New Species 07 Tiger (40 page)

Read New Species 07 Tiger Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: New Species 07 Tiger
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Tiger watched Bestial swagger into his office and drop his large body into a chair across the desk from him. The male looked amused and Tiger’s spine stiffened.


“How is your mate? Have you told her yet?”


Bestial grinned, showing his canines. “You’re being foolish. Just tell her she’s your mate and be done with it.”

“It isn’t that simple.”

“Sure it is. She doesn’t have sharp teeth and she can’t fight as well as our females can. I doubt she is as stubborn as they are either. You can handle her if she resists until you change her mind. Don’t tell me you’re afraid she’ll kick your ass. I’d lose all respect for you.”

“Shut up. It’s complicated.”

“Uncomplicate it.” He chuckled. “I’ve fought with you and she doesn’t stand a chance.”

“This isn’t about dominance. She had two humans who were bad mates and destroyed her trust in males.”

“You’re not being a good mate either if she doesn’t even know she has one.” He snorted. “Do you want me to tell her?”

“Don’t interfere.”

“I’m good at it.”

“No, you aren’t. Brawn still growls at me sometimes if I even glance at Becca when I see them. I took them a gift when their son was born to congratulate them and I thought he was going to attack. You used my name to make him go after his mate when you tormented him by making him think I was interested in stealing her away from him.”

“It worked.” Bestial laughed. “I’ve never seen a Species run so fast as when he shot out of our office to reach her. I still think they should have named the baby Sprint.”

Tiger grinned. “I dare you to tell them that.”

“No way. Kismet was a fine name to choose. You are missing the point. I helped them get together and they are very happy. Let me help you.”

“Stay out of it.”

“When are you going to tell her?”


“How do you plan to tell her?”

“I don’t know. Why are you so curious?”

Broad shoulders shrugged. “I’m bored.”

“Learn a new sport or go spend some time in the Wild Zone. Vengeance could use a friend. Go interfere in his life. He’s the one who needs help with females. He’s mourning the loss of his mate.”

“I’d rather help you.”

“Go share sex with a female.”

Bestial stared at him with narrowed eyes. “I am your friend and you can talk to me. Are you afraid she will reject you?”

Tiger took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. “Yes.” It was a relief to admit it.

“I never thought I’d see the day when a little female would take you down. This is what they call priceless.”

Anger stirred. “It’s not amusing.”

“It really is.” Bestial chuckled. “You know we’re all enjoying this after all the times you swore you’d never take a mate. Her being human is a bonus.”

A snarl tore from Tiger as he shot to his feet. “I can’t wait until you meet a female you want to mate. We’ll see how amused you are then.”

Bestial slowly rose to his feet, all amusement fleeing. “I’ll just take her home with me and keep her there if I ever find a female I want to make my mate. I wouldn’t allow her to believe we were just sharing a home either once I got her there. I’d claim her. You should try it. You need to do something.”

“I am!”

“What are you doing?”

“I have a plan.”

“What is that?”

Tiger hesitated. “Zandy has said that the males who didn’t make her happy had no idea how to really commit to a female. I’m going to prove to her that I’m nothing similar to them.”

“How are you going to do that?”

Tiger held his silence, unwilling to discuss it further.

“Fine. I hope whatever it is works before she leaves. I’d hate to see you moping around and mourning the loss of your mate. Don’t expect any sympathy from me if it happens.” He stalked out of the office and slammed the door behind him.

Tiger snarled. He was frustrated and worse. Bestial was right. He needed to tell Zandy that he had no intention of ever letting her go. They were mated. He just needed to make her feel secure about him before he did. She might bolt and unlike Bestial, he’d never force her to stay, even though it would tear his heart out of his chest if she left.

* * * * *


Zandy saw Tiger’s Jeep pull up in front of the building at four o’clock on the dot. She shoved her feet into her shoes and waved goodbye to Richard. She was out the door before Tiger could reach it. He grinned as his arms wrapped around her in a hug.

“I missed you.” He lowered his head and brushed a kiss on her lips.

She laughed. “I would guess so. We’re giving Richard and all the cameras a show.”

His beautiful blue eyes sparkled. “That wasn’t a show. This is one.”

Zandy gasped when Tiger lifted her up until her feet left the ground. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her until she had to fight the urge to straddle his hips with her legs. She wanted to ride him through their clothing just to feel his rigid cock pressed against her clit, instead of where it rested at her lower belly. She desperately needed some relief from the flames of desire burning through her body. He tore his lips from hers.

“Let’s go,” he growled. His beautiful catlike eyes were passion filled.

“Oh yeah. Let’s go. Drive fast.”

He walked with her in his arms and placed her in the passenger seat. He nuzzled her neck before he let go. “I will.” He rushed to get behind the wheel.

She glanced over at him and loved seeing his tense features. That promised really hot sex the moment they reached his house.

* * * * *


Tiger parked in the driveway and climbed out. Zandy didn’t wait for him to come around to her side, instead she bolted for the front door. She heard him growl loudly and his heavy footfalls assured her he was in pursuit. She reached the porch steps but didn’t make it to the top before hands grabbed her hips. He spun her around and bent, his body bumped her hips. Zandy laughed when she ended up upside down, hanging over his shoulder. He straightened and cupped her ass to keep her in place.

He quickly opened the door and strode through the living room, down the hall and into their bedroom. She gasped when he dumped her flat on her back on the soft mattress. He backed up as she used her elbows to lift her upper body and stare at him.

“Take your clothes off or I’ll tear them from your body. I want you right now.”

He bent and just ripped off his shoes, throwing them haphazardly behind him. His fingers snagged his shirt, jerking it over his head to reveal his sexy abs and tan chest. Muscular arms rose to yank the hair tie from the ponytail that contained his long hair. He shook his head and the silky strands fell in disarray around his shoulders. His blue eyes narrowed and he growled.

“Now, Zandy. I mean it. I know you like that top. Take it off or it’s a cleaning rag.”

She sat up all the way and quickly removed the shirt and bra. Tiger opened his pants and just shoved them down and kicked free of them. His cock was thick and hard, pointing right at her. She dropped back down and lifted her hips as she wiggled out of her pants and panties. He was already tugging on the bottom of the legs to get them off. Tiger tossed them behind him to fall somewhere near where his had landed.

Zandy licked her lips when she lay there totally naked, sprawled in the middle of his bed. Tiger’s gaze fixed on her mouth and a purr came from him. He put a knee on the bed, dropped forward to bend with his hands braced on the mattress and crawled forward until she was caged under his body.

It was hard to think when she wanted him so badly but she’d had hours to contemplate things before he’d arrived to pick her up from work. They didn’t do so well in the talking department on serious issues, each leery of the other, but there was one thing she was determined to get to the bottom of.

“Wait!” She lifted her hands to flatten on his chest before he could drop down over her. “Maybe I should take a shower first. It was kind of hot today and I’m sweaty. I probably smell bad.”

He inhaled through his nose and another purr came from him, his chest vibrating against her hands. “No shower. You smell good enough to eat.” His gaze lowered down her body and he backed up a few feet until his face hovered over her stomach. “I want to find out if you taste as good as you scent. Spread your thighs wide apart for me.”

She really wanted him to go down on her, her clit throbbed in anticipation of that hot, hungry mouth of his and all the wonderful things he could do to her with it. Her nipples hardened and her belly quivered. It was tough but she took a shaky breath and resisted parting her legs to give him access. It was even worse when he dipped his head to place an open-mouthed kiss on the hollow of her hip.

“Tiger,” she whispered.

He growled softly and then purred. “You scent so damn good.”

He had to know she was in heat. Her mind screamed that at her. “Um, Tiger?”

His lips inched lower, his cheeks nuzzling her thighs, which he wanted open. “Yes, little one?”

“Um, I think you should buy condoms. I’m ovulating again.”

His mouth stopped placing kisses on her and he grew very still. It was almost as if he froze as the seconds passed. He finally raised his head and met her watchful gaze, studying her.

“I don’t need them with you, Zandy.”

Her heart pounded, wondering what he’d say. She was almost afraid of his answer. “Why not?”

He moved suddenly, gripped her inner thighs, and parted them. Instead of answering, his mouth fastened on her clit and sucked on her. The sensations hit her hard and fast as he purred loudly, adding vibrations into the mix. She collapsed flat and her fingers delved into his silky hair, needing something to hold on to as pleasure swamped her.

“Oh god.”

Tiger was relentless as he played with her clit with strong tugs of his mouth and licks. He lapped at her rapidly as his purrs grew deeper and stronger. His hands kept her thighs open when it became too intense and she tried to close them. Her back arched and she cried out his name as she came hard and fast.

His hands released her and the bed shifted as he moved. She struggled to recover as she opened her eyes to see what he was doing. He rolled her over onto her stomach suddenly and came down on top of her back. His thighs pushed hers apart and she moaned when the thick tip of his cock brushed against her pussy. He drove into her with one fluid motion that put him balls-deep inside her.

Tiger braced his arms to avoid crushing her upper body under his and he forced her legs wider apart. He held still while her pussy adjusted to the feel of his cock stretching it apart to fit him. His mouth found her neck and sharp teeth nipped her gently. He withdrew almost completely from her before he drove up, fucking her deeply.

Zandy clawed the bedding and turned her head enough to breathe as Tiger rode her fast and furiously. She was totally pinned beneath him. Her climax was still making her twitch and more pleasure rolled through her. Tiger purred and growled, his braced arms shifting enough to tighten his hold on her when he caged her ribs.

“I can’t stop,” he snarled. “You’re so tight and hot. You smell so good.” His teeth scored her shoulder, not biting, just grazing her.

“Yes,” she encouraged. She wasn’t sure if it was for him to keep pounding her as roughly as he did because it felt incredible or if she wanted him to bite her. “Don’t stop.”

She moaned, trying to shove her ass back to meet him. He moved faster and held her tighter as more of his weight came down until she couldn’t move at all. It turned her on more that all she could do was take him as he pounded into her. She screamed as she climaxed a second time, her body not even recovered from the first one. Ecstasy tore through her and she trembled. She went a little limp and knew she was in danger of passing out.

Tiger drove into her deeply one last time, ground his hips against her ass and his roar nearly deafened her. He could have done any lion proud at that moment. He jerked in sharp, tight spasms as she felt him coming inside her.

She panted, trying to catch her breath. Sweat tickled slightly between their bodies. Tiger groaned and collapsed completely over her, going totally limp. He crushed her against the mattress.

“Weight,” Zandy gasped.

He seemed to struggle to find the strength to lift his upper body again but he did it until she could breathe again. He lowered his head and licked her shoulder where he’d bitten her in the past. She turned her head enough to see his face.

“Did you bite me again?”

He chuckled. “No, but I wanted to.”

Her eyes closed. “Wow.”

He nuzzled her neck. “I feel the same.”

The ability to think returned as her body recovered. Tiger knew she was in heat and that he could get her pregnant. It was possible that he didn’t use condoms because he could be sterile. She frowned, pondering it.

“What’s wrong, Zandy?” Tiger nibbled her ear.

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