Never Can Say Goodbye (40 page)

Read Never Can Say Goodbye Online

Authors: Christina Jones

Tags: #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Never Can Say Goodbye
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Slo frowned. ‘Frankie, duck? Dexter? What’s up?’

‘Achsah’s wedding dress,’ Frankie hissed. ‘We need to bury it with him … them. It’s what Ernie’s, um, attached to down here,
you know. We won’t be long. Promise.’

‘Ah, OK, duck.’ Slo still looked uncertain. ‘It all sounds like a load of old baloney to me, but you’ve been dead set on this
all the way through, so, whatever you say. I’ll keep the vicar sweet, you go and get the frock.’

‘Thank you.’

Holding hands and running as fast as they could across the tussocky grass, Frankie and Dexter flew back to the Mercedes.

‘Back again?’ Cherish looked up in surprise as they tore into Francesca’s Fabulous Frocks. ‘That was quick.’

‘Forgot something,’ Frankie muttered, swerving round a bevy of customers, as she headed for the 1950s rails. ‘Ah! Got it!’

She tore Achsah’s dress from the rails and brandished it above her head.

‘Isn’t that like a wedding frock?’ Cherish frowned. ‘Oh! You dark horses! You’re nipping off to have a secret Valentine’s
Day wedding! How absolutely lovely, dears!’

Dexter laughed. ‘Sorry, Cherish, nothing like that. It’s just, um, we’d promised this dress to someone and in all the excitement
we forgot it.’

Cherish looked crestfallen. ‘Ernie,’ Frankie hissed, nodding towards the frock. ‘I’ve got it now. So sorry. Come on, they’re
waiting for us. And Achsah’s waiting for you.’

Slo, Lilly and the vicar looked at them in confusion as they stumbled back towards the grave, Frankie carefully carrying the
cream silk shantung dress and Dexter carrying the red roses.

‘We need to put this into the grave as well,’ Frankie said, indicating the frock. ‘It was Ernie’s last wish. Is that OK?’

‘Well, there aren’t any ecclesiastical rules against it,’ the vicar said, now checking his watch. ‘But it’s a little unusual.
But if Mr Motion has no objections?’

‘No.’ Slo coughed wheezily. ‘None at all. And they’re right. Old Ern … er, Mr Yardley, made it clear that the wedding dress
was to be, um, interred with his ashes.’

‘A bit of a waste of a frock.’ Lilly frowned. ‘They won’t get much wear out of it down there.’

Everyone ignored her.

‘Right.’ The vicar took the ashes from Slo. ‘Let’s start again. It is with great pleasure that I can finally reunite the mortal
remains of Ernest and Achsah Yardley here at home in Tadpole Bridge, and their immortal spirits in the sight of God.’

Dexter hugged Frankie tightly. ‘Is it OK now?’

She nodded, not even trying to stop the tears. ‘He’s here and he’s happy.’

The casket containing the ashes was placed gently into the grave, followed by Achsah’s wedding dress. Slo creakily leaned
down and covered the casket and frock with the sheet of artificial turf.

Dexter laid the red roses on top.

Everyone stood back.

Frankie, leaning against Dexter, shivered. Slo, the vicar and even Lilly all had their heads bent in deep respect.

Then the previously silent churchyard was filled with a sweet cacophony of birdsong and a sudden gentle rush of warm breeze,
and, somewhere, two voices joined in happy laughter, spiralled upwards and upwards and away into the bluebell sky.

‘Wow,’ Dexter said huskily. ‘Wow.’

‘They’re together again.’ Frankie wiped her eyes. ‘We’ve done it. Ernie and Achsah are reunited at last.’

Chapter Thirty-two

‘Close your eyes,’ Dexter said.

‘Are we playing party games?’ Frankie asked, obediently shutting her eyes.

‘Nothing so juvenile.’ Dexter snorted. ‘We’re sensible grown-ups.’

‘Oh, yeah, I’d forgotten.’

It was the evening of Valentine’s Day. After the interment of Ernie’s ashes, Frankie and Dexter had followed Slo back to Hazy
Hassocks and been treated to one of Essie’s lovely lunches in their sheltered courtyard garden. It had been just the right
thing to do, relaxing and peaceful after the heightened emotion of the graveside, and Ernie and Achsah’s gentle reunion.

Lilly had had to go back to work at Beauty’s Blessings and had said a reluctant goodbye to the vicar, but had been much cheered
by Andreas sending a Valentine’s greeting text just as she was getting into her car, saying that he’d be over in ten days
– his uncle in Winterbrook had sorted out all the necessary paperwork, so he’d be starting work in the UK far sooner than
he’d thought.

Lilly had clapped her hands in ecstasy, and kissed Dexter and Frankie and Slo and said she’d couldn’t wait to move Andreas
into Featherbed Lane – and ten days was such a little bit of time to wait, wasn’t it?

‘Have you still got your eyes closed?’ Dexter asked.


‘Good. Now, I’m just going to take your hand – there are three steps up here, so be careful. I don’t want to be spending Valentine’s
Day eve in A&E. Although all those nurses might be a bit of a bonus.’

Frankie giggled as she followed him up the steps and into the soulless bedsit in Peep ’o’ Day Passage for the first time.

‘OK,’ Dexter said. ‘Now open your eyes.’

Frankie did. And whooped with delight.

The living room, large, light and airy, stretched the whole length of the house with big picture windows at one end, opening
out on to a balcony. The balcony, in turn, looked out over the tiny, meandering River Dapple and the meadows that undulated
towards Hazy Hassocks.

‘Oh, it’s fabulous!’ Frankie gazed round in total joy. ‘And you are such a liar! This is certainly no soulless bedsit!’

But it wasn’t the cosily furnished room or the stunning view that entranced Frankie most. It was the fact that every surface
in the living room was covered with vases of vibrantly coloured gerberas – every colour of the rainbow – the tips of their
petals dusted with glitter, which sparkled like a million tiny stars.

‘They’re amazing.’ Frankie stared at the dozens and dozens of flowers. ‘Absolutely incredible. So gorgeous – oh, thank you
so much.’

Dexter laughed. ‘Well, with you being the queen of all things bright and beautiful – not to mention paintbox
coloured – I couldn’t possibly go down the hackneyed red roses route today, could I?’

Frankie sniffed. She’d tried so hard not to cry since they’d left the churchyard, but it had been very difficult.

Dexter frowned at her in concern. ‘Are you OK? Cry if it makes you feel better, Frankie, I’ve had a few moments today, too.
I know how you feel.’

‘I’m not miserable. Honestly. I’m very happy for Ernie and Achsah, and I’m certainly very, very happy for me. It’s the fabulous
flowers and you being lovely and everything. Honestly, I’m not crying, I’m just a bit emotional.’

‘Understandable. It’s been one hell of a day. In fact it’s been one hell of a ninety-one days.’

‘Ninety-one days?’ Frankie stopped stroking a particularly vibrant shocking pink gerbera.

‘Since we met.’


Dexter nodded. ‘Call me sad, if you want to.’

‘I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m just, well, amazed. I thought … ’

‘Thought what? That I was another bloody Joseph Mason? Not a chance. Frankie, there’s not another woman in the world that
I’d have wanted to share the last ninety-one days with – or the next ninety-one years, come to that.’

‘Not even Cindy?’

‘No.’ Dexter laughed. ‘Certainly not Cindy.’

Frankie stared out of the window. ‘She said I had to ask you if you still loved her.’

‘Did she?’

Frankie nodded. ‘She did. So I am. And do you?’

Dexter walked towards her and held her hands. ‘No, I don’t. Cindy isn’t the love of my life.’

‘Isn’t she?’

Dexter laughed. ‘You know she isn’t. You know how I feel about you. You know I’ll never, ever want or need anyone else.’

Frankie smiled at him. ‘As long as you live?’

‘Oh, way beyond that. Well into eternity. Like Ernie and Achsah. For ever and ever. After all, a girl with a haunted frock
shop has to be every man’s wildest dream.’

She giggled. ‘It’s all been a bit strange, hasn’t it?’

Dexter nodded. ‘You could say that … Frankie Meredith, you are simply amazing – and I love you.’

‘I love you too.’

They stared at one another in delighted surprise.

‘And there’s something else,’ Dexter said, gently tracing her lips with his fingertips. ‘A sort of special supper treat for

‘You’ve cooked?’ Frankie squeaked. ‘When? And, anyway, I thought you only microwaved, and are we eating out on the balcony?
With candles?’

‘No, I haven’t cooked, yes, I normally microwave; and no, we’re having supper through here.’ He took her hand and led her
into the bedroom.

‘Oh my God!’ Frankie danced with delight. ‘Oh-my-God! How did you do that?’

‘Magic,’ Dexter laughed. ‘Well, no not really … do you like it?’

‘Like it? I love it!’ Frankie threw her arms round his neck. ‘And I love you, but you’ve never been in my bedroom … ’

‘Sadly, no.’ Dexter shook his head. ‘Despite that early invite, the reality never materialised, so I thought I’d just recreate
it here and hope … ’

Frankie laughed. ‘Did Lilly … ?’

‘Lilly took photos of your room, yes. And gave me all the
details I needed. Of course –’ Dexter looked at his one-time stark, pale and masculine bedroom with feigned horror ‘– all
this pink and purple, and all these frills and flounces and cushions, and all the little twinkly lights and sparkly candles,
means I’m going to be sleeping in a sort of boho tart’s boudoir, but, heck, if it makes you happy … ’

Frankie was still jigging with delight. ‘Oh, yes, it makes me happy. You make me happy. I’m the happiest person in the entire
world. You’re an absolute star. Oh, it must have taken you ages and ages.’

‘Yes, well, I sort of thought it would make it a home from home for you. Because if Lilly and Andreas are going to be living
in Featherbed Lane, it might get rather crowded and you might feel a bit left out.’

Frankie nodded. ‘I know. I thought I’d have to look for somewhere else, and now Andreas is arriving really soon I’ll have
to think about it seriously. It’s just so difficult to find anywhere.’

‘What about here?’

‘Here?’ Frankie stopped jigging and stared at him. ‘Really? Here with you? Permanently? Move in? Live together? You’re asking
me to live with you?’

Dexter grinned at the bombardment of questions. ‘Yes to all of them. If you’d like to, of course.’

‘No, I wouldn’t.’ Frankie poked out her tongue. ‘
? Pah! No way! I’d
it. We’ll have such a lovely, lovely time. Oh, Dexter, you’re simply incredible, and … Wow! Is that a Hideaway Home hamper?’

‘Mmm.’ Dexter grinned. ‘It is. That’s our supper. A special lovers’ picnic, apparently. But there are rules about eating it.’

‘Are there?’

‘There are.’ Dexter kissed her and started to unzip her scarlet frock. ‘Apparently, we have to be in bed and feed each other,
otherwise we don’t get the full benefits.’

‘Oh, no, I can quite see that.’ Frankie giggled, unbuttoning his shirt and leading him towards the big, pink and purple frilled

‘And we wouldn’t want to waste all those healthy vitamins and minerals, would we?’ Dexter murmured, pushing her gently into
the cushiony satin flounces.

‘No, we wouldn’t,’ Frankie sighed as he kissed her again. ‘Oh, happy, happy Valentine’s Day, Dexter Valentine.’

‘Do you know –’ Dexter smiled down at her ‘– I think it might just be the best ever.’

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