Never Me (7 page)

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Authors: Kate Stewart

BOOK: Never Me
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“Rory,” I said, keeping her locked to me on the ground while she laughed, “I love you, bitch, God knows I do, but could you please stop giving the enemy ammo?”

“Who’s the enemy?” she giggled. “Spencer? Oh, he likes you.”

“When the hell did you have time to unload that mouth of yours?”

“You were the first to pass out last night.”

“I won’t be tonight.” I kissed her cheek and pulled her up with me as we dusted the sand off and headed to the closest place to put our suits on.

I felt Spencer watching me from the sea as I approached our newly adopted crew. The water felt like heaven and the sand beneath my feet soothed me. I let the waves move my body with their rhythm. It was intoxicating and so was the man approaching me.

“So you graduated college?” he asked as he waded through the water casually, bringing the water to and away from him as he knelt eye level with me.

“Yes, but I’m here to have fun, not talk about life levels or school or work or my ‘sport.’ ”

“I’m just trying to get to know you.”

“You know enough.” I made a splash at Rory who was standing a few feet away. I smiled at her and her incessant, never ending mouth entertaining Jack, Amy and Ellie.

“You really love her don’t you?” I snapped my head up to see Spencer eyeing me with that look. It was full up to of something so … genuine. I looked back at Rory who had them all in tears with her bullshit antics. Lord knew what story she was telling now.

“Yes, I do. She’s my family.”

“I can tell.”

“It’s no big secret, Spencer. Rory is the only real friend I’ve ever had. So what’s with you? What’s your story? You know my name and what I look like naked.”

“And about your birthmark, and that you’re a total dork,” he added amused.

“Fine, you got me.”

“A drop dead gorgeous dork.”

“Deflecting,” I said playfully.

“I am, aren’t I? That’s a lawyer term by the way,” he said, absently peering over my shoulder to take in the view.

“I am well aware of that fact. Damn you are good at deflecting,” I said, peering into his eyes that he quickly covered by lowering the sunglasses that were on his head. Damn.

“I’m a lawyer.”

“Ewe,” I said, scrunching up my nose.

“Ewe?” he repeated my words, offended.

“Lawyers disgust me.”

“That’s a hell of a thing to say,” he said, a small smile forming on his lips.

“You ruin hard work. It’s a filthy profession.”

“What? Why do you think that?”

“Nothing. Jesus, do you really want to play with me, Spencer? Might as well quit now because I am good at grilling.”

“I see that.” He made his way toward me and lifted his sunglasses off, giving me his full attention. He whispered his next words. “Your mouth is a nightmare, you know that?” He studied my lips and I inhaled a breath as he slowly slid his glasses back into place. I suddenly wanted my own pair.

My quip was late, but I said it anyway. “That’s a compliment, sir.”

“That figures.”

“Avoiding the question, counselor!”

“What was the question?”

Shit, what was the question? He was close, too close. The question, Nadine. It was your question, you idiot!

“I said you know enough about me, what’s with you?” I was proud of myself for remembering the exact question and regaining my senses. I really hated and loved the effect he had on me. It was completely foreign, but nice.

“Fine, my full name is Spencer Thomas Diamond. I was born and raised in Philly and I hate cats.” There were nothing but dimples in his smile.


“My mom is
socialite of the Philadelphia scene. My father is a musician. I’m an expert on anything music. My taste is endless. I can name any song that plays on the radio. I have an insane amount of patience because, as I reveal this to you, I want to rip that bikini off your body.”

I laughed at him and dove into an oncoming wave. He grabbed me and gave me a sweeping kiss then put me on his back where I spent the afternoon latched to him as he dove into wave after wave. I don’t think my laughter stopped. I don’t know how long we were there. But what I do remember is the look Rory gave me and her nod that she was still having the time of her life. It was a feeling of freedom in that ocean. A feeling of elation, of family, of total happiness and every single one of us shared the same smile.




We ate lunch at a small diner close to the water. I tried to concentrate on the task of finishing my food as I eyed Spencer across the table. He popped a fry into his mouth and chewed slowly, and appreciatively retuning my hungry gaze. I couldn’t help but to notice his brown eyes had turned a golden hue as his skin got darker from our day in the sun. His face was perfect. I couldn’t find a flaw, though I looked for one relentlessly. He had a small scar above his left eye, and though some might see it as a flaw, I found it sexy as hell. His thick lashes accented the breathtaking golden specks that seemed to have an effect on me like nothing else. I rubbed my shoulders as a chill swept through me and felt my stomach tighten with more than hunger for food. His arms were perfectly toned and bulged only slightly beneath his tee. I found myself letting my eyes drift as far down as the table in front would let them. His tee clung to a perfectly manicured chest and abdomen. I had already seen the perfect picture of small but defined hills and valleys that made their way down to his—

“What you thinking, Nadine?” Jack mused at me as Spencer smiled at him and raised his eyebrows, turning to me waiting on a response.

“I’m tired. And I think I got a little too much sun,” I said dismissively, cursing myself for letting my attention stay on Spencer long enough for anyone else to notice.

“Is that all?” Spencer smiled and the dimples that looked out of place on him almost distracted me to the point of not answering. He had no flaws.

“Sorry, did I miss something?” I said rudely, snapping at the fact they wouldn’t let it go.

“Nope,” Spencer replied sweetly. “I’m pretty sure you got everything.”

Jack chuckled as I felt my face go up in flames. I was thankful when Rory piped in, saving me from further embarrassment. Where was the ‘in control at all times’ whore I relied on so much? I cursed her absence.

“This has got to be the slowest service I have ever had! Nadine why the hell would you leave a two hundred dollar tip?” Rory said as she studied our check and held the money up exasperated.

“Look at her eyes, Rory. Haven’t you noticed? They’re swollen. Probably from crying. She has counted and recounted her tips every ten minutes since we got here. She’s obviously worried about money.”

Spencer stopped in mid-sentence while talking to Jack to turn to me. “How did you notice that?”

“It’s just… How can you not?”

“I would have never known… Look she’s doing it again,” Spencer said as if he didn’t believe me the first time. The whole table turned their attention to the waitress counting her bills as if they would magically reproduce in front of her. When she finished her count she hung her head.

“Everybody put in all you can,” Spencer ordered, putting a stack of twenties in the pile. Everyone, including Rory who smiled at Spencer and then at me, grabbed every spare dime they had and stuck it in the pile.

“You are amazing.” I turned to Spencer who gave me a smile with clouded eyes. His gaze was close to the look I so longed for. I found it odd that he gave it to me now.

I felt embarrassed at his remark and did my best to keep my smile to myself. “Thanks, ya’ll. I bet her day gets better,” I said, grabbing my purse.

She walked up to us and collected the money. I motioned for everyone to leave the table quickly, but glanced back as we headed out the door. She was jumping up and down at the bar waving the money to the bartender. I smiled and turned to follow the rest of my company and ran right into Spencer who caught my mouth.

He kissed me sweetly and when I returned his kiss he devoured me. My heart beat spiked and I was instantly to the point of no return. He picked me up underneath my arms and I wrapped my limbs around him. When he pulled away he continued to hold me to him as he peered at me, catching his breath. His gaze on me, but distant at the same time, it was if he was seeing something I wasn’t.

“I don’t think I’m going to survive you,” he whispered.

“I don’t think you should keep starting something you won’t finish.”

“I don’t think you know who the hell I am yet.” He grinned at me with challenging and confident eyes.


He leaned in again, holding me to him, and I felt impatient eyes on us.

“YOU TWO CHILL!” Rory screamed from the passenger side of Amy’s SUV. “God, who has the hose?”

“Keep going,” Jack said comically, “Amy and I could use a little something new once in a while.” I laughed as I slung my legs down to be free of Spencer and saw Coke spray the side of Jacks face, completely drenching him. I looked to Amy as the culprit holding her empty to go cup. Jack simply smiled, blew an air kiss at his wife and got in the SUV while Amy slung words of insult at him. Spencer burst out laughing and Ellie stood shocked.

Rory rolled her eyes and waved us on. “Come on, asshats. It’s beer thirty!”

“I have never been called an asshat,” I said, musing at Rory who was really coming out of her shell to our new found friends.

“First time for everything,” Spencer said, grabbing my hand. I winced at his gesture and shook my head. He bowed out with grace.




We spent our night doing body shots and laughing hysterically at a rip roaring drunk Ellie who did her best to act sober. She took two shots to our every one in a vain attempt to be more personable and to get Spencer’s attention—which was completely on me. I tried not to indulge him, though it wasn’t my nature to do so. I wanted to spare Ellie. She was a nice girl and I could see Spencer and my displays today taking a toll on her confidence. I was relieved when one of the better looking guys at the bar approached her and kept her attention. It meant I could finally focus on the guy chipping at my steel will minute by minute.

I would glance at him every once in a while and catch his long black lashes lying on his cheeks as he laughed. I would glimpse at his dimple filled smile. I took note of the way his long hair drifted just over his eyes and hung close to his ears. I was drawn even more to the way his eyes would light up when he became more animated. I loved the sound of his voice, the way it moved me and soothed me at the same time. Every word he spoke led me closer to him, though I didn’t move. He was funny and witty and seemed to know how to keep us all at attention. He was a man’s man and a ladies’ man.

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