New Species 06 Wrath (9 page)

Read New Species 06 Wrath Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 06 Wrath
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“He is.”

“Here.” Wrath placed food and a can of soda in front of her.

She carefully studied the sandwich.

Shadow laughed. “It’s not the one that hit the floor. He made you another.”

Lauren blushed, embarrassed that he’d guessed what she was thinking. She turned her head and stared up at Wrath. “Thank you.”

He took a seat next to her but his attention remained focused on her hair. For whatever reason, he seemed fascinated by the sight of her blonde hair flowing down her back almost to her waist. She mentally shrugged it off. Shadow had said they liked long hair.

The roast beef sandwich was good, he’d put mayo on it, cheese and fresh lettuce. She smiled at him.

“Thank you. This is great. I appreciate it.” Lauren opened her soda.

Wrath turned his head to glare at Shadow. “You should protect her and keep her close to you.”

Shadow’s eyes narrowed. “No.”

Wrath growled. “Please.”

Shadow stared at each other for a long time. Lauren ate and watched the two men, wondering if they were silently communicating. It seemed as if they were having some kind of silent discussion as their eyes narrowed at each other and they made some strange facial movements around their mouths.

“Are you two reading each other’s thoughts?”

Both turned to gape at her.

“No.” Shadow flashed a grin. “But it would be cool if we could. We were just studying each other. There are some things between us that go unspoken. We’re from the same testing facility and we have spent all our time together since being freed. We know each other well enough to understand how the other thinks.” His gaze turned to Wrath. “No.”

Wrath looked angry. “She would be safer with you.”

Shadow’s features softened. “That wasn’t your fault that you tried to attack a female while drugged in captivity, Wrath. You must get past it. You’re stronger than the conditioning and this will be a perfect way to do it.”

Wrath suddenly stood. “How?”

“You won’t harm her and you’re much stronger than you believe. We both know she’s not one of the humans who harmed us. She had no part in the things done and the drugs are long gone from our bodies. You will be fine.”

“You are better natured than I.”

Shadow frowned. “I have the same memories as you. We shared that hell together and you were stronger then. I was overdosed because I couldn’t manage my rage. She trusts you and you won’t betray that.”

Lauren figured the “she” they spoke of was her. “What are you guys talking about?”

Shadow slowly rose to his feet. “Our life in captivity. It is a private matter.”

That made her realize she’d overstepped a boundary. She finished her food while they continued their staring contest. Wrath finally broke the silence.

“You’re afraid too.”

“Always,” Shadow admitted. “You were always stronger than me.”

Wrath broke eye contact with his friend to peer at her grimly. “Lauren? Let’s go. You’ll be staying with me in my room. You can have the bed and I’ll sleep on the floor. I won’t harm you.”

She was shocked. “I have to sleep in your room with you?”

He hesitated. “Would you prefer to sleep in Vengeance’s room?”

She stood on shaky legs. “I’m ready to go with you.”

Shadow chuckled. “That was smooth.”

Wrath snarled at him and gripped Lauren’s arm gently. “You can clean up the dishes. I will see you bright and early in the morning.”

“Trust yourself,” Shadow called out as they left.

Lauren was uncomfortable as Wrath led her back to his bedroom. He closed the door behind them, a grim look on his masculine features. He released her instantly, moved a few feet away, and appeared as ill at ease as she felt being closed inside a room together. It made her feel a little better knowing he wasn’t thrilled with having to spend a night together.

He finally looked at her. “There’s no television but I have a radio and a few books on the dresser. I am going to take a shower.” He shifted his stance. “Don’t leave my room. Vengeance is out there and I don’t want there to be a reason for him to confront you. He will believe you are escaping and he’s already emotionally stressed. The bed is yours. I’m sure you’re very tired after all you’ve been through. Rest.”

He walked to the dresser to grab a change of clothing before closing himself inside the bathroom. Lauren glanced around the room, hoped it would only be for a night, and missed her own bedroom. She took a seat on the bed. The mattress was firmer than she liked but Wrath wasn’t the pillow-top bedding type.

Her arms hugged her waist as she listened to water turn on in the other room, still couldn’t believe she was with New Species and that they’d kidnapped her. Wrath was hot, she had to admit that, and he’d saved her from Vengeance.

She bit her lower lip, her gaze fixed on the closed bathroom door, and realized the Wrath was less than ten feet away, naked in a shower.
Amanda is not going to believe me when I tell her this.
She smiled.


Wrath clenched his teeth and allowed water to strike his face. A female was going to be sleeping in his bed just feet from him and she was human. Images flashed through his mind, the human women he’d been forced to watch to help them steal his seed from his body. His cock stiffened and he barely managed to hold back a howl of rage.

Lauren wasn’t responsible for the cruel testing he’d survived. The Mercile employees who had kidnapped him from the testing facility before the police had raided it and freed others of his kind were to blame. They’d kept him caged and chained, hooked him to machines, put a helmet over his head that showed naked human women touching themselves and pumped his body full of breeding drugs to drive him insane with lust.

He turned his head out of the spray of water, gasped in air, and glanced down. His hand gripped his cock. The feel of his rough palm was much different than the machine that had milked his seed for the humans to sell for experiments. He stroked the shaft to help ground him to reality. He wasn’t a prisoner anymore. No machine would be strapped to his body and Lauren was a real person instead of some nameless human in a video used to help arouse him.

Pleasure helped soothe some of his anger. He was in control now and he leaned back against the cold shower stall. His eyes remained closed and images of Lauren filtered in. Her smile, the way her blonde hair fell down her back and how soft her skin was. Her body was so different from Species women. Pale. Generous with curves.

He groaned as he stroked his cock faster and sealed his lips tightly to avoid making any sound when he came. The tension in his body eased as he recovered from the fast climax and reached for the shampoo. He missed his long hair but it was easier to care for as he quickly washed it and his body. He hurried in case his guest was afraid. She was in a strange place with males unfamiliar to her.

Chapter Five


Lauren decided she really hated Brent. He was far worse than just a crude jerk. He’d committed serious and horrible crimes against New Species, but she was the one paying for them currently. She turned on her side on the mattress and used her arm to pillow her face.

She inhaled Wrath’s masculine scent, decided it was pleasant and allowed the sound of the shower to soothe her. A yawn broke. Wrath was being kind now but a few hours before had been a different story. She’d never been more afraid than when she’d been kidnapped and Vengeance had threatened to rape her.

She fought sleep and wondered if her captor had dozed off in the shower. He’d been in there for a long time. The water suddenly cut off as if he’d read her thoughts and she waited for him to come out. It would be rude to go to sleep without telling him good night.

The door opened within minutes and her sleepy mind jerked wide awake at the sight of him stepping into the room wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. His naked chest was all tan skin, muscles and pure perfection. His biceps were well defined, thick, and he had the broadest shoulders. Her mouth turned dry.

He paused to stare at her with a curious look and tilted his head as he faced her. “Are you well?”

Her gaze lowered down his body to the low-riding boxers and over them to his bulky thighs—more muscles. He was the epitome of masculinity and looked better than any of the models on her wall calendar at home.

“Lauren?” Wrath frowned. “You look paler.”

“Where are the rest of your clothes?”

“I usually sleep without any clothing but I am properly covered.” He glanced down before meeting her gaze again. “My dick is hidden.”

She had nothing to say to that. Her mind blanked for seconds as her gaze traveled over every inch of him.

“I wear clothing during work hours and enjoy relaxing when I sleep. It’s been a long day and we both need sleep. I will be right back. I forgot to grab spare bedding for the floor. They keep sleeping bags and extra pillows in a storage closet down the hall.” He paused. “Do you need a drink before bed? I could get you a glass for water or a soda.”

“I’m good.” She swallowed.

He turned around. The boxers outlined his beefy, perfect ass nicely and his back was broad. He opened the door to step into the hallway and turned left. Lauren rolled onto her back to stare up at the ceiling and suddenly laughed. It was a good thing she’d been the one kidnapped instead of Amanda. Her best friend would have seen Wrath’s body and attacked him. Wrath could tempt a saint to sin. He had a bod that didn’t quit that any woman would appreciate.

Movement drew her attention and she was glad he’d been quick about running his errand. It wasn’t Wrath who stepped into the room though. The door closed quietly while Vengeance glared at her. Terror made her jerk upright to gape at him.

“You have fooled Wrath with your pretty eyes and soft voice.” He growled a threatening sound. “But not me.” His hands fisted at his sides as he took a step closer. “I have scented you today and you stink of the enemy. You will be my mate and do as I ask by taking me to Bill. You no longer belong to him and will carry my scent.”

Lauren knew she was in danger as the bald man growled again while blocking the door he’d come through. Her gaze darted to the bathroom. It was only a few feet from the end of the bed but it didn’t have a lock on the inside. She lunged toward it anyway. It would at least put a door between them. She almost made it when hands suddenly grabbed her.

The scream she tried to get out was cut off when he spun her and her side slammed into the wall inches from her goal. The rough impact knocked the air from her lungs and a hand tangled in her hair at the base of her neck. She battled for breath as he shifted his hold to wrap his arm around her waist and yanked her off her feet to lift her against his body. He spun and stormed for the door.

She finally sucked in a lungful of air and screamed. She kicked frantically in an attempt to trip him but he succeeded in staying upright no matter how hard she nailed his lower legs. The hand let go of her hair when he yanked open the door and carried her into the hallway. Two doors down, he entered a room and slammed the door. She guessed they were now inside his room.

Another scream tore from her throat as he threw her on a firm mattress. She landed facedown on his bed and it took her stunned seconds to realize what had happened. She spit hair out of her still-open mouth as she lifted her head and stared at him in horror. He was mere inches away.

“I claim you,” he snarled. “You are my mate now.”

He reached for the front of his shorts and the reality of what he planned sank in. Lauren reacted. “Fuck you,” she yelled and rolled away.

His bed wasn’t against a wall, the way Wrath’s had been. It was in the center of the room and she hit the floor hard on her side. The mattress creaked as Vengeance stepped onto it. He glared down at her until she rolled under the bed, trying to get away. She had nowhere else to go as she frantically scanned the room, looking for an escape. The doors to the hallway and bathroom were too far away for her to make it.

Feet hit the floor less than a foot away from her face when he jumped off the mattress and she gasped when the bed was suddenly gone from above her. Vengeance had thrown it out of the way. The sound of the frame hitting the wall was loud and she stared up at him with dread.

“You want to be taken on the floor? Fine.” He lunged.

She wanted to roll away again but he moved too fast. He just dropped his big body down. The pain of being crushed never happened. Instead his arms caught most of his weight and he settled down over her slowly, pinned her to the concrete, and braced his weight on one arm. His free hand clutched at her sweatpants while he rolled enough to put space between their hips and yanked hard. Fabric ripped.

Lauren screamed again and tried to claw his face but he jerked away. She found his neck instead and dug her nails into the hot skin. He howled in pain. His hands became brutal. He rolled her onto her stomach, pinned her painfully against the floor and snarled.

“Don’t fight or I will hurt you.”

“Go to hell,” she cried out, struggling to knock him off her back. “Let me go!”

“I claim you for my mate. You will learn to enjoy my touch.”

“You sic—”

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