamp Angel, 216, 217 Swift Creek, 332 Sykes, Major General George:

at Gettysburg, 177

S.S., 221, 222 Tallahatchie River, 80, 82, 85, 86

Taney, Roger B., 353, 354, 410

Taylor, Major General Richard: Red River expedition, 322, 323; surrender, 445

Teche River, 73, 74

U.S. ironclad, 371

Tennessee, 4, 35, 36, 197, 199, 201, 258

Confederate ironclad, 371

Tennessee River, 10, 31, 32, 35, 201, 228, 244, 245, 248, 381, 394

Corps, Federal, 330

Terry, Brigadier General A. H.: Fort Fisher expedition, 397, 411

Texas, 55, 130, 222-224, 289

III Corps, Federal, 172, 177, 259, 261

Thomas, Major General George H., 201, 288; Atlanta campaign, -SQ5-307,   311,   312,

365-367; at Chattanooga, 250-252; Chattanooga campaign, 247, 251, 252; at Chickamauga, 232-239, 246; as Commander of Army of the Cumberland, 246, 247, 381; at Nashville, 394, 395; Nashville campaign, 389, 391, 392; at Stone's River, 37, 40, 43

Thomas, Lorenzo, 114

Thompson, Jacob, 383

Toombs, Robert, 294, 315

Totopotomoy Creek, 345

Trans-Mississippi Department, 8

S.S., 129 Trevilian Station, Virginia, 350 Trimble, Major General Isaac

R.: at Gettysburg, 179, 181 Trumbull, Senator Lyman, 60 Tullahoma, Tennessee, 48, 51,

151, 201 Tunnel   Hill    (Chattanooga),

250, 251 Tupelo, Mississippi, 394 Turkey Bend, 328 XII Corps, Federal, 243 XX Corps, Federal, 367, 395

United States.
North United States Ford, Virginia,

138, 140, 148 United  States Sanitary Commission, 112

Vallandigham, Clement L., 98-101, 164-166, 268, 363, 364, 372

Vance, Governor Zebulon, 295, 296

U.S.S., 129 Van Dorn, Major General Earl,

6,   31,   84,   86;   at   Holly

Springs, 33 Venable, Colonel C. S., 301,


Vicksburg, Mississippi, 3-5; attempts at river pSssage, 75-

77, 88; campaign against, 27, 78-88, 185-195; fall and surrender of, 196, 197; siege, 195, 196 Virginia, 288, 384 Virginia Central Railroad, 335,

347, 350, 370, 375 Virginia     Military     Institute

cadets, 335, 336 Voting.

Wade, Senator Ben, and Wade-Davis bill, 276-278, 281, 354 Wadsworth, Congressman William H., 23 Wainwright, Colonel Charles S., 286

Walden's Ridge (Chattanooga),

245, 249 Walker, Major General W. H.

T.: at Chickamauga, 231 Wallace, Colonel William, 163 Walton, Colonel J. B., 180 Warren, Brigadier General G. K., 63,  178, 261, 346; at Five Forks, 420; at White Oak Swamp, 348; at Wilderness, 338, 339 Warrenton, Mississippi, 85 Warrenton, Virginia, 13, 15 Washburn,   Brigadier  General

Cadwallader C, 83 Washburne, Congressman Elihu

B., 113, 283 Waynesboro, Virginia, 415 Weed, Thurlow, 362
U.S. ironclad, 122, 125

Weitzel, Brigadier General Godfrey, 70, 71, 425, 426, 438

Welles, Gideon, 126, 130, 132,

284, 286, 438 Western Sanitary Commission, 110

Westport, Missouri, 387 West Virginia, 273, 291 Wheeler,  Major  General  Jo

seph, 34, 36, 42, 245, 305; Atlanta campaign, 318; against Sherman on March, 389

White Oak Swamp, 348 Wigfall, Senator Louis T., 11,

50-52, 257, 405, 406 Wilderness, The, 138, 261, 337-


Wilkes, Captain Charles, 129, 130

Wilkinson, Senator Morton S., 353

Williamsport, Pennsylvania, 203 Wills, David, 269, 271 Wilmington,   North  Carolina,

288, 396, 411 Wilson,  Senator Henry,  274,


Wilson,     Brigadier    General James H., 412

Winchester, Virginia, 156, 369, 374

Winthrop, Robert C, 54 Withers, Major General J. M., 49

Wood, Fernando, 275, 398 Wood, Major General Thomas

J.: at Chickamauga, 237 Worden, Captain John, 125 Wright, Major General Horatio

G., 54, 346, 361, 422, 428

Yalobusha River, 85 Yancey, William L., 364 Yazoo Delta, 80, 82 Yazoo Pass, 82, 85 Yazoo River, 28, 33, 80, 82,

189, 193 Yellow Tavern, Virginia, 344 York, Pennsylvania, 171 Young's Point, Louisiana, 79

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