New Species 01 Fury (39 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 01 Fury
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Justice’s voice deepened. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”

“I’m fine. He is just enraged that she hit on him and was really aggressive, trying to get her scent off him to get mine back.”

“Did he hurt you? Did he have rough sex with you? Do I need to send the doctor?” 206


“We didn’t have sex. He just rubbed against me and almost crushed me against a wall. Who cares about that? I want this woman gone, Justice. He wants her gone. Will you fire her or do I have to break her arms to make certain she can’t work here anymore? Trust me, I’ll do it.”

“I’m on my way. Hand the phone to Tiger now.”

Ellie marched the phone over to Tiger. He appeared alarmed when he accepted it.

Ellie glared at Belinda. Flames should have been shooting from her nostrils from the level of burning rage she experienced.

“Pack your shit. He’s on his way to fire you.”

Belinda stood. “You―”

“What?” Ellie shouted, totally pissed off.

Green eyes glittered with anger. “You’re going to get yours.” Belinda stormed down the hallway.

Ellie tried to force back her temper. She glanced at Tiger. He leaned against the front door, away from her, and the tense expression on his face made her frown. She stared at him as he hung up.

“Are you all right?” Ellie was concerned since Tiger actually appeared a bit pale.

“Ellie, come with me now.” He opened the front door wide.

She glanced down. “I’m not going outside in my nightgown. Why would you want to talk to me out there? That woman is packing and can’t overhear us from her room.” Tiger stalked toward Ellie quickly. “Damn it, woman. Don’t argue with me. You need to get out of the house now.”

Ellie retreated a few feet. Tiger stopped and sniffed at her with a frown. “I smell blood on you. You told Justice that Fury didn’t harm you.”

“He didn’t.” She held up her palm to show off the pink bandage wrapped around the curve of her hand. “I sliced it a little getting out of the shower. Fury would never hurt me.”

He sniffed again. “I don’t smell much of your blood.”

“That’s because it was just a scratch. It didn’t bleed much.”

“We need to leave right now.”

She backed up more. “I’m not going anywhere with you. I’m not even dressed and if you think I’m leaving Nurse Bitch alone with Fury, think again.”

“Ellie,” Tiger hissed, “they pumped Fury full of our healing drugs to help him recover faster. We have been assessing him for signs of threat but now he’s acting hostile. You’re in danger here and need to go to safety.” He glanced at his watch. “He was given his medication about fifteen minutes ago, correct?” Ellie glared at him. “Belinda told me she would give him his meds when I headed for the shower. Fury did say she gave him a shot. Why would I be in danger?” 207

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Tiger moved quickly and grabbed Ellie around her waist, spun her, and clamped his hand over her mouth. Her feet left the floor. Tiger strode quickly toward the front door with her struggling, caught inside his arms. They were outside in seconds.

“Quiet,” Tiger growled next to her ear. “And don’t be afraid. He’ll smell it. You said he took your scent. Just take some deep breaths and I’ll explain it all to you, okay? You have to keep your voice down. Promise me?”

Ellie was furious, not afraid, when she nodded against his hand. The body holding hers relaxed as he lowered her to the ground and released her. His hand left her mouth.

Ellie spun to glare up at him.

“What was that for?” She hissed.

“Don’t you realize how injured Fury was?” Tiger frowned. “A human would have died. It’s been just over a week but he’s walking around. He’s been healing really fast.

Didn’t you wonder about that?”

“You guys just do that faster. Fury told me it’s normal for New Species.”

“We do to a certain degree but not as fast as Fury has, without help. This is classified but as Fury’s mate, you’re considered New Species. You need to be told. Not all of the records were destroyed when we were discovered. Some of the doctors hadn’t kept all their notes and research on the computer systems they destroyed when the testing facilities were breached. In some cases we were even able to get the formulas and exact chemical compositions of some of the drugs they used on us.” The news surprised her. “Why keep it a secret?”

He hesitated. “Did you ever wonder why the President and the United States was so eager to hand over a military base to us for our home? To be so agreeable with whatever demands we made? We had some humans who were very sympathetic, very happy to give Justice advice. They told him about sovereignty. We demanded equal human rights and were given them as well. New Species govern themselves on American soil, on the land we were given. We were also extended diplomatic immunity in many ways for New Species. We’re considered American citizens but given special concessions.”

“Of course you’re Americans. You were born here. It’s only right you are given a safe place to live. There are so many hate groups out there that it wouldn’t be safe for any of you to try to merge with regular society right off the bat.”

“Mercile Industries were given billions of dollars to help fund drug studies and research for decades. The President signed off on the last six years of the money given to Mercile. It came from military funds.”

Ellie stared at him, confused. “How does this apply to Fury right now?”

“Mercile promised to create drugs that would make the armed forces stronger, better fighters, heal faster after battle, and even heighten their senses. A pharmaceutical advantage that other countries wouldn’t have. They vaccinate our fighting forces to prevent them from catching diseases when they send them to other countries. Imagine giving them a shot that would make them stronger, faster, and harder to kill in battle 208


situations. It would win wars easier, quicker, with a lot less casualties. No one knew Mercile had crossed moral and legal boundaries to gain the advancements they were promising to develop. Every dollar they were given helped enslave us and paid for blood, sweat, and torture.”

People would be outraged if they discovered their tax dollars had been sunk into something so vile. Every human rights organization on the planet would be up in arms and some countries might accuse the government of horrific crimes.

“That’s awful,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry. What does this have to do with Fury and why you believe he could be dangerous? I want to get back inside, Tiger. Just get to the point.”

“They created a lot of drugs and a few of the recovered reports stated that some humans who volunteered to take them died. One batch of the drugs increased healing in New Species at a phenomenal rate.” He cleared his throat. “It also drove a small percentage of New Species temporarily insane when tested on us. The doctors didn’t drop the study. According to the few notes on it, they believed an insane, injured person on the mend was worth the temporary insanity. New Species who had that adverse effect of rage-driven insanity always recovered fully. The humans in that study weren’t so lucky. Either they died, or if their bodies healed, their minds were permanently destroyed.”

Her mind clicked. “You were worried Fury would go insane?”

“Yes. The notes weren’t complete. We don’t know a time frame on when the insanity strikes or how long it lasts if he’s one of the unfortunate ones. Aggression and murderous rages are part of those side effects.”

“And you believe he’s exhibiting them?”

“You said he was enraged and very aggressive, that he forced you against the wall when he scented you, Ellie. Tell me the truth. Is he acting normal for him? You know him well.”

She hesitated, remembering the scene inside the bathroom. “He didn’t hurt me and I don’t believe he will. Maybe he’s just mad because that nurse could piss anyone off.

I’m not on experimental drugs but I still want to strangle her.”

“It’s best to be safe than sorry. You need to be taken away from him until we are certain he’s not a danger. The human side of Species seem to fade during the reaction and our animal instincts take total control. We’re natural predators and he may have scented you as prey, Ellie.”

“Don’t be ridicules,” Ellie sputtered. “Fury loves me. He was just upset that Nurse Bitch in there threw herself at him. He didn’t hurt me and he wouldn’t.” Tiger watched her face closely. “We can’t take any chances.” She hesitated. “I understand but I’m not leaving him. Let’s just go talk to him and you’ll see that he’s fine.”


Laurann Dohner

A car pulled up in front of the house. Ellie turned as Slade opened the driver’s door of the car and Justice climbed out of the passenger side. Trisha and a stranger got out of the back.

“You’re safe.” Justice looked relieved. “You need to leave. Tiger will drive you to Doctor Norbit’s house.”

Trisha held out keys to the tall New Species. “These are to my house. I have a guestroom.” She visually scanned Ellie from head to foot. “Help yourself to my clothes and anything else you need. My closet is your closet.”

“Where is the nurse?” Slade glanced around the area.

“Inside still.” Tiger shrugged. “She’s packing her things.”

“Damn it,” Justice growled. “He might attack her. She started this. Get Ellie out of here.”

Slade jerked open the front door and stormed into the house, Justice right behind him. Trisha and the stranger stood outside. Ellie studied the man with curiosity.

“This is Doctor Ted Treadmont. He’s the leading scientist on New Species,” Trisha said. “You need to go, Ellie. You can come back when it’s safe.”

“How many times do I have to say that Fury isn’t going to hurt me before someone listens? I’m not leaving.”

Tiger cursed. “He’s going to kill me for this.” He suddenly lunged, grabbed Ellie around her waist, and clamped his hand over her mouth. He jerked his head at Trisha.

“Don’t stand there, Doctor Norbit. Could you please go open the trunk of the car for me? There’s a release pull for it on the dash. I need to get her away from him in case he goes nuts.”

Trisha ran for the car. Ellie struggled and clawed at Tiger’s arms but he wouldn’t put her down and she couldn’t do more than make soft sounds with his palm cupped firmly over her mouth. She kicked at his legs but no matter how many times she nailed him with her bare feet, it didn’t slow him down. The trunk opened and Tiger dumped Ellie inside.

“Don’t,” Ellie screamed. The trunk slammed closed, leaving her in the dark. Ellie kicked at it and shouted. “Let me out!”

The car started. Ellie kicked again but the trunk lid above her wouldn’t open. She screamed, still shocked that she’d been locked inside the trunk of a car by Tiger. She’d trusted him. She stopped screaming as the car speeded away.

She hated small, cramped places. She fought a panic attack. The car turned suddenly and Ellie rolled to bang into something hard. Pain slammed into her knee. She screamed again. She’d take a beating inside the trunk from being thrown around if he made a lot of sharp turns at that speed. The car turned sharply again and Ellie slammed against the back of the trunk against the passenger compartment. Pain shot up her arm.

Ellie curled into a ball and struggled to breathe normally until the car finally stopped. She knew there was plenty of air but it didn’t stop her from suffering. Her 210


claustrophobia had never been this bad. The trunk opened and Ellie tried to frantically claw her way out. She gasped in gulps of fresh air as Tiger reached for her.

Ellie smacked at his hands. He jumped back when Ellie practically threw her body from the trunk. She stared at him wildly.

Tiger frowned. “What is wrong with you? We’re at the Doctor’s house.”

“Don’t you ever lock me inside a small space again!” Ellie shouted. She stumbled back a few steps. Hot tears slid down her cheeks. “I hate small, dark places!”

“Stop shouting,” Tiger ordered. “I’m sorry. Calm down, Ellie. Just take some deep breaths. You’re fine. Breathe in and out. That’s it. I didn’t know you had hole sickness.”

“I don’t have hole sickness!” She stopped shouting. “What is hole sickness?”

“You panic when you are put inside dark, small places. That’s what we call it. I’m sorry. Are you all right now? We should go inside. That nightgown is thin and I am afraid we will draw unwanted attention here. This is the human area of Homeland.” His words sank in, she realized she was nearly nude and wanted clothes immediately.
Then, I’ll find my way home.
Ellie nodded and followed Tiger to the front door. He unlocked the door. Ellie walked in and then turned, kicking Tiger in the shin hard enough to hurt her foot.

Tiger cursed and growled at her. “What was that for?”

“Everything. I don’t suffer from hole sickness. I have claustrophobia.” He frowned. “Doesn’t that mean the same thing?”

“Go to hell.” Ellie stormed away from him into Trisha’s bedroom, remembering where it was from her last visit. She slammed the door between them and headed to the doctor’s dresser.

Ellie borrowed a pair of sweatpants, an exercise bra, and an oversized T-shirt from a rock concert Trisha must have attended. She tried on a pair of the doctor’s shoes but they didn’t wear the same size. She had to remain barefoot. Ellie grabbed up the phone from the bedside table and called home, wanting to talk to Fury. She shot a nervous look at the door, afraid Tiger would walk into the room and stop her.

“Ellie?” Fury sounded pissed.

“Hi, Fury. They made me leave. Are you all right?”

“Where are you?” He growled.

“Don’t tell him!” Tiger yelled, nearly exploding into the room.

“Where are you?” Fury repeated, roaring the words.

Tiger tore the phone from her fingers and slammed it down into the cradle. He glared at Ellie. “Did you not hear the whole scent and prey talk we had?”

“I just wanted him to know I’m safe and ask him how he is doing. You guys are seriously overreacting if you think Fury is a danger to me.” Tiger arched an eyebrow. “Really?” He picked up the phone. “Let’s see how off the mark we are.”


Laurann Dohner

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