New Beginnings (78 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Douglas

BOOK: New Beginnings
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“Maybe I just needed to hear the sound of your voice.” I heard a woman’s voice in the background before he snapped, “Can’t you see I’m on the phone? And remember, no one walks into my office without knocking!”

I heard a murmured apology before he cleared his throat. Yikes. No wonder he’d earned a reputation as a tyrant. He clearly felt that he ruled his corner of the world, and heaven help anyone who questioned his authority. I hated to admit I found that kind of hot. What did that say about me?

“Now where were we?” The difference in his tone when he spoke to me was almost comical.

I felt a twinge of sympathy for the poor woman who’d received his reprimand. “You were telling me the reason for your call.”

“It’s been a rough day,” he admitted. “A text or email just wouldn’t cut it today.”

I heard the weariness in his voice and was surprised, and kind of honored, that he thought anything I could say or do would make him feel better. “Anything I can do?” I knew it was a silly question. His problems probably revolved around multi-million-dollar deals going awry—something I couldn’t possibly understand.

“You’re sweet for asking.” He sighed. “So have you dumped him yet?” That was an ongoing joke. Every day he’d ask if I’d dumped Drew yet, and I’d tell him I hadn’t.

“No, Deacon.” I smiled as I rolled his name around on my tongue. It felt good to finally say it aloud. “I told you I have no intention of breaking up with him.”

“Hmm, we’ll see about that. You can only resist
for so long.”

I didn’t know if he was talking about himself or the growing attraction between us. Either way, I feared he may be right.

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?”

I heard his landline ring. “Do you have to go?”

“No, nothing’s more important to me than talking to you.”

He knew exactly what to say to make me feel all mushy inside—unlike Drew, who barely acknowledged me. Maybe Eleni was right. Maybe it was time to explore my options… starting with the sexy man on the other end of the line. But was I really ready to step onto that landmine? I knew he wouldn’t want to
me—he wanted to possess me.

“I was asking about your plans for the day…”

“Um, I’m going to meet my agent in a bit.”

“Right, Bernard.” Deacon chuckled. “He’s quite a character, isn’t he?”

“You can say that again.” The sound of his laughter made me smile. I sensed he didn’t laugh often enough. Everything I’d heard about him indicated he was commanding, serious, and ruthless, yet I’d come to realize he also had a playful side.

“Tell me what you’re thinking.”

Dare I tell him? “I was just thinking it’s nice to talk to you after all this time. I’m glad you called.”

I heard the smile in his voice when he said, “I had to build up to it, start slow. If I had just called you out of the blue and told you I’d fallen in love with your picture, you’d think I was crazy.”

“Newsflash, Deacon, I do think you’re crazy.”

He laughed. “I think I am too… crazy about you.” His voice turned somber. “I can’t get you out of my head, Mia.”

I thought about telling him the feeling was mutual, but that was too dangerous. He’d acknowledged his interest in me from the beginning, but I’d never been brave enough to do the same.

“I guess I should go. It looks like Eleni is trying to get my attention.”

“I met your friend the other day,” he said. “Charming girl.”

“You met El?” I narrowed my eyes at my friend. Why the hell hadn’t she told me she’d met the elusive head of Alabaster’s? “When? Where?”

He laughed. “If you’re curious about it, you’ll have to ask her. I have a conference call to prepare for. I’ll call you again.”

“When?” I bit my tongue a second too late. The damage was already done.

“Anxious, are we?”

“No. Just don’t call me tonight. I’ll be at home.”

“With him?” His voice turned caustic, just as it had when he’d spoken to the insubordinate employee.

“Of course. We live together. Remember?”

“How can I forget? You keep reminding me.” He paused as though he was considering his words carefully. “Why don’t you let me set you up in a luxury penthouse downtown?”

“Are you serious?” I hissed, faking a smile at a girl who shot me a curious look when she passed me. “We’ve never even met. I don’t even know you. This is our first phone conversation, and you’re offering to turn me into your… your… what? Mistress?”

“Mistress?” He repeated the word before he said, “No, that doesn’t have the right ring to it. I’m not married, and I’m not interested in making you my dirty little secret. In fact, when the time is right, I’d take great pride in showing you off.”

“Showing me off?” I frowned at that, perhaps because Drew often made me feel like a trophy he enjoyed flaunting in front of his friends. “So you’re looking for tasty arm candy, are you? Sorry I can’t help you with that. I have an aversion to pompous rich guys who think they can buy a woman like a house or a car.” Without waiting for a response, I hung up, knowing that would incense him further.

Within seconds, my phone buzzed with a text message.
I have that conference call, so I can’t continue this argument now, but don’t think you’ve won. You haven’t. And you won’t.

My fingers flew over the keypad.
We’ll see about that.
Was I crazy for antagonizing the guy who signed the paycheck I so desperately needed? Probably, but I was too pissed to care at the moment. I ventured back into the café to find our table companions had left.
Thank God.

“Hey,” Eleni said when she spotted me, “where’d you go?”

“I had to take that call.” When she looked at me curiously, I said, “And to use the restroom.”

“The guy sitting next to you—whose name was Iain, by the way—asked me to give you this.” She slid a napkin across the table. “He’s cute. You should totally call him.”

“No, thanks.” I rolled up the napkin and submerged it in my half-eaten container of yogurt. “I should get going.” But I couldn’t leave until I found out why she hadn’t told me about bumping into Deacon.

“I’ll walk with you,” she said, slinging her mini backpack over her shoulder. “I could use some fresh air.”

“So, um…” I knew I couldn’t come right out and ask her why she hadn’t told me about meeting Deacon. If I did, she’d want to know how I knew. “Tasha told me she was down at Alabaster’s headquarters the other day and ran into the big boss.” It felt weird referring to Deacon that way now that I knew him personally. Sort of.

“Oh my God, that’s right. You don’t know, do you?” She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, heedless of the people around her in a hurry to get to their next destination.

“Know what?” I hoped I sounded convincing. Eleni could usually see right through me.

“I met him!”


“Deacon Starkis. I met him.”

“No kidding.” I started walking again, trying for mild interest. “What’s he like?”

“Oh my freakin’ God, Mia. The man is gorgeous. He’s gotta be six-four, buff as hell, black hair, dark skin, but he has these piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through you.” She fanned her face. “I swear to you I would have done him right there in the elevator if he’d asked me to.”

“That’s disgusting,” I said, giving her the stink eye. The act didn’t revolt me as much as the idea of my best friend doing
with Deacon. Yeah, I had definitely crossed the line from flattered to possessive—about eighty-nine days ago.

“Oh, come on,” she said, bumping my shoulder with hers. “Don’t tell me you’ve never thought about hooking up with some hot stranger in an elevator. Especially one with more money than Trump. Trust me—Drew or no Drew—if this guy asked you to drop your panties, you’d be begging for it.”

“I don’t think so.” I didn’t sound very convincing—mainly because I suspected she was right. “So that’s it? You just shared an elevator with him?”

“And he gave me his number,” she said, pulling a stick of gum out of her purse and offering one to me.

Now I was the one stopping and creating a traffic jam. “He gave you his number? Are you serious?”

“Not his private number or anything, just his business card, but still… I definitely intend to use it. I could tell he was into me just by the way he was undressing me with his eyes.” She sighed dreamily. “It was the hottest thing ever. Don’t get me wrong—I know guys like that never settle for just one woman, but I’d be more than willing to be one of his harem.”

“His harem?” I spit out. “He’s Greek, not… whatever culture is into harems.”

Eleni giggled. “Why are you getting so worked up about this?”

“You’re my best friend! I don’t want to see you get used and abused by some rich jerk.”

“Believe me, girl, he can use me any old time he wants.”

There were so many things I wanted to say, but I had to bite my tongue, which only fanned the flames of my fury. “I have to grab a cab, or I’ll miss my appointment with Bernie.”

“Okay.” Eleni kissed my cheek.

I hailed a cab and was safely in the backseat before I texted him again.
Contact me again, and I’m getting a restraining order, you sick freak.
I hit send, my hands shaking, and realized this was probably the beginning of the end of my modeling career.



Chapter Two



I stared at the words on my phone, trying to make sense of them. What the hell had set her off? Sure, she’d been pissed when she hung up on me—but not angry enough to threaten me with a restraining order. Something else must have happened, and I couldn’t wait another second to find out what it was.

“Gentlemen,” I said to my Asian suppliers, “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cut this short. There’s something pressing I need to take care of right away.”

My vice president and closest friend, Blake, mouthed, “You’re not serious.”

Because of the time difference, Blake had had to haul them out of bed to make this call happen, but I didn’t care. I was their biggest customer. They would make time for me when it suited me. I wouldn’t compromise my chance with Mia for any business deal.

“We’ll reconvene tomorrow. One of my people will advise you of the time.” I didn’t wait for their assent before I disconnected the call. “If you’ll excuse me”—I gestured at the door—“I need a minute.”

“What the hell’s going on with you?” Blake demanded. “You’ve been distracted for months now, like you have more important things on your mind.”

Blake was one of the few people I’d have trusted with my life, but I couldn’t talk to anyone about Mia until she was
“I can’t discuss this now. Please just get out. I need to make a call.”

Glaring daggers at me, Blake slipped his tablet under his arm as he stood. “This god complex of yours is starting to piss me off, Starkis. I’m not one of your flunkies. I’m your partner, and don’t you forget it.”

I waited for him to close the door before I hit the first number in my contacts. As soon as she answered, I said, “Explain that text. Now.”

“I don’t have to explain anything to you!”

“Yes, you do.” I wasn’t used to people challenging me, particularly women, so I was surprised by my body’s reaction. Huh, who knew arguing with her would be such a turn on? I’d definitely use that to my advantage later.

“Why don’t you explain something to me?”


“Do you always hit on women you meet in elevators?”

A smile spread across my face as realization dawned. This was about her friend. She was jealous.

“Only the pretty ones.”

“Why are you wasting my time? Is this some twisted game to you? Are you doing all of this just to see if you can lure me away from my boyfriend? And then what? You’ll dump me?”

“No.” I had plans for her, but I wasn’t ready to reveal them yet.

“Why did you give Eleni your number?” She sounded torn between rage and frustration. “Do you want to sleep with her too, or are you hoping we’re into threesomes?”

“No. I don’t intend to share you. Ever.” I took a calming breath. As much as I loved her challenging me, I didn’t want this to escalate. “Just knowing that you’re sharing a bed with that loser every night makes me crazy.”

“You don’t know anything about Drew.”

“I know that he lets you bust your ass to take care of him. What kind of man does that?” I could have given her everything, and he gave her nothing, yet she still chose him over me. I hated that.

“Don’t try to change the subject. Why did you give Eleni your number?”

“I knew she was your best friend.” I hadn’t intended to show my hand so soon, but Mia had a way of making me do things I’d never thought I’d do. “I thought developing a friendship with her might give me some insight into what you’re thinking. Particularly about this Drew character.”

“If you want to know something about me, just ask me.” When I didn’t, she offered, “I love him.”

Those words cut deep. In the months I’d been thinking about her, I’d developed an unhealthy fixation. She infiltrated my thoughts when I was working, sleeping, jogging… every damn minute—or so it seemed. Thank God I had a team capable of holding the company together in my mental absence.

“You’re lying,” I said. “You don’t love him. You’re with him because you’re afraid to leave him. He’s the only boyfriend you’ve ever had, and you think you’ll be lost without him. But you won’t. You’re stronger than you think, and I can help make you stronger than you ever thought possible.” She had no idea the lengths I would go to just to make her happy. Seeing her smile and hearing her laugh would give me the kind of pleasure money couldn’t buy.

“Now you sound like Eleni.”

“I could tell she was a smart girl.”

“Tell the truth, Deacon,” she said softly. “You’re not the least bit attracted to her? She’s gorgeous and definitely into you.”

Eleni was lovely but nothing compared to Mia. As soon as I’d seen her face on my computer monitor, I knew I had to have her. In the first month, I’d convinced myself I just wanted to have sex with her. The second month, I’d realized her intelligence and quick wit intrigued me. The third month, her independent streak had hooked me. I was venturing into uncharted territory; for the first time in my life, I was obsessing over a woman—one who shared her body with another man.
The thought made me sick.

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