New Species 07 Tiger (33 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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Tiger watched the male’s face pale and his mouth tighten. Anger glinted in Bestial’s eyes as a growl burst from his lips. “Tell me what it looked like.” He paused. “How many? Could you follow the trail?” He listened. “Are you sure?”

Alarm gripped Tiger, sensing something was seriously wrong. Had the NSO been attacked again? Another helicopter fired upon? He struggled to sit up in bed, his ribs feeling much better since he’d gotten several hours of sleep.

Bestial refused to look at him. “Call in all law enforcement, even the humans. This is priority. We must find those males immediately and I want to be called the second you know anything.” He hung up.

“What has happened? Are any of our people hurt? I am so tired of the stupid humans. Why can’t they all be reasonable, like the majority of them?”

Bestial rose from his chair by the door and finally held his gaze. The cold, angry look in them only made him more certain something horrible had happened. His friend stalked closer to the bed before he paused within arm’s reach.

The male pulled in a deep breath. “We couldn’t free any task members to escort our males to Zandy’s home until this morning.”

Tiger’s stomach knotted and his hands clenched into fists at his lap. The rate of his heart raced and he had a sick feeling something bad had happened to the female he had such strong feelings for.

“Is she well?” He knew he couldn’t stand it if the answer wasn’t positive.

“Her home was vandalized and they smelled four human males.” He reached out and gripped Tiger’s upper arms to keep him in place. Sympathy softened his gaze as they stared at each other. “They also found her blood. Her car was in the driveway but she wasn’t there. They believe she was attacked and stolen.”

The information was too horrifying to be real but Tiger knew Bestial wouldn’t lie to him on this matter.

“They lost her scent outside by the curb. They spoke to neighbors who saw a van there yesterday evening. Two of them thought they heard a few screams but believed it was someone’s television playing too loud. More of her blood was found outside. She was alive and actively bleeding when they took her. There wasn’t much, if that’s a comfort. I’m sure if they meant to kill her, they would have left her body. We’re doing everything we can to try to find her, Tiger.”

He lost his mind. It hurt too much to think and a roar tore from his throat as he tried to shoot out of the bed. Strong arms shoved him down and he fought. Zandy was out there, injured and kidnapped by human males. She needed him.

“Stop it,” Bestial shouted. “You’re still healing.”

The doors were shoved open as more of the task team rushed into the room and they tried to hold his body flat. He fought hard, snarling and biting at anything that came near his mouth.

“Let me up! I need to find her.”

“Calm!” Jaded roared, drawing Tiger’s attention.

He stared at the other feline Species and battled his emotions. “Get me my clothes now. I’m going after my female. Help me or get out of my way!”

“I understand but you’re still weakened by injuries.”

Tiger flashed his sharp teeth. “They took my female. Would you lie here meekly while others searched in your place? She’s mine.”

Jaded hesitated.

Bestial eased his hold. “I’d feel the same if it were my mate. Let me get you some of my clothing. Your clothes were damaged. We’ll find her, Tiger.” He spun away and left the room.

Tiger yanked out the lines to the monitors and in seconds was shoving his legs over the edge of the bed after all the males released him. He tore off the hospital gown.

Misery and fear flooded Tiger as he swayed on his feet waiting for Bestial to return, ignoring all eyes on him except Jaded’s. A sharp jab of pain dug into his heart at the thought that his Zandy might be dead. He shoved that concept away instantly. If they’d just wanted to kill her then they would have done so. They would have left her discarded body inside her house. No. They’d taken her for a purpose. Tiger snarled.

“I’ll kill them all if they hurt one damn hair on her head.”

Bestial walked in carrying the clothes. “We will help you do it.”

Jaded reached out to help steady him. “We will find her.”

Chapter Eighteen


Zandy fought the urge to cry, refusing to give Brother Adam the satisfaction of seeing her break down. She rarely hated people to the extent of wishing she could choke the living shit out of them but for him she’d make an exception. The idea of wrapping her hands around his throat and watching him turn blue while she squeezed calmed her. She’d had to listen to his rambling hate until she’d given up on insulting him. It only seemed to encourage him more.

A new man entered the motor home to address Brother Adam. This one looked fresh out of high school and needed a haircut. His shirt had holes and his faded jeans were in just as poor shape. His gaze avoided her completely.

“We are ready to test it, Brother. We need to make certain it will work for the real thing. Brother Davey said it should hold her weight but we don’t want it to break during the cleansing.”

“No, we don’t.” The jackass stood from the table and shot Zandy a glare. “We want her to burn without any glitches. We don’t want to create any bad press that would hurt our cause.”

“Yeah, committing murder will really endear you to people,” she snorted.

“Shut up!” Brother Adam ran his fingers through his hair, looking enraged. “She never stops.” He glared. “I wish we had taken a different one.”

“Me too. We finally agree on something.”

“You are a vile woman.”

“You’re a crazy dickhead, hiding behind a warped Bible.”

His face turned red and he took a threatening step toward her. The older man stepped between them. “She’s tempting you to sin, Brother.”

“Send Brothers Bruno and Fred in here and we’ll carry her outside.”

Zandy couldn’t do anything but lie there waiting until the other men arrived to crowd into the tight confines of the motor home’s living room. The bench she was strapped to reminded her of a rescue backboard. They hoisted her up and tried to carry her out the door but it was too wide. Pain gripped her where the belts dug into her skin when they turned her sideways.

She screamed from the pain. It seemed to amuse Adam and he laughed. The sunshine blinded her again when it directly hit her face as they straightened her out. A sick feeling made her grateful that they were starving her, otherwise she might have thrown up.

Her eyes adjusted to the bright light and she took note of all the trees around the clearing the group had turned into a temporary home. Other motor homes and campers were parked nearby and the smell of a campfire filled her nose. Women were outside staring at her as the men took her to the back of the motor home where she’d been imprisoned. Their plan sank in when they began to talk again.

“How are we going to get her up there?”

Her gaze lifted to the high roof and desperation struck. She had to escape. “I have to pee!”

Adam shot her a glare. “Piss your pants. I don’t care.”

“Brother!” a stern voice barked. “Shame on you.” The owner of that voice walked forward—a thin-lipped woman in her fifties. “Where is your compassion? Let her use the bathroom.”

“It’s best if we leave her tied up, Sister Deanie.”

The woman glared at her leader. “I raised you better than that.”

His voice lowered. “Come on, Mom. Not in front of everyone.”

Zandy’s eyes widened in astonishment. The older man got involved. “Son, it will turn your followers against you if you abuse that woman. Listen to your parents.”

Holy shit
Her gaze darted between the three of them, seeing a resemblance. They were obviously a really screwed-up family.

“Fine.” Adam nodded at the men. “Put her down but make sure she can’t run away.”

The bench was eased to the ground and the two large men unfastened her restraints. She’d been flat for so long that she felt a little dizzy when she sat up. The older woman approached, looking fearful.

“Now, don’t you spin your head at me or anything.”

Zandy’s smart mouth kicked in. “I think you watched way too many horror movies. I’m not possessed.”

The woman frowned. “Do you need to go pee-pee?”

Pee-pee? Really? Just bitchin’. I’ve been kidnapped by idiots who use a two-year-old’s vocabulary.

They didn’t remove the handcuffs which held her wrists locked in front of her. The woman gripped them in the middle and led Zandy over to one of the campers, tugging on the chain as if she were leading a dog.

“Don’t try anything evil,” Deanie warned. “I’m watching you.”

Zandy’s gaze swept the interior, looking for a weapon but the place was pretty bare. Dishes had all been put away and the woman refused to release the chain on the restraints. The bathroom was a tiny one.

“Go ahead. You hurry up.” Her voice lowered. “Stop giving my son grief, young lady. You’re trying to make him look bad in front of his followers. Do you know how hard it was for him to gather so many of them?”

It was a struggle to get her pants undone and use the bathroom with her hands locked together. “No. Not really. I haven’t read much about cults.”

Deanie gasped. “Shame on you for even saying that. We’re—” The woman glanced down and gasped a second time. “Sinner! I see that whore’s underwear instead of what should be decent covering for your private area.
Tsk, tsk!
No wonder you were lured to the dark side.”

Zandy blinked a few times. “They had really good cookies and they approved of thong underwear. What can I say? I didn’t stand a chance.”

Her sarcasm was totally lost on her captor as Deanie frowned. “What does that mean? What kind of cookies?”

“Oh geez. You people are seriously screwed up. No wonder your kid is so messed up.”

“You’re an evil sinner with a potty mouth. Shame on you.” She turned around and jerked open a drawer built into the wall. She turned, holding out bright blue shorts. “Remove that whore garment and put this on.”

“Are those swimming trunks?”



“You will. You can’t cleanse your soul when you’re wearing that bright-red sin tempter. We’re trying to save you, not send you to hell.”

“I’m already there, lady.”

Deanie’s face reddened. “Change or I’ll have the men come in here to do it for you. These are clean and pure.”

The thought of Adam or those other creeps taking her pants off made Zandy decide to comply. The men’s swimming trunks were a bit big but it seemed to have soothed the upset woman when she almost smiled.

“Much better.”

The irony wasn’t lost on her. They were going to burn her to death wearing swimming trunks.
Fire and water. It just keeps getting better and better.
She was led outside and shoved back down on the bench. Zandy tried to struggle but couldn’t get away from four men. They tied her down tightly.

“Now how do we get her up there?” It was the young kid with the holey clothes.

Zandy realized they were talking about the top of the motor home. She had no clue why they wanted her put on top of the motor home but she didn’t like it. “Oh hell no.”

Brother Adam glared at her. “We’ll turn her on her side. Two of us will grip the sides and climb the ladder while two will hold the bottom and push. We’ll get her up there. She doesn’t weigh that much.”

“It hurts when you do that,” Zandy informed him.

Brother Adam smiled and a gleeful look crossed his features. “I know.”

“You bastard,” Zandy hissed. “Do you know why I think you’re so mean? I bet you have a tiny little dick and have to behave like a huge one, trying to compensate.”

The man gritted his teeth and rage turned his face splotchy red. His lips opened but no words came out.

“That’s what I thought, tiny dick. Or should I just start calling you prick?”

“You bitch!” he yelled.

“Dickless,” she taunted.

“Enough!” Deanie snapped. “She’s baiting you, Brother Adam.”

“Baiting him?” Zandy snorted. “He’s too small. I’d have to toss him back if I caught him.”

Brother Adam screamed and lunged for her but two of his followers grabbed him to hold him back. She smiled grimly. He might set her on fire later but he looked ready to have a stroke. She could only hope something killed him before he ended her life.

* * * * *


Tiger was glad to be out of the casts. His leg still ached a little and his ribs hurt but he wasn’t really in pain. He’d had to swear to Dr. Allison to take it easy. The normal speed of bones healing for a Species was two weeks. The enhanced drugs had mended him in days.

Slade North pointed to one of the chairs in his office. “Sit down, Tiger. Stop pacing. You need your strength when we find her and your bones aren’t completely healed yet. They will hold your weight but don’t press your luck. I know Dr. Allison didn’t want to release you for another twenty-four hours but you refused to stay in the hospital.”

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