New Species 01 Fury (38 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 01 Fury
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Fury’s gaze locked on the skin she exposed. He growled and grabbed the bedding, shoving it off. He rose to his feet quickly. Ellie licked her lips as she glanced nervously at the door.

“We need to put a lock on that.”

Fury growled. “She wouldn’t dare.”

Ellie put up a finger. “Hold that thought.” She turned and ran to the small desk. She grabbed the chair and carried it to the door to wedge it under the doorknob. She spun and grabbed her shirt, yanked it over her head, and tossed it to the floor.

“You didn’t burn the bras.” Fury gripped the waist of his sweatpants, shoved them down and kicked them away.

“I had to work. You don’t want me bouncing around in front of other men, do you?”

“I’d have to kill someone who stared at
breasts.” Ellie laughed, stepping out of her jeans. “Your breasts, huh?” Fury reached her. “Mine.” His hands cupped them. Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck.

“Massage first?”



“No. I got to be first last time. Lie down for me, Ellie. You owe me a meal.” Ellie slipped out of his arms and climbed on the bed. She flipped onto her back and smiled at Fury as he came after her. “If someone interrupts this time, I’m going to have to kill someone.” Fury growled as his hands gripped her thighs, his hands caressing her skin. “I have a gun inside the nightstand drawer.” Ellie laughed. “You shouldn’t have told me that. I might use it on that nurse.” Fury winked at her. “I’ll teach you how to fire it later.” 201

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Chapter Eighteen

“No.” Fury growled the words. His dark eyes flashed rage.

Ellie watched him grimly. “Justice stated it was important. The public wants to see me and make sure that we’re fine now. I could tell them you’re doing well and healing.”

“No.” Fury crossed his arms over his chest.

Ellie took her hand off the lower portion of the phone. “He won’t allow it, Justice.

I’m sorry.”

Ellie listened and then hung up. She sat down on the edge of the bed. “He understands and he’ll just release a press statement from us. He said someone would bring it by later for our approval, before tonight when it’s released.”

“I don’t care what it says. Call him back and tell him to say whatever he thinks needs to be said. I trust his judgment.”

“Fine.” Ellie hesitated. “Why don’t you want me to talk to reporters?”

“You aren’t going anywhere out there. Someone shot at you. I am not going to allow you to be a target again.”

Her anger eased. “You’re worried about me.”

“I always worry about you. It’s my job to protect you and that means I won’t allow anyone to make target practice out of you again.”


“Okay? You are complying? No argument?” He didn’t look completely convinced.

“You won’t go behind my back to talk to the reporters, will you?”

“I already told Justice no. I’d never do that anyway.” Ellie frowned at him.

“You don’t like me telling you what to do.”

She shrugged. “I know it’s because you are worried about me and you have reason for it since you were shot twice the last time we were in front of reporters.” Fury relaxed on the bed. “Thank you.” His tone roughened.

“It’s time to change your bandages and give you your medications,” Belinda said as she walked into the bedroom carrying her medical bag.

Annoyance rolled through Ellie. She made a face at Fury to show him her thoughts but then stood. “I think I’ll go take a shower.”

“Hurry back.”

Ellie shot a dirty look at the nurse as she walked into the bathroom. Belinda ignored the fact Ellie existed. It had been that way since Fury had yelled at the nurse. No one 202


had walked into their bedroom again once the door closed though. Ellie stripped out of her clothes and adjusted the water. She was tired and it had been a long day at work.

A loud sigh passed her lips when she stepped under the hot spray of water. She closed her eyes, tried to relax and just enjoy the moment.

Her mind drifted to work, though, immediately. One of the human security guards had done a walkthrough of the dorm and had surprised one of the small New Species women. She’d had a screaming fit the second she’d encountered him inside the kitchen.

It had taken Ellie an hour to calm the woman. Afterward, Ellie had to make phone calls to the security office, to Darren Artino, and to Justice. She had requested that no male security guards be allowed in the dorms unless an emergency took place until the new group of women adjusted to being around men. It had been an ordeal to get security to agree but Ellie had won that battle with Justice’s help. To make it worse, she had come home to face Nurse Bitch and all the stress that came with her.

The bathroom door suddenly jerked open. The door hit the wall so hard Ellie jumped. She grabbed for the shower door and yanked it open. Fury stood inside the room, anger darkening his features. Ellie grabbed for a towel and then flinched, pain shooting through her hand, and looked down. She saw a scratch from hitting the top of the corner of the metal, it had sliced her palm slightly. Blood rose up but she ignored it.

It was tiny and her concern fixed on Fury.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

Fury slammed the bathroom door closed, sealing them inside together. “That woman has to leave!”

Ellie wrapped the towel around her body and stepped out of the shower. Water dripped everywhere but she ignored it. “Nurse Bitch? You’re preaching to the choir.”

“That one, yes!” Fury trembled and had paled as he stared at Ellie. “I did not kiss her. She grabbed me and put her lips on mine. She tried to push her tongue inside my mouth.” He snarled. “I shoved her off me and she started to undress.” He snarled, enraged. “I came in here. I want her out of my house.” Now Ellie was angrier than Fury. “She kissed you?”

“She gave me a shot and changed my bandage. She suddenly tried to kiss me when she threw herself on my lap. Get her out of here or I will hurt her, Ellie.”

“Stand in line.”

Ellie dropped her towel and yanked her nightgown off the hook by the door. She didn’t want to take the time to go in the other room to get fresh clothes and she didn’t want to put her dirty ones back on. She studied Fury, taking note of his tense features.

He watched her silently.

“I’ll take care of it.”

“I did not flirt with her to provoke that.”

Ellie nodded. “I believe you.”


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Fury suddenly grabbed Ellie as she tried to storm past him. He pulled her into his arms and cupped her face. “Kiss me.”

“Let me take care of her first.”

“Kiss me,” he snarled. “I have her scent on me and I can’t stand it.” Understanding dawned. She knew how sensitive Fury’s sense of smell could be and he liked her scent a hell of a lot, always rubbing against her just to get it on his clothes.

It was a little strange but great to know he wanted to smell her wherever he went.

She turned into his arms and kissed him. She rubbed her body against his. He didn’t seem to care that she was damp and it seeped through her nightgown to his clothes. She ran her hands along his face and neck. She made sure to rub anywhere that she thought Belinda might have grabbed him.

Her feet left the floor and the wall pressed against her back suddenly. Fury’s hands slid down to her hips. He lifted her higher, spreading her legs, until they were wrapped around his waist. Reality intruded and Ellie struggled inside Fury’s arms. She released his face and let her legs drop.

She tore her mouth from his. She instantly saw a smear of blood on his jaw and cheek from her forgotten injury. “Let me go. I bled on you.” Fury instantly looked worried. “You’re bleeding? Are you hurt? I was too distracted to notice and was trying not to inhale that woman’s scent clinging to me.” She blushed. “I just scratched my hand on the shower door. I guess I caught a rough edge. I just need a bandage and then I’ll deal with Belinda. I also have PMS so she’s going to be sorry she screwed with you today.”

Something in Fury’s eyes changed. Fury inhaled. “I don’t smell that it’s your time.”

“That is so freaky. Breeze warned me that you guys can smell a woman on her period from half a mile away. She told me how to deal with that when it happens.” Fury softly growled. “She needed to.”

“She said otherwise I’d never make it home without being sniffed after.” Ellie suddenly smiled. “She was joking, right?”

“It’s a turn-on,” Fury growled, passion darkening his gaze.


“Have you ever let a man touch you at that time?” Ellie shook her head. She hadn’t. Her ex-husband had been disgusted by it and Ellie hadn’t really had a desire to press the issue. She didn’t exactly feel sexy at that time of the month, between the bloating and cramps.

“You’re hotter and wetter inside.” He moved closer to Ellie, pressing her tighter against the wall. “Did I mention it’s a turn-on?” He growled at her and then firmly pinned her against the wall again.



“Fury, back off.” Ellie laughed and gently pushed at his shoulders to put some space between them. “I haven’t started it yet. My palm is still bleeding and I need to go talk to that nurse. Hold that thought. It shouldn’t take long and we can resume this.” Fury growled deeper, refused to back away and kept her pinned tightly. Unease inched up her spine. She shoved at him harder.

“Fury? Please? You’re crushing me. You need to let me go.” He backed off but looked as though he didn’t want to. Ellie inched her body between his and the wall until she broke free.

Ellie shook her head at him. “Back off, big guy. I mean it. I have some nurse ass to kick out of this house and then we’ll get you back into bed.” She rubbed him. “I’ll take care of you then. You’re still not completely healed. You heard Trisha. If you took me standing up you might open up your stitches. Just a few more days and we can have sex any way we want but for now we still have to take it real easy, on a bed.” Heat boiled through Fury’s system, and he fought hard to control it. He frowned, fighting the urge to howl. He breathed hard, watching Ellie move around the bathroom.

It wasn’t directed at her but he got really angry all of a sudden.

He wanted her so much it actually hurt. His body burned with the need to grab her, pin her to the wall again, and take her. His hands fisted at his sides as he fought the urge. She’d said no and he’d never hurt Ellie, never force her, but he battled his desire to grab her.

What the hell is wrong with me?
No answer came to him as he breathed in and out.

The hot flash grew stronger and as he inhaled Ellie’s scent his dick hardened until it throbbed painfully.

It has to be a reaction to that woman coming on to me and touching me.
He knew he’d become seriously addicted to Ellie’s scent, needing it around him, or he longed for it.

He just didn’t realize how strong that compulsion had grown until another woman had touched him.

This has to be one of those animal traits rearing its ugly head
. He needed to get a grip on it for Ellie’s sake but the longer he stood there the harder it was to even try to conceal his need to fuck Ellie. He wanted his cock inside her.

The urge to taste her blood made him drool a little as the scent of it teased his nose.

It shocked him, left him a little scared—horrified even. He backed up, his breathing increasing to pants and tried to get control of his mind.

The urges built until he couldn’t contain them any longer. Fury spun suddenly and punched the wall. The agony of pain shooting up his arm helped. The anger receded enough for him to think again.


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Surprise froze Ellie for a second at Fury’s violent outburst but she understood how upset the hellish nurse could make someone. She could easily relate to his reaction.

“Still mad about what she did? Did nailing the wall help?” He turned, shaking out the hand he’d just slammed into the drywall. “No. I’m mad that I can’t touch you the way I want.”

“I know but we don’t want you to have to go back to the hospital, Fury. Now go back to bed and I’ll handle Nurse Kissy Force. We’ll have sex after, on the bed, real slow so you don’t strain anything.” She shoved a adhesive bandage over her palm. “I’m getting rid of her once and for all.”

Fury snorted and then yanked the bathroom door open. Ellie followed him into the bedroom, left him there, and went in search of the nurse. She didn’t take the time to put on panties since her nightshirt fell to her knees. It wouldn’t take her long to tell Belinda Thomas to pack her shit and get out. She’d never seen Fury so agitated.

Ellie found the nurse sitting on the couch looking irritated, holding the remote control to the television. Tiger reclined on a chair by the door, flipping through a magazine. His eyebrows rose as Ellie walked into the living room wearing her nightgown.

“Little early for bed, isn’t it?” Tiger glanced at his watch. “It’s only four.”

“You,” Ellie pointed at Belinda, “are no longer needed. You’re fired. You’re done.

Call it whatever you want but go pack your things and get out.” She faced Tiger. “Get her off Homeland grounds pronto or I swear she’s going to the medical center on a stretcher. She’s not to come back here ever again.”

“You can’t tell me what to do.” Belinda glared at Ellie. “I’ve been hired by Justice North to take care of Fury. He’s the only one who can fire me.”

“Fine.” She stomped to the phone. She knew Justice’s number by heart now. She dialed quickly.

“Justice North here,” his calm voice announced.

“Belinda Thomas just threw herself at Fury. He’s killing mad and I’m worse. I just told her to pack her shit and leave but she informed me that you’re the only one who can fire her.”

He paused. “She what?”

“She threw herself at Fury. I took a shower and she mauled him on the bed. He came into the bathroom in a rage. I’m lucky he didn’t crush me trying to get her scent off him. He is beyond angry, Justice. I’ve never seen him so mad. We both want her gone and don’t need her anymore. I’ll take the next few days off work to care for him myself. Just please get her out of here.”

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