New Boss New Year Bride (16 page)

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Melissa couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe this was happening. The man of her dreams was not only declaring his love for her, but was asking her to be with him for ever. He was also waiting for an answer.

‘Joss.’ She swallowed over her nervousness, projecting her voice, strong and true. ‘I love you. I love you for so many different reasons. For accepting me. For supporting me. For saving my brother’s life.’ Tears started to gather in her eyes, but they were tears of pure happiness. ‘But most of all I love you for who you are and for needing me in your life. You’re an amazing man and I adore you.’ She reached out and caressed his cheek, her eyes filled with love. ‘I would be delighted to be your wife.’

Dex cheered, and Bub joined in, the two of them making so much noise it was almost as if they were in the pub!

Joss stood and swept Melissa up into his arms, planting a firm but sure kiss to her lips. ‘You’ve made me so happy,’ he said softly near her ear.

‘The feeling is one hundred percent mutual.’

‘No more talk of leaving Didja?’

‘Why would I want to leave when everything I need in my life is right here?’ Melissa kissed him again with all the passion and desire in her heart, and without a hint of doubt. He was the man for her, the most perfect man for her, and finally she felt as though she truly belonged.

ISBN: 978-1-4268-4860-5


First North American Publication 2010

Copyright © 2009 by Anne Clark and Peter Clark

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