New Species 07 Tiger (3 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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“You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she admitted to him softly. “I may as well do what I want to most right now since I’m going to hell anyway, right?”

His gaze narrowed slightly. “What do you—”

She made up her mind and cut him off. “Fuck it. I want you.”

Zandy reached up and gripped his warm shoulders. She spread her thighs while pulling him closer, forcing his hips to hit the edge of what she sat on. She wrapped her legs around the back of his and pressed her body flush against his tall frame.

He gasped in a breath and looked stunned. She grinned. She was about to show him sin. She locked one hand around the back of his neck while her other one slid down his firm chest wall to enjoy the feel of his warm, smooth skin. Her fingers spread open over his stomach, felt his muscles bunch under her palm and only stopped when she hit the waistband of his pants, which blocked her from further exploration.

“What are you doing?” He growled the words.

That’s so damn sexy.
“Kiss me.”

He blinked but didn’t move.

Her grip on the back of his neck tightened, found the hair there and fisted it. She pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him instead. Firm, full lips pressed against hers. She licked the seam of them and he groaned as he opened up to her. Zandy took advantage, not sure how much time they had before he had to lead her wherever it was she was going. Her tongue entered his mouth. The sharp points of his teeth raked her but it didn’t hurt.

He had fangs too. Fangs, cat eyes and growly voice. It turned her on even more and she loved the taste of him when he kissed her back. It seemed that angels carried a cherry flavor in their mouths and it was her favorite. His hands moved on her body, wrapped around her and cupped her ass to haul her tightly against him. Zandy knew heaven instantly when the hard ridge of his erection rubbed against her clit through their clothes.

She tightened her hold on him when he lifted her firmly against his body. She moved against him, grinding on his cock, and it felt so good. Her breasts ached. She wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anything and she suddenly knew hell too. He couldn’t fuck her with their clothes on.

Her hand was trapped between them but she found a snap, tore at it and then another to get his pants open. She twisted her hand, encountered bare, hot skin and wiggled her fingers until she found his cock. Her angel didn’t wear underwear. Her fingers found him tucked up and to her left as she wrapped her fingers around the thick girth of his shaft.

He purred against her mouth, growled and the kiss became nearly brutal. She didn’t give a damn if he cut her with his fangs because his kisses were just making her burn to have him. She tried to position his cock to free him of those damn pants but he was incredibly hard. Their bodies were pressed too tightly together and it was hung up inside them.

Hell! Maybe that is the point
, she decided, feeling frustrated. She wanted them both naked, with him buried deep inside her but all she could do was stroke whatever part of him she could reach.

She tore her mouth from his to break the kiss, both of them were panting and she stared into his gorgeous eyes. “Fuck me,” she pleaded. “You’re huge and I want you inside me so bad I hurt. Get these clothes off us.”

He growled, his eyes narrowed and he suddenly had her pinned flat on the hard surface of whatever she sat on. One of his hands left her ass, gripped her shirt and jerked it up. A rough, hot palm slid up her side to her rib cage and he shifted his broad chest, crushing her breasts under him after cupping one of them. He squeezed, snarled against her tongue and his hips pressed tightly between the vee of her spread thighs. His other hand grabbed her wrist as he shifted again and tore her hand out of his pants to force her to release his cock. Then he adjusted his stance until the hard length of it rubbed against her clit.

Zandy moaned. Clothes-fucking wasn’t her idea of perfect but she’d take anything he gave her. He rolled his hips, thrust against her again and she gripped his shoulder with the hand that had held his cock. He fisted the side of her jeans. Material tore as he tugged and her level of arousal jolted higher. He was going to tear her clothes off and take her.


“Um, excuse me?” It was a male voice—loud and close. “The ambulance is coming and someone is going to notice you and the human female. You could say she was having difficulty breathing but I doubt they will believe that is CPR.”

Her angel tore his mouth away from hers and swung his head to stare at something behind him. “Damn,” he snarled. “Thanks, Slash. I lost all control.”

“I assumed.” The other man cleared his throat.

Confusion filled Zandy as she was yanked back up to a sitting position beside the angel and he released her. He stared at her with his stunning eyes as he backed away and his hands lowered to close his pants.

Zandy turned her head to stare at another creature standing a few feet away. He wore all black and had catlike eyes too. He wasn’t looking at her but instead grinned at her fallen angel.

“Sorry,” the creature in black said softly. “If I didn’t interrupt you would have taken her where you stood and the ambulance would have arrived to see that. You both would have probably been embarrassed to have witnesses see sex between you on the hood of the Jeep.”

Something was written in white lettering on the man’s black shirt. Zandy squinted, read three letters and knew she’d seen them from somewhere before. Memory returned to her in a flash. NSO was short for New Species Organization.

Her gaze jerked back to her beautiful fallen angel. He was breathing hard and his eyes were locked on hers as she examined his features. She could actually feel the color drain from her face.

“I’m not dead, am I?”

The man she’d been kissing shook his head. “You thought you were?”

She felt her body cooling fast from the burning desire to leap on the man and take him to the ground, tear off his pants to continue what they’d started. “Oh shit. You’re not a…” She couldn’t say fallen angel to him, he’d think she was nuts. Hell, she was.
, she corrected,
I’m drunk.

“I’m a what?” His tone deepened and anger seemed to flash in his eyes.

“You’re one of those New Species from Reservation, aren’t you?”


Zandy closed her eyes and hugged her chest. It dawned that she’d just molested a New Species. They were humans who’d been altered with animal DNA. Some crazy pharmaceutical company had made them part animal and done illegal testing on them.
Son of a bitch.
Her eyes flew open.

She darted a glance at her surroundings and recognized the bar parking lot. The sheriff some of his deputies were visible in the distance near the front of the building under the outside lights. There were some drunks arguing with them. She hadn’t died on the bar floor as she’d believed but suddenly wished she had. She closed her eyes again. She couldn’t find the courage to glance at the man she’d mistaken for an angel. She waited silently for the ambulance instead.

Chapter One


Zandy tried to mute her anger but it was nearly impossible to do. She had a mortgage to pay. Her life savings had gone for the down payment to get her house and she needed to eat. Having electricity and gas would be nice too. Even if she sold her new house, the market was down and she’d lose the equity.

The thought of returning to Southern California and having to live with her parents at her age was enough to make her desperate. They’d berate her over making another blunder, tell her how disappointed they were in her and rub every mistake she’d ever made in her face. She’d do anything to avoid that, including taking any job, even if she risked running into someone linked to one of the most embarrassing evenings of her life.

She glanced up at the reception area where she waited and knew she’d hit that all-time low. It was the last place she wanted to be but they were hiring. It was a big place. The chances of her running into
had to be slim to none and she just had to believe that if she wanted to keep the courage it had taken to come to Reservation.

Hatred for Jordan Parks made her ears warm. The asshole had fired her after she’d repeatedly refused to sleep with the toad. He’d made her life unbearable for weeks, probably hoping she’d quit but she was more stubborn than that. It was a small town, job opportunities were scarce and the next town with jobs was a twenty-minute drive away. Her car was old. It wouldn’t endure six months of the mountain driving and the buses only ran once a day. She was in a hell of a mess because the prick had fired her.

She swallowed her anger and forced a smile as a door opened.
A happy perspective employee gets hired more than a grumpy one
, she reminded herself. The receptionist was tall, her features were pretty and she smiled back.

“He is ready to interview you.”

Zandy rose to her feet and felt short even in four-inch heels compared to the woman she passed. One glance at the lithe, athletic body also made her feel woefully out of shape. She entered the office, kept her smile in place and hoped she landed the job. It was the only one listed in the paper unless she wanted to work part-time scooping up road kill for animal control. She doubted they’d hire her and it didn’t pay enough for her to survive on.

She paused a few feet inside the office to study the man seated behind the desk. He had light-brown hair with blond streaks running through it. Blue eyes stared at her and he waved her to a seat. She spotted the wedding band on his tan hand, noted his wide shoulders and the way his suit bunched over his biceps. He was as fit as his receptionist and she hoped they wouldn’t hold it against her that she wasn’t.

“Have a seat, Miss Gordon. I’m Slade North.”

She passed him her resume as she sat in the big chair and tried to relax but it was impossible to do. She needed the job desperately. The part-time job wouldn’t pay her bills but this one would. It was actually listed for more than she’d made at her last job.

He placed the paper flat on his desk, didn’t read it, but instead watched her. “I already have a copy of your work history. You had to fax it in along with the other information we asked for to do a background check.” He paused. “You have the job.”

Shock slapped her. “But you haven’t spoken to me.”

“I already know everything about you that we need. You have the skills required for the job, you don’t have an arrest record and you’re not associated with anyone who has caused us problems. Your parents were interviewed and you weren’t raised racist.” He shrugged. “It’s that simple.”

“Terrific.” She grinned, relieved it was that easy. “That’s wonderful. I really need this job, Mr. North. You won’t regret giving me a chance.”

“Call me Slade. We spoke to your coworkers from your last job.” He frowned. “You didn’t put it down that your last employer harassed you but you should have. We wouldn’t have held that against you. That was unforgivable of your boss to sexually harass you but it won’t happen here. I don’t want to share sex with you. I am happily married and I’d rather die than touch anyone but my Trisha. No offense to you but that’s the truth.”

Zandy’s mouth dropped open and she gawked at him.

He frowned. “Was I too blunt? I thought that might be a concern of yours after your last job. Your coworkers told us what your last boss attempted and he fired you because you refused to share sex with him. I didn’t want you to worry.”

It took her a second to recover. “You’re blunt. I’ll give you that but thank you. I’m relieved to hear it and yes, after my last experience, I guess it is a concern.”

“You have nothing to fear here. My people—our males—will leave you alone. Just tell them to stop, that you have no interest in them if any approach you. We appreciate honesty and bluntness. There is no confusion that way. There are also a lot of words and sayings your people use that we are still learning. Sometimes it causes language barriers or misunderstandings. Just speak your mind clearly and we will listen. You can talk to me immediately if any problems arise and I will handle it. We want you to be happy working for us.”

“Thank you.”

“Could you start working now?”

He surprised her again. “Sure.” She hadn’t planned on more than the job interview but she wasn’t going to say no. It was just after eight in the morning. She didn’t have anything better to do other than go home and watch game shows and she didn’t mind avoiding that. “That would be great.”

He nodded. “Creek, my receptionist, will call for one of our males to escort you to building C. You will be told your duties when you get there.” Slade paused. “Because of security you are not allowed to leave the building during work hours until your lunch. One of our males will meet you at the gate every day when you arrive and escort you from there and then back to the gate at the end of your day. At lunch a male will escort you to our cafeteria. I apologize but we can’t have you roaming around free. We have many enemies and it has to be this way for security purposes.”

“I understand. I could just pack a sandwich so I won’t need an escort at lunch.”

He smiled. “Lunches are free, Miss Gordon. We serve excellent food and you should take advantage of it.”

“Thank you.”

He stood and held out his hand. Zandy stood to put her much smaller one in his so they could shake on it. He had a firm hold, released her quickly and nodded.

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