New Species 07 Tiger (32 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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“Five hours. She’s had time to get back to Reservation.” Bestial withdrew his cell phone. “I will get her on the phone for you and tell her it was the drugs talking and not you.”

Tiger nodded. “Please.”

Bestial dialed and asked to talk to Security after identifying himself. “Direct my call to Zandy Gordon’s escort.”

He listened. “You are sure?” He paused. “Fine. I want to be called immediately when she gets there.” He hung up and grimly gazed at Tiger. “She never arrived back at Reservation.”

“How far are we from there?”

“Almost three hours by vehicle.”

“She must have gone home.” Tiger softly cursed. “Give me your cell. I’ll call hers.”

Tiger dialed the number he’d memorized but it just rang until it went to voicemail. “Zandy? It’s Tiger. I just woke up and don’t remember what happened before. I didn’t mean anything I said. I was out of my head. Please call me, little one. This is Bestial’s number you see on your phone so call it back.” He hung up.

Bestial eyed him. “Little one?”

Tiger frowned.

Jaded chuckled. “You have it bad, don’t you?”

Tiger hesitated. “She’s all I think about, so yes, I have it bad.”

Bestial sat back down. “The feeling is mutual. She loves you very much and is completely dedicated to you. It was very obvious. She was terrified you wouldn’t make it and she tended to you as if she was your mate. It was very impressive.”

Tiger relaxed. “She is very impressive.”

Bestial suddenly laughed. “She might not forgive you. She would make a wonderful mate.”

“Try to go after her and die,” Tiger growled. “She’s mine.”

“But you haven’t mated her,” Jaded pointed out, grinning.

“I am confused,” Tiger admitted. “I never wanted a mate but I hadn’t met her. She has been hurt by males and I’ve been trying to take things slow.”

Jaded shook his head. “It isn’t our way. We take what we want.”

Bestial snorted. “Tiger spends too much time around the task force listening to those males. The human condition must be rubbing off on him.”

“Bite me,” Tiger growled.

“You nearly bit Jaded,” Bestial informed him. “I think that’s enough near-blood draws for the day.”

Tiger glanced at both males and saw honesty in their faces. He couldn’t remember snapping at one of them with his teeth. “I have to explain to Zandy that I didn’t mean the words that were said.”

“He has it bad.” Jaded leaned against the wall and grinned. “Tiger is going to take a mate.”

“Perhaps not. She might prefer me,” Bestial boasted with a chuckle.

Tiger forced his body to move despite the pain and struggled until he sat upright. He glared at his friend. “I will get up and beat you if you keep threatening to go after what is mine. She’s all I think about when I’m not with her. It’s gotten hard to leave her side and her scent nearly drives me insane from wanting to touch and mount her.”

He knew he shocked his friends as they gaped at him, all traces of humor gone from both males. He didn’t care what they thought. He’d messed up badly by sending Zandy away. “I love the feel of her in my arms when I am going to sleep and waking with her is wonderful. I think of her when she isn’t with me but I want her to be. Zandy is exceptional. She’s different. She’s—”

“Your mate,” Bestial cut him off. “Idiot. Whether you wanted one or not, you have her, Tiger. At least you did. You caused her tears. It was hard for me to watch and I can’t imagine how it would harm a mate to hear those words. You inflicted great damage. I don’t know if she would wish to stay with you after today.”

“Get her home number. Maybe she doesn’t have her cell phone with her. She might have forgotten it when she heard of the accident.”

Bestial nodded and called the NSO again, asking for Zandy’s home number. He memorized it and dialed while watching Tiger. “I will tell her it was the drugs and offer her an escort back here.”

Tiger was relieved. “Thank you. I have to tell her I never meant what I said.”

Bestial frowned. “Her phone is busy.”

Impatience drove Tiger insane after many failed attempts to reach her. “I can’t stand this anymore. Help me up. We’re going to her home.”

“No,” Jaded stated. “You’re staying put until you’re healed.”

“I need to get to Zandy.”

“Remain calm,” Bestial ordered. “I have a plan. Human females talk too much but I know there is a way to have an operator do an emergency interrupt. I would call this urgent.” He made a phone call and then finally hung up. He eyed Tiger. “Her phone is off the hook. The operator said so.”

Tiger tried to climb out of bed. “I’m going to her. She is upset and I need to clear this up.”

Bestial moved fast and pushed him back. “She only lives a few miles from Reservation, correct? I’ll send a few of our males to her house and make them hand her the phone to talk to you.”

Tiger grinned. “Thank you.”

Bestial shrugged. “Remember this if I find myself a human mate and I screw up. I might need a few favors.”

Tiger smiled. “My word to you.”

* * * * *


Zandy’s face hurt when she roused and her mouth felt swollen. Her bottom lip throbbed when she ran her tongue over it and she tasted blood. She tried to sit up but something kept her restrained. She slowly took in her surroundings and realized she was on a bench inside an old motor home.

Handcuffs chained her wrists together in front of her and thick straps at her shoulders, waist, thighs, and ankles secured her flat. She tried to wiggle her arms out from under the straps but they were too tight. She strained to hear anything but didn’t pick up any sounds.

The motor home had seen better days with its fading orange-and-brown décor. She tilted her head back to see the kitchen and found the source of the smell that bothered her when she spotted a lot of dirty dishes. Whoever it belonged to was a slob.

Her head turned and she stared at the scattered pamphlets littering the floor. She twisted her head enough to read a few. They were targeted toward spreading hatred for New Species by using religion.

“Fuck,” she sighed, dropping her head back on the padded bench. Memory returned and fear grew into terror.

They had mentioned burning her at the stake. She’d read enough hate mail to guess what their basic beliefs were. Some fanatic religious groups had popped up, stating that the human/animal hybrids were really spawn of the devil put on Earth to bring the destruction of mankind. They’d watched too many horror movies in her opinion but unfortunately they weren’t prone to listening to a voice of reason. They were firm in their conviction that only evil beings could have fangs and growl.

! Calm down. You need to get out of this mess.

A man’s voice penetrated her thoughts, growing louder. Her head turned toward the closed door, expecting someone to check on her at the very least. Her only chance would be to trick them into releasing her. Her arms and legs strained against the restraints but they had no give in them.

“Tonight we’ll show all those devils that they can’t win.”

Another man spoke, sounding nervous. “It will make women think twice before associating with evil. Are you sure we shouldn’t drug her first? I don’t know if I can stomach listening to her scream while she burns.”

Zandy’s stomach heaved. They really planned to burn her alive. It was beyond horrific. Her terror returned full force as she struggled harder against the strong belts.

“We are righteous in this, Brother. It’s our duty to show what must be done when one embraces evil.”

“You’re right, Brother Adam. I believe that as strongly as I believe in our charter. We must show the sinners how they will be punished to prevent this plague from spreading.”

The door to the motor home creaked loudly as it opened. The bright sunshine that poured inside momentarily blinded her and she blinked a few times. She’d been unconscious all night. The first man who stepped inside was the one who’d blocked her exit last night at her front door. He met her frightened stare with a frown.

“You are awake. I will listen to you now if you want to confess your sins before your soul cleansing this evening.”

Zandy refrained from calling him some choice, insulting names and from telling him what a stupid, crazy son of a bitch he was. Another man, a new one, who appeared to be in his mid-sixties followed Adam up the few stairs. His wrinkled gaze narrowed on her.

“She doesn’t look evil, Brother Adam.”

“She allies herself with the devils. Don’t forget that. Evil comes in many forms and her innocent looks are just a ruse for the foolish.”

The older man nodded grimly. “That is true. She might end up a bride of a demon like the other women who visit their den of evil if we don’t intervene.”

Adam nodded. “We’re saving her soul. She’s a mere woman and we all know how weak and foolish they are when they see masculine skin. That is why those NSO demons are all so big. Women take one look at them and it drives them to the sin of feeling lust. They hide their women from us because they know we’re stronger and can resist sins of the flesh.”

Oh, hell
She couldn’t hold back anymore. These guys were flat-out ridiculous. “You know what you could save me from?”

The old man peered at her curiously. “What do you want to be saved from, child? Do you wish to embrace God and take the right path before your soul is cleansed of evil on this night?”

“I want to be saved from you crazy morons. That’s the biggest load of horseshit I’ve ever heard. Men are the ones who think with their dicks. If you’re so religious have you ever heard of the Ten Commandments? Thou shall not kill. Does that one ring any bells?”

Adam sputtered. “See? Her soul is already gone. She probably fornicates with the devil himself. It’s just as I stated. Those demons flash their muscles and they turn the women into lusting whores. This is why she must be nailed to the cross and her soul cleansed with fire.”

Fear was replaced by anger quickly. “If I was doing the devil he’d be here and torch your asses, like having a big weenie roast. Ever consider that? The devil knows all, right? He’d come get me if I belonged to him. Let me go, you stupid bastards.”

“See?” Adam nodded at the old man. “Hatred pours from her mouth.”

“Hatred? You’re talking about nailing me to a cross and setting me on fire. You honestly think I’m hateful because I can call you stupid bastards? Hello? Can you use your brains for once? You might want to ponder that one before you commit murder.”

The old man frowned. “We aren’t really going to nail you to a cross. We’re going to bind you to it. Putting nails through your body would be too cruel.”

Zandy’s mouth opened in shock. “Are you kidding me? You don’t think setting me on fire is cruel? Who the hell are you people and what is wrong with you? Lay off the damn drugs, people. Put down your joints and smoke some common sense.”

“That’s enough,” Adam snapped. “We are saving your soul. We are cleansing you and showing others that working for the devils will bring nothing but death and destruction.”

The older man eagerly agreed. “Fire cleanses the soul.”

“What do you assholes do in your spare time? Go hunt down teenagers who listen to rock music while wearing black, accuse them of being witches, and dunk them? Give me a break. Ever hear of medication? Get on it.”

“We do not need medication!” Adam yelled. “Our mission in life is casting out all evil and doing God’s will by fighting the devil and his spawn, created by his minions.”

“Minions? For real? How many comic books have you read? They aren’t real. Newsflash for you, nut job. The only evil happening is you twisting religion to suit your narrow-minded bigotry against people you don’t understand.” She glared at him. “I might not be able to get free but I want you to know one thing, Brother Adam. You’re a pathetic idiot.” Her gaze cut to the older man. “The only things more pathetic than a moron are the ones who follow him.”

She might not have long to live but damn it, she would make them miserable while she had breath. Both men looked ready to explode in rage after she’d insulted them. It was slightly satisfying and encouraged her to go on. She’d always wanted to vent after reading hate mail and she suddenly had a chance to unload—if she could hold back her fear.

“I think your real problem is you have no life and this is the only way you can get a woman. You have to kidnap them and tie them down to make them listen to this bullshit. It must be rough knowing you’re both such losers and it’s a jealousy thing, isn’t it? New Species are hot and you both couldn’t get laid if you walked into a whorehouse wearing hundred-dollar bills.”

* * * * *


Bestial’s phone rang and Tiger felt his heart jump in his chest. Zandy would have to forgive him after he explained about the medications and how he didn’t even remember what he’d said. He’d tell her how he felt about her and she would hopefully believe him. He wouldn’t give up until she did. He could be very convincing when need be and he refused to give up on getting her back into his life.

His friend answered the phone. “This is Bestial.”

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